Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Nov 1927, p. 26

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26 WILMETTE LIFE November 25, 1927 \VILMETIE LIFE ISSUED FRIDAY OF EACH \VEEt; by Can you. fellow citizen. make a good pnh- l lir ~pcrd1. con\"er~e intellig-ently and .with' ·ttt nr,t<.·s pn~sc..·tlt a n·port? 1f you can. You arc une uf a t('\\". ·~lu:-;t mt·n and women Can You Spe(tk would rat lwr han· a E ectively? to11th pulled with(l\lt an anc:-:.thdir than ad dre:-:.~ a , puhlir meeting ur cn·n ·tell a story h(·ion.· a little l'\TIIing gathering-. . \ncl n-r\· oftl'n their li:-;tcncr:-: \\·ould rather undl·rg·o a similar opera t i1111 than hear t hl'.:'l' :-pea ker:-;. ' \\"t· learn innn a prai ·~l'\Yurth,· ~tudent rompo:-=.Itwn :-cnt n~ ir(llll \e,,· Trit·r hig-h :-.rhuol that rour:-;<.·:' in public :-;peaking arc t lll' re c tile rt·<l. \ \" e q \l()h' f ru 111 t hi:-; Clitll po - S·H 0 R E L I N E S WHEN THE END IS HERE Ira ·; ·,· only <·II,· /,·i.'s !.-(I ft~r lilt'. i J tf,·,rr>st. f'/ac,· it _r lt'llll\' ttl/ Jll\' t' _ \ 'l'S. "J'Jr,r-t · ,·;·,·r a(!t'r. It· .- fl'rnity. . T/1,·y ,,.j/1 s;.,. rainl·o·;,·,,· in Ill\' lz,·.rr(s durl.- skit.~. II "/r,·n Ytl/1 I.LOYD JIOLLJSTER, INC. 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, 111. Chlca~o oftkt>: 6 N. Mlchh;an Ave. Tel. State 6~26 Tt~lrphon.- ............................... Wilmette IHO 8l"ltSf'ftiJ·TJO'S I'RICF. .............. $!.00 A TEAR All communkations must bt' accompanied by the name nnd addr('s~ of tht> wrltt>r. Articles for puhlkntion mu!"t reach thf> f>dltor by V."ednesday noon to ln~urt" appt-:tr:mrP in current lssut>. Rf'~olutions of condolence. card~ '<>f thanks, (·hituary, notirE>s of PntE'rtalnments or other affairs wherf> an ndrnitta ncP charge is published, will be chargt>d at rPcul:lr nih·t-rti~lnJr ratf>s. · If ll.,r,'ll th, ·r,· is t·lll\' "II ·' ·;,·fin/ 1 .-r"t fo lrt't"lr. I '··11.1 s.r \' t/oodl· .,:_ ,,r 1111 \' ,,.t·rd of St 11Tn;,·: l! ur111:rr · st;IJl,'thi"no .··;.-,·t'f '" Jilt" . 111 r tl,·ur · . lrrt! th, ·n f·r,·t,·nd Yr·rt "r,· ,.,,,Jlill.t/ /Jac k /tlJJIIJITn-t,·. -- \VJCKll~. st·lliJlg h<.·gan on Thank~ gi\·ing Day. That i~ jtt~t a~ it ~honld he. fc·r tlll'rl' could hl' tlu tllf·re littino· :-.. time l·l1 which to ·t.eg·in the Cttllt:ctino· t.i tllttll('\' :-.. . Bu)' Plenty of f"r the.: (k~trnrtinn of Chrishnas Seals! tttl·errulo:-;is than the day on which peopl<." an· gatlwred to g-i,·c..· thank~ ior ht"ahh :lll<l prt~:'pt· rit.\·. \\'h<.'n we an· well and happy we..· ~huuld al~o n . .·nwmhc.:r· in a hdpiul \\·:n· t hu~t· w hu an· not i 11 a rond it ion t n he \n·ll and happy. In the hcne\·olt'nt ri\·aln· hct\Yl'c.:n team~ of ~chool c..·hildren :'t'lling- -the~c..· se;tl:-> tlwn· i~ much t·, he comnH'tHI<.·<l. The 111 ·rt h :-.h1·re ha!'\ guud n·a~ons to he..