October 7, l'Ui WILMETTE LIFE zs MONTH I AT R .0 S · E N B E R G ' S 9 2 7 ~ Annit,ersary Sales! ANNIVERSARY SALES Fur Trin1'gs ..J...J.t It :\ n nit ·er.'\U ry Sj>ccial 70x80 All-Wool Blankets, $9.85 blankets that V every wool homemaker will IRGIN $6.95 ~rd. IIHh :\ speci.1l selling of 4 rhllH·tinr dyC'd nd fox . n .H u r ~1! I y n x , C\ d \ l' r twi.,t . opos<;um want. In block plaids of pink, blue, gold, tan, and bvender. Prettily bound in matching satine. Other 4pound do ubI e cot to n blankets of a very good quality, special Anni\·ersary price. only $3.95. · Third Floor sr ripl· .tnd tn \·.rhitr : Llprd .md I1J1t'd . SX .i 11 v.dur "'" . ·Datllask Sets $5.95 Stx 18 -inch n.1pkin~ .tnd .1 () ) x 7 2 inch cloth. $5 . 9) . LUNCHEON SETS Thill.! .. [ U.'O Pieces .... ., Ivory· Tinted ERE Floral Pattern ...... Unusual Values! Bissell's $4. 50 "Standard., C"'arpet Sweepers, $3. I 5 !) .. Pc. are luncheon sets at $5.95 that clearly H demonstrate the value prevalen·t in this Anniversary Sale. 3 2 pieces, with the floral pattern blending beautifully with the ivory-tint. Luncheon Sets, $2.45 'lt't c;: Stafford-Pattern Sets, '$7.95 A.nnit·crsar)· Sales! Console Sets 98c F grten glass, with foottd bow I and candltsticks as pictured. Anniversary special pricing ~t only 98c the Lmrn cr.Hh luncheon 41x41 doth, four 14 1n(h n.lpkin'i . O set. STEMWARE, 40c EA. ~.1ucrr Drugs! Toiletries! goblets. footed tumblers. and ch.lmpJgncs in green diJmond-optic glass. A set m.1dc up from these pieces will br J delight to the North Shore hostess . \\" t'.~t A cluding GLITTERING array of fine stemware, in - Lavoris at 59c Boc.1helli Castile Soap, $1.19 $1.00 Listcrinc. SpHi.ll tJ7c 10c Pcpspdcnt T. P.1stc. 13c 4 Rolls A. P. W. Tissue . ·.. . . . . ... $ 1. 7 ) ) Boxes Kotex, Spcci.ll. 9 8c Cory· s L'Orig. Perf.. . oz. . ........... $1.69 I 2 BJrs Guest Ivory for 48c 2 =ic Lisrerine T. P Jstc .lt 17 c Woodbury's FaciJI Soap. 18c Drugs---First Floor Ronm 1 hird Floor Special! Herz Da.. Beds~ With Regular Fabric Spr., $19.95 Third Floor \\Titlt St>ecial Coil Spt., Nappy Sets $1.25 $26.. 95 I Very speci.tl pricing on these one-flip beds. with cretonne-covered pad and fabric spring. with narrow c o I o r e d bands, blue-red, yellow-blue, etc. F i v ~ pieces in g r a d u a ted s i z e s. Regubr $1.98 Wtst Room- -Third Floor MPORTED sets, .value.