WILMETTE LIFE · SATIN, CREPE AND SATIN COMPOSE, GEORGETTES, AND CREPES DE CHINE a1--e represented itt atz i1zviti11/! Dress Group at $27.50 ----·------Ytl ll \ 1 " m.n tlt ;__pi)\\' t h.ll l\ ,; . 1 I \. .tJ I ·.. I d \ J" 1 , t' ,. n I > .1 1 1 ' d. I \·r!u P' ' , 11 ' · ·, ,, ' ·.v IJ, ·1 \. 'I . - ------- I~ ,.: -. 1, l ', i :1£. v ~' I ;t · , t' ;· 1111(1 {) . H() I) \ f cJ /) 1 i~ .. u~·: f<t ' i .\ I ll"!' 1:~ ( ~~l~~ I t ( u' r 1 : · ,r~ nfUt' J ·, r '1 2 t 11, ,, , I ' I l 't ~ t'. ' ( a. ( (. (' t ' ··' ·, r, -. · ::1 ..' ,l : ·· . , I· ( / "'· " , (:: ) ·! These dresses are simple in the best n1anner the F cench rnanner which prefer~ a cunning intricacy of line to any amount of trimming. ·rhc n1aterials an· distinctly noll'\\'OrtlL· for qual it). -rhcy ar~ oft~n u~~.:d 1n combination .1nd son1etin1cs in morl' than on~ ~h~1dl· of the same color. T , )l' Qll t \' ·I ( ot l · laf~ Su~<1 eS l· .\l this sam~ pri(1.' yuu will find most cff\.·di""' dr~.· -;..;"·~ for l.'n:mng Wl'.H . charmingly simpk frocks nr n1on· cl.1boratc orh', of "llphisticatcd line~ Featured in thi'i group an· · ITctJs m.tdc bnuff.tnt st yk with b.tck-sW\'f\' ing hemlines. br~1d and sc4uin-trimmcd chlffnn with tJtll·n·d hemlines . and lace and georRrttc combined. hecl~d "·"- ·,, ·.1 b~.lUtifqJ. ~,l LORDs as' a B isi ()I b rt 1 ) \'Cr Jdorned ~ ith :. filigree bu.-kle. ) Tht ·umr richn· 1s dtplh in oaher st~tdt ' modrls .tt $7.-;o. Mt~in Flu~