Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Nov 1927, p. 32

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WILMETTE LIFE November 25, 1927 Music News and Events W allensteins Please in CIVIC OPERA BEGINS Kenilworth Club Recital j MID-HOLIDAY PROGRAM i concert at tlw 1 lnte· rPI'"et Masters Soloist · in R e£:ital Series Beginning Dec. 8 By Walter Spry ·1 : (t l ;, t , Repertoire of Exceptional lnte':'"est Arranged for Week Beginning November 27 ·liith \\"1 , J..:. in t ht· ·llt·a n 1· i t Itt· lll id - holiday }'crll ~ d \\llit·h hq..:ill:-- \\itll ~lllltby, :\ tl,.,.tnhl'r !.7 . .titvrtttllltt':-- :--uhurh:tll llla tinu· t·i "~ · .t \ :&lkri;1 l~u:-tit·:llla" .11Hl "1 l':tl!li:trri." \\ill l'l'd\\ d t llt· opt·ratic ..:al:tud.u- \\ith lllt·l't' ui tlH,:-t· brilli;nt hill:- "hich h;n·t· m;uk t II~.: l'lllllpany':::-t'\"t·llttTllth :-t·:t:--tiJl tht· lllt·:--l ~parlding in it!' hi:-tt·n . Jn till· t·n·ning ioll~~w in~: tht· ~ut~da~ ail\·rnt·t·ll dunblc hill J1 ;h:1 .\lrl'Prtll:trJ.. "ill ._ing hi:-, tiual ~·tHll't' rt t·i tht· \'t·ar. gi,·ing a pt·pnlar rt·qu~.·~t l'n'!-!r;tll;, "Til,· _lt·,,d., ~,j th.t· .\I ad '-'1111 ; 1.. " iII ht· add · 'I t P t h t: " lilt t: r ~ n·pcrt~ ·in· 1111 \\ t·dnt·--da~ l'Vt·uin~. \\ith l~o~.l 1~.1 i--a. .\ ug n:-- ta l.l'll!\ka. hHTt'!·-l Ltlllt'lll :llld (~i:tnllll l) Rimini iu lt.::uli·tg r,;lt-:-, a11d "Liuda eli \ 'hamuunix" i!->_ to bt· rt'\ i\·t·d ~;ttunb_,- aiternuon, altrr 11 \'l'ar< ah:-t'tll'l'. " ith 'l'11ti Dal 1\lo:ttt', Ti.tu ~dtipa. ·Luigi .\lnntt'!\<lllto, ~.urna l>nu:lt" lat:k!-ull, \ 'irg ilj,, Lanan and \'ittori~...· Tr~,·,·i!';m in till' stdlar ca~t. l'hau~Ts t.~i r.&st will rharartcrizc most ·Ji nt·xt \HTK.!'> rt·pt·titions of l)pcras . ucCt\SSfull~ E-!iYcn t:arlier in the st:aII." ( Thl· Kt·nih\orth ,·lui, ~;& .. Frid:t\ l'n·fling, giHn h _ ,. .·\ltr('(l \\'a lkll-..tt·i-n. 'rdli:-.t. and \ 'irgitl ia \\'il:-c·n \\'alkn-.tvin, pi:t·li..,t. \\;t" Pill' oi r;11:t. ht·. tltt\. Tht· llttlllht·r:-. ··n 11Jl· l'~"> l!ralt1, rht~~l'll "1th !'>pknrlid ta-..tt·. iur~ti!'ltt·d an l'\'l·llin .l!·=' t·ntl'l'Utittllh'lll long 111 ht· n·tlll'ttdh'n·d. 1:1 :! 11 '...! , t r 11 ... ' ·· · 11rl ~· r t it~ tl ... I L:i\111 ~., . \1 :·-. \ '.J! .. :.t 1: · ( ·,\ ·~. Tnt· l..'hiL":tl!ll '-.·i, lpna'::- tll:h· . . and ,. i h r :1 n t t Itt· \:t·ll~ t :tl111o ,_.t Ill :11k t ht· h,·;trt arlit'. :-.o ll'lltkr, :o-11 app1·.tlinL!. :-11 Tit~,· ~.·:-.qui .. ilt' 11! ,·iulim'-1, :rn·l llly . di (I ;tn t . t [·F111 : ... t'l : \\ill i 11 :1 11 11J'i'"l'~ll1 !1 ~ .\ ,, : !.It' ' l~tt.tl I L!r· ·I'. t. IIi" :tnrl \\. oltld ',,. ::.u-.i ,·. t! ·'. ·!1!1" : jlt'tl)l k \II],, . L!llllkrl l1l"ll 1 !:..'1l ctdt·Jirl'! tll\· \ j 111 ! ll l11n·h· 1ht·y \H·rt·. :\lt. \\.all~.