Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jul 1927, p. 3

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July 29, 1927 WILMETTE L{FE 1 3 WILL RE-LET CONTRACT FOR SEWER-WATER JOB Roy S. Spalding Contract Invalidated as Board Takes Action to Finish Work KENILWORTH WEST AREA ___ H_o_m_e_W_e_a_th_er_s_N_i_ne_D_ec_a_de_s_ ___,1 SEEKING IMPROVEMENTS Seclion West of North Western Right-of-Way Also Favors New Through Highway .... I If plans of the West Kenilworth R.uy ~. Spalding ha ~ cea:-L·d tn iuncProperty Owners Improvement assotion as tht contractt)r on the job ni ciation _are realized that section of the in->ta lling the SC\\·c r and \\·ater :-ysttnt rillage is very soon to develop into one itt thL· Wl'St regions oi thL· village in of the most desirahle re sidence areas rut hl'fl u en rc o i a rL' :-0 1uti on l' nact t·cl on the north shore. Thur.;day night, july 21. hy thl' \ 'ilBuilding activity throughout that lag·e buard of h) cal imprn\· ~·ntcnts and area has heen going forward at a pace \\"l1ich provide=- that thl· ,,·ork he tahn in keeping with other sections of the irum tht' ~palcling collCl'rtl. h~:catl:-l' 11i north shore. and 110\Y the property it-- 1-ailure ~n complctl' tht: intprny :· owners there feel that the t ime has llll'll t with in the pres c n he d t i nil·. an cl arrived when all the unpaved street s th~.· cn ntrart re -let to other contrac~lwuld he paved, and petitions to this t< 1r:-. . effect .arc to he presente(l to the Kenil_ J.a,t I hur~.day : - :-.c:-:-1<11\ _ ratttl' a-. ;1 1 ""nrth Yillage bo·a rd. t"ltt P:tx t\1 tne appea l ot prnpL·rt :' This decision was reached at the last ll\\"lll'r" in the tnritory al"fl'rtccl hy t' c ' rep:ular meeting of the Vvest Kenilimp r· IH'lll en t. Thursday en·n i ng , 1i \\"Orth Property Owners Improvement tlJi., \\·eek the hoard ,,·as ttl con\·t·P·· a:-:sociation. a t-. ··ain , rereiYC· fr0m the t'll'TitH't'r ("t; · I · . :-.. Confer With Commissioner ntat~.·, llf thC' ro . . t oi ft)lllp leting tl, .. A committee from the same associa·itht:tllatiun \\":)rk and proceed \\:it 11 ti·)ll also recently called on County th~.· nece--~ary ddails attendant upP'l Commissioner Oscar W. Schmidt, of T\.' -ktting- the cont r act:-. \\·hirh. oi l'·l ttr--t.·. rl'quire" the re-adverti~in~ j,,r The day ~ of n·al pioneering 111 these parts were recalled this \\-eek when it \\fihnette, to again present the Prophitk It is anticipated that a ~upn't ·- I became known that \Vilmette boasts a house built back in 1838, or earlier. erty Owners' unalterable position .favntcn tal as~r-,~tlH: nt will be required tP ' Th~ ahov_ e view of the structure in question shows the old log cabin-for oring the McCormick boulevard ext'· llllpkte t ht? project. which. it i" I that' s \\'hat it i~-effecti,·ely disguis ed in fittings of a modern ena. The struc- tension. so-called, to follow along the lltlpL·d. \\"ill he carried through hef,m· ture is locatl'rl on Rich~t road at the we st extremity of Central avenue. Some west line of the right-of-way of the \vi 11 t~.·r. tht.·n· arc who thinlt. it should be preserved in a ne\\' se tting in \\'<J. shington Chicago and North \Vestern railway. and opposing any proposition contempark (Ill the· lake front. Enact Resolution plating a broad park adjacent to and parallel with the railroad, holding that Tht· resolution adopted by tht.· hoard , the cost of such an improvement would Ill- lt) ( a l improvrments follows: II "\\'h ··t-t · a~. on th·· 21st day of St' plt·llllnad an excessive burden upon the t ... r .. \ . n. 1ft26. a ('On tract was madt and I property owners_ ··llt··n·d into hy and ht> twPf'n tht> Yill agt· 1 · · I The assoctatton contends further, rtr" \\.ilmt·tt··. in th<· County of Cook and :-=tatt· of Tllinni ~. and Roy S. ~palding, : ay In I that the park proposition is not fav,·.,ntrador. for tlH' C'onst ruetion of a sani- I \1 1 -' 0 t tar~- :->·' W t·r ~rst··m of vitrifif'd nipe sewer ' · ~tntp~ atH morl· 01 en~. n-; mus North Shore Communities Joined nrcd by many owners oi property located east of th e North 'V estern rightwi1h hrit'k mn.nhoks in Hancock annuP fldtntt that when th e Altrcd ~C\\-ton T . . . anti nthPI' strec·ts and a\' ·nues in th Bttrnhanb. 