Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Dec 1927, p. 48

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WILMETTE ·LIFE 1 i : ! ~irl!' ailroad Taxes HE operatina expenses and interest on the indebtedness of the railways are now much larger than they were before the World War. But the greatest increase of all has taken place in their taxes. In the fifteen years from 1911 to 1926 the total earnings of the rail\vavs in western territory increased 105%, their operating expenses 120%, and their taxes 286%. Their taxes in 1911 were $40,000,000, while in 1926 they \\·ere $154,000,000, or almost four times &ts great. great many north shore hoy~ ;uuli ln;· itation~ arl' out. for two llh·r~ 11 111lg\:r an· r~tnrning home.· from thc par~u·:-. to ht·. ht·M tor. t~H· Y l l"nin·r!'ity of 111inoi.;, for the Christ- ~onal ~~·t tlUrlll.~ tht.· "hnstma:... holt ! ma~ holiclap. . \mou~ tht.·tll art.· Fran- tlay~ .. l.ht·rt· w11l lu: a p:arty gl\:t·u :tt. n:~ .\uclt·rsou oi \\'inm:tka, l.t·onard tht· 1\:,·mlwurth dub on the t·\'t'lllllg · o1 . Batt:~ of \\"imwtka, :\lht·rt Bdl of \Vii- ' I h-ct·mlu:r 21. The hostc; ;an· l.a nrit · mt·tt,·. \\"ill.iam Bud!ng~·.r ni \\'il!tu:tt<·.l E._ B.t.·ll_nct.t ·. Tc~l H.; Bt~rgc~~ ·. Juli~h I\ . ~Jargan·t (. rud\t·r ot \\ tlntdtl·, (,,·orgt· · ~l.tht.·~. ~hpht.ll \\. lJO\\Ill,liJ, J.IJ11t' l (.,ll;i:--ky oi \\'ilmdh'. Em111011" ~. l~ich .· Jo.hu .":·. Shdclou. RoiH·rt_ I) , lh·rard ni \\'ihndte. Fli.t.ahdh Fr<:tmd. 1 ~\\t't't, C urtt s l. I atman, I· rank \\ ;111. hrk CnTuhaudt. Cecitlt· <~ilrO\' of ! J I, and llarry H. \\'il!'\on. On the hHn \\'ilnt\'lk. ]{,,ht·~·t ~1:trtin 11f \\"inll·(·tk;t.l ty -t.·ig-.hth Roh(·rt Cu<·hran, Frank t ~il :\rthur 1\·ttr:- oi \\'ihut'ttt·. \Ltr:-hall j dtri,t. tlt'nry llufflllau, John lltt f. 1\·tcr ... ot~ ,,j \\"iltru:th- ll;tr1c)\\ 1'\·i~:r. \\'a II a,. c ~lilkr< C~org1· Patti ... ,,., fU. of I. S.tt;tdents Are . Two Groups 'of North Shore . Retum1ng· for Holaclays Boys-to Be Hosts at Dance nl'-l . tltt·tk. ( ·.. n~t · litt- \"an Srhaack of \\'it- · l~a~·nrond rll··lt··. e~i \\'ihth·ttt:. John Sl~t·ridan ,,; .\\"il- \ ThPtll:t!- ~t·llt.·ry. :-;tanlt·y ~mith . ~ulli\atr .1111! are '.\ith ;1 I ·(1111111' iunnal dauc·· at clttlt. \'lltl'rt;nntl 1!.: tl11· ~lt : t\\1 1·.· T o'lilt·rt;tirH·d ·i.ll inllrkclt !.th·,j-. \J·ottd.il' .1~ .1 part\ ,·,·kltr;rtin:: It· r ,,.\·"1'l1 !.:,.;, 11 _ \ . dau~ht\ · r ,,i \I r. ENGAGED l 'lrarlt·., ~. \ld ·,,\. i3tt :\ . . It - . .\!1' l'at\· \lilll'r ··i Harritt;.!i"n. l l· bt;ol ;t\'t·nm·. i:- rdunting ·ltPtttt ~tll l ,h\. Dn.·\'lltlH'I' 17. iron ! \·:1 -.n ,-,·lit~~~. :t !l!IOilllfl'" the t · Jiga~trllt'Jil 11j lit· ·tit·c<·. \Jj . . , 1-\;ttht·rint· llaughhH· .. ·, p, ;IlL' h kt.·t·p-.j\., ~ . '\' . . l 'Ji,,· I. T:r\lllr. :-oil (,j ~Jr .... \\.ith.t t1 I. r .I~ J.. r. .31 I I t tIll! ll I ·T ro ·:t d. " ~. p·l Flit.aht·th hr:..:J.,h "';,!OJ \i: 111, -1·\,, ·. \. ·rtlt. \1 "'" l.oul .. t· \I d atHI .\1 r:-. . Cash ior f'ulun· Dt>licnu ·J. t·:. ~ \\' I t·" l I t: \ f . I \ !"» t . U \ .\ C. t·: \\ IC 1'1 I I( \li~-. l;dl t:lll.' .lo~uc t'ro\n'. clallJ.,:Itt· · "'\it .. cnd \lr:-. t:un :\ . t'rt~\\l', .!.)