Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Dec 1927, p. 3

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J>ccemhcr 23. 1927 WI L M.E T T E L I i:: E · NEW YORK GUILD CO·. IN ~LAY NEXT WEEK Repertory Company of Famous Santa Claus arrived betimes for the Instruction Series Sponsored by Gothani Dramatic: Organiza\\"itm~ttc Park district this year. In Church Federation ·Begins tion at Winnetka Dec:.· 28 fact. he came Tu{·sday evening of this January' 9 week and with him, a donation to th<: district's coffers coming thn;mgh the ~ddnttt 'd ,, C' J1 it<ago play14ol'rs Ita H medium of the \ "itlagc board of tnt s;\rrangements have been completed the oppt ~·rt unit\' h· ~l'l' ~uch a wt:lltt:es. for the opening of the \Vilmette School halanrt:d. ra :- t · ·of JH·tahk artists as · It was li-ke this. The \\'iln1ettc Park of Religiou s Edt.tcation whkh is sched1ho"t a~~ ..·mhkd in 1Itt· l~q >ntury com «listrict's scarcit,· of · funds has for uled for ~I onday evening, January ·9. pany oi tht \nr Yt·rk Theater Guile!, some time rcpre.sl·nterl a chronic. not The scs;;ions wilt . be held in the audiior their pre :--t ntation (l i Bcrnanl to mention aggra\·ared 'conditit:>n. since torium of the First Congregational ~Ita\\·:- ·· _ \flit and the ~lan" at the the demand . for moncy to adequately church and will continue over a period lant· 1..: tti'J":n hl·i111n \ll.·lllt)rial hall, maintain its territory excCl'ds the per- of six week's with classes meeting ~knkit..· ~r111 lPI. \\ .innl't ka. \\'tclne sday, missihlc rcvenue. For some time the every :\londay c,·cning. I krt·ml,t..·r 2K Park hoard has sought a reduction in Last year·~ religious education \\"ith t Itt· 1.-~uild. ck-.criht·d hy critics wat~r rates from the Village board. school here ranked among the highest :t" "tht· 1llo:-. t inll'roting th<:a1l'r organLast Tuesday evening the matter came in the Chicago area hoth in t>oint of l·t.;ttilln in the I ·: n .~1i ~ Jt - ..,pt:aking \H)rld, .. tn a "~how down" when Tru stee Paul attendance and the nmnher of credits :\. Hoffman recommended some ac- rccc:in.·d hv the students who are en1la· play and tltt· pb~n:-. art: ui mo~t tion b<· taken looking toward aiding listed prit1cipally from the ranks of intportanrt·. T!Ji . . i ~ in contra.;t to th<: th e Park oft1cials in this respect. Church school workers. t·ractin· ,,j ... tarrim~ indi\·idual.;, ~o :\ftcr a brief discussion. the \'illage Pr~minent . Instructors . t·rn·aknt alll· 1 11~ t'· ·t11111t·rcial manag-t·rs . hoard voted to present the Park hoard. On the mstructton staff thas year ( ~t·"rgt Laul. \rltP ,,·ill takl· tltt· h-;.u1with each water bill render ed. a "dona- I '"ill he ~uch notalltc 1eaders as: in).! part. lt;t-.. _a brg_ l· nmnhn l>i pa~t I tion" representing 25 per cent of the Dr_. Ern~t Jo!m Chave·, of the Uni .. :-m:n·:- :-. L ·:-. tu Itt :- credtt. l.a:-t ~{·asu n he : ·amotmt of · the hill. · ,-erstty ot Chtcago. who has made playl·d t h,: h-ading- mak role in J Dhn \\' hil c maintenanc~ of the parks i~ some very unique studies of child life, ( ~n lrkn'., :-t·n . . at i, 111a I drama. .. Sevcnt h under tht· supen·ision of a s<.'paratc atHl will teach the course, "A Study l lt..