Z4 WILMETTE L'IFE December 30, 1927 Weds on New Year's Day ~lr. anrl ~frs. J. \Van:->ink of Shcl<lon, Towa, annottnre the forthcoming mar. riagc of their daughter, St,·n. to .'\ril' V assac Club to Meet \\'ig-lama of HollatHL The wedding The Xorth Shorr \"a.;sar cluh will will tak(· plan· 1\ew Ytar'~· dav. Mis:-> bold its nrxt llll' t"tin~· \\'etlne . sd ··y. \Yan:->ink is a resident of\\ ilniettc and ,Tant!ar~· 4.. at 2:30 o'rlock. ,~· it.h ~r rs. has been tea-rhiug- in the oseph Sears .1\clr!J.;on ~ftllanl and ~frs. Phtlho ~J t·r- school in Kenilworth. rill, 427 Grt·rnwoo(l houtc,·ard. FYan ston. ~-frs . Samuel Comlv of F,,·anqon Miss Rctty Seery of 414 Ahbottsfonl i" prcsirlrnt of the duh anrl ~riss Tanet road. Kenilworth. is spending- the Scott of F.vanston is sc-cretary-trc.asur- Christmas holida ,.s with a cousin in cr. \Varsaw. Ind. - years. Thr alumnae of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college will give their annual l\cw Year's eve tea in Harrison hall Frida,· afternoon Dt."ccmbcr 30, from 3 until 5. Mis::; Krllie Ball._ social chairman, is in charge of the program.