Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Nov 1927, p. 42

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WILMETTE LIFE News o¥ the North Shore Clubs .Rogers Park Club District Hostess Fony-Six Clubs of Tenth Distrin to Have AII -Day Meeting and Program X. thl· H,·, .! l'ark \\'om;tn's rlnh. iOii !\orth . \~hl.lnd .ln'lllll', rhi r;u..: :l, will hl' IH·· h·:-~ !I· t :h· F edl'r:t t ion "f Clubs 11i th·: '!\·nth C,l llg rt·~ ... il·llal Di:-.trict oi llli ·llt) i .... 'llti . . il·<kration t'OI·l~i:-ts ui i<·rt _ , ,jx dnJ., ir,'tll till· JH·rth l'lld ~ ,j l'hi t';igt·, thl· :-ll~HJrh-, llttrtlt ;tl,,n~ the l:tk ,· !n \\ :ltli-.l·~an a11d ,,, . ..,, ld F11, L:d.. l ·. ~l r .... I Lrr: ~- Cr:111ll. prt .. jlfl'Tlt ~, : \r~ View From Pageant Stage at MacDouJell Colony l'ln Tul'~d:ty, :\on·,· 1 1hn :!ll Tlllt11 di-tl<t:. \\i l ~ ]·l'l "id ·· . llld ;tl : iH· 'illltlliL: ' ;. \\111 l' l ··t" ·lhl t·· tlil' ... ! · lrt , .. ,. : ,, \ \ ll;, \\ 1'.11 :, vtt't·lll\' !...:" ,.,, 1 ,, \i r ... l.uui . . : h, I\ , ·~ l' : -. .·l1d ·. \ .·· ;,rd ntn · itt~ .. ! I I ;,, " ' l' .\. " \ .! : I .. '!. . \\ l d j, ·' l : j ~. : li t , : ; : 1. · ·' : 111 ·' ;I 1 '·, I· ·, ., " 1. l r v. ;1 i ·t r t . ( : j ~) 1\1.., J' l '" · J" ll ~~ k' \\ 11 l ~ II ' ~ - ,~ ··, '· · . i, ,·, :~r, - ,,d , ; t· · lli ··\\ : 1.1! \1-' l.'ln :, i- !>, ··!..' ... ... \ · \r!lll · :,,· P.t \ :\!"'·' -' ' .. ··:· \!r . . l11i.1 1 .. \1....,1,;1, " ::· o~: :·· 1 i. ; ·: , - ,.J, :~ · ! ] . I J · -t. l ! t \ ; ,J I' ;)· ·I ! .. j "i'l': .. ti··· \\it; · , ' ,, r 1 ·,·, ll 't'll, · : t1 1d ·'In: I· 1 dt r:tt j, ., l ' t It .t:td F,,j"' 1: · \,, \lr .. . \\ '11 lia: l' F. J.";tn,·il. tir-1 ' i,·,. pn·-,id<:!!t. I .. I. J·. \\ . l '_ l!Jl · ll l o 1; lllll.L: I' ; ,, ·t':-o'i II! \\ ;; d.h\' \\llli illll' ~ · i r r k 'i 11 a :· t l'! . ·111 ' 1 :!-1·\\'11'·'11 n·:-1· t·r-:-. :o-t.:ulptor~. aiJII l'<llliP ' "-t'r~ t·arh \l':tr =- tndio .. i I;L·tr- arl· producing- " tlr!- ... ,,j ,·ital inq .. ,rrt lw \ \ ' iln1 d te :tlll't· t,, tit<: art ui our t'<>llntn·. lla rhor. la ~t Tul·:-.tl;a y l \'l'lliug iur th\.: Till· oflit.:t·r:-. oi tht· \urth ~h,,r,· ,,·a:-on·~ t~pt·nin~ llll'l'ting ni till· :\nrth ~Ltrl> m\l' ll a:- ... oriation thh \'t·. tr art·: :-:.h . lre ~Lu.· l>o\n·ll ~oril·t \'. Frank \\' . :\lllhlt:r n1 E,·all:-t.:m. prl· . . i.\f r:- . :\lhl'rt I. ( h'lt:-nc.:r ~an· au ini- tknt; ~~ r~. J),,ig-ht C. Orrutt ,,j Ckn · tll \ 'Jtt·, J t· · J,l. l'l'l"'<'IJI. l.nnc !l\·, I:J .,.; j, ~· talk 11.11 t hl \\'ll!'k :tclti l·\·ecl a~. l'lll', ti r . . t ,-in: pn' .. icknt: Cuy ~lt'\\:trt l"l"l'l'\·;tti Prt . . :t l·c,·tllpauinl j,, riH·rk "r J·!' ._ t..dl. :\ . II. . \\ht·rl· thL· \lar - Baill'\' oi \\'innl'tka. sn· .. nd ,.it"t· pre . . i:Jltlll t·_, "rdl·!