·aqon," durin~ a ~- ~ ··r -long run in tax in~ hody, the parks are - actuallY a of the Pupil." \tw YNk . IIi~ \\t~rk in "t..:i~met" with part of the village and used almost -exDr. Herbert L. \\'illct. professor of ( >ti~ ~h.innl·r. !Jrpught ·him oth<:r l< ev . Carl Ivan Empson. !~'rnH:rly laul'ck Tht: pH-.., <·nt t·1ur oi the rt:c!t)r oi the \Vood lawn , Pt·nu., l.u - elusively hy vil_lagers. ami. th er fore, 01<.1 Testament in the Univer~ity of . Thl·atn l~tiil<l i-. tltt: first nLTa . . i11 n un thcran church. assumed th(· pastorate the trush·es dectdcd, arc wortln- of this Chtcagq, and pastor of the Kemlworth specia l consideration in ,.il'\\: of th e I;n1on church, who will conduct the ,, ltirlt Caul has lnTll a'l:'c.·nt fr, 1111 :\t:w of the \\'ilmettt: En~lish Lutheran una\·oiclahlc dcficiencv in Park district st udies in Old Testament. ·r ·l1 tltt · w····k He' is act..:Oill))anied 11\l L 1 :-.. ....... : ·· · ' \ ·, ,rl; during thl' tltt·atrical ~ca""11. . :\fiss Euta Jandell, director and to \\"ilmett<: hy l11s wile and three clui- rt:"H"nm·. teacher in the \Veek Day schools of Po~ul~r Young S.tar . drt·n. l 'ord Jcalllll'. Ruth Elizabeth Religion~ Education in Evanston. who I !l 1h~· p~tnrlp:d \\:· ·tn:lll ~ n)k, ~~~ -~ and DaYid . Lynn. eglon UXI 1ary ays . ~\·ill .~each ") u~1ior :!\faterials and Meth1\:tllla. 1" l·l"retl,·v l·.lrlndgt·. gent·rally - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rq.~:lJCkrl :t ... ,,nt· , , j tl'll' ht·-...t oi the I Thanks to Many Friend ds. . , ":tllt.:t:r artrt·.., :-t·.. . ~IH· i:-. a b,:autiiul i UeStS tO At this sca..;on of the n:ar when . W·lmette ~oman on Staff thoughts turn in n·memfmtn~e and ~l1 ss Bertl~a \\ h~elock, who has had ·:tttd takntt·d Jlt'rl:nrntt.:r ~\hose g~i..';~t - I gratitu de to friends. the \\"ilmt'ttl' Le- much · expenence 111 the . Elementary l'"t :- urr,·:-, .., wa.., 111 the tamnu~ < ·llll d " gion auxiliary wisht:s to t'Xprcs, to the .d~hartm elnt "Sf the ,f'lrch .schRooll: ~ho , ~r:~:lurti.(IJ~ ... . \lllhu ~h ... _ . I he I .udd ha" hccll hlrtlllatt· lll ~l· puhli r. its apprec iation oi the splendi(l '~t h:<~c l " to ry t' mg m e tgtous ~ "-~l·nt\· support arcordt'd the work of the unit J .ducatlOn. . · · · . children . from. the . Lakl· .. t'l lrtlll! 111r tlw J·rncllt t·'ur ~lulty · · · 1 · Bluft 1 ll'J)h'U1't"~ wtll arnn· lll \\11 J)'t"t ,·ca 1-· H .-.t )fttl <1 · The Cl sc hool IS sponsored hv the Wlll't·ar:-"tt. tilt· ttrll..!:lll;ttllr ttl thl· r11 l' t·l ' ':· r - this 1 · ·' . ... 1 on a t 10ns 1a ,.c F . 