I W. I LMETTE l'ol,/islt· ,J lftlt 't · ft ,., · /;ly "" / .1. l!t!j, llf fill Jlfl.~f 0/Yi('l llf \\'i[tllllf(' , /llit!Ui .'l, 1t111/1 /,I··H·I llfJlli~ti · ,· l111'., I·.!.U ('n1trul .·1 ,., .. I' 1\'i/"" Itt. /llillol.': ·. 1/ti .11'1 II/ .\!Ud ' /i .1, /.~-;'!1 , J-;,,,, ,.,.., ·'~' f 'fitttl d11.".o; nwlftT .".'11/IJWI'ijlfifill Jll'il'l ' .'~,!.1111 II !ll' tlt'. fl.'i LIFE ·..,-. \\'11.~1 ETTE. ILLISO . 1~·. IH:CE~I BEl{ 23. 1Y27 ' PRICE FIVE CENT£ COMBINED CHOIRS TO ··. I PR~SENTJ "MESSIAH" \. Promin~nt ' ·Kenilworth . Trustee . 600 Voters Ask JOI'N THE CAROLERS Board to Permit AT COMMUNITY Sunday Bowling TREE! Soloists to Appear with Great Chorus in Sunday ·Evening Club Program Villagers Urged to Participate in Annual Community Observ-ance Tonight Thl' t'lltirt.· a;o;:--cmhly \\·ill participate in t ht· -,inging nf ; ttht.·r earn!:-; under the k;ukr:-.hip 'li 1{. D. Bu-rtntr. \\·ho has (lt'ticiatt.'d. in lik<' rapacity . for several :--t.· ;t~on~. :\lll()llg tht.· songs selected arc " :\ngd" l:r"n' tht.· l{calm;-; of Glory." "The Fir:--t _:\,w}." "The :\ngcl Did Say." "\\.t· Thr~..·c hing:-. of tht> Orient." ":\ \\ ay in tIll' ~ranger." "Siknt Night." ;mel "() t'omt·. :\II \'e Faithful."