· ltlll't ht· ' l' lll t , \I r-. ~ l'l't l' rhowu. J) ,,,,t·ll n,Jony pr.,,·jdl'-. idt·al t:ondi- <ll'nt :· ~I ··:-. \\'illiam :-;_ l!r. l\\ 11 oi \\'in fl. !'tl'\l'tl..... l.!li l. ·"nll·lia :1\t' lltH. (' hi t:t~n . . j,,r rn·ati,-,. \\urk. ThrPngh the lll'tka. l'OITl'"lh!IHling :-t..·l'ft·l;tf'_\ : \1 i,, l·ag11. Illlt !.11.- r tha11 F; id:t\. ~~·n·IJI "l l llllllt·r lllt·,nrh-- pol·t~. llll\'t'li ... t . . , paint· ht·r ..:. it , .. ;tllll· ·llllrt·d lbrhara En,·ill oi ~t..·nilw"rt lt. rl·,·o~r d - ~~u) !., \\ .;tltt·J J:r .. \\ n. "l'"". -nhjn·i H .. Ji J,l. "T !t t· ( 're.tti,-,. :-:1·irit 11i ;hi' ·\Jl!t·rit·;,,, l'uhli c." ,,ill addrt·:-o- thl oii~trn""ll ..,,., _ . . iou ;llld \l.trtiu <:r"'··J: .. , 11 1. b:trit,,, ,l., " ill ,ju~. .\JJ llii'Iithl r:- til t···krat' d duJ, . . ;,:·,. .\ Ltn~l· ~r .. np of tH·rth ~hun· :kith ~::ttllerl·t! in thl· l.tlll in II. ~L11·.., ha II :t t lllJ..! 'l'lTlt:tr~: ~~co:·~, · J. Poj·c oi L:,· til ,: (uv. trl ·:t,ttrl·r: \1 r .... . \ rthttr F 1: _ \'11\ : \1 :· Highland :tlld tltv l'.trk. !·tlitllt·it: '!; .til t"Xt'l'lli i\ l' \'1llllll l il1lt ' , ~u-.:tlltlah : \nl t...t r ·lllt! . ·i ( ~k111 1,,. \l r Sidnt·,· F . Bartlttt a.ncl ~1r s. l~ .. l;~nd I · \ \' h i .t ~,-;,r ... Ill ;t II, \\ . i !lilt. I ~-:;, : :\I i ' ... I l t·l I . \lr :-o. Frt·lkrir h \\ Bo,,, .., .11HI \lr -. (:,~rd .. n llat llll: .. \\' iltrtdlt : \Jr ,_ F.bahdh \1 ,·l'n ,· ·· lkath . ll it!h land Pa rk. h:.l·n ih\llrt~t: :\ 1111 1 l1J...: tltt· tfdl ·~: tl1.., I I t:lt ' h~·.t~-d :nt·t·t in~ ir·llll 11· ·r : II .. · ~ ~·: · , . r!uJ,, "ill ;,t. Coming Catholic Club \lr .... l ·. 1'. lk rg :tnd .\l 1:-.. \\·. \li trllt·'l Program Early American ni tl~t· \\·, ,tllall:, rluh 11t \\ 'iln tl·l tt· ;lnd \fr~ . Fr:111!-.lin dd:n ·r-. ,lJid ~Jr ... r.\\\ i . Th,· \Volll:llt ·., l'ath,,Jjc cluh 11i \\'il I. Bird . . ;tll ,,1 til, \\' ·ttl:ln·-- l.ihr:tn lllt"t ll· :til II ltllll"l' " a tit~t · art ... pr. ·grant rlul, 11i Cle lll'lll'. i11r Frida y, \ o~ \'l '!lllH·r 11. at tl ~t· lt.·n J·· .,j :\lr .... .\1~ ll·, _1 . Phillip-., 102.i \li t·: :; !.!:til aY,·lllll'. \1 r .... _1 . ( )'\c.·ill :tnd ,,\1 :·-County Club Conference _l o~ltJI l>m~dk \\ ill a ..... i .. t tit(' hth\t · ~ · . Thursday. November IU dlld t1Jt· j)l'll ~.'Ltlll \\ill lw i11 t·h:tl'!..': · · · j .\ c :onkrl'th:·.: ,,j :ti l cluh.., il! l'P1·l; \1 r., . Frank Thah-. 'I hl' Colonial l'l·riod 111 tinl· arh \\ill 441ld l.akl· l'· ·11Ill ll'.., ' ' ill "l' hl'l<l at t hv hl· tiH' t<·Pir j,, .. th.