2 ··1· · t1 · 1 <' 1 . · tndtl· ·. \1 t111daY 1urc1 1 ec1 erat~o n . . ): come i11 from incliYiduals a nd tirm:': mtHe . ·lt ltt , .. 111 tl· 1·,t' 1·11..!:' 1 Jt tu ;-rlltr 1 ttltll · . mornmg-. ; Dcct:mber S' 1 .:1 I' 11 · ·I · · .. \ . at Ill o rlock na the \orth . nore llll'.· t.h~ local papers han~ ginn t.hem puh ·t · v< 1 \ >11111 \' \l ' t ll' :--.t flllg' :-. . :- <I · \ \") · · · . · . . tt· :-Jil'lHI tiH· da\· a~ ~nest:' m , 1 mt:ttc l~ clty: you h:tn· patronized their bent'- I Pupl s of Two VIllages , · IJ;t r:t~·tn \\ t·111:tll . :-Itt· h;h It'\\ pn.: r:- . I I t.l 1 honH· Tht..· .\] . . ,, 1 1 J,t. ~ L' t' ll in ... \nth and t.hl' I anf. ot ~~·r nor t (llorl_ c,·. tlt p~.l1t'l ··tllt..' "t ht~: an. ~l on Poppy . day yot~ h~,·c heen 1 Report $2 807 Seal Sale . ·· · . ; .· . . . ; . · . prO)l'l't 1:- ~}Htll~Ort: )~ t' .. u < , -' . . ~I ~LI~ "til J,. ,. l.r.~ktnt .. tntPrd._ tl·l·L , l· ta~~ , ,j young \\'tlllll'll 111 tiH· \\ llmct te re:-p~nstn·. As an orgamzauon, depenclmg muclt on the puhlic supp,lrt. . :-... _ tota~ ?f $ ~ .'40: 11~ re~ctpts from 11 rtgln:tl \I r . I l111 111 . \ . .\ . .\1 lint~ JL · 1 \I ·tlto(ll. ·t '= 'lur··h th<.·y thank _ ,·ou and \\'ish ynu tlw L!ut:-.tma~. ~ea l s.ale~ h~ chaldren of all .. .\1 I' . i '· I, . .. . .t r' ~ l . < :-. ~· t ... . . r· ·~ ttt· d:. . . r. till <1:-~t ·.., :) · IHI\\ l ' pon arri,·i 11 g- in \\" ilml'ttl'. tht rlni - sta . . on\ det·pest jo\·s. ot the \\ tlmettt' schools , has heen reJ,t·lttl.! rnt\cd h~ .\Jr . . : ln-.ull ~ rtpl'r -, dn· 11 \\ill ).)l' ; 1 ~:-cmhlc.-<1 at tht· \'illag-e . ported tn· ~r rs. I.. ~I. Cozzens under t11r~ rL·nt_ J·afty :H thl· :--.tudvha~t·r. hall ,,·hne tlH:y \\·ill l1t· "parrded tlllt .. wiJose direction tlw loca l can1paign Fn·dn1 r \Ltrtlt nn·cl-.. 1111 tntr· 11 l~tc - 10 tht· waiting Jw,b. Thl'y will Ill' re - Congressman Chindblom " ·as conducted. The :loseph Sears t:··'! t11 l'l t it· ag, ~ . . 'itH·e hi:- ll\tt~tanchng tunwd t 11 th<.: hall at S P . .\1.. ,,·hen a . Honor Guest at Dinner schoot a tso reported that the campaign ]'l'rit·rmall r l· itt "Tarni . . 11 .. at tht· l'by - north ..,JJCJrt' train \\·ill arriH· tu take had heen otl1cia lh· cJ<,sed at that insti- Carl R. Chindhlom. represt..·ntatin· tutinn " ·ith a total of $1.402 ready to h ·l\hc a :-t·;t ... ··ll 11r t\\tl a .~" · .\larch \\· a~ : t1ll'nt hack .tP tht orphanage. J):t,id Ht ·l;t . . r·~ · . . di . . L· ,,\· t· r~· . and JHII' Thl· ·nbtont <.J f brin).!ing· the Lakl' lrom lht· 10th Cong-rt<ssiollal district. t urn on' r to the Ch icag-o Tuberculosis gth:St of honor at a han - association · tr:t _ n ·d tl tt· diti'irult r··k 11i \ 'irt11r llugo · Blnff orphan~ to \\' ihnl'ltl· at l"hri:-,t - is to he till' . . The f1nal report for all of tl1e schools in tilL· !..!r~:at · din · rh1r - ~ Jlrt·dtKtiPn ,,j ma-.. tinH· h ; t~ hl'l'll in \·ngtH' j,,r many qu<:t to I)t· gi\'Cn at the St<.