Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Dec 1927, p. 41

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lkcemher 23. 1917 I WILMETTE Pauli.n e ~[cCoy of 730 Ashland avenue entert~iilcd at a dinn~r party -tast night for the hostesses of the formal ':·hich was het~ last evening at th~ l·.vanston Country club, and their es·cons. The girls giving the dance were \1 a) 11 c .... " nc1 <:rson, Jane Babcock Mary · \I au<lc Bt·rmingham, Mary Dow' Doris l~raz~r, Barbara Holden, J ean 'Marx. f aubnc.~ ~tcCoy, Katl1ryn Roach and 1h:lc 11 Tudls. ' LIFE 41 ) Volume of Poems Expresses "Feel" of Great Masters B E W W b ·b YT · ·, ,: er e F ·rom t he op ( R o My .o1umn- u h Eleanor J e~vet t- a1P 1 ·1 etcher Scy mour, publrsher ). Headers of Eleanor J l'\\-ett'~ ( lhi "'ag-o Tribune art critic) columil will he h;ippy to learn that the pocnl~. rt· latin~ to subject s under discussiun. and in·qu{·ntly sc n·in~ a;; introduction-; tq hcr criticisms, ha ye hccn cnll cted 111 ht)ok f,>rrn llfl(lt·r the t1tlL, "l·ron1 tht· Top of ~r y Column." I :'\rt. that great ~timuli1:; tn til~· linn I t'lllO t i 0 ll..,' 0 it (. 11 rill d :"> n; p r l' ...... i() 11 i 11 n-r:-e fron1 the flul'nt Ji\'11 c, j \1 i" ' Jnrett ( \\·ho. lJ\· t Ia· wa ,._ i-. \1 r, I (~odfrc~· Lundl~t.·r·~ r.i -U .~ l· : irdt ~trn·t. ; \\'innl'tka). \f1 ~-. .ft'\\T t Ji','"l'"'l':- ti lt r;tn· fac11lty ni intl·rprl·ting tla· i< · t·li:1 ~ 1 r,f tlw arti·-..t. ()tlln pnt·t-.. h:t\·t· iround : like iq~piratiClll in \\t,rk-. "i :trt . \li " · J{'\n:t t ·... JlOl' llb. rkaling "it h :t \\'lfk 1 rail'..!<.' oi c,ultjert-... art· in t!J t·!ll, t·ht·" \\'(irth~- trt·a-.urZ·..; and ~l'Ji:tr:ttt-h . .t' \\Til a-- rolkr·t·cl in JH,ok irl!'lll . :t t' tn ht· rntJJllnll·J1rkd ;1-.. litl'r:tn· rrq! I tri1,~1tit·1_1" r,i .L~t·n tiitJJ· t:1nit. .\;1 illu- ' tr;illllll 111 Jlltilll: Prt'l!U I wfi ·., .,( C a i ,, ' h 11 r r1 t: o I· Mr. a·n d ·Mrs.. Morris Hutchins Ruger of Gainesville, Ga., announce the birth of a son, Robert Morris, December 17. Mrs. Ruger was Mi ss Laura Boak, doughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burns Boak of Wilmette and < Mr. and Mrs. Seth B. Robert s of 629 Glencoe. Gregory avenue, will entertain a few of their friends at a Chris.tmas dinner Monday, December 26 -o-oDr. :Maude Bla keman Sands, 1024 ~~ i~ s ~~ arc<:lia Putt is con fmed to her Ce nt'ral a\'enuc, entertained twelve c at IJIR \\ a. hington avenue witk guests at luncheon and bridge \Vedhnn 1 (See Page 6) :t hadl .' · "l'rainecl an kl r. ne sday. 1 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE .SUBJECT "Christian Science" will be the subject at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette, -sunday, December 25, at 11 A. M. "'A MERRY, MUSICAL CHRISTMAS" FOU R·Wii EEL 13RL\KES FOR, i 1 Atv1E~ICA·s FASTEST FOUR r ( ht"it'r J()hn "1 ;, Gulferl·" I. : I ! IJ t't'd tch.·r. I :c.;, ll·ltu:,, Hur ;JI·l 1 Hl mi:( h. :\ '1rf thl'rt' tt't'lt ' P~t · r~ tt'h·· tt'rr)ft ( )f n?uon·, ,,,.! '- U· ;, . [)()[)GE BR.O TtiERS ADD NEW E~UIPMENT ~T N() INC~Et\SE I·N ·P~ICE Four·wheel brakes of the latest and most efficient Steeldraulic type now insure deceleration equal to the amazing accelera. tion of America's Fastest Four! Swift, time·saving .travel is now . made still safer by increased braking efficiency. Step on the brake pedal and feel the positive, cushioned braking, absolutely uaiform on all four wheels. At $875 for the Sedan, f. o. b. Detroit, this famous Four with complete factory equipment, represents the smartest, swiftest, sturdiest, low<ost transportation money can buy. The car is roornt'-yet compact. Turns in a 3S.foot street-parks in 171/2 feet of curb space-yet provides ample room and exceptional comfort for five adults. Spring length 85% of wheelbase ~the longest in its pric~ . class. Mile-a-minute performance! 