Setltcmbcr 2, J927 WILMETTE LIFE ..... DEEP DOWN IN EVERY HUMAN HEART !Int.· p~1inting . finL'l'Lhing. fine architecture n~ed not sho~t tlwir {<l~t~..·s 1rl.)!)1 £11l· hoU)L'tops. rrh. world 111JY knO\\' the Pt)SSCSSOrS of ~uch di~.,l-LTllJlh·nt r.l\ily .1nd sun:ly. ([1\rt has ,1 \\',1}' of n1arking its lo\'crs \\·ith ,, poi~L· .1nd rL'SL·n·L' th:1t con1es through an insight into sound values. ' J"hl· ll)\'~ ol gl'l1llin~: art 01J~cs r\:r finer leaders. finer builders. fl ltl) inflUL'l1CL' \tr\.·ngthcn<.; the hon1cs of those \\·bo follo\v it. giYing the c.1ln1nL'\\ of h.1L1ncc and proportinn. · r\nd the n1othcrs of those homes .lrl· fith't nH ,thLrs .1nd hdtcr hon1c-builders because of it. (IDccp do\\'11 in \.'\ l'r)' hun1.1n hc,1rt 1"~ till' nl·cd fo:: ,lrt -·-for thL' beauty in art. And this \J)('L'd - h<1rL1SSl'd CL'ntury has csp~:ial ncec~ for its repose and inspiration. CI"I think th.1l ~culptur~ ..1nd p~1inting ha\'C Jn dlcct to teach us n1anncrs, .1nd abolish hurry ." s.1id Ln1crson. People of Evanston and the :'\orrh Shore kno\\' tlw truth of tb('ll.' words. In perhaps I!O other ·-on1nlunity in growing .1\nh?rica i~ then~ a r~<Hiil'r '-1cccptancc of fin.: art. Fine pl·oplc \\'clcon1l' that \\·h~ch for rdlncn1ent. fiBut the true lo\·crs of an ~1rl' practllion('rs .1~ \\'ell as ,1pprcciJtors. or long to hl'. l'hey ~He not content n1crl'ly to insp\.·ct a hanging of dis(usscd p .1intings. 'rlwy \\'Jnt to kno\\' the LL·cbniquc behind fine p1inting. 'I'hcy long to .1pply the bru~h and pl'ncil tlwn1s~·h·~s. to Sl'C \\rhat happens. Each in his o\vn \\'JY \\',1Ill~ to ll·.1rn thl· l'l~'n1cnt.1l ··ho\vs" of Jrt. fi.r\nJ those who thus loYc .1nd pr.1ctic~' .1rc Jnxious th.1t their so:1s and daught(rS learn these things in good Sl'~1~nn. ror ..lpJrt fr0111 tbl: CU}Iur . ll \'J}U(' of SUCh knO\\' }~·dgc. tbl' ability to ~kl·td1 will tn,lkl· a boy J n1on· conYincing talker in any group-he c.1n ~~~\· '-· f~.)rtll to his idt.:·.1s. :\nd the girl \\·ho early kJrns color and fonn \',11u~.·~ \\·ill build ~1 tnorc li\·<1bL· and P'-'nnancnt hon1c for h~·rsdf and her chifdr~.·n. Hnong those \\·ho study Jrt. there hJppL'11<>. 110\\' and then. Olh' \\'ith 111\.)rL' th~1n a C1SU,ll gift. (11'he Sag'-· of t:oncord s.1ys anothlT \\'iSl' thing: .. L\.\.'ry g~nius \\·~1s one~ an an1.1h'ur. .. l{Jph.lcl \\',1S or.lCL' .1n tinic ..1rncd urchin. S.:1rg ·rlt h.1ll tl) study color .1nd dr.1\\'ing . .-\s tlwrl' c1n hL' no syn1phony \\·ithout ,l kno\\' kdg~ of orchl'Str .ltion. so can there be no grl'c1l .1rt ,,·irhout a grounJing in th.: fundatnentals. ([E,·anston .1nd tlh' North Shorl' h .1\'l' long ~1\\',litcd the founding of a s(hool which \\'ould ri\'.11. in the l'Xcdfcncl' of its c.Iuipn1cnt and L.1ctdty. in its opportunities for thorough study and ins~rultion. tih.' L.1n1ou~ Jrt schools of ln\·L· (I'I'ho~L' \\'ho crrhcn .. ;\rn~r ica . THE EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS· Carl Scheffler. Director FALL SESSION SFPTEMBER 6 6)6 (~burch St.. Ev,1nston