·n·ns ho)t<l 1 1 i · ( "hicago ntxt \\'ednesd :.y e~·eninL:·. in · this district i~ a~ follows: Toseoh "lkhnatt." 1ft· , . . <IIH' ,,j till' mu~t ,-ears. J·t'Plllt :-1 11 .~ ~ · ~·11111.! tll l'll 1111 the.· -.tagL· tu - · .- \h out ten nrpl1ath ~till rtmaint·d "un - hl\\'ard Hag<:lin ni Chicago is chair- Sears school. $1.402: Avoca or district man · ni the committl' l' ,,·hich is ar - .1 "7 :-chnol. $62.87: district -tO or Grossl' d:t~ . 1 'rlaintL·d" ll\· prl·~Pl'ctin : ho~t~ \\'tdni.: s1 qud and among nth~·.r... Point H' lat_1 school. S:-t3: ~t. Francis Xavier ()thn rq..: ul:tr lllt··t!lwr:-- 11i the ! (lay ,,j thi ~ \Hl'k. hut it wa' t'XJl ·rtt·d ran g·lllg t 1 T1tt·atn ( ~ut!d ;qq;L·aring in " . \rtlb and I that tlti . . :-mall · nmnhn wou_l·l-h~· . pt_·,)- on t IH: r.?mntlttl't are sen·ra.l \\ tl - ~- parochial school. ~~75: St. Joseph'~ tlte \1:t 11 " arl· 1 )l lrtl th,· Fktrhn. IIPr - ,-idt<d inr during tlw \n:e k. l·amtltl'~ tll - :n~t k .. \\ 11111 l' t.ka :t11~l Glencoe m~·.n. school. $77.50: n,·ron Stolp ~chool. '!t<m ltt()lllg Pn·stdl'nt ~ 173 .RO.· en t ra 1 sc : 1100 1 (j : -t · T, tl tt · n~c .\ldvlt ' and. 1.t·tH1-ard L· l;llt. ! tt·n::--tcd in cutertainin~ l~IH' or 1ll11n· It· ~ · 1 \Lart Orner. . \\ tl -~ f "~ . $2,..8 :~ . ,.., . 1..11 1 ·~. · Pftngn am .- x.c 1 1·0111 HJU!st o .;treet building $1 )1 96 ~ How·trd srhno f u d G ' ld o· f . (If tht·Sl' orphans are 111\'ltt'd !II l'Olll I ~n -. cr ~ _ · · ·' · · .· i '. . n er u· . ·rec ·on ! mnnirak \\'ith ~~ r.; _ l~o\· Ha~kin, plwn l' . \\ tllnt· t t t· . N~--:'1. 1·~:}n ~chool. $114.24. La lilt.· 1h 1· f' lltlrt· pr, ,rl urtt~lll. playL·r-... ~rt·n - 1 \\"I ·· . 1 1 ,·n · dirt·ctil' ll ;md all. i:- the work lli llJL·ttt· ."l .."l . Board Studies Problem · ~chool. ~.)8. tlt~ .. \l'\1 ' YPrk Tla·atlT guild . It is 11lll -d -~ thl' Tltrah'r (~u i ld .\ning l'lllllp;tny that Want ater al} ewer of Storm Water Sewers ! Zoning Board Announces . \\:1.., fl'L't'lltly icaturt·d at a ,Chira'g o - Systems in New Tract . Constr uction oi storm wat<'r ~ewers He-aring on Rezoning Plea phyltou_~t·. . .. I J)l'finite prt..·paratinns for thl' impr,.\·t.·- Ill the wrst srctio~l of tlw ,-illagc is The \\'ilm rttr Zoni-ng- commi~sion ln IJnn .l!ltll! " .\nn:- and tht· \fan to ntt·nt 1,j the tt'n -arre tract ,,f land- the a pro_I_,J<.'m now lwm_g worked out hy announce:' a public hearin g to he heM ·thi.; ,·icinit .' . tltl' \,,r_ t h ~IHll'l'. Theater illfllh'r Borre farm located on tht· sllnth the \ tllag-c hoard ot local impnwe- ~r onda\· cn' nint!·. hnuan· 9. at 8 ~uilrl add" :tlll·t_h_t·r :-tgnal arlu_<:n:t_ lltnt sidt· (li Lakt· aY~ml e and l'Xlt..' nding- nH·t.lts. Eng-ineers arc st udying- t·hc sit- o\lork: at tht· \\'ilt~wtk \ "illat!l' hall. to ih pa:-t ;t tllhltl!tlh l't'CO!'d tH alton_)- \\T ... t frt1111 tiH' \\'T8t extr('tl1it\· l f thl· uat~tm. Pn-sidt'nt Orner told the trus- for the purpose oi · cnnsidering- the ing h1cal audit·tKt':- _till' n·ry hl·st 111 Indian llill J-:.;tates art..'a-w~· re out- trt's ~ruesd~ty, and will he prepared to propn!'ition tn n·zone proprrt~· !orated littk 11Jcatt ·r <' lltt· rt_a11111tt·t~t. l:_a~t yt..