:\o\'embcr 25, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE New Trier Hockey . ;I Teams Tanglefn Jl'ally's Golf Hin.ts _ Thrilling Games ,·------------: 1 "A Beautiful Home-site" \loncl:ty, ~II\Tillht:r Jt ' all hoekt ·_,. tt·a m-; nf Xt:\\' 'f rirr High --t·lJ,, 1 l) plau·d. Tht: ;-;ophotnc,rt:" }o . . 1 10 · · tit,· jllni,,r~.~- 0 . whi h.· thl· ~tlli<·r" d<.'Jl·:ttt·d th(· tfl"'llllt:JI ?_ } · tir 1 1-:rlit .. r··l' :-.:ot··: Followin~ Is th(a fourth ~ \ 11f a l'l·ri··s of ~n lf lt·~l'o n s writh·n by W all~c'halll l wr lain , professional at 1 1 [ ~ .. n h , " 1 ' 111t ·d ·:l· ·rr···"·. l;ulf and h~:a d of t~e ~h .. r·· Coif l'··hr·nl \\ llllll'lk:t Hl whi··h . frn111 \n-··~ t" _\n-'··1· will"" j,n·- 1 ·:our:-;··. WESTMOOR TRAIL in Winnetka Once Gone - - Always Gone - Many people are consid~ring WESTMOO!t TRAILonly a few can be suppli~d. Once gone-always gone · The many people who are seriously considering WESTMOOR TRAIL ar~ thinking of it as th~ '"ultimate" in home -building- the final word. Most of them came to the North Shore (;Ont~nt for the moment to take less than they want~d-satisfied, at the rime, to acquire what th~y could then conveniently obtain. For many reasons. such as more room for larg~r famili~s thc dfsire for great~r privacy-mor~ room in grounds as well as house- to get farth~r out- away from traffic- in short, the reasons which originally impelled them to come to the suburbs- those advantages they now want to r~ally obtain. Ten or fifteen years ago most everybody except those dircctly engaged in the automobile business, predict~d the "saturation.. point just around th~ corner, since which time several million mor~ cars have been added to the number then in use. More than thn~ million families now have two cars or more. Ten years from now, or sooner, a residence on the streets w·hich are now little or only modcr.ttely used, will be comparable to a r~sid~nc~ on a street car line or main thoroughfare of today. To those who have th~ vision to see it, to have a home on a drive over which through traffic can not be divertedwill have an advantage which can't be calculated in dollars and cents. The places in Winnetka remaining where this advantage offers as great an a~surance of privacy as WESTMOOR TRAIL. are so few that they can be counted probably on one hand. And where they do exist- the cost is probably twice as much as one can now obtain a plot in 'l . Tht· irt·--IJtnan --.t·ninr gamv wa .. r!n:-1' .tnd t·-.;t·itill!-: .'. Tht· tir:-t bali t'tllkcl l -0 j, ·r tiH· 't'lliPr-. tht· gnat hl'ing mark · \ J' 1 111 . \\':tlton. l<ttt th~.· - n· lotlll hali '.' w;, . . 1111 1l·l 1 1111 'rt· t·\ritin:..!'. l:t'rau .. l· it ~·r·· \\, d.~rk ,,, ca.-1 .\ tilt: 't'fOtHl haln·-. r· · .. J. .. r·l'tttd too hali tht·i r -.tandard 11! :..:' !1 . j \\ 1·:1 ,. tllintJtt·'. The ,.' ·nior-. i· !.I\< .J ' " .t 1.!··"·.1 --t:trt i\ht·n .