Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jan 1928, p. 16

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s: chool of ,e 1gio~s . Education PlannChurch School Workers, ·Parents· ana··Others~Interested in· Religious Education The . At tile IDOJ'DlD& ..-vjce at U O'clock· ,Mr. Sttfter ·Will pr.a ~ oa ··J.... the Good 1Jhephen1," ~ ~ choir, uader llac1ame Glhteroy ~ wiD 8IDC "The Nlnet7 and Nine," and otber appropriate· aelectlon& 'l'b.e SundaJ' convenea Ill all deoartmeDtB at t :10, escept the adult cla88ea. which com'!!leiK'lA at I :G. , ~ IIChoo1 ~ for, .Ml Thla church co-o;-ratell wltb ~ Sunday Even~~ club which preaente on Sunday Dlgllt at the Concncatlonal church, Kr. Harold ·D. Jrlab who will speak on "Near a Juncle Laboratory,'" Illustrated with atereopUcan ·lldes. . This church also Is spoiUIOriDC the Wilmette SChool of Rellclous Education which opens Its doors at the Concregatlonal church· :Monday evening, January 9, at 8 o'~lock. · · The High School B. Y. P. U. will dlscuu through the month of Januaey the matter of loyalty of the church. Under the leadership of Carbon Dubbs' group they will _ open Sunday evening ·wl~!' the question ,.Why Do I ao· to Church. The meeting Is held at 6 :30 In the Guild : - DR. E. v. TUBBS, DEAN, Sch~l Faculty ERNST JOHN CHAVE, of Religious Education, Univusity of room. DR. Cbicaao City Schooll and formerly Principal of New Trier Township Hip School. Professor Chicago. MISS EULA MARIE JANDELL, MISS BERTHA c. WHEELOCK, On Wednesday evening the ftrat of a series of pray·r meeUnp that are to mark the close of the present pastorate will be held. There will be good singing and a rich devotional atmosphere In which the group will be asked to face the practical problem, '"What Is the Next Important Step for the Christian Church to Take?" The meeting will be held at 8 o'clock In Children's hall. On Thursday evening at 7 :30 the Boy Scouts will meet at the church. The choir wm meet for rehearsal at 8 o'clock Thursday _evening. , The Wilmette Baptist church, located at the Intersection of Forest and Wilmette avenues, welcomes heartlly any who care to attend any of Its services and meetings.1 The pastor, Rev. Francis Carr Stifter, may be reached at his study during the mornings of the week, except 'Monday, and may be reached at other times by appointment. The church telephone Is Wilmette 2235. · Graduate Nortbeni Illinois State T eacben College and. UniYtnity of Wiacouin. Dinctor and Teacher in the Week-day Schools of Religious Ed~~ation, in Evans- ton. Graduate Chicago Normal College. Superinttndtnt of Primary Dtpartment Fint · Congregational Church School of Wilmette: also, Director and Teacher for the Congrrgational Education Society in Teacher Training Classes and Young People's Conferences. DR. HERBERT L. WILLET, Professor of Old Testament in the Dtpartment of Oriental Languages and Literature, Univenity .of Chicago: and Pastor of the Union Church of Kenilworth. · Courses Course 1~ A Study of..tbe Pupil. Instructor· Dr. Ernst John Cbave ~~ (:ourse 3. l'he Old Testament lnstructor-Dr. Herbert L. Willet This course contemplates a survey of the developmeqt of the Old Testament. with a· discussion of its significant moral and spiritual values in Religious Education. St. John's Lutheran Wilmette and Park avenues, WilmetteHerman W. Meyer," Jl. A. pastor 406 Prairie avenue, telephone 1396 Church telephone 3111 · Senlees 9 :30 a. rn.- Sunday school, and Bibleclasses. 9 :45 a. m. First service and sermon. 