2 WILMETTE LIFE I July 29, 1W.7 Old-Fashioned Snakebite Luxurloutly we 4oat from port to from gay, congenial houeeparty ··· aboard the dream York ship of cruises, the Emprm Dec. 2 of Australia. We motor and ~fuWonc:Jao Belt dine and poke about in strange, o/ the World" fascinating lands ··· Step lively at the ' ultra .. modem Medite~ nean resorts ··· Dream over classic ruins, cathedrals, costumes and cu... toms, kaleidoscopic landscapes. 21 countries, 133 glorious, care.. free days. LD New 'Halt Enrollment Re~~dy Sc~red .by Exp~rt for C~ M. T. Camps; VacattOntsts gomg mto reg1ons 0 versu bscrt·b ed where they are likely to encounter po"···· CRUISE dangerous snakes are warned to provide themselves with a supply of I modern snakebite serum instead of ' "old-fashioned snakebite remedy" sold by bootleggers. The warning comes from the Field M useum of Natural History, Chicago, which has received requests for advice on this subject. Karl P. Schmidt, assistant curator of reptiles at the museum, who has conducted a number of expeditions to q>tlect poisonous I snakes for the institution, declares \vhisky drinking as a remedy for ·nakebite only increases the danger. 1 A rare travel opportunity-find out about ltl <;ee detail.t at once from )'OUr local aceamship ai'enc, or write R. S. Elworthy, Steamship General Agtnt, 71 E J.1ekson Blvd., Chicago, Ill., Tel. Wabash 1904. Canadian'Pacific World's Greatest Travel System Pacific E~~r·ss Trov·ll·n Cat··s-Good Ca~ Ct~reaJin tu World Or1.r One of the.best ad-vertisements for Bowman's Milk was dictated by a 3-year old: PHON· E· WILMETIE55 Active enrotlment for the Citizenst Military Training Camps of Tllinoi~. Michigan and Wisconsin has bef.n closed. The camps are oversubscribed. Major General William Lassiter. commanding the Sixth Corps Area. cxpressed his thanks and -congratulation :; to atl member~ of the enrollment forces for their efficient work. "This marks the conclusion of the mo st suece$sful season in the hi story d the Sixth Corps Area," said the General. He further stated that there are no·.,· in training at Jefferson Barrack =-.· \f·). 1.776; at Camp Custer, Mich .. 1.104. and at Camp McCoy. \Vi~ .. 206 C. ~f. T . C. students. Miss Alice Huggitt of ) anesvillc, · Sufficient application~ have been r eWis., is the guest of her uncle and n:in·<l at Cnnh .\rt'a l'f'rHI(Jua··ter-.. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Cumberland and accepted tn ithtlrt' that Fort ShHiof 119 Fifth street. ~ clan, Ill.. Fort Brad,·, ~1ich . , and the Wiscon sin quota fo~ Fort Snelling. Minn., \\·ill he filled to ca})'acity. See daily papers for com41 While I feel vcrv much elated at plete program of this week's the ".t1-ccess of the C. M. 1'. C. enrollperformances and artists at ment this year," continued General Lassiter, "I regret exceedingly that ::o Ravinia Opera. many finr young- men arc di sappoint ecl because they sent in thL·ir application~ too late and there \\'l'fl' not ,·arancic;; for all who applied." "Never hrforc in the his tor\· <,f t ht' C. M. T . C. movement." added the General. "has the vouth of the entire cr,·~ntry submitted. :;o many appli~a tions to attend camps . Congres. made provision to train 35,000 C. M. T. C. students this summer. vet on Tuh· 10 a total of 54,982 applications h~d i><·en rccci \'cd . To t h t' pre~~ · 'i t hi~ l' orp-.. area. hoth citv and cnuntn·. T ietl v<:n much indebt~d for their . i ntere~t an~l their support, without which thi" splendid accomplishment in aid or good citizcn~hip and National Dei<· n-..(· ,,·ould not he possihle." 1 ~ ' l .. I I Mentors Look Forward to N. U. Coach School Prep sc hool and college coach('.; from all O\'er the countn· arr ·makin)! application to attend the· trn day ~um mer coaching- ~chool to he conducted at Northwestern university Augu :- t li to 27. Courses in football , ba sketball and swimming arr to hr offc·recl in the sc hool. "M..m ..m, but that's good," he said. Wilmette Youth Injured When Car Turns Turtle \\' illialll \\.o od. XJl Central a\ en;tt·. \\'ilmettc: \\'as ~e riou:-;ly injured . . ]l(lrtly after midnight \\'cdnt:sday \\·hen a car in which he wa~ a pa~=-cnger nHrturned at the \Yilmctte avenu(' and Glenview road curve. T. A. Ktnne<h·. 1803 {hicago avenue, .Evanston. w;~~ the driver of the machinL' . \Voocl \\·a, pinned under the car. He was taken to the Evanston hospital hy the \Yil mcttr police in an uncothciou~ condi tion. Mrs. F. E. Davenport of 404 Gr(·gor~· avenue has as her' house-guest her cousin, Mrs. Carl W. Wangerien of Okmulgee, Okla., for two weeks. AWNINGS · ~O'f/~l,:JJ!I Made ot fabrtc!l durable. Colors strongest and .1 ,.., I' DAJ~lY CJ,).J .r-A·.. ....\ ... , CHICAGO and SUBURBS' brilliant !Lnd lasting. Best of Workmanship and most improved galvanized hardware used. Call us for es· tl m a t e s a.n1iM~ booklet. J1111111111111 R. Hanisch Sons Co. Est. 1858 1!0·1!7 N. Halsted St. Phone llonroe 0554·5 · I