\lil' t· \\':d· .. : · o~: · rt1·d tln· l·:tll d .. \\lt tltt ' ftdd. < t n rl ' '· 1" 1 .] 1" .lt·. tti \l.tr\ j,.r tl il' -.n···t ~ d _., .. tJ. Th ,·Jt th,· ir,·-ltm,·n. :tt;n h:trd 1 '. · .I ll.'. ,· .1tl' t t d t' ... h:dl ·:,, !' tv -.triki: ..· 1 ;r, 1· · \'.It t r. · "~:t11d, .. ~.itHlhur:..: ·: :t lt :t , 1 . '· 1 1 1 :tr· ju:-t lll:tll;>. h· ·lptuJ hlllt~ for· thost· who 1 t;ddu~ L:· ·.t ,, : ,J , · t<~J,Il l..!:tt! t··. lot'l\\t'l ' !t tht · '"i ' h~lfnurt · - . ,.,,, .. ll··t :.t .~· ;\ ;1" i' Jt ,·r ,· . . tln~ l> nri11~ the f,r . . t : .. t::· (~· .~~·· 1 ··.·. !., ,,·,,r,d 1·· r ;h,· illl .i · 1 r~. 'li!!l····, .tttd tit, - · tl 1 rt ltl . tillin~ ll·n 111in.ut·- ~~i " t\11 il:di :ilt· iunir.r-- r··l!I ' ·ktt·d -l.,tt:..~l· ll r It, ill.:tkitlt:, i<·ur llll·r, -·· ·.t . -t \ ··: :,1 .. ( "· h.tll "- t·r, · : : a·~· }., ·t. ; .', .. 'I ,. ,.,:. -t.!id . .· :.:; ,. l' l ~· I -· 1 .: I -- --- --- 'J'I H' 1 1 · · · H':LI b a n·r~· llllJiOrtant t)llll:~ a11cl can· :-.huul<l ht.· taken t() keep tt 1 ,till dmin;..!· tht· -.\\ing. l·:n:ryhurly ha~ 1 ·· 1· pr· ·1·:t 1dy 1u·arr. 'n:p your eye on t 1 1l' 1·:t 11 . ·· \\ 1· · n·ry ;.!·"or 1 a· (nee. · 1,nt~ 11r 1 1 t-. ··i 1ll i ~ .... d . , hub. ho\n·n:r. art· hlallled ··n tl11· n ·t· wht·n it i~ n:alh- a sli!!ht 111 ,. \l.lllc!li 11 j the ht·ad. whirh .eonH·:-; 'up . . \011 can 1\trn \(1\11' ht.:art a little \\·ith \l tJtr , 1J 1,uldt·r-- 1 '11 tht..· hark ..,\\'ing. hut it tl i tl--1 nut nwn· up and clrt\\·n. ~lost · 1···· ·1.Jl· \\l~t·n tr .\ illl! to hnld their IH:arl .. ill. at t'1r:-t d11 ~~· hy clr(lppin~ the kit · . . ]1<·\tlrh. : r and \'tln-.tri\·ting tht: h tH l~·. turnin~ t·· tht· ri:.!ht tn ..,ur h an cxtt·nt tl1at 11h: \· h;t\·t· n,, rt·all,j\···1 at all. ·r1 11"' j, al--11 \\Tt·lll!'. Til\~ :-hnnldt·r-. - h· lulrl tllllt t·· th 1· riL:ht a- · n~·:trh· lt-n·l ;t~ po"'-ildt· :1 nd re11;rn tht· :-:tlllt ,' \\:t\'. · It j, nut l':t:-\· 1~> r},, at tir-..t 1Jttt nn···· , ,,; 1 l!t't it , ·ltl ,,·ill fi1HI it ea:-it·r t·· dot ·lt .tll the t~iiH: r. :n1d it t·naJ,h--.. \ 'll ll to 1 ktTJl Y"ttr h~·:ul :-til l \\·itlwnt any · ~.·t'furt. UJI tht · g arn ·· 11 f g-oli, a s t,..,.n playing- f.,r j ~ .. .,,, . tirrw lout :adftlil th·· w ···d for· im- I J'l'fl\ i11g tho ·it· gam ··. ! w· ·ll :t:- tho:-· · \\h" h a\··· Invite Young People to Sunday Evening Meetings \ ··:li I· · ·. ··L' DIRECTS FRENCH CLUB PLAY - -------1 I Th~· F n·nt·h rluh , .,.l·j·k'~ '-11\ · i,·! (li tht· tlJ,. fli·, t )'Ia _ , ,,j th\· :-t'a:--" 11 ,i l 'hiragn put on la :-t ~at .. l ·1i··n ,·Jnt;·,·h .t tlll"\1111 c-- a . . urda ,. ni:.? ht . under t lw ahk .tirn·tion ill!' ~ 'l !td:t\' ('\"l'llill:.,:. :t t:dk .. j \Jr .... ·1. l· . ~t\l rr aY ,,j Kt·tdh\·l:th . ~ ] ..... 1:~ ·::1 1t · ( ,,j,·.. ·,.. ]~,,,, i ll n ·r nunt Till· 1·la,-' "a' prnt.·nt··d at tlw \\'f·lllan·- ( 'it;· rlnh hdr ·r1 · a Yny apprn:ia·.·I: :,.,ll···- Ill Lltftljl\', I' i. t ,,. , ! · ' \ n:,· t · t ... , . , .. n · :-:n1 :d ,l\ 1· \ c - 1:' v andit·nrt·. ; ·· ·;..