1~07 To\\"er road. \\'innet - I ogether as Dtstnct 1 In L)r-\\·ay. Yillagt· of "\Vilml'ttt·, Cook County, Jll.. ka. do a thing. the _ ,. do it well. 1Ja,·- . Fight on Pest It ROints out that such a scheme, if l·Ur:-<uant to an ordinan<'r of the said · Yilhg· · of \\'i lnwtt1·. said improv.·nwnt ing tn"l'f\Hlrked the ht·alth departlllL'llt : further persisted in, will indefinitely tr: , ..,nform to th·· ordinan C'r · and tlw "m ump <' ~ign " ·!tile till' _j,.w ... of ~[r :;. \"l'\\" Trier communitil':; and areas clefer other much needed improvement 1 ·1 ,Jan:-< and ~p(·dfications on fil e in the }J I 'I .. ··til····~ of tlw pn·sident of the Board of Jllrtl tam. 1· Ort' llCL'. \\tHis. at~d Anti to th e \\-es t han' been joined together in the wes t area. : ,. . L·wal Tmpnm ·nwn t~ and ··ngineer, which expanded and reredl'd. the fan11ly 110\\ .· l . _ D' . . l · h r·nlinanc<'. with tlw p..tition and as~ess - sees fit tn again hang nut its slt ing1 .' \\ tt 1 1· ' dtbton <l:btrtct 111 t e ,. lllt·llt hast ·<l th··I"HI Il, was duly eonfirmed f t . t 'd tl 1 I in th .. Count,· ··nurt of Cook countv in or th<.: _young~';t. JanL'. \\"lll) i~ ~tndcr lll'\\"l" calllt>atg·n 1'1 te sn Htr ).an pt·.. ······dings known a~ "\Yilnwttfl Rpt·dal ohservattOJL I he se lllO<krn duldr··n area' of Chicago of the tllOS(!tlltO ' _\ ~:'··!'S ill l'llt Xo. 1";:i: whkh said C'Oiltra<'t . t 't 1 I f . r Jll't·,·ict·-d, among· oth er thing-R, that R:lid Jlh won >l' e t out. nut:-allrl' . .~f o reov r r. tlt e Burnham's wor :-.t t·ne rnitial action under the unified ! ,,., ,rk ~ hall h(· commenced on or before «1.-t·tllt"t· 1 A . P. l!l~li. and ~hall pt·og-ress llltes could not an:use them of being k ·I . Jule s Biannucci, chief clerk and . · t (·tTup t <' d 1Y, un 1ess it ungencrou:; and keeptng · . · 'r 1 1l'li1L' \\" t 11 s t art 11 r x t \\" e e · w tt 1 a r· ·gu I ar I r am1 untn thtntT~ tn . . , . ~hall he· otherwise ordered by the Board r-1 f t t I timekeeper at the Chicago and North .,f local improvf'mt:·nts of said Villag·e, ~helll~l'ln· ~. Some time ago. ~[r ~. 111 t'l'ltng " 1 ·· ,·an :; ton o rcpresen a 1\·es V\' estern railway station, picked off a :~nd shall he \vholly <'ompleted on or be- Burnham wa s looking forward tu a of ;,11 of the north slwre. ~ i nt.:e the pass Tuesday of this week and hied for·· .Junf' 1, ..\. n. 1!127; and also further t · -t wt'tl 1 1 · mos- him:::elf to Iron Mountain, Mich _ , lll'·)\"irled that if, in any eve nt said con- -·till'. 1 ong vtst ll'r 1 >rot 1 H'r anc1 pa _sage o f t 1 te new state 1 aw. SIX tranor shall fail to proceed with said " -ife. who were stopping in 'Yinnt.'tka nuit(l abatement di:.-;tricts were estab- where he proceeded, on \Vednesday, , -o rl;: in ae<'ordanC'e with the requirements nn their wav from Australia t0 Ru.;sia . 1i·dtt'd tcl\tati,·cly hy the committee on , to claim the hand of Miss Margaret and t·onditionR of Raid contract and of "". · · · · 1 ~a id ordinan<"e, original specifications, no'ttcmg the strange maladv \\·hich had plans called by the Gorgas 11 emorta Ro~s. a school day acquaintance. plrtn:-> and profileR, th en the said Board so distorted the faces ::1f all the Burn - in"titute, an end0wed organization in All of this was most perturbing to --.of lo('al ·improvemr nts shall ha\'c full ham family with the exception of Carol Chicago for advising in matters conHerbie and Joe, baggage men de luxe. rhdtt and authority to take said work out Lou and Mr. Btlrttllatll, tlte l>rotll " r,f til<' h<Ul-£}s of f{aid contractor and to '- r ,·lttcl r<·r.ninn..., tmhlic health _ who all this time were laboring under ··muln~- other worknwn to complHe tlw si. ter found urgent hu-;inrs:-; \\"hich . The District 1 section extends from the impression that J ulcs' peculiar acunfinblwd f)ortion of said work, and to after one evening. took them on their H0\\·arcl street north to the county line tions in recent weeks were the symit·du··t tlw t>Xpt> nses and cost thl'reof from :111 y pHyment that may . be du e and owway. preferring sm·it't Russia tn ancl \H'St from the lake front to ~fil- tnm s of measles or some similar aning to said eontractor on account of said mump-riclden \\Tinnctka. F.videnth· wauke<.