November 18, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 21 nWorth·-while" GIFTS at the Evanston Branch of SPAULDING & COMPANY A Specialized Service in Gifts for the Wedding the Anniversary and the great Festtval ot Christmas- the convenience of a netgh borhood shop wtth the resources of a downtown organtzanon. From ID" ·:omes th1~ flnremint L.:alht:r <.o· ·cn·( '·lr LIH· ...ll::-,t ,~O !'<.< lllJft:J 11\ nalt( t Sfc FratKe providt:s some effecrive Gift'i tn Hrnnze and Crystal pl .tnt'\ for the table: ~ r\ ,pongc m the ,t U!llC..Illl humtd(.J[ >ppcr tn.Lkc-= P . ti<:coratl\ c anJ many other charmtnl! novdnts The decorative China ,.,f th.e English potttnes aJwa\·s a weh..omc- _g1tt The ne" J<:sr~ns <111<..1 colonn _g~ nt Ro\·al lJ, )LIJton ha\'<.: an espt:U:lt .tppca .. tor Uf!ar-, or lOl).u.. <.o la.mps fnr the Ltvin, g Room or Buud<)ir are made from <.trsrmcti\ c pice<:~ of China .and Potn~ry. The beautiful hand illumined Jralian Le H th:r 's used m foho'i. T .:t:Lt:r Casc~, Photograph Holders, etc. Thcrl ,, a!\\ .1\..; <. l J rena in Jisrincn\'C \) lur.ll:tc..·r [~ > r IH l mbrdl.t:-, .md B.t~s onL tmJs at '\tMu!Jmr1s. Thc En~lish Zipper Ba_gs this se1son are shown in a \'art<:ty ot sh,l}X"S and stz<:s. Oslrich Le;uhu 'in much in 'Ol!U,., tH,,\ . ~ dS<.:l.l n the ne\\ b.tgs jO,, urhcr ' Jhm::,, m L.i!ht' m . . l The Evanston Shop of.Spaulding & Company is, in the tru<:sr sense of the \\'Ords . A SERVICE BRANCH ON THE NORTH SHORE' tor everv need \Vhtch can be rnet b\' the resources ot our Chtcago Store. SPAlTlDING & COMPANY 1636 Orrtngton Avenue ·EVANSTON CHICAGO ... =--· .--- PARIS