·r.:li1 I < ·. · ·· 1!1 :.:::..: "' ..:;:-1.:; ,,·dock ;,ntt' -.vnt.·' ;tn in\tr-.. . \f. 1~. l'ottr,·ll ,,j 112 ~ixth · :· .... . ·~1 - tlj·j ll r lo,·irort· tit,· pr .. ;.:t:tnl. :\11 . ·T _, I" I·J·k ill l..:~..· ni l"· '~rtlt a: 1' r··r- -tnT! tr:t\ ' t.· a lm .,·h~..·ntl and hr1ckt.· for ~t·ltth . . jdt.· irit' tJCl~ \\-t·dnt·sda:'\·. ·i·:t'l\ i1 '1:1 ,J 1" tht.·-t· ~u111b' ~-n ·nin).! 11__. - .. l ! 11 1, a r c· h d d in t h t · c h u r ell . :\, ,, ,·n1i· t·r ltt.· tt lw r hntH.l'. ,.,,cJn· · 1 , ,--·-- · : 1 , WESTMOOR TRAIL. Here is a plot of ground on Hibbard extending West to the Skokie Playfield- high and dry- ( 49.8 feet elevation above lake level at Hibbard and Westmoor ) sloping naturally ~nd gradually South and West3 blocks to Hubbard Woods primary grade schoolhalf a milr to Skokie Junior Highless than a mile to the Hubbard Woods station and a little over a mile to the Elm Street Stationnot too far- not too near: all of the advantages of the country plus all of the conveniences of the Villagefreedom from dust and smoke and dinquiet- peaceful- serene- and beautifulwhere Nature is working continuously to keep you duly appreciative of her grandeur-painting beautiful pictures--e\·er chaPging- to fit all moods. Certainly. l;eauty Cln·t be reckoned in dollars and centssurdy it has its influence for good in the Ji,·es of every member of lhe family. Herr. then. you may have the home you ultimately want, rxprrssing )'Our own individuality in a setting of which you will nrvrr lirr. \VESTMOOR TRAIL is worthy of your strious consideration. Tlttrr ..ur so frw Jr.lCts Juitablt-thost who ruliu ias ~dv~nugrs first art chose who will btntfit most. As·k anyone who livts in thr neighborhood rht .1dunug"s of loution. All will ttll you tLt samr story.111 sing its praises. Nothing on tht Nonh Shorr can comparr wiah ovulooking rht Skokir. And thost who livt in Winnrtka simply won't livr tlstwhrrr. as .1 m.11ter of choicr. C;all mt up and makt an appoinrmrnt to srt WESTMOOR TRAIL. If it is wonh considrring ;at .JJI-it is wonh h.1ving all its advan1.1gts pointtd out which m~y not bt .1ppurnt by casually driving by. Gla all rhr f.Jcts-considrr all ahr advantagrs-comparr thosr adnn1.1gts with .1nything tlsr-find out wbo your nrighbon will bt-wh.u :llr pbn of dnrlopmrnt is. TIHn drcidt. Tht prict won't dtrtr you btcau~ it is much ltss th~n ;an}·thing com,parablt. 56 ACRES HIGHLAND PARK tln west side of Green Bay Road adjoining Northmoor Country Club on the east. Water and sewer in. High ground with finest vtew over Skokie Valley. , The only good size piece now unsubdivided. For quick sale the ownera have cut the price to two- tl.irds of the real value. Unusually good investment. MURRAY & TERRY Exclusive Agents CHICAGO CFFICE . 4 o No. Ourborn St. HIGHLAND PARK OFFICE Crnt. 4615 Crntral and Shrridan Highland Park 69 GLEN 500 Maple Ave. c. BULL Phone Winnetka 1016