· pr11ttd uf the \\t·rk donl' l·y the pupils of the Jo!"q·h ~c.:ar:' !"Chool in l\enilworth. .fn the percapita ~ail-s cunh·st tlwy an. · national rhampion~. a rl'rord which !'peak~ YnhtnH.·~ for etltl'r pri~e and persistence. Chri~tma~ ~<.·al li;tYl' been u~ht·rl'd iillll ~cn·irl· ... j t lUll : Let ns ket.·p in min <I t h(' fad that the Christmas ~t·al !"ales art· <.·ntireh· in th<.· hand:-; of onr north shon· school~ rhil<lren. ln . hnying- what they han· to nfT<.·r u:- """' shall not only lw {'tH·oura~ing· the childrt·n in the.· t.lning- ,,f a splendid philanthropic \\·Prk. hut \H' :-;hall ht· cluing uur :-;han: tu \\"l'akc..·n tlw attack:- Pi otlt' <·i mankind'.:-. t r' ,n g c..· s t a n d 1,i tt e r c :-; t c 1H ' lll i e ..; . the :')'Cl'ial da:':--t·:-- at \"<.'\\. Trit·r. nut inrludt·<l in tlw gc1H·ral rttttr:-.l.':-., i~ one ~.· all~..·d En~li~h -l.\ .. r Puhlir ~peaking . Thi~ partirnLtr course in Engli:--h \\ · a~ in~titnted at \l'w 'l'ri~..·r ahout :'<.'\"l'll _yl'ar~ ago. and train:-. tlw ~tndenb, tH·t in tlw u]d tlam ht~Y:tllt :-urt of nratt~n · (lr :-t1-calkd · tlont tic;ll, hut in straight-iu-n\·ard. :-.inn·re think ing and spt"akin~. '"~tttdl'nb ~ct·ing· thi~ r11ttr:--c.· li:-.tl·<l amtJng tlw a \·a ilahlt: ruttr:-;c..-:-. i1 n· iuniur:-; and :-;cnior~. (Jitl'rt :o;n)\d and cxclaim·. '\\"hat. ~et up on t l~t: :-.tage an<l make a spcerh? ;\ot me!' Hn.t ii tht·y only kne\\. what intcre~ting-, a~ \\ l'll as instructi\"t..". thing-:-; tht·~l' rlas~cs do. :nul what a pleasure it is to h<.· a student in c ·IW of them, tht· t.·nrullnH·nt \\ ould lw greatly increased." ~nch a nntrs<· gol'S iar t(J\\'ard . . pr()dttring 1.':1:--\· and dlcrti,·e public :-.pl·aker:'. " .\lllung t·· ~oh t" a Yt·xing t'r"ltklll pnt;tininc.: ~twciftt"all.\· t·· "'Cin." tltl' l'<li t··rial r;·lllillc \\"hn ha . . rt·rt·nth· joinnl tlH· "dog \'. at.-!1." L' llcli ... turltt·d . . )unJIH: r dnrinc.: tlw 1hy. ha -. ,,·hich 1·qnippcd our hc.·ro with an ah\l!Hlant t·m·rg\ lwl!ill~ t<' a~..,t·rt it-..di :dlt·llt 12 J>. \1 .. and rontin·u,·-. tmrc.;trainc.·rl until at da\rninl!, . . \nd \\·hat hl· IH'fPl'trat<:!-i durin:.: th,, . . ,. raml.li~l l! IIIOt·d -- j., _iu-..t n· ,j,,,th·\; hn.;mt··.. :-. ( ·a llim.: tlJit·ll fra·nd-. a11cl lll"t!!h hn r ... :.11 2 .\ . \1 ... mit.;llt he mt·IJtionnl a-. an illthtr.ttit·!l in pni11t. \\"halltl cl11, \rhat tu dtt :Meditation .I '· r/11/f',Till,l l·r,·,·l:. . I .drt~,/r fr,·,·. . I .\;II 1/ iII I~ I· i,., 1. .Inti tho~ ;11; ht~· oj tfr,·,·--:() f,', ·.·tfrtln,·.o .' ~I' iII, /1; '. .i (. {/ t. Doggone Funny Tl11.· ma-..tn 1nind-. oi the lora! l'lllbtahular~· f · )' I r··lf, ·,'fu! l,·,r. . ( _,·,·ttil,ri/ srm. ,,,{ rlrlil/111" ,,( th,·, () f. ··n,·frn,·.,·.· .' . 1 still. . .,·,,ft. dt~d· ,.,.,1, ,.,.,.,·.-:.·. ;;;,·,·t'/ r(lt·n:. .