·ar, Jinecl to thl' \\'ilrm·tte \ 'illagl' IH1anl suhm1t <'stnnatcs of cost at the next on the sonth\\·~·.;tern side of' ~rain it inJpnrt\'(1 the t'llltlll'llt l·.nghs_h actor. this \\Tl'k. Suhdi,·idl·rs oi the prnpt..·rty session of the hoar'd early it.1 the new st reet. south nf Gr'l'('mrnod aYt'nuc, t:as.il Sydnl'~· . ~~~ play the- I_t·.~t.<h,1 !l-! rnl_l' art· ·.;et·king tlw in sta llation oi sewt·r ~·ear. A conc rete plan of procedure is from Class ".-\"' · Hc~idrntia1. tn Class in Shal..:t..·:-,pcar~·. ... ;·lll'my. 1\. ,',hl' ol- and ,,·atcr :-\'stem~ lookin g toward { ' arty <'X JH'ctcd to he worked out at the next \om1ncrrial designation. All inf11't·rs ni IIH· \t~rth Sl1l)fl' l hl·atl·r dn·t·IPpllll'llt of the acreage fnr hon)t'-· hoard sessio n·. terbtccl prntwrty O\\'ncr:' arl· mg-ecf to rruild hclicH· that Ja·rhaJh . t.IH' present · attend this !waring-. ~fl·m lw rs nf the ..., f ~Itt':'. pnlgram may it~itiatt· ;1 ~l.'fll~s o . r~·gSKATING POND READY Zonin!.!· commission :trt' Rohcrt ~tod11l;·r annual JH·rtnnnann·:- that wtll he The . Kenih,·o.rth skating porHl ha ~, dare!. .Frank C. l'lntTntatt. Frcck-rirk T. Sheriff's Deputy Los~s $5 . highly rdi,ht·d hy :\llrth ~ltnre ;;.u<lihl'en flooded and is now readv for tbl'. I X.l'\\·c ~·. 1.1oyd ( ·.. \~-r~'='· and Ralph C. in Hold-up at Lake Front it was announcl·d thi s week -hy Jared, I \\\·.;sd. enres. ---··----Deputy Sheriff If. E. \Vagncr of Baker. under whose supervi sion t lw . - -- - - - - - -MEET IN JANU~RY l~ichard and Fr;·nlt- <kkrich of 1..~01 2100 Cran<l avcmH·. Chicago, was the rink has hcen prcparcd . There \\·ill ht· no nH't'tlllg-s of the Crc.·ell\\'tHHI an·ma· an· spl' s.u lin~ the ,·ictim o f a hold -up man last Tuesday Supt. J. R. Harper of th e \\'ilmcttl' P-~rl'PI - T· ·: tr hn :l"oriation 11f th<' St. Christmas holidays with then: JHtr~'!t t s t'vt'tling and was relieved \lf $5 i1. 1 cur~T r. and "r:.;. Frank _1 . Odcnrh . l he n·nn· as' he sa t in his machine at schools was sununoned to Xenia, Ohitl. Franris \:t,·in ~chon! until in Jan)i tlw <kat11 nan·. pffjc,:r.., t~i till· aS"'l)··iatinn an lu)\· ~ arl' attending St. Th~una;; ~lili - tht· -lakl· front in \\'ashington park. t.·arly this week because 1 1 of his hrothcr in that city. 1 "·H ittrt·d t !11 .; \\Tck-. tar_ ,. ;wadt·m>· .at ~t. Panl. \linn . · hl· rt·portl'd to thr \Vilmettc police. 1 -----------.:.......J Assumes Pastorate \Park District Has · J a Premature Visit From Kris Kringle COULETE PLANS FOR SCHOOL OF RELIGION I L · A ·1· S . Q h G rp an A rr.tve Monday for X mas in Wilmette · · · · 1 1 1 1 1 c ______ .__ . __ I w ·------ s i·n··

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