· ai tl'r n.,Prt. ~rr . . ~tc.-n·JJo- h~~tl'l. ( hi,·. · ~'· 1111 Thu:·:-da,·. ~0\'c.'lllh t · r Ill, at 10 ,,·,·tll~·k in tl;l. \\'altt·r .\1illt·r will rt:,·it'\\ "Hradiord.· . . morning . .-\11 d11i· ,,,,111\'11 arl· inritul lliston· ,Ji Ph·nlntllh l'lautatl .ltl.' . :tnd ~I r:-. ~·rank harn· \\ill n ·\'i n\ "Tht· to ~ilar\· t :,j ... d.~, "· ' :ttt\·rHiing till' liPll"t· of thl· S~nn (~ahk=-." ~fr :'. conit·r,·nn·. tlu · lut tt·lt\'1111, and th· · :\ tll'tht ~-f l'Yl'l' will t\·ad ia papt·r on .t itt·fllPIIII ]l!'tlgl';t ll!. "Ctlh)nial Furni~hing~" and ~1 rs. :\rth~h~. \\'alt\·r \\ ·. :-;,.,. lllour. ... tatt· ur ~~ r ~( illt·n will gi\-l' a rt~ading i rom '.· n .::-icknt ui tlll· lllinoi.., j:t.(kratinn ,,j '·J~ip Van \\'inkk." ~I i~s Patsy Boyl\\', ·Jlll·n· ... CluJ'. .... "ill pH·~ idl·. ~p<:ak .. ston tt·ll of the pionct:rs of Amer· l'r~ at the.· nurning nmit·fl'llrt:s will hl· iran nnt=-it· and ~~ rs. \V. Bcrmin~ham ~~ r~. Charll·-. ~ - Clark. ~~ r:- . ~laud will illustratt· t hi~ talk with ;. ~roup :o;walm Jo:,·an~. ~I r.. . ~lauricl' l.il'ht·r. oi song-s that \\\'rt' popular during tlw and ~I r ... G"·org-t: \\·. Pluntnll'r. Colonial ,,criod. Follo\\ing luncheon. · two mintltl' Jn nhst·r,·;mn· oi children's hook talk~ will ),c gi,·cn on "The Sl.'OJ'l' oi Wt·tk, Miss \\·inifrcd Bri~!ht will gin· till' Ft·dtration and \\"hv Clubs ~~~~~ulrl a short talk on the latt' hooks su;tahle Ht·lorw" 1)\- ~I r.;. Ed\\~ard S. Hailt ,._ as g-ifts for children, having a tat.!t· pn·~idt·nt ,;f Chirago and Cook Cnu n- ni tht·:'c hook:', while on anotlwr tahk tv l·\·dtration oi \\"mlll'll's OrL!ani;a - tht·n· will bt· on exhibition old ston· t~on'-: ~Irs. Harry S. Vaik, prcsidl'llt hooks i nrnishl·d. hy the nH.·mhcrs (;f r,i F<:cll'ration oi Cook l'ounty \\'om - the club. which were Jlopular a gt·nt:n\ t'luhs. arHl ~frs. S. \V. ~{unch. t·ra t inn or two ago. presidt:nt oi Lakl· County Fl·deration of \\'om('n\ rtuh-.. Music h\' the..· The Town club oi \\'ihnettc ga,·c its Phil icon cluh and an address,· .. The annual Hallowe·en party la!\t Saturday. Dan~(·r~ of D<·mocracy," hy Dr. \Vil- The women were dressed in gingham liam H . Boddy, will romplt'tl' tlu: pro- dres~cs and the men wore overalls. A ~rarn . buffet sUJ>()Cr followed the dancing. Central Education Council Skokie Valley D. A. R. Has Departmental Meeting Hears Talk on Biblt? Tlu: (\·ntr:ll (.',,unril .. i ('hill!ht" '" J·: ducati·'ll \\ill It ,Jd it IH·x t llllTting ~:tturtla .'