·1 (> · /1/t )(IJI, tllld tfl'(tlll!3 () i th,·,· -'"" 1,.,!' r,, . . . ·' . . "' \\"ilm('t tc ·:-.l·lwol childr,·11 under the dirc:r tiou (If an t·xpert in tht' ftt·ld ui huuk-.. i11r d1ildn·n H'Cl'llt h· . told \\.h .,. the:,· Ii ked cer · t:1i11 huuk~ i,,,. rhil drcn. Thl·,· ,,.t·n: th·t Chilclr(,.. Juclgc a~kcd t11 tc.-11 "11'· Children's Books tlt~..·,· didn't lik~..· rl'r tait·, houk:'. That , . . all tllt«krtaking IT:-crn·(l i··r grc·\\.11 - ll}'"' · Tilt· an . . \\· t·r~ ~·i th~..· rhildr~..·n t1.1 thi~ qnc:-ti··n :trl· l·nlig·htl'ning. Thl' childr<.'tl d .. 1111t a~rc..· ~.· :t" tu ju . . t \\. ll\· the,· cnju\· rhildren'-.. "'" 'k~. Hut {t ~l't'tll~· pu:'~fhlt' tu .grottp tlwir :tpj'rn·iatittlh i11to l\Ytt das~t·s. :\l"any ui thclll likt·d tlw :-;turie:-. just hcc:.l tbl' th~..·,· liked tltc...·n1. .\ ... ulll' lit-tll' :'t'l'ulHl gr:tdc..:r . . aid. "I li k td t hi:-; hook lwra nsc it had ~~~ lll:tll\. nin· :-lctt"ll'~ ... ( >tlwr:-. likc..·<l :t ltuuk l,c..·ct\l""l. "it told lut~ ··i thing·~ I did nut klltt\\· ."' \\ho \\·ant:-. t< r he a garbage rollectur? \,,J,, .. h·. \\"hat ho\· un {'Jltc:ring n,Jkge if ;t. ked ·\\·hat lw wantt"d to ht· \\uuld n.·ply, " .\ g·arhage rulkct()r ~-·· A Word for the \ot one. t::~· <.·n if he \\·ere.· a:-ked tt lh· \\·antGarJ,age Collect of t:d 1., ht· a sanitan· cn ·j"inc.Tr it i~ 1111t iikeh· . th;tt ht· \\PUlcl reply \\·ith a dtTi<kd aftirmati\·c.. · . Tu retttrn tP garhagt' rolkcting. \\' t ' 1i11d it alnJ(I:-ot imptr~:-:il.ll' t·· imagine l'\Ttl t h t: 1,. " tJT "t u i =' t \li k n t ~ run ... ~. .· 11 t in g t 11 n d k r t ~ ~ 'ray for Littul W un ! J:il! T<·n c,.nit ·n·: Ir,· c.:rid rc·mPcliti;l,l tnmi n :ttr·d ,,hat " ·a-. or \\:t -.. nnt a hl:tz1· ,,j t.;}tln· la-.t dt ·twndinl! vntir('h llPPil ttllt .-.., '"'int r,i , j, ."·· ~acriltt·ing a tint· ~(·at i11 IJ. ' rlw ..,taditltll. we· i<·in\·d tht' raclin i:ttttih· :;nd Ji,!l·nl·d in upr"l that !Il.tl, ··lc ·n-..h clr:ttll:tt ic ( ~' ·111wr -\\·,,Jn·rin· · cl:t -..h "hich. in it-. n -..ull. 11111-..t han dllil!h,, ·d l.ittnl \\ 1111 oi \J int!l"-.tll:t 111 ~;ttnrda\· '. 1 · ··a rJ,a~>· t· ~ a.- a 111l':tll~ ui \\··rkiw,, ..'· }tj..., \\"a\' . ( J/· f,;·,·/· t hruugh rolkgT. . \nd \l"l g·arhagt· Evening Jr,,{f f1idd.·n 'n,·,JI/r /-" 1!1.-r,·,,/ ,·/.1/uf,· o( l·l!t,·. {,',·fl,·,·titl'l r,r,fi,llll ,·,/,rr.i ,.f 'ill II iart th~· n: j..., nm-..t j, ..... l."ttllt·cted. In llltthing that . . 4, imperatin:ly I l·rifli,rnt. ·l··ru,·ou\" h :tt' . . l! "ith Jr.·,,· tlnd ih,·r,· 11 f··t~t ·h ,./ ,;,.l{ The..- \·alttt.· i11 the:-.\.' apprai:-;als oi hook~ :--t"l'lll"" t·· fllld it-.. ~ottrtT in tht· ~amt· trait that Cltt ... ,·d !l':-tt:-. t., n·g·anl the child a~ tht· tll· ·de: I lm;nan hl'ing. ·.. ~nftl..'r littk childn:n t·· rc ·I Ill· unt11 IJH· and forbid thl'tn not. f-.r ,,j ... urh j .... tlw king·dulll ni ht·an.·n.'· Then· lllll"t l·t· :-umething· in the child that kt·t:]· . . hilll irum rullC('aling hi:-. tnll" opinion. Jtj . . true..· fn:ling. lie ~pt.·ak:-\ ri~ht out. IIi~ lil-: illg-.. an· ~., g·t·nuinc..