· a\"Cnttenoying ailment. ""'"'"· or to re-let ] · gooc1 wor k· tra<·tors; and . the same to other con- tl le B urn1ams got · Ill t 1 H .' tr Be -"-HlS<' certain preliminar~· steps Jules and his bride will settle down Contractor Falls in the one evening at their dispn.;;tf . are neC'essarv before the actual opera··Wht'r(·M;. aftrr the exrcution of said for this week Mrs . Burnham rcC'e·,-,.cl tion of mosciuito abatement under the in a cozy vine-clad cottage at 424 <·nntt·act tht> Raid contra<'tor (·ntf'red up- a letter from her hrothe.r. \vritten J·ust Ill'\\" Ia,,·, a ttte·'tt'tw has been called Prairie avenue upon their return to on tht' performance of the work in pursu' l"""> \Yilmette this week-end, and Herbie ant··· to said C'ontract, hut has fail<'d to he'fore reaching France. and C(llltainitll! at the office of John Hahn, Inc .. in Evand Joe will be much iti evidence JH'·wt···d with said work in accordance a frantic post~script. to the effect th :1t anston. whe'n the customary cigar passing with tlw re(juir(·ments and conditions of 1 · · f 1 d · 1 said agret:'ment and of said ordinancP, ,,s " "1 e la JUSt come c 0\\'11 with tlw .-\rthur ( ·. Stringer. secretary of the gets under way. orh~· inal spedfieations, plans and pro- Burnham mumps. Gorgas ~[emorial. is a resident of the fil~.;,;l~t~r~nR. thf· tim t> R})eclfit>d in snid north shore. now li_ving in Glencoe. Construct New Residence r·nntra<'t for the complf'tion of said work W. C. SHURTLEFF ILL ha::: expir('d, and said contractor has W. C Snurtlcff of 815 Lake a\·enm·. TWO FIRE ALARMS Acres Area in Glen ahandonrd the said contract and the do- who left for the \Vest a few \\·erks Two calls were answered by the \ViiJoseph Zander, of the ·Zander Coning- of uw work thereundt>r. without the k 'II · s n· fa.ult. permisl'lion or consent of said Vil- ago, was ta en 1 ttl ~an tcgo on 1ae·.... and July 8, and has been obliged to canrel mette fire department on Tuesday of struction company, of Glenview, is "\\"ht>rt'as. it is necessary to .complete his ' plans for the rest of the trip. this week. Partially hurned fuel which building a five-room brick bungalow tht> work in accordanct> with the pro- His daturhter, Mrs. ·Munroe Cole, has had dropped into the ash pit of a fire- type house .at Glen Oak Acres for Yi!':inns of said contract ordinance, origplaC'r at 823 Central avenue and had Joseph Deffner of Chicago, who exinal specification~. J1lanl'l and profiles, left for San Diego, and witt accompany become ignited alarmed the residents pects to occttl)y it as his home. thr>··t>fore be it her father home as soon as he is able and occasioved the first run. A little The building is being erected at a "Rl'solved, that thf' st~ id work he taken to com c. nut 0f the h::~nds of ·thP sr~id Roy S. later in the dav. the fin·men were cost of about $10,000 and is in keeping Spalding, contractor. and that the unfinished portions of the said work be re- board (tht>re ht'ing· no puhlk eng·int:t>r of called out to aid the distressed owner with the many other pretty homes lt't tr· otlwr codtrnctors )mrsuflnt to the !';aid Villag-f') prepart:' and submit an es- of a steam automobile which had be- which are rapidly dotting this section. tt:'rms of said <·ontraC't and the statute timat~:> to this board of the cost of the come erratic and \Yas carrying too great G. H . Jacobson· and company, of. 803 in !'lueh <'asf' made and provided; and be completion of said work in accordan<'e a head of steam for safety_ ~o damage I "R;dge road, \Vilmette, sold the lot to it t'11rthc:>r with the said contract and the ordinance I ).{ r. Deffner. "Resolved that the president of this, UJ)On which the said contra<'t is basl'ri." was sustained in either case. 1 I' t · j 1 Burnham M ump Rage LAY Takes Hold on Kin W O ver p arzs I BATTLE PLANS -- E IN WAR ON SKEE T R ° J u /es Puts Over a Swift One on Herbie and Joe 1 Oak

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