·thtt'itt, hntl"t·li tht pil.'t nrt· oi :111 arti . . t. "tth :--traig!Jt. aquilitH: prtdik :ttld tllttbik. "~'ll"iti\'1' it·atun·"· J..!a\·t· a lint· d'ft-rl " ltt·n hl' pia .\ t·<l. J le i1a~ a h:&hit 11i tmni11g Jtj, la·ad :-lightly tt~ nne -..id1· a . . hv pb) :-- tn:tkll:l!. hi._ :wdit·~tl· , . i1TI that ht· j ... kt·l·pittL! hi!\ t·ar dl' . . . d\· tttth·d t11 11!1· --liglt!t::-.t tullt' ir11111 hi-. in . . trmncttt. )p,·ing 11 au(l re:;ptittdin .~ 111 it, t'\·1·n·. mood. :\I r~. \\'allt·ntt in. d:tinty .111d ~ 1H1thiul. ~ra. ciou:- in ntannn. "it h a:1 un ... uphiratinn ami :-implicit~ ran·!~ !'ot't'll in an arti:-t oi ·'lu:h wide L'Xpcrit·tll't'. \\·a:-. a great ass{·~t to t ht· program. ht·r work as accotupani!\t \\'<b mo:-.t prriect. Thi:-. i;-; a \\'Ptukriul cmnhination of tw1, gn·at playn~ . :t· td pi .tn ,· 11111 -i, · i; .. tt · ' ,. ' trh ·-~ \\!'it l'l" dlo\\11 ;,, tl !· ·-1 ·'I · '., i·"t'\1:: t!.i\. \I r- . · l~rt ' \\1 ' 1' J.v1·d- ·.· li 1 : r· ,;n,· · i, 11 i1 · tt,,rt!J ... ]t~·r, · 1" · '.·1. -·:,,,. i11r hl·:J~ · i-. i11 \\'i 1tlll 'tk .t .t~:d -' ,. · .t- :o n '!1 hl':trd in , ..,tlt't rt .t:td ,·illll'·'.J :t·.ci !1.1- l.t~l;... :11 itt lll;tll\' i:nnili, ·. 1',·:-:1:1]·- :; 11 :!-!!I! 1 IH' adckd that ,l11· <.L;;,J- I' ! \1'1' \ i i tL'.I "t I'\' !11 .I !tlllll !-! ~ . : i (' i i ! t'- i\. i; ll ' ' . f ) ' · : th,· 111111 ·f d.1\' l l ll t ' ·I:· ' 1lt'!ll -.l:d ;. :.;.: 1· 1 .. \I r , . I ! n · " ,· t · , , :· · · ... , t. · · - · . . and lltlh· 11111· :1. a ; .1 1oi: 'd ·.). , . ~·, ·'. l.hihih ._·udt ti: to · · ::-.· <·! Yiolin bn\\ ... t' l - · I · I 1 .' · .\dd,·d lll : .1- · l.l ·'~Itt· i..; .tl"' , , n :tlld IJ a·( illtt ' l' \ l!'t t.i'l Ctltllllt·"l· r-. .t' l ! ~ . ' ! . 1\ : ! 1 ,. ' I. · :1· .· l; \\"hat :111 ar, · - tt:wr ~~pp .. r· 11~ i: ._ 1 ; .. : . t :"!-: ~hor~..- tn ha\·, .... ,1,·: . t il ~un. Carlos Salzedo Soloist in Next Symphony Concert l'arlo!\ Salzt·dt), harpist, will he the soloist \\'ith t lw I. itt 1c :-;ymphony or rlwstr:t. (~n·r~t· Da:-.dl, dirl'rtor. in the St'l'·HHl rutTt'llt Sl'a<llu ,,i \t'\\ Trier I )rdw!'tral a-,-.t>riatidn Ctlllt..'t'rt" in :\t'\\' Tri,·r .tuditoriutl1 . .\l ·111day t ' \Tili:IL!. I k · l't'lllht'f ~. Kargau and Marshall Pair . "l'a\·allt·ri;' H.u;ti..:aua,·· to l.>t· gtn·n ior tht· tirst tilllc thi!\ ·c;&son at the.: ~Uiulay matim·t·, will ht.· paired i·1 tht· ;raditi~·nal way, with .. L Pa)..diar,·i," this double bill formi11~ ont· oi t ht· !llt..lSt popular known in op~·ra hous~·s tl~t· world on·r. In till' tormt·r, llamha ~~ uzio will he Santuua. Lorna Doone Jackson, Lola: Antonio Cortis, Turic.ldn; l),:::,irc Ddrt·r~..