. \,,,\·tnl·cr ~- :1; 10 :3(1 ,,'r!,.ck . .tt tl!l· (\ ·ntr.tl I·Jl':tlt":· l'lul· :· ·~~·Ill- 111 \ 'l ti·l':l~· I , Thi~ Tlln·lit·L~ 1.. ' " l·l· : l ·kpartllll'l1:;t1 ·Jilt' and l·ad1 "i tht· .. l·,·ti.·tt:-, i'rl· - kin dt·rgartt-n. l..:itHkrgan,·n. print:try. it tkriiH.'diatl·. ~tlpl·n·i ."ion, and ll·;tdh'r training, han· arr;uJgt·<l inr in~t·rc . . ting pn·gram:-.. :\ lnnrlwou "ill hl· :-t·nccl at ll JO o'dock, at which the cti~cus -.i.·n ~,·ill ht' "Expl·rinH·ntal Approach to Teacher Tr aining:· ~1 iss Flora Cookt oi tht· Franci~ Parkc.·r ~rlwol and Proi. \\·. H. Burton of the l"ni\·<'r~ity nf Chicago ar\~ atnong thl· stwakers. Thl.' ·m.·ml>t..·r-., oi the.· Sk,·hil· Ya!J , . rhapter ui th<· Daughtn.:- oi thl' A rn,-~· ir:tll Rn·· ·luti<tll !tdd tht· fir ... t tlll'vt in. ,.j tit\· ,·car Ortohl·r 2-l. " ith \1r ){uith B. :-;t.·ip. It wa-. a llllTting ·· llllll'l' tlran u-.n ;d inlt'rot. l>r. \\' ilk :· .,, tllt· 1\.t:Itih' .1rth L' ni1>11 t.:h tlr,· lt 'l>··l, . on "The J:il·k and thl' t\; tti·lll." I !· hdinl·:-o in t,· achinJ..! tlw B ihk aurl rv li~ion in :-rh~Jol ... , ;uul that 1 ·adH :·· ...lt11ttld ht· allo\\'l'd llturl: frn·<llllll t.' ci. · so than thl' pn·sl.' nt law in tl1o.· . . talt' ,,: Illinois ptrlllih. It \\·as not lur~otu·n that thi :' m .>t~:· . t'OIIlllll'IHOratl' . . tlw hattlt· of Yorktn\\: l'ornwa1Ji, smrt:mlen~d to \\'a:-hitt~l · ,. , HTJ Oct,)hc.-r .?3, 17HJ. ,,-ill The Junior Lc.·ag-ttl' Childn·n's tlwa tre i:-. ,·oming to \\'innrtka this y.·ai The \\'ilmt'ltc Canll'll duh is mt.·t.·t - with its winll'r rt·p,·rtoire. The pray, ing Friday, !\o\·l·mht:r 4. at thl· h·)llll' t·i art· to h,· gin·n at th(· Skokie.· srhf)01 ~~ r:-.. \\'. A. Kendrick. U.J~ ( ~n·t·nwood Thl· first \\'ill ht· on \\'l'dtH.· . . dav af,,. ,an·nm·. inr the purpost: oi electing noon, Xon·mha 20, at 4 o'dod~. oflicl·rs for thl· t·nsuing n·ar and to Th<: Juninr ll'a~uc is an organizat j,1n 1 Yision .of ·tht.· hy-law!'. ,·otc upon the· n . l'l·cruitccl t'\'l·n· n·ar irum tlw scasnn':~~ rs. C. D. Ewer will gi\·e an illustratl·d drhutan t cs. l':aiutidat es arc prOJ)osc·l talk on "Ganll·ns in Pictnrt:s," ;uul h~ memhcrs and arc pa,.sed upon hy ~f rs. C. R.. Bixby will speak on "An ·· the board ;mel then servt~ a term oi nuals." .Mrs. B. E. Gage, who wilt be the pr,ogram chairman for 1928, will givt.! a brief account of the plans for the new program. probation, during which time they must attend lectures and classes oi \'arious sorts. lh·mbcrship in tlw league is eagcrJ ..- s~ught and rcga.rd<'d as a real prh·ile~e. Wilmette Garden Club Elects Officers Today Junior League Troupe Is to Perform in Winnetka

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