August 26. 1927 WILMETTE LIFE Zl Fountain Square-Evanston EnLling Saturday, at 9 P. M. ·ll :J tnake a change it1 \Ve::~ving. A trifling . once every pair of hose they had on hand ~<i _ _.~ .vilCge ot buying the ·sfUck .... and we ch ,· Jrice! The three most desirable \veights. iU: ,(r,~ice chiffon---- combining fineness \Vith t, r· ··.l silk to the four--inch welt---:the quality n (1 ~ i.. t ,_ r. f ,. A Obscr\·c that the colors include a large proportion of the clear grays and the wood tones \vhich have bern assured a strong vogue this fall. E"\1 onheyshin wT aff y ( 'BrOLL'n J ~nusk (()ray J f.cru ('Beige) "Pastel flV...ude Crane ((jray) '-Blonde dloma ('Dark Sand) Sunburst [.venglou.J ((]ray) ..Parchn1ent ('Tan) 'Pearl (~lied. gray) Lark cAfterglow ~-- - ·- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , er" . -I i~ · 'it Floor ~ FALL SHADES, EVERY ONE!