11:00 a. m. Second service and sermon, Rev. E. Zapf of the Chicago City Ml8slon. Jleetla.rs Monday and Friday at 4: Classes for children. Monday at 7 :30: .Tumor Girls' choir. Monday at 8 :30: Senior Mixed choir. Tuesday at 7 :45 : Voters· meeting. Thursday at 2: Ladles' Aid and Mission. Wednesday at. 7 :30: Boy Scouts, Trop 6. Thursday a.t 7 :45: Senior Y. P. S. Friday at 7 :45: .Junior Y. P. S. The pulpit at St. .John's will be supplied · during the next three Sundays by vlsltlntr pastors from Chicago. January 4J and 15. Pastor E. Zapf formerly pastor of St. Paul's at Melrose Park and now one of the Lutheran · City missionaries In the city of Cblca~. will have charge of the RervlceR. Sunday, .January 15, Pastor Erwin Umback the Junior Secretary of the Walther lea«Ue Will prea.ch. The ' supply for Sunday, January 19, will be announced later. St. John's has cloeecl the best year In Its history. In every respect the work of the church aurpaaaed that of any previous year. This Ia u It should be, In every healthy oqanlu.tlon. However, that dMR not IIB.J' t'hat the chareh has accomplished as much u Is able to accomplish. The year 1928 should ftnd every member pa.rtlclpatlnlll' with lncreaaecl Ral In the services and the work of the church. For the ftnt time In Its history the number of the communicants of the church hu .reached 100. All the organla.tlons within the ehurclt will hold their ftnt meetiDJrB durlnc the comlnc week. It 11 a I'OOd time to attend for those who have been JUBt a little slow In dofnllf BO. Here's · hoplq the · members wl1! all respond to the call ! ,.Perhaps If the weather permits, the week-day c...,... may have a lllelala· ride party, even thoU«h the pastor ts not here to arrange lt. Someone e}Be can arra.np it._ Jly' only retrret Ia that I cannot be there. . .Signed Hennan W. Keyer" P. 8. Of course there will be eocoa and cake ·for the boys and girls after the ride!" · Putor Arthur Werfebnann 'liaaltor of Immanuel Lutheran chureb of .Olen VIew will take dlai'ae of. Bev·. Keyer'a eluaeB durtq the month of .J&nuaJT. Re will ·bet .~t··'!!.~ ~ J'rldQ· a .., - - .,.,.... .. Jiialre lliaala taii&Or&l calla aa are reqaeated. A study of the m·ntal, moral, soelal, and teligious development of childhood and · youth, with a discussion of the psychological la·ws involved in the Educative procesS: Course 4 2. Junior Materials and MetbQds. . Instructor-Miss Eula Marie Jandell A study of the, most· e«ective methods and materials to be URd in the organization of . the J _ imior Group. . The count will treat with: (a) The Junior Child-His World, and Course 201. Story Telling in Religious Education. Instructor-Miss Bertha C. Wheelock The course in Story Telling will include something of the history and development of the story, kind of stories,.and sJory structure. The essential characteristics of good story telling will be studied. Preparing a story for te.ling, the telling of Bible Stories and source of material for story telling will be included. The use of the story in Religious Education, and the story interests of di«ertnt age groups will be a part of the work. 111....11111-1111111 Capacity f~r R.eligio~ ~ife. (b) The Curriculum for the Junior Child·. (c) The Ar:t of Teaching Junion. (d) The Ua of t~Story· . · -l ~ (e) Education Through Activity, and (f) Educating Junion Through Worship. ' rllllllllllllllllllllllllllltll-11 1111111 1111 IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'I' ai~.2:!d. '"-!""""""",..--·~~ · r..... m· 1 111111111E ~.ii~:SE!i 13 Firat C~ Church nil . Every Monday Night ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"...IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI ., tbe :!_ j--···..,.,,,,,..,..,,,,,,....,J _ . ~::b~:~ i~ . Its Quota = i1111111111111111111i I II ·lllllllllllllllllllltiiiiiiiNiillllllllllffi Wilmette ,Council of Religious EducatiOn THOMAS H. WEST, Ptllidmt Mas. F. Z. FAVOR, &eaet1Uf1 ...,....,. ...

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