· as to offer a type ,,f ;tttitudc wdl worth, copying. l i .' ·,u han. · not gi\"l"ll yonr~elf the..· pltasur<: uf rc.·ading th<:~c..· apprcriation~ pnhlishcd }a . . t \\·e.:k in your papers and our~. du so at \·'Ja r si r~t ovportunity. dvnl:llld:- ht"ing l·~tlll·rtt·d :t . . g·arJ,agt· and .. th~..·r . . . ~trt:- tti n·ilt:-t'. llt·alth. that lllt·"t dv:--lr:dd~,.· 11i :tll CCJ!Hiitiuns. dl·pend-.. 1111 the rvgu:ar \."4,]1..-l·tiun ui g·arhagl'. t'tl". \l'x~ to i ltt~rulating· human ltl·ing·:-- \\·ith artin· di:-- c. ·; t ... l' g·l'rlll" thc.:rv j . . . 1111 mun· n·rLtin llH'tlH·d ·.·i l·au~ing· di:--t·a . . e and death th;Lll all··\\·ing garl·agt· t·1 arnmmlate 1ll'ar :L hiJutc . The n·ry \\1·r<l. '"gar!Jage." alm~·~t 111akl· ... c11ll" ::,irk. nl1 t \\. It I ) \\" i II r.., lin: l I t ~ \\ .h () does r II] kct it? . \~ \"l't nu autumatir machine ha:-:. hl'ell dc..·\·is"·d· iur the puqh·:-.1..'. I Iuman being-~ them~eJyc:-; mu:'t do it. .\ man ur t\\·o mn~t <::liT\. it irom th(· J,ark \·ani and <lump it into a \\~agun Pr trurk . . \n-d th<.'n lw mn~t haul ~a \\·ay to an i1irinc.·ratur or a dump j·ik. . . The rullt·ctor h im~d f i~ a ma 11 ·· \nd prohahh· a vt·ry guu<l tnan. lie may even he ,·er·,. fond of g-ood mu~ic and good pictures. :\1 a~,· he in his ll·isnrc hours an atnatcur paiillcr. It is nut unlikely that he thinks oi his work as a valnahlc civic service. Ccrtainh· even· cummunit ,. should he grateful to a· garba~e collector~ who dues his w.o rk l·licl·tn·dy and conscientiously. t I,, I i.· . 1n, 1 .drun l·,·r ,.n th.· I ""'II: 1 ~""' ,· i ul ,·: ·,· n inu 'I 1 · l . 'II I , .. , . 11/ ( I 1 1/ '"I , f ' ' I ,,( Ji. }····r it' ·n· ,·, ·llf,·nt. I ·· liP·t,·r , ·.,.if t :.-ifi,,h,'. ,·, ·ld . ·uti .;r11 .. / :. 111,'1 "t'S . Inti ~·, r' int .· d.rr/n ;,·.,·.,·. ri,·.,· '."if t1 ;.-,: \'. ( lt .l \ l 1...: l ·, t ·· '1 I ' J)umh Like a Fox We'll Wager /P·tl·t ·.:.., pt·····h:·nt i11r ht·fk~tnin~ hi, il lllini In· ,.:trinn-..h· . . ,·kctecl 11icknam··.., (a-.. p..-r the daily pn·~-.. 1. rn·t·aJ:... thl· iat..:l tha! tlH· n:tnH· 11i an out.:.t:ll~tlin" nw' i,· lwro ""a" apnhnl to ntH' ,,j tlw Priddt·r- hn·atbl.". ;t" Zup ~a:d. "TIH'~·'n· both dttml·." 'ft .. ., c·xpbnation rdinT" on<· of tlH· ~u . . picion t 1';tt h· m· ·an t ""lwantiitt1." J~, . h )11-..triPu~ The Suicide Trail ;t,.l.. ..n ...,., '-old of the busi"ess end "f a p:tt and 1!'0 seeking out some of those warrin" loop-invading gangsters? Oh, yes, yes, yes . · . . · nnP. Do .. ~n't ;".,.t ·····r·( ( )r twrhaps. a .;ark oi ·'t·~J.!~... Some of the hoys were pretty good at scatterinR machine ~tm ···· ·.: Pf'f na(ld\· m;n· !'0011 h<· COtlltlt"tll·d \t) oil Up the trustY \\:ar m"uskt·l tor ttsl" on his jourru.·ys cih···o many years ago. I !u. hum. Turkt·Y hn~h. tnd:tl"-(lf il-"l it 1·urkt>Y AAIIP': -MIQUE.

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