~ 1\:tft.i)..'lt r11ad. ""·nih\·(,rth, i:- r\'lmuit : .. t·· ltn h"nh· lor tht: }H,Jiday.., Tlmr · d:t\, 11'-'c,·rulwr .!2. frtttll ~t"; . . -. })p" ,,·it·""· · l!ri:trditt \I :tnor . · tt --- The investment in "'estern railways Increased during these fifteen years from l~ss than seven billion dollars to more than ten billion dollars, or 45%. This increase in investment was necessary to enable them to render the greatly enlarged and in1proved service that the puhlic has required. In the last fifteen years the tax~s of western raihvavs increased relatively tnore than h··o ancl one-half times tts nucch as their totalt·anl .. ings; Jnore ' the~n tu'o ctnd tt l/Utlrter tintt's £u nuu:h tts tht·ir O/Jeruting t·.t/Jenses; six and a quarter times as much as th(, int't~stment of their proJ,erties. The stockholders are the o\\·n~rs of the railways. For some years the taxes of the raih~·a y companies of the country have been larger than the dividends paid to their owners. Every tax payer is feeling the bu-rden of .in . creased taxes, \vhich, of course, rneans in .. creased cost of government. A return to mor~ economical standards \\·ould help to bring do\\'1\ the cost of living for everybody. If tht· present rate of increase continues long it is bound to have a depressing effect on industry. The rail\\·ays\\·ill gladly co-operate with other tax payers \\'itha vie\v of rendering ~ny friendly assistance possible to those in authority, looking to a reduction of the tax burden. \1-:\\ \HICI\ 1.11'1 . I II I i ( '..rtl r;tl \ \I' IIIII' \\ 11..\II·:'I'TJ.:. ti.Lt:'\ 11 1....: ·r. I· ·JI 11.. ,,, . , ,. tJ, .... , r. :·; '--------------........: ~, - ,·tuour l:un. :t' 11th·. \\hot j, ;1 PI 1 12-l l;ort.... l t11 .t\· irt·~hfll:tll .tt .\t·,T I l>;lrtll l··t!l .. ttTt\ct.l 1 lt··tttl' t l·ri-ttit.t- l~o.Jid;l\ .. .,,itlt hi- i.ttrt ·!. rtLt .' "'l~t·;,·; -- --- Crisp Night ·'-----and a pair of JOHNSONS -there's a thrill! r L~·~ , . . :; : .· ·.\i1·.'i. :11 1 \' . 1l1~l1t tid"'\\. JTJtl·r ·... ;: til'· ~Tt..'tt ·11 1t ;,,,~r~ v.:dl c.·!l \'..b·nt!r ·.: :r ·,f, ..... ,·:di·llr· tthl t ·rv '~.~: \\'Ji] ..... _., .. C·l!',·' ... k.. trll~··· An ,! I~<, . .,.. mudt \.!:h·.~ kr tht· t!1r dl ·.\ iJj !'1.' It \'IJll h ,t \'t.: .1 !\tlr l·f !1l'!lUI!lt' , .., ' JOif:'\:SO:'\:S ·: r ·ut ~~ · '" ~. 1 ~E ·);'>l' trt ~k !k tllr. m..km!_!. hc1:11 tht' t'L! t1.1 t -. . t.-,·1 t·l -,oltd typ.· . . k.!tL' t() dll·At 1. "'Itt: . h·1 1. T l'BU ..-\R sktt.:. Y< n1 \\'.t nt thL· on!_!m d ,!thl !-!,·n lllltt.: JOU !\:SONS. L< w,k t'nr th~,· hill r1.11nt.:.NESTOH JOIINSON,on th,· ...k.ttl'"' h~fot\' you huy. JOI-INSOJ\;S .til' fltl\.11.· Ill tlJL· chr h.::· <·t JUff ~so~~-th~..· f.o~t ·-: r1t dt rmptr'n'. JOH:'\:"0:'\:'-\- c)Ll. H,lC~t". f,J!f\:<,()\: tn ,j._. An.~.·n...: .~· . . .md Ruccr .Cit:Vk~i for h, 'Y" .md gu J..;, nwn .tnd wnmL"n. Hockey-; tor g~..·n er:d ~k.ttm~ .t re.tl hdp to th,· heginner :mJ .t Joy to thl' t"Xpat. R. ccn for /'\peed 4.ttm~ "the:~.· g~' lll~c ilghtmng." l\ISI OR jOIINSON NORTI I ST.r\R f,,, II"' ·" u 1!·· ll ·1111 1J,,. f,, ·I tL.· '.·TY tu -t ; lll". H·~ IJ.: !.~ tL·: r,: ,:i' r···ll·,· !Itt · i~r,rt :Itt cf~tfls·..: lft C·.:!.t!Jr>: r}t. ~- !l>: Jr ... t tr1 ! tl;:tr ... k 1t·· ..,, /~!·.r:o~rr·lrroll'l'lt'-\llh~lawo, .Sil Hllf·trp.llr : ·" ~ · I l'I.1F!' v. uJ, :--l1··n. . . . . . . 1.'. 111 pt·r p.ur Nl \TOW JOIINSON 1:1.'\"I:Rs Al ·.r:1.r . .; 1 I 1t11 .lr v.rth ~hut·..,. .. $S.llll pt·r p.ur JC JNIOR JOI INSONS f· " Y'HWJ:··r 1 luJ,f"." '-"------:..:...~:·:__::A&.,_~--· t, r·, t .~ Vt'.lr<~ Al ··rr· tr"lll· hror·.l. W11h "'Jwll.tlly ( "'""llllt··l \I···· ··· ·.1,, ·, I I lu ·I ··rtly ..... $' ou per p.air "'-.:f:C)"JOk jOJfNC)ON MHi. f.O .· 1')12 Nurtla Sa,ringfi··ltl Avt·nu_.. C.hicagn

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