-. Aliio; a:td Mana Clat·sscns. tlw mot lu:r. l~oht'rt 1\loranzoni will Ct.ltu.luct. For "l . Pagliacci" Olga .Kargau has bt·cu named to repeat her pt·riorm_anct· o_f .: \cdda: Charles ~larshall wtll be l a111o, and Robert Ringling, whose rcet.·nt dd.>Ut in the part was one oi the major C\'l':lts of the sc:a~on, will he heard otu:c more as Tonio; llcnry C. \\'t..·h~r wilt ronduct. "Lordey," on !\londay cn·ning, \;·ill be sung by tht· s<HHt: cast whtch brou~ht it into high faYt)r. the fi~st week of tht· st·ason: l'laudta ~~ uz10! Eidc ~orena, A:1tonio Corti~. Lu.igt llont(.'santo and Cha:o;c Baromt·o, wtth Giorgio Polacco tonduftin~. Tht· ballt·t will be sccll as part ut thc spt·ctantlar productitlll. . .. . Tuc!-da,·'s hill of ":'now ~latdt·u wtll bring Ei<it· ~orcna to the t.itlc role. of 1\.im:--k\'-Kor~akoii's dclightlul l{usstan iolk-i~;nt<b'·· and this will be thr !\orwc:gia~l·s ;lightingalc's fir:.t Cl.1icago pt:riormancc of that part.. l~tchard Bonc.:Jii will be a new ~1 bgmr and ianJiliar artisb, including Charlc~ llack~tt Lorna Doont· Jackson, I rene Pa,·1<...--k~, Augusta Leu..:ka, ~faria Clacsstn~. D('sirc Ddrcre and Ch.tst· Barollll.'O will ~ing under Ht::lr~ t~. \\. t·bcr's h:adcr!-hip. The ballet will d~tllCt \\"edne:-day·~ performanl'c oi "The ]t·\\el~ oi .the ~bdonna" ':·ill have familiar artists in thl' kadmg .roles Ro~a }{ai:-a, :\u~u~ta L<"nska. Forrt·st Lamc,nt ttnd Giart1lllO J{imini have rott .. ul mam· a Chicago amlitnct· to Yvkanic tnthu:..i:t:..m in lJibt :.ra:-.ons' fH:rformancts of \Yo.lf -Ferr~&ri'~ gripping drama oi liit· i.1 the :r\eapolita11 und<::\,·orld. Amon~ the twenty-sc\·en oth(·r principals in this performance will he Anna Hamlin. JI(.'len Freund, Lorna Doone Jack~o:l, Jose ~lojic;,, Go\·anni P<Jlt:--t and Vittorio 'frc\·i~an. ~I r. :-;allt·dn ha · many tim~s toured in th(· l'uitt·d Stah'" aucl Eur \·1,... a11d has ;&l'pt·arcd as ~oltti:-.t " ·ith all tht· kading s~·tnphony orclh·..;tra~. .-\... :t harpi!'>t. hi!\ arti::-t ry aud Yirt nn~it~· ha \'\' lll.'\'t:l' hL't'll t."qnalkd hy anyt)l\t' 111 a·ty pt·riod ui hi~tnn. acrordin~ tn \'llllllt'tlt critics. The aitnuoon Childtt'tl':-. cnnt·nt will han· Ccnrgt· Swi~art, youth i ul north ~hnrt· \· ioli·ti~t. as sot~)i::.t. GREAT SIGHT READER Franz Liszt was not only a marn·llons talent with a prodi~ious tt·chnir. hut he was also a great sight reackr oi He was t·ngaged to play ~lend ...·lssohn\ (~ minor Conrcrto inr the piatw with orcht·stra undt·r ~1t·ll clelS!'ot1hn\ dirt:ctitHL He arriHd at Lt·ipzig and a~ the.\ were abnut l1) ht·gin tht· rt·hrarsal, Li!\zt :-aid to .\ft·n· dt'lssohn that ht· had nut had timt· t1) k'l1.)k tlw conccrtt) o\· ...