25 miles to ·the gallon at 25 miles per hour 1 ! 1 hl'n .. d rd m:1 hu:r r: ,{ , I(I ,i , h, 1,,, Trt ~cllw \\ 'J·i~[lt rr,/ Rur n " t (,, if (! 11 1. 1 ,,, dn1th 1" {,.uJ ,,,~ A brilliant performer by every standard- a sturdy car from end to end. (J,. rltiOJ~ \,"rur.·,, \ l~ u. (; [/'(ttl .! .\WJ~mt · r .\L, lir>' tCuuld ,,r,·,·t tht'ln t1r.d \\" ()u!d h1 ,.., ," (;" ,~. ! hu · .. I 111 ·, , a·a~ :1 r1r, It u atin J· . I fll cllt· ·.! n· t/ (,ll ·,·r (of h/,,,.,_ 1---. n~t/ htdil r>·'rt. Hur 1\,,1( . " Frt ·Jll till' 'J',,,, 1>1: \1' l tdtt"~Jl .. :- ·, ),,. it·llt1<l Oli l 'tllt ' -lit'! ,.... : \1 i" 1 .11~\: l~it1:..:· . . l1,.,)k . . 1. ,,·1 :l: 7_!.~ }·,: .. -.. · rlt·. \\.innt·tka . A Fo~r of striking beautysmartly finiShed-tastefully ap· pointed-l~xuriously upholstered -long, low and gracefully designed. A car you can drive for years because in every detail it is built the good Dodgeway-carefully and accurately- of materials that pass Dodge Brothers high and critical standards. Six ·months in publiC service, this Four has already won as proud a name for itself as any product ever built by Dodge ~ Brothers. After stem trial, it bas ·been accepted as a 'Yalue-a genuine and trustworthy value. And now with four-wheel brakes at no . extra cost, you can buy it knowing that money has no greater buying power in the 6e1d of transportation. Wilmette Man Addresses Madison Advertising Men \'irtt'r l·dvld,:t t·i 1.~.21 · ~·l'ntral :t\t' lillv. \\. ilml'l tt-. ~-:,:1 n · a talk 1 ·It "I :u~i !It"' l.t ·ttvr,," J:t,t \\'l· dnnch,·. lh·i,.rt tlt·· .\dn-rti ..,itlg rlJJ!, ,,j .\Ltdi~~ ·:t. \\·i\lr. l..:-kl,ha', · -..uhjn·t ,Jt-alt ,,itll tltt ,., ritilll!' ,,i <"rfl'l'ti\'l· hu-..illt"' ktt1·r-.. . \\ ·h i It- h ~- i 11 g d r i n ·n "'1 a ... i l.!' ll - '-I· 1· il11.!' trip artntnd \bdi ,<lil. th~· a111 " 11111ltik i11 \\·hit·h .\lr. l'kh ha \\:1' id ing . . kidckd dtl\\11 :tt l in l1ill i11tt1 ;1 la·a\·y "irt· icnrt· \\ hiclJ ,·, rt'\ t'tltt· d tll1 · marl1int· irtllll plungill.l.!' dl>\\1 1 ;1 hlutf int11 l.:tJ..:,. \ll'nclt ll:t. Till' mat·hinv \\ :i' rlamagl·d hut tl1v 1·\'l'll\';tnt, \\vrv lll ti l · jun·d. \fr. l~it-hba h:t:-; arhin·t·d a nati"nal rl'putatinn in hu~itli':'S IL'thT · a11d di rt·c t -l>Y - lll;til ;l(h t·rti~iltg \\'l lrk. The .\lis ~ L·:-; Flilahcth and .\h l11a 1\ t: ir It m a 11. \\' 11 o an· :- t ud y i 11 g ;1t t 11 \' l'nin·r:-;it y oi lllillt·i '· arri ,·nl l·ltlllll' yntt.·rda~: to p;~-,;o, th v lHdirb.\-. \\itl1 their pan·nt~ . .\lr. and .\tr~ .. \lhrt F. 1\t:irhman ui (,0() l\·i.1tral an·ntlt'. -0- ( \\'illi am Idkr. ~u11 oi .\lr. and \lr ~. P. H. 1>. ldkr t)i ~32 .\:-hland a\·t·t1llt'. rl'tllrtH·d \TSt(·rd;l\· irtHll l'll)gatt· l'll)Jt.·gt·. t o silttld t h~· Chri:-;t 111a ..; lwlid:t~· : at his hnme. ·r.-lf·phont> Wllm(·tt~ ~:u; C. M. 'McDONALD I 0 19 Davis Street Phones : University 224. Wilmette 224 · DR. FRANK B. ERWIN In the trentment or \ "our 11est friend~ the "Dog n nd (.'at" All ralls ff'('t>he my persona! attention 1000 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, Ill. Spe~lullzlng VETERINARIAN D()DC E 13ROT~ E RS, I t-J(.

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