Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Nov 1927, Advertisement

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Non:tuhcr 4, l'J2i WILMETTE LIFE ·······~·············································· WESTMOOR TRAIL tn It vou .Hl' on~· ot t h ~ 11L111 \' l< 1u l-- in g for the c x\.L' p t ion .11 lo( ,1t it) n fu 1 b ll il d i n g .1 b l'.1ll t i f ul h 0 nh . () r \'() ll r O\\·n. no doubt you h,1\' L' lud J11Lt~.·h the s~1l11L' l~ Xpcri~· n c c t h l' ,1 11 H H l I1 t 0 .1<-. lll ,1n \· o tll l' I <-. . · Winnetka \tl ll ) ' ou hJ\'c been rd .ucL1nt t o f Ill 0 IH' \' t h .1 [ '>P'-· nd i <., 0 r d j !1 t hry \\' t'-.h thn· h. 1d ho ugbt t~l·d\' ~..:i·,~und. ' J h ·\· \\'i\h tlh' \' lu d ~P'-' IH J !, \' th \)ll \.1nd m u r l· f(l r l·r,)nt.1 gL ·. L' \ ' l·n .1~ .~ .., !dlfi'-l' il !1 L'(\'\\.H\'. t)f .1 f ~,.· \\' th nu..;. 1nd 1 ;,.,.., [ ,, \:h' IH I upu n tlh· h tl li\ L. l nll'\\ Ol1l' :s 1'. tl W·, .H !d i t i o n .11 I n , 1. t .1 g ~,.· ,H t h L' \t .1 rt . r!J-' '. .111.· 'l imph· tHtt () f lu . h. Somt:o nl: l'"' h,h l~' n :~ . . in L'-' built uptl !l it '-'· ;;l .dl tl'!l dnn? with ample security ior the future. So t hi~ loc.1tion Jdmirably adapts itself ar i1 y r l' q u i r l ' d f o r ~ u tTt L i L' n t g r o u n d or fronLlgl· to ~l'l ofT prup~· rh· th ·: typL' of hou'\c you h,1\ ' 1,' in n1ind PH · C.lU<..c . in the ftr\l plau: . .1 d~.· \ir.1h k loc.nion \\'ith th~.· nn.: l'l)\ ,1r\· t runt .1 g ~. · i \ c x t rL' n1c 1\' h .1 rd t o . It n d . .111 d ~cc~)tlll. if \'OU did ftnd it thl' pri c~.· " ould prob.1hl\' h"· \O ht~h J<., hl n1 .1 k l' i t p rn hi hi t i '·c u r .1t 1~· .1 q u n i u "t if i .1 b 1c. :\ n d y d ~· P u h .1 ~. ~.· t i g h t l\· ,1!1.11\' /l'd < for \ ' OUI'<., l' jf " \\ ' hu \f1 !· nd u /r " l/ O ?· >T h'U ( ~ >r d 1i n r hr1n 't' · tP:l / h(· t < ,n fln t·d ro d n~ull t~ l{ ... "\,, tlJ J.., t '> th ~ fir..,t puint in thl' advan !.1~;\.·, uff cr ~..·d in \\ ' L'~t nh)Or 'frJi l--in \\'~r1ndk.1 . Y() u will h~..· int~,.' rl"\h: J in noting ,,n tlh· j,)ll o win g p.1 gl") . thl..' l.1ndsc.1pc 1nd .Hl httrctur.11 pL1n hv 1\rthur D~.-.1n . a ~~· , l<knt ld \\' inn ·tk.1 . '>bowing .1 most rf l"tt n · w. ~..· o f tbi~.o hl'.lutiful pl1.1l of ground . ,,\I "'\~,. ~,.·p t it HL1lly · loc.1t~:d. ~rhis plan ,lr.H\"11 h ' <i(.1k well illustrJlt'\ this point. \.' ct!tc ~. tlh· " ~,·lhnw rnnm ." No house is nl.l:- tT tl h· .1d1ninin g hnll<.;L' than eighty ~.· , t 111\l<..t (\r tlwm .1n· ninct v frl.'t or more (It 1\l l ' lh High t 0 bL' nL·ighbnrl y J ~d t ril· ,:d lv ..1nd J1t )t \() cln\'-' .1s to be too 1.1m d i.11 :\nd \' ,' t tlwc.;'-' "lntc.;" nr ' 'plots ." .1' \Il l! m.n dll lD \ 1..' to "all tlll'm. with lr,l!il1~...'l" r . 1n ~ in :~ !r o m, .... ) to 2 20 l~.' cr .1rc .n·.1d.1l)k .: t pn c ~.·~.o .1pproxtn1.1t1ng the hund r,d l1'll t ll)t'l .. cl'ic\vhcrr t f cnm l'·H.1l l \.,' tk~ iubilit \' .\ ·1, · to the· pbn. which i~ point number two. 1 \ not her important consideration is the t ypc of homes to be. built 41nd the kind of neighbors you arc going to have. Dollars and cents restrictions mean little or nothing . On a plot of sufficient size, in an a~tistic landscape setting of your own chool)i ng. a type and size of home can be built to meet your particular requirements. It m,1 y be fairly modest in cost and yet fit in with the general landscape and architcctur.ll plan . Restrictions will be reasonable. only such as are for the common . good. Large plots and agreed locations for houses on tl , plots togc.ther with landscaping to bbutify and not to obscure will assure al w Jys a wonderful outlook. AN ARE 1 \ OF PRESENT AND GRQWlNG VALUES 'To dctl'rminc the present type of homes nearby. dri\·e out and look for yourself . Aside fr Hll the small Lum house on this tract ..1nd the one adjpining it to the north, homes within a rJdius of four or fi\'C blocks represent in,·estments or present \\·orth of forty thousand to sixty thous..1nd or more. Get the names of those "'ho li\·e here. l~ ry to buy one of these home~. No "For SJle" 4\igns around here. They arc homes that represent the substlntial-thc permanent-the successful. These are the t hing.r; that make for value - pernwnent. increasing t.'alue. Try to buy some adjoining or nearby vacant. The prices asked for it will quickly assure you that when it does change hands. and is built upon, only fine homes can go in here. And also remember that by virtue of thi~ particular loc"tion, and the plan upon which it is laid out-Westmoor Trial will be a little world all its own. .Just onr thing more-note particularly in the plan on the succeeding pages how little Ltndscaping there is and yet how effecti\'C. No masses of trees here. If you expect a dense forest here, you are doomed to dis~ppointment. Trees? Yes-look in any direction and you have trees for a background. But masses of trees here to obscure~ No! This is open land-open to the sunshine. Everything to pres"·rvc the view. \Ve all lo\'C trees-we w.1nt them. But we also love sunshine and thl' open spaces. Gently sloping to the west -Jppropriatcly named. this is thl' story of \Vestn1oor Trail. \\ ' ll .lt l lli l ~ l ~" .1 :1 '\ \ \ ' .1 \' ·' Ill' t·' . . . ,\ 1t' th\ \llhllrl" tlwr .Hh·.1nt.1 g ~' Jt l )f !t) C.1tion i<> to he , '!l ,'1 t h· nuin hi gh\\' .1\'. t' !,1. l'll F.1r bl'rtl'r nor ~l ) { b,.'l.1U<;1..' it ' ~ 1 '\ll'l'·' l .111 1 \\ .l ,,f .1ll . Jll\ ) f t' 'l·~bi) \~ ·1 ,, h.!\·,: ftr'-.r ' l'n h.n·l· ,1 f" I 1 ·) J1l ,, I :I i l I :noti on l'!T , d \L1tn ~tr~ · ~.· t ' mnr'-· priv.11..·\· Tl' ~..! 1. ' ! .1\\' .l\' !n' m th~.· road from tlw Ill)l<\l' ..·u~~ ~ du\t -tnd \itlh)k\.' and dirt ? l 'o b.n ·c pc:h ~.· . quil..'t - - juq .1 little seclusion ? l~o h~ ,1\L1y - yct not too f.1r~ If ~[ )-- then ..,urcly tbt: mdst dl' sirable locltion \\'ould be t h:H w hie h gi \'l'S you mo~t cf tho~c adv.1nt.1gcs. And yet - in \Vinnctka for property which you b.n·~ f.l vor.1bl y considered a~ ha,·ing some of these advantages. you h.n·c been confronted with paying from $ 1:;. · ooo to $2o.ooo or morc-.1nd Jt most. probably a lot of only one hundred foot frontage. Placing the house you had in mind on this 1 oo foot f rootage with neighbors' houses on .1 like size front.1g"' on either side-you wake up with .1 lung: vour house is. ,lt the h~..·st. going tu he 20 to )O feet from your n~ighbnr's . f\:l)t th.1r vou dislike neighbors: hut the oh.kct of the originJl impulse t Jut sends you ont tnore room .-simply i"n'· then·~ l~.1lk to the friend~ you h.n·c. living in any of the suburbs. l'ake those who have spent thirty. forty. fifty thousand or more for fine homcs-bc.1utif ul homes-they tit:\' .. tl' bl· u n .1 pri\ · .H~,· drive. hut be :.~u..;l· it j.., might\' S\\.l.'l't to he Jblc to gn r.' h. .- d .1 t. ni ~ ht Jnd n o t luvc trJffic roar ~ in :~ lw .1 t 6o per or brJ kcs grinding to .1\'l)id tlw <;nush you .ur alw,1ys ~xpccting. l.il\c " dropping the other shoe." To r edua the hazards of traffrc for your ( h:ldrcn is crrtai nl y one of your f oren1ost con. idaarions. But it il)n't every location th.H pcrmi.t s thi'i cYcn though we .1dmit its desirability. ~rr.1ffic must h.1ve its highways. So. unless there is some i nhrrcnt fJct or tlut pcrm.its a private drive--or rJther something that prohibits a public thoroughf.ue-or a pbn chJmitcly m.1Je in advance. it is rar~ly attJim·d. l" 'hc trJct of land to whtch this article refers. \Vestmoor 'Trail. is on thl' west side of Hibbard Road in \Vinnctk.1--immcdi.Hrlv north of wlut would he. if continued. r"i1e center line \Vl"stnhx'r l\.o.1d (formerly Fig Street) . This tr.1ct le.1ds down to the Community Golf Cnur~c. is p.1"t of the Vilbgc PJrk Systrm on·rlooking the bc.1utiful Skokir \'.1lk\· . Since no bl'nefit would bl' served hv 111.;kin~ a public roadway to or through t lw p.uk Jnd go If course Jt this point, \\'estmoor Trail lends itself to a private .... I, of ............................. ·'· ..... .................. .

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