Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jul 1927, p. 10

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10 ~fr. and Mrs. F. L. Millington of 126 Oxford road, Kenilworth, have returned from a four weeks' trip to Banff and Lake Louise. From there they followed the coast down to Los Angeles, stopping off at Vancouver, Victoria. Seattle and San . Francisco. After visiting their daughter, Mrs. Ge. o rge D. Ferrall, in Riverside, Cal., they returned to their home in Kenilworth. I WILMETTE · LIFE July 29, · 1927_ North Shore Golf Stars w·10 10 . Geneva Toumey Roundabout the Playg_ rounds to .the evt:r increasing prominence of championships attained. Howa~d Ball and Walter Foslund won the YliIage-wide horseshoe tournament that ~as held at the Village Green, by defeatmg a strong field from the Village Grt-en, Laurel and the -Beach. Othe~ activities such as doll-maldng, has taken up most of the girls' timE:. The dolls are made from crepe paper, potatoes, radishes, yarn, marshmallows, etc. Some very ingenious dolls have been devised. The types are beautiful, grotesque and quaint. The main object is a doll shoW on Monday. This should bt: an attractive sight and is well worth one's while to see. Last ·wednesday, Vattman park had a eostume parade. The children dre-ssed in whatever costume they had-clown!', beautiful ladies, pirates bold, and many other characters were rf'pr<'scnted. Th<· parade's eourse went through tlw n(·ighl,orhood in th f:' \ icinity of tlw park. J~urtls .-t I -.Korth Shore stars added to their golfing honors in the invitation tour·The Yillage playgrounds are ready nament at Lake Geneva on Saturday. · Jack \Vestland of Sunset Ridge wh3 to inaugurate the seventh week of the is the Chicago distr-ict . champion was summer playground activities, and a the winner . while Ira Couch of Glen busy one it is expected to be. Featuring this week's work will be View was the runner-u·p. con creola handcraft; this is a new and distinct type of handcraft work used -oThe E. Jackson Ca.sse family, who on the grounds to a limited extent last The \\'ilmette Golf club vl'ill enter- have been much entertained by north year but which proved so popular and tain next Saturday evening with an shore friends during the past month, interesting, as well as useful, that it informal dance. are leaYing Monday to return to China. will be used as the handcraft project over a period of two weeks. ·Work in concreola is excr·edingly interesting as it is a mixture which will cling to most any kind of surface and can be made any color. A feature of the seyenth ,,.,·eek will . . be storv dramatization. Each of the playgrol.mds plans some special dramatic activitv for this week which should he of -special interest. Modeling Contest · Incorporo~ed · The big event of this week's program is the village sand modeling contest held on Thursdav afternoon at Wilmette beach. Sand modeling was startEVER.VTHING ed on the playgrounds last year and ./Ore· proYed exceedingly interesting. The AUTOMOBILE first village-wide contest was held in 1926. Fifteen children competed, making a variety of models, ranging from a mud turtle to a sphinx. ~1any of last year's prize winners I ,dll be hack to compete again this Year. Eleanor Culver won first prize I NfVER. , last year with a model of the sphinx, Vincent White was second with his CLOSED large . turtle; Gerald Shilhack won third; Eleanor Steen won fourth with The most important ·thing on a "!hale, and M ar~r '~'hite finished fifth. the car. We have special maThis year there will be two divisions of contestants with prizes for each chinery for relining Brakes and gr~..>Up. One group will he composed of children under ten years of age and a new processed anti-squeak the other of those under thirteen. A spirited contest is bound to result as the competition will be from a standlining. point of the playground championship as well as indtYidual honors. l ·-r1 MOTORS SERVICE me The Beach (director, Mrs. The undefeated IJa:seiJall team ot the \\.iJmettE· Beach was idle this we-k. 1laving· chalked up decisive vic~orifs ()\·er Vattman, Laurel and the V1llag-(· · ireen, the team took its opportunitr fnr an off wHk and made use of it. The girls kick ball team went to the \'illage Green and rolled up the :k'l.rgf:'st score of the season. After everythin~ was over the Beach was on top 35-5. The handicraft project at the bea ch for this past week was doll making. In ~pite of rain or bad weather the girl!-7 worked E:very day in the lockers of th·· twach house. l\Iany original ideas gradually took shape in the appearance of a doJJ of nationality or trade or charactH. The re has been a lot of keen competition for places in the track team that will be sent to the Village wide trn ck meet Thursday, July 28th. In the bro<Hl jump, BE>rnice Penrod has heen <lcdnJ:": some (·Xcdlent work. She ha~ also i.Jf'f'n good in the dashes. Mary Elizabt-th Schutter is especially fast in the da!'h(·s with ~arv Lauer a clo!'c s econd. Th~o boys are all good. One little 4-year old girl ha~ slH·Wll more speed than g-irls in thP six-y1·:11· old t·la!'s. She> is ~fn.rjori· · f :rig-nnn . J. P. Caldwell) BRAKES BRAKES BRAKES· Laurel (director, ~!iss Dorothea ~Iulhc·lann, TIH· Laun·l girls' undt'f(·at l'd kick ha ll tt·Hm t·asily dispe nR <·d with tlw Vatlma11 Park h·am hY a scon· of ~2-~. El~a vonIlt · in~pt · rg ag·ain ~tarred fnr the homr('] u IJ. . Paul Df:'mps.:·y 1\nd Ed Kny c won the ]o('al horseshoe f:'liminatiun cont<'st nnd f·arn(~d the right to compet·· in the vilbtgf·-widt· tournanwnt. How<·Yer, the Yattman J)layground St' nt a hrtter tC:am t<1 the nwