Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jul 1927, p. 38

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38 WILMETTE 41 L·IF E FOR RENT-ROOMS July 29, 1927 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · -General N otrce 15 eents RQt eS- papers. Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents 'of the district from Evanston to Glencoe tndustve whose namA'! appear In the telephone directory, or who are t'egular subscribers to p,ithPr WILMF.'T"rE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. ' ' a line in one pap~r. 26 cents a. line in any two cents a line m all three papers. MINUIUM CHARGE uO cents. A \·erage of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% tUscou n t on .nil cash with order ad vertlsements wllen brought to our omce nt 1222 Central ~"e., Wilmette, or i6t Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. I :w FOR REXT -- FUR~ISHED BEDroom, kitchen and private bath. $35.00 per month. Also, garage space near \\'alnut and 17th St. Ph. Wil. 824-W. 41LTN44-ltc 1\. E. GLENCOE; ON LARGE 1..0'1'; ~ bedrooms and slt>eping porch, bath off mast~et· bedroom, black and whitt> tile ROO:\I FOR ONE OR TWO YOUNG Judi bathroom, marbe lized sun porch m e n in home where there are a number and bn-·akfal-i t room, antiqued green. of cong·t·nial young people. Available Larg·t· li\·ing room, dining roon! and Aug. 2nd. Breakfast. Refe rences. 1046 hall, antiqu ed parchment color. Kitchen Lindt·n .-\ ve. Wil. 2699. 41L43-2tc has Ft·igidaire and elec. fan, heateu LJ:r hrJt v;&Jer, automatic wate r . heu.te r, FOR HEXT l<'URXISHED ROO~[ I~ 2 <.:a r g arag,·, lrLndst:aped . \V ·J nde rful East ~ide hom e. Conv. to all trans p(Jr,·;tlu c· at $35,000. . ta tion. Business man only. Wil. 1091. 41LH-ltp & cKendry Georgian Colonial Brick Veneer Crosl)\· 11 Deadll.ne foe I nsertions-Classifted cepted up advertisements will be acto Wednesday 5 o'clock tor the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. ('J~XTlL\L HOTl<;L-- LIGHT OUTSIJ)E rooms for transient s and n·sidt·nts. ti2!t ~l n iu ~tr et> t. Pho1w \Vilm e tte 1080. 41LT-l,4-t fc Winn c· tk n ~~ ·J::2 S2LTX lJ-ltc BRICI'- BUNG:\LOvY FOH ---------------------------------------------------------------------10 DRESS::\L\KTXG ,\T 110::\lE OR 131 THE .da~· . :\lr~. Fn·d Kludy. Tl'l. Wil. 3!1!)7. 10L44-ltc 16 Sr "'LE~ ~ - \. ·J S1V1 r £N 1 1:\T VY ANTED REXT L .\JH~I ·.i FCP..NfSHED 3 BLOCKS FROM ST£"<;:\1\'1 .:\XD ~OHTfl rootn with larg·e alcoY· ·. six windo\oL Shor e Ji ne ; 6 rooms, a lwd rooms on 'j',,.o nr t ht'o 't' IH·rs nns. Ph()J1t' Wil. 1271. ftr~t floor; tile flo or hath; h . w. heat: h t·H(('U ~Uil I'IH )Ill; O)ll'll h a('];: po r c h ; 41L44-tfc h ea \'il\· \\·oodt·d lot 50x21 t() ; gara.~e; Hfi,GOn. (>w n Pr anxious t o se>ll. \Viii FOH HEX'!' -- FliRXJSHED H OO ~[ I~ pri\·Htt· honw . (' lost· to tran :-;portati o n . make e3.SY terms. Sing-I t> g-entkman on l:-.·. Phone \Vii. 1!16- ,,.. -IlL 14 - tfc LOANS ::\lEX \VllO AilE \VELL ACQUAINT' t· rl \Yilh th E> N'orth Shore and who are d (·s irous of c nt c rin~ the real estate business. Edd1ngton & ldlcn ·11 · TU FOR SALE OR RENT-S Rl\1. HOUSE w es t side location. I Charles H. Brethold 1st and 2nd l\Iortgages INSURANCE 545 ~lain St., Wilmette Tel. 16LH-tfl· 6:11 ~~ l'ETS L' FINJ·~ST D'"" I·'OR A CHILD'~ W.\XTEJ> COUPLE, WHITE EXP. TH £J · V\...f .:J ~\l<tJl hOUS te and v·:u·de n, WifC COOk · c oc k e r s' pame · 1· Be auti~~'ul .., pet 1s a · L a nd maid. R ef. r equired. State salary. ·black and whit e, also brown and Wimwtka 1:109. :\-tLTNH-ltc white pups. Dam,· Peggy's Lady Patstc. Sire, Champion Mission Elkhart. 892 !HI SI'I'UA'l'ION WTD.-l'E~lALE Y ernon An·., Glencoe. 22LTN44-tfc I~LDERLY WOMAN W A~T~ POSITION PEKINGESE PUPPIES PEDIGREED. as houst·k ee pe r, cook, or <.:a r e of inTiny R ed s Home RaisE>d. R ea s. 2224 N. ,.,tlid lady or child. B est of ref. AdLa ('roHs~ A \'e., Chicago. B e lmont 5383. dr t"ss Mrs. Anna Hirtz l, 2054 .Mont22LTN44-1tp ro Rt· A vt·., f'hicago. T el. Ra vc nswood 36LT44-ltp 825 1i. FOR SALE VERY FINE PEDIGREED police puppi es, males $30, female $15. :1 OPT-OI·'-TOWN WOl\fFJ~. WITH \Vii. 2172. 22LTNH-ltc Austin and Winn etka refe r e n ces, as housl·k eep e r, cook, 2nd maid, nurse , or EVAKSTON' HUMANE SOCIETY HAS a<·c·ommodator. Austin 0578. several good dogs to give away. Call 36LTNH-ltc Univ. 1U52. 22LTN 44-ltc ,-,-J-f-.J__('_.\_R_B_F_O_R_,_C_f_ll_L_D_R_E_N_A_F_·-l,-E-R4 4 SERVICE BUREAU noun::; or eyenings or by hour. For apELITE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE pointme nt C"a ll UniYt-rsity ~H42- W. for reliable household help. . Special dept. 36L4 ·1-1tc for nurse s and governesses. Ill. W. A. -~-r--r. -\\-,-'1-,l>.- --,.·-E-R_'l:_ ' _<_ ~_O_M_P_E_T_E-.,.~~ T-T Club Bldg. Suite 619, 111 E. Pearson ntairl . g·t·twnd houst- work. Go home St. SunE>rior 7482. 25LTN42-4tp nights. Tt·l. t.n·etl. 1521. 36LTN44-ltc lll~L l, WA:N'rJ~n-FEliALE 3! WAXTET> --\VASHI~G. JROXI~G AND (' h··a ning· by the d~Y. by Swedish womGIRLS SEEKING A PROFESSION, a 11 . Tl'l. Wi I. 481. 36L44-ltp here is your opportunity for an interesting line of work. Telephone work is a v e ry desirable occupation and you LAUXDHY \VORK, ALL DAY OR half day . nood rt-fE>re nces. Call Wil. have the advantage of working near 771 . 36L'l'N44-ltp home. "We provide a vacation with pay e ach y ear. Also, a liberal benefit IRONING plan , pleasant associates and sur- \\- ANTED WASHING AXD to take hom e·. Tt·l. \Vii. 1642. 36LT44-lttroundings. ·If you are interested, come in and look over the office and have a personal interview with the chief oper- (; Kr\EHAL HOUSE:i\TAID, SEHYINC, E> tc. Winn . 2256. ator at 7~5 12th St., Wilmette. 36LTN44-ltp 32L44-tfc ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SI1'UATION WTD.-lfALE W A~TED -- YOUNG WOMAN TO AC'£ YOU!':(} COLORED ~JAN', EXPERIas Secretary of Wilmette Chamber of encPd in cluh and hote l work, d esires Commerce. Experienced in this work preferable. Must be able to handle po~ition In C'lul.J, hotel, or private home. ~orth Shore r<>fs. ('all Glencoe 251. credit ratings and general detail work. LTN _1te 37 44 Apply by letter only to E. B. Knudtson, First ~ational Bank of Wilmette 32LTN44-ltc FILIPIXO BOY WANTS TO DRIVE party going to Nt'W York. Experienced ehauffeur. North Shore refers. Phone GIRLS WANTED T0 LEARN PRESS ... Winn. 8. 37L1,N'44-ltp ing faney dresses. Call 899 Linden Ave. A. W. Ze ngl er. Tel. \Vinnetka 307. 32LTN44-ltc HOUSECLEANING, \VINDOW WASHing, lawn and gard<>n work. Tel. Wilnwtte 3428. 37L44-3tc "~ AXTED GIRL OR WOMAN TO CARE for two childre n and do light housework. Address Wilmette Life B-396. RIT. AS GARDJ~NEH., YARD MAN, OR 32LTN44-ltp chauffeur. Ph. Kenwood 4674. ---------------37LTN44-ltp "WHITE GIRL FOR GENEfiAL HOUSEwork, for a weeks. Perman. position ('HAUF'FEUR WANTS POSITION, after Sept. 15 if competent. Winn. 2254. win do other work. Good refs. Box 32LT44-ltc 204. Kenilworth. 37LTN44-ltp \ -~\LUE Wil. 3740 ' L .\H<:F: LH:JIT \\"I~LL FURXTSHED Between Wilmette & K e nUworth room , nt· ar laiH'. transportation. \\' inn . IS THJ~ .\TTHA('TJ\'E (i IUT. HOuSE ~3LTN4:1-2tc 15 1:1. 41LTK H-lt c with H . " ·· l f-t. oil hunw r; 2 fin ·placcs; ~~~~~~~~~~~~ si p. pt:ll. ; :; un aud brt·akfast rms. ; 1 r·ar g·;tragt · all in ::;plt: ndiu condition. :l ~ II t:J, I' W A X'U:D-~T ALE & FEl\IALE FOH JU·:XT l u \ HOE R00:\l \\' TTl I l' ln~t·l ; t \\'ill hC·lb . \\' in n Ptka 1!\2fl. Lg-t·. WOI Hlo ·d lot i 1\ n)l( · n eig-h lwrhood.. 'I'J litE I·~ ~Jitj~ OR WO:\f.P;K HOUSg TO 41LTN44-ltc $2'1,500. houst · (';t n\·assing for Shrubbe ry. Commissi o n. l in K e nilworth, Wilme tte and Xf( 'ELY Fl RN'ISJTED ROOM F O H 2 \Vim~t:: tka . Addr(·ss \Vilmette Lifo BpPo pl,·, g·arag·t' spa<·(· if d esired. Phone Jl~·l \o\' ilrnl'lt ·· .-\n:. P.hone Wil. 640 :~8!1. . 34LTN44-ltc V.' il. 77\i::\L · .: ,. 41LTNH-tfc . 52 LH -1 t<· lGO ;~ Sheridan Rd . DILLS H.E1 \L'fY CO. 11E:'\T -- F U RXJSHEO R00::\1 fX pri nttt· t·asl ' s id e h o mo· . ('o nv en'i,·nt tran s. Phon e "\Vii. !l76. 41IA4-ltc 41 Ll Lind F.xduslve Agents A \'1' . End of " L " Wil. I'll - I"' 52l.A-1-ltl' RE.\L F. Colcn1an Duh·ougbs & Co. \\.H\T Pi\Y REi\1' FOTI T:E~T F1J ..R'TISI1ED ' ' ~. ·' ' . R'""O~r V ,_, ' n t-a r tra.nsJlOrtation. 63:1 Park Ave. v.-~r.:fl" r m""l ' 1 41 t . ..)lu . 4· · " · ... -ltc \'l·~RY PESJR.-\BLE 2 1100::\[ KIT('JIEX e ttt> apt. Snuth E'X i)Osun·, all mod(·rn c·on\'. 1 hlocl< to trn.ns. Occupancy Aug-ust 1. Tt·l. \Vilm e tt «' 2174 or Win ltPtka 11\ -I S. 4:2LT~H-llc $1:;11 1; 1\.ES YOP POSSJ>jS!SfOX OF .\ g·oH JU n··w .J ronm Colonial, 6% interes t o11 Lalallt:t! with nionthly payme nts. (lJH.:- half or JQon· {-;'(H.' S to credit on prill(' ip a l, for 11~.! % additional we will c lea t YOUl' hulll e in r·ase of d t·alh . ·' onw in ;tnd It-t us (.:X J}lain this to you. F. lf. G:\TllERCC).\L Phone Wil. 22:52LH-1tc FOH REXT -l ROO::\! FLAT 0~ rn.t·:\T ~tr eP t. Highland Parle Pri<'P $:10.00 JW!' month . ('all Gl('n<·of· ::Rf., <'I fl t' r 6 p. m. or Sunda~·s . -l 2LTN' 41-lt c FOR RENT-2 ROOM KITCHENETTJ·: apartment, steam h e at, jnnitor ~ervil'P . near transportation. Ca 11 Wil mPt t r· S JL\1~ ..., IL\THK, 2 PORCHE~; H. ". oil burner: ~ car g·arag-e : nt·ar Ltl<o· and 1ROO. 42LT~H-tf <· t ra nsp . ; ~r ll ht·low $30,000. FOR RE:-.11' _ A PA RT:\TENTS , FUR.:\lcC~UIRE nish ed and unfurnished, all sizes; Winn etka 67:.! H eated . Phon e Wil. 2399. 52L1'1': 4-l-lt <..: 42LT:\ -14- t f <· T)ESIH..:\BLl~ IICYl\tii-. \ VINNETI(i& OH.l ., Fl FOrt - :\TOD . 7 ROO:\T ('OI'Xhomt· . Ga~. f'lc·d ril' and hath ; 1 ::t('rt' of g-round. 10 minut e~ drin· from Wil. Hnd \Vinm·tk<t. \Vii. 2706 and ~67;) . 41LTXH-lt<· tr~ · lli-~~T >I{ ~ . \I . E -- ATTIL\<'TIVE f: H.OO:\ stw·cn. h,·,.;t X . F:. lo,.nlion, 11ewly dec ()1'<\tl·ll a:1d itt t:X. t·on d ., sun a nd sleep i ng port: hl'.s, bt flour Ia \' ., gas h eat g·a r .. fllll' \\'oodcd lot. Hargai n *2:~.000 FHO~f 0\V~En, CHEERY R R00::\1 housC'. Will put in g-oorl condition for right party , on long· l P ll~E· . PhonE> \Vilm e tt P 4014 . 44LT~ H-ltc ~· W l.indt·n An'. Phc·n e Wi I. fi ~ 52L44-ltc )JODER~ G ROOM HOFSE AXD GARA(;E .-\T 418 ·~toodlawn AYe., Glt-JWOl'. F<w informa. <"all GlenC'ot· 220. 44LTNH - ltc 4;; ll TlOOM FRAME, ENGLIST style, 1 hath and. sun parlor. Oil burn ~r. Lot 50xl87. B eautifully landscap ed Xt·ar sl'hools, surroundl·d hy n e w, high class honws. This is offt·rt-d for tiJi ck ~aiL· at $1!'\,!)00. ('all Winn. 2170 t>r FOR REN1'-FTJRN. JIOTJSE!'i o lJokanson POSITION. 'WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- CHAUFFJ<JUR WANTS work. Small family. Winn. 8!). Good Refs. A . Grady. Gen. Del. Winnetka. 37L'fN44-1tp 32LT21-ltp EXP. WHITE ~lAID FOR GENERAL HEDGING AND GARDENING BY EX periE>nced man. Phone Winn. 2026. housework. ~lust be good cook. Best wages. Winnetka 11 :~~. 32LTN44-ltc 37L44-ltp -----------------EXP. WHITE MAN, GARDENER AND HELP W ANTED-:l'IALE hous('work. Wil. 3233. 37LT44-ltp "WA~TED TWO LIVE :\lEN TO SELL SIT. WTD.-MALE & FEl\IALE Chevrolet cars. Thil-l Is a steady 38 money making proposition. Salary and - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - commission to right man. Automobilf} RELIABLE COUPLE -- CHAUFFEUR t'Xp. unnecessary. "rm. Ruehl & Co., and eooking. Man will take pos. alone. 120 ~. First St., Highland P::l·'k. Ill. References furnished. Colored. Ken33LTNH-ltc wood ;1239. 38LT~44-ltp I Greenleaf lti17 PT " ' E\V BR ~ R"l\f ·~ 51:.l l)a\'ls St ., Evans. 4 A UC:., .~FJ ·· n ·· · ., · 52L'N4-ltc hat11s, sip. and sun porehes. gar·. H Pas. In small family. \Yinn. 449. OJ 'L·~X JN)rt TNRPEC'TION SUNDAY 45LTN 44-1 tp 18 :~ 4 Broad\·lew Ave., Ravinia Just north of Blackstone hi F()R RF.:S'f-STORF.S & OFJ<'H.:Jo:~"; Charm. u ew 5 rm. stuc. bun~. Eng. type h. w. ht. ; hand-palmed walls liv. and FOR RENT-VERY DESfftABLE OFdin . rms. : stone fireplace ; stA.irs to fice space. about 1 Ox1 0 ft. Excellt>nt attic: terraced lawn; $11,500. Owner g-round floor location, at 7 :lr- "Rlm ~t. \Vinnf·tka 2389. f.2J..TN44-lte Photw \Vinn. 142. 48LTNH-tfc REAL ES'fA'fE :.2 ----------------FOR SALE--6 ROO~l BRICK VENE8H. housP, sun parlor and sleeping porch, hath, tilf' floor and walls, lavatory on first floo1·: brt>akfast nook: water heal: :Ut'SIXESS LOT 55xl16, $75 PER FT. 2 car g-arage; lot 50x160 . .Just f'Om(t·orn e rl Strt> et pa .. ed, don't fail to see plet ed. Ownr on premises Sunday bethis for investment. !wet' n 2 :00 and 5 :00 p. m. Price $20,000. INDIA~ HILL lil:i \Vashin~ton Ave. PhonE> Wil. 31!H i rn1. uriek, modern. lot 50x200; $~8.000. 52LH-tfc 1 WILMETTE !':. 8. 7 room modern, lot 75x170. $36,500. Wi}l ta~e good res.idence lot In trade. 4 1"'. S. E. Wmnetka restdence lot, wooded, r.:;nTTAGE FOR SALE IN HARVARD $175 IWr foot. Club. 7 Furn. rooms; plastered; gar- Kt·nilworth the most select location ~!!"l': nt-nr Big Foot Country Club. Mst. Strictly modern, 6 bedrooms. lot Price $4,500. lTniversity 8532. 100x17:i, $46,500. 52LTNH-ltc Many other rare bargains. -FO-R-SA_L_E __ 8_R_O_O_M_F_R_A_M_E_._4_B_E-Drooms, hot water heat. Bargain for Phone: Wilmette 4123 cash. Open for insoection Saturday 90-l Spanish Court, Wilmette and Sunday P. M. 1719 Elmwood Ave., In front of Teatro del Lago, "~ilnwtte. Phone 2399. 52LT~H-tfc 56LTN43-ltc & Jenks Selection of Good Real Estate Values J AT.TE GENEVA , R. S. I-IAiviBLY & CO.

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