·r, ::-o bt·~g-t·d him tt1 music. mak(· any,~o;uggcstio·ts lie might ~ind JH'Ct'S:';tf\'. I ht· ·c oncerto \\'ellt \Uth out a slip. Li~zt reading ,lt ::-ight. NEXT ARTIST RECITAL DECEMBER 12 ~fonday, December 12 is thl' datl· of the next \\'innt:'tka ~lusic rluh Artist-Recital, at ~ew Tri('r a11tli· torium-with Henrich Srhhtsnus. baritone, guest artist . of the r.hicago Ci\'ic Opera company. gi\'tll~ the program. This i~ .~l r. ~chlusnH:-.' first season in Amenca. hut lw ha~ made a sen~ational success si·K~· his- arri\'al a few weeks ago. Ht· i~ a principal in the l~oyal Opera at Berlin and, whit(' specializing in Italian n·pcrtoire, sings wit It ('fJUa I t'asc in English, French, and Gt·rman compositio~1s ranging from Bach to the moderns. lit: has a rich h·ric voice well suited to recital \,·ork for which he is likcwi::-e famou:-;. I :\ ~ in r 111 , . ... 11 · I · :. 1:..: !1· : t -' .t y. · · d B. 1.. T . i1·nd ,,j .t 'dl ... a,. ··t :t::, ' · · tll"'· "tli,t()t:Or~c ::,wt~art, a ,l!ra d uatc 01· ,. ... c\\' . ... . · k' Jlt.·· . · tt<"ll'lll'l' · . 11i th,· . . ..t ,.Jn ·.t;., Trit·r Hi.l!h school aiHI a Yiolini'>t oi hta ~dwol ol ~I tbtt · .1 'ld ' H ·. \\ .. , · ·· · Ill ' ·11. t·xrepttonal ahtht\·, wt'II } )t' t 1 1c ;-;o 1 01:-.t K.'., rltt\'·· , · ··1 ,.·' Tl-.. . \\ h1·r ,· I dt-'>1 · t ll' ' ,' at tht· aftt·rn<·t·J~ ..~ oncert fur n>ttng 1 Ill\' ttka .... ot !J.,~,. r·. I ll h't'i,·rl't tiJ, . ' 1.. 1 )·..:opk \\hidt will be gi\·t·n .\l··lltb ~· . l C··lllp.lttlllll'llt ... l··r \f;·. . . L rt·.~.,n .t! ' 1 · l>t.·n·ntht·r 5, hr thv l.ittit· ~\'lllJoll··llY! tcr~ : .. ~·,~t!l~ ;uHl .,JrJ :.d·kt· urclh"tr,, in tl;t. lligh :-rhul'l audit,,r -! . \1\·rk .1·.. :\bltpln \\t~l ~~l:t·. ~l. :11 itmt. \1 r :'wigart i:- IH.·:-.t k l\ \ 1 \\ 11 lt.r . . : rn 1;.d \\ l11 r 11 \\ tll t.d~, j d.t{ c · 1llltr ·t\' t·n · :lill~. l ),·t· ,·n li n·l .· . .· r :... throth.:huut th~· llt'rth :-. Ilort· t Ill'tllll! I1 Itt:· ... d · . rtHt:lcrtiPll \\'ith X ... w Tril'r ur\.'ltot!a o ~· lnck ~n th1· parJr,r . . ,,j lllt \\ :1.: ~~ · 1 ami a;o; :1 IIH'lllht·r ui tht :\1'\\. TritT \\ n!lt:tJI ... dul. . :-;trinl! triP. tltt.· latter ~-~·rnJ'·'"l·d ,,j him !-~ li. hi., :-i:-.tt-r. ~ti~-- J-:..,tdk ~,.. i· Organists Suggest Ban g<trt. 'c:elli:-.t. and .\Ji~~ Fr.wrt· .\ndt·r- 1 t· !\Ott. piani'-1. all ionnt·rly :\t·\\· Trit·r· ; on ac neye e ec tons ..;tudl'nt-.. lit· i:- at prt':-t' llt stndyin).{ at· ~t·\·cr:tl ,,rg;mi-..t'. ,·)J,1ir lt-:uin-. .ttttl !hl' Bu-;h l'on:-t·n·awry ui ~lthic ttlldl'f Prrht·,tr.d (tin·rtllr . . ill \'hit'ago h:nt Prt·i. l'zl'r\\'onky and taki~1g P1 "t- ;1 grn·d t,, iollo\\' tl1~· J<, ., .. Paul I.i11 · graduatt- \\'Ork at 1he hif..[h :-chnol. d 1·rlllan', !\tJgge:-.tion tll.tt ·a 1h'tdirt· l1t · ----·-------- ---- - --·--- ·- built ',j harknen·d .. on\.!" H~l'<l at · Ch · T church \\ ~.·dt!in\.!'": iotl\' al..; and ot l1l'r W estmJnster oar ours ('t'lt·hrat it Ill' . :\Ill· Ill~ 1b.t' 'tlt.l~ ... tJ;~l111.'1J 1 Through Fourteen States! hy th(' cln~ytn=u. \\·hn 1.... l'dttor nt .tht.· American l.ttthPran. a chmrh puhltca The Oayto:1 \\'e~lllin~tt-r Clwir ha-- tio:l, are : Oh Prorni ..... · .\f t·: End nf a opt·tu.·d its !\ixth annual tunr, Olll' \\hich Pt·rft·ct Da,·: and Hl'autiiul 1:- lt· (·f will earn· it throu...:h j, ·llrtt·..:n 'tatt" ~nllli.'W herl' .' Tht li~t prt·part'cl hy the hv the t:;ld of Fchruan . f<llltl<&r\ ' and rhurclt organi"b ancl kadt·r:' inrhHk '-: Ftbruan· ,,·ill find th~ rl;(,ir co;trert- Call ~f t ' Thittl.' Chn1: H\·lon·d. It h izin!-{ in. Indiana, lllilloi!\, K.a·ba~, Ok- D:t\\!1, 1h-c:t lht: ~f,· lit-art a ! Tll~ lahoma. · Tl'xa~. L<·uisiana. .\1 i-.:-.ouri. ~\\t'l'f Yoi1·~·: a11<l :\t Dawning (~~,·or~.('ia, :\lahama and tht Carolinas. Thi!\ .tour, like th(lst.: lll;ldc 111 tlw .l'~~t ts hrtng tua<lc fon· tltc JHtfj)(ht' tH ttl- George Swigart Plays at rrea--ing intcn·st in hellt·r rhoral n usif. New Trier Club Meeting The dwir. composed of ~ixty men and The Xt·w Trier l\fusic cluh ml't with \Wllllt'Il, the lw--· singt·r!' of the two hundrul !'tlllknb t·nrt)llcd in the "\Vt·st- Miss Ruth Harrison last Tuc~clay afternoon at her hom<' on Ahbott~ford lltin~tt· r f'rhool ,)f ~ltbic, i~ the only road Kenilworth. (~c.:orgc Swigart. Jl 1111·· it' kind in tht: countrv. All oi n·sicl.ent of \Vilmcttl'. was tht· s~loist iht.· ~tudt·Jlt~ art.· training hecomc artist for the afternoon. ~fr. ~wtgart rhoir lt-ad<'r~ .t~Hl art· ft:'(lttired to take is a young artist hut has. already m~dr a thrn-yt·:tr cours<· hcforc ~raduating. an excdl<·nt impression m the mu~tcal Tltt· r11rrirulum includt·~ orchestral and world of ('liit·ago and the i1orth shore. 1 cltoru..; (OtHlucting. the study oi mus!- Mrs. Howard E. Cotton of the !\cw 1ra 1 instrutnrnts. history and analysts 'Tri<·r High school is taking espt:cial ni church lllU!'oic, psy'cholo~y. English intcrc:st in the future of this youthful . h~ rnnology, rcli~dous education and \'iolinist and prc.·dicts a wonderful fuH·trt· trainin~. turt.· for him i:l his chosrn profession. midst! 1 \\' wa" 1· H k dS1 ' I r.r to :, "THE LAST LAUGH" MEETING OLD FRIENDS \ \'la·n Thcodor. c Thomas wore a wig Joha~1nes Brahms was noticed at a for the first time at the orchestra re- concert in Vienna to salute every once hearsal. he noticed that the me:-1 seem- in a whilr during the performance of ed vc.:rv much amused. So he said : a work bv a contemporary composer. "Lau~l; all vou want to for three Asked why he did thi~. hr said: ··J am minutt·s. and· if any one laughs after r" ecognizing some oM friends in the that. I will shoot him." musical themes."

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