Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Nov 1927, p. 44

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44 WILMETTE LIFE November 25~ 19Z7 Ha\·e fu1. ·!e to loan on choice lm· a·ro\'l'd North Shore Suburban real· dence property at 5 ~ f1, Interest. St>e Ul on renewal& 51/d MONEY · E. G. Paalinr A Co. 5 N. LaSalle St. .Maia IZ5I ~mith, amstor: Lillie )lae Humphries, !lt.-cretary ; and Lila Pearl Attig, director o( rdigioUM education. . The Alethodlst church Is located at the While the chur(~h Is organized as a inter~ctlon of Wilmette and Lake aver·art of the l\lethodist eburch, It 1~ com· nu~s. 1·h~ Sunda)· ~rvkooes are held in t·o~St.·d ,,f re11rc~·u·nta.th·es from many difthe ··hurt·h building and the two adjoin· ferent denominations, and it gladly w~l lng houks. 1·he church oftlce 18 located t·nn·~!i tlw fdlowshlp of all who flnd the at 1024 I..<tke a\'l'nue, which Is also the nctTS2SiU· of a ··hurch hunte. ·t·he memht'ad·auartt·rs for the Woman's Exchange. IJcr~ of 'its statl arc glad tu h· · uf ~t·rvicc l·he church staff is cornllONt·d of Horace to any l~'rson iu tlw <.·un.mlUnit.r wlw fccts · ht.' n~t.'tl or ttic lien· icc that the)' might M ethotli1t Church u. offer. "A Rt·J)(trt from th·· Fruut," will b·· the :;uiJjt·et of Dr. St·ht·r·mt·rlwrn·N di:->cu::~sion l\1iss Anne Pany announces an exhibit of handiwork of the a;outhern llt'Xt Sunday mornin~. at tlw :\h·n':; .Bible dass. Jlt: has just ht·t·n tn Xt·w Yoa·k mountaineers at the home of Mrs. W. B. Pavey, 845 Lincoln avenue, to attend a mct:ling ot' tllc board of Fur···ig 11 ~Ji~~inns. Thi~ hoard super\Vinnrrka. No\·~mbcr 28- 0cccmocr 3· vi:-..-:-. th..,. work t·f on·r· 1.2~111 llcthodist m·~~wnaa·i(.'::i in variuu:-. fol"l'ig-n tidd~. l':tiTYing- aunuall:r an ~· XJ)t·nditurt· ot' on:r +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ $::,IIOU,111Jll. At th(; annual tucetin~ po_h+ + l'it·s al't· t'OII~idcrcd and Jll'u~rams dll3 - The pastor is Jllanniu~ a seri· ·s uf sp· ·· l' Usst·d . Ht·Jlurts arc IH·a rd fa·om rwar·Jy vial St·l'JIIOliS fur lht· .\d\'.-llt ~~·aSull Wllldl t·Hry mission tit·ld, With all this tirst ht · ~· im; m ·xt Sunday. The announet·Jw ·nt hand information at his ,·ommand, Dl". ot' lhh; s..-1·i··s l't.·ads a.s folluws : ~l'lh: rnu · r·lwrn will s1n·ak III'Xl ~uuday tu ~fJ\"t· mht··· :!1-".\ ( 'on~trud ivo · Jt, .,.,,h, hflth llh ' ll and wumt·n at ~~ : .. 5. t ion:u·y" \\'hom W·· ma.r fullfH\' with conlidt·nt.·t·. + + Tht· ··ommitit·t.· till plans for· the new l·t ·<.Tmltt·r 4-"Tht· Firs t Tru e lh·mo..r·at " \\"hos..· h::ult.·rshil· Wt· tlan · llo ) t Jt:t sl-' ~~~ . ltuilding will mt···t with the aa·t.:hitt:l.'ts on Elt ·J·ual ( ·,,lllt ·IIIPIII': Property ~Iunday nig-ht tu study the ·.,.,.hH·d J·lan.s llt·t·t.·naht·r 1 1-"~\u ary" '\"hu is "tht.· S<lllh: y.· s to-nlay, L11 · as d\·\·do)Jt·d by Uw dt·si,.;nhlg aa·ehitt·et, day, and--." : L<'rauk Vcuning. 'J'hesc plans art~ + + ~lr. tlt·vdua·ill~ tu'u\·isions to takt' ··arc of all p,.,.,.mht.·r· EI-"Tht.· Comradt: .J· ·sus" \\' !11 joins us un the tuilsomt· pilg ri Ill \\ a ~ . : Bor~)~red at.'livitit·::-: uf a. modern church. It is hopt·d that tht·Y may ht· anaauunt·t·tl tu tho· : Sunser l)UIJik nut latl'r than January 1. 'l'ht· \\'tJIJlan's JlonJt· )ll;.:s if·llal·,· l' lll'l· · t \ will hold a stwdal nw..tint-:" iu tta',. daur. -i, ++ Gl,·ndale ++ The llid- wt.·t:k mct.·tin~ Hll Jlt·xt \\' t. !d- Tut·sday, :Xun·mbcr 29, at 2 u"cloc k. )li:--s w·u 1 1 + ow + uesday will follow the ~···nt·ral lilks of Marga1·ct J'ahtH-1', uatiuual li· ·ld :-; ·., .,., ._ ++ ~nd ++ thu~w which ha\·c been ~u succcs:;;rut in ta1·y uf tlw \\'. II. ll. S ., will :-;in~. :·lltl luc11st recent wt·t·ks. 'l'he meeting will ht·~in at will SJtt·ak of th· · work uf thb soddy · ++ · Ro.tds ++ 7 :-Ia with a song st·n·kc led hy !\lr. ~taf- Tht· womt·ll of all t h·· dlUI"dt· ·s ; u·~,_. ,.,.,. ford. 1-'ullowing this. a. hook will J,c n :- diall~· IJn·ito ·d . + + \' ic\n·d. The IJook f·,r next \\' ct·k will ht..· t·ittwr ... ;uc~ and u... ·;roceryman" ur A 1:11-~( · uumllt.·r from this ··hur· ·h wi l l + . "Urothcr ~aut· An addr~:ss will be tllt·ud lht· Jlal'\"o·:o;t llomt · lHun· ·r gi.\c ·r WILLOW ROAD _ WINNETKA + gl\'t ·u on ttw "'.Adn·nt Scaso :1." Follow- ill the Old l't·O&IIt·':-- J lolllt· 011 Tu· ·:-·l.t) + + iug tha.t pt·J·iud, tlu:r·c will lJ.-· a ::;udal :\'t:nlng . + + 1 hour ita t·hargc uf the members of the + + ! l·'ifth lJi\'i:;ion. Th pa:-;tur of lhis ··hurd\ is J.;oing t · + + ;,n·:wh at tht.· anniv··r:-;ary sl'l·vi··· · til· + + Tht· St.·uiur choir, whkh is u11dcr the Eudit.l A\·t·llllt· dtur·dt in t ·ak J>ar·k, :-;u t. + + j ahlc kadt·I'Hhil> of ('hark K Lutton, daY night. + + \\' ill meet for rdwars.al on Friday + . · · : Tlwrt.· an· ~till a h·w vaeancit'S in each All otlit ·t·rs and lt·:tdli'I'S ,,f tht · t'htll'··l + + 1·art. The 4Uartt·t, as amwuru·t·d in th4· ~dwol ask· ·d tu rt ·St"l'\'o· \\'t·fln··~d : ·, : , + Lullctin last Sunday morning, is com- t·\'t·llillg-,etl't· J lt·('t·ml,··r i, for a dlnn(·r au; + Ot + llOsed of Adt·laidt:' e. Jollt ·S, .soprano; t·r·nft·r·t.·ru·t·. Dr. J"rillt't ·, prnf··ssor of I~· · + + Flun·rH·t· FarTaa·, contraltu; Ellwrt It. lh.:-ious 1-:du.. ation at (:anl'lt BiJ.lit-al Ir a + 0 0 t + l ltt.:~luckcl', ll·nor ; and Charh·s ··;. Lutton. st i tuh·, \\ill t,c tht· stwak\·r·. + · + IJantulle ~++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l~tst ~UIId:tY ntoruillg the pastor read ··~h.· l!·~td 141 ~~~~~~ ·ss. " t'nrta·· t o tl·· I a lcllel' from Hcv. c. ll. Hapc, the mis· Jli~h ~khoul )f·aguc Sunday en·ning ir :::.iunar·y of tlw dlUI'dl in China . Ht.· laid tht· Youu.~ Pt·uplt·":-; Jluus·· awl hc ·ar· II~· l'artkul;lr t: IHJih:t!-iis 1111 tlu· following j r·t ·Jmrt ot ltt·r:o;ttual llll· ·n ··· · \\'S With , ·· · r paragraph. lain prornila. ·nt IIH'II in ,,u,· dlllt'dt. .\Jr. "As (JlJI" l'hiut·St· _fl'i··nds han~ Ul'Jft·d us II idoua n·s ..la)-{s will ha \ ' t· c ha rgt·. 1 to f\·turu scvt!ra.l tunc~. we a1·c gomg to · try tu gd through tu Chungkiug, \Vc Tht · \\"oman':-- Exdtan~-:-·· b uru ·n cJ:tii:o-· fL·d that what w·· can ac·complish there f1·om tu to:; o 't·lw·k . lka.;iurling thi:-: :-;at . i:-; worth tlH· risk. Our stay in Chung- urda~·. it will l11· opo·n 4·n·r·y Sat unJ.ty .k ing will dc&~cnd upuu conditions. Ui~hup t·\"t·llil!~ uutil Chr·btmas. .\ dull :o;h·o\\ liro.se wault.:d to autlwrize nw prct>ide will IJt· the ft'aturt: of the flrst WE'E'k In at th t: l'hungking Conf~renct.·. lJUl I felt Dt·t'\·tnl .. ·r. This ~aturda.r, lilt· J·'ifth di that would not be right. Our ~hinese ,·h;iun will hold a n:.tk(·ry ~al·: in tl11· Ex- Announcement uH miaslonarleH on the fteld. Some oC them have lH!tm members of the Confer· t'Jl('t' mucl· longer than I. w~ have tht·rt· fore struck a comJlromise. We arc goIng to make careful im·estlgati~m~. , 1 am tu l)rcside at the oll(·ning ttcSHton :uul gh·c a sawdal mt.·tcsage which the Uil.daup ha~ l'rcpared. It there are no a~rsonal i· ·alousi~H etc., among the memiJt·rs that would makt· it unwise for one of th~ Chint.·sc brother~ to preside. thNl we shall su~g,·sl th:1t the)' elect one of their numht·r tu ad a~ a)rt·sidf~nt . 'fhcy nmy makt· militakc~ if !his is ~nc, but it is their l'llUr<.'h and they :->hould h:wc l'ull char~· · · J't: rsonall~· I shall hl~ n·ry glad tu work uudt·r our t ·hint·~·· hrl'lhn:n and takt' any aa·l·ointmt.·nt tht.'Y may t.·unsidt·r IJ.. st t o gin: nat·. I shall \\Tih· yuu later of th·· ~:unft·rt·JH't · and lht· cunditiuu uf tlk wurk aftt-r arri\'iug in C hungking." b~thren have carried the full burden ot the "·ork for nlae months without any of ! . Now Offering My Acreage for · ! i ESTATE SITES : : : : : Wi~:etka In areas of varying shapes and sizes. Strict observance both to Quality of Development and to General Standards worthy of this section. Ind "an H1.ll Golf. Club--Skokt"e School and Village Hall are close at hand. : : Unusually I nteresttng Terms for t!Je Present .}020 : Phone Winnetka 224 or Wilmette 74 3-J ANNA s ee y M ALLES ur Br ke .,r \li~hl. R. E. CROSBY Contractor & Builder Building homes which are architec· turally correct and beautiful yet contriving to make them cost no more than structures called "Just Homes." Estimates and consultation cheerfully given and without obligation of any sort. t·' f ... ,.... \·unllh& Ut·hn-rn J.u.)'· t·r.; uf 1·1um THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL "THE PILGRIM" fll ' .\ll'l' II ~Uf' li ........ REMODELING INSULATION REPAIR WORK R. E. CROSBY "Artistic Hontcs 566 Center St. £lt Ample funds at interest for loans on homes the Sante Price" 5, 10 and 15 year plans, straight or with pre-payment privileges Ph. Winn. 2032 WINNETK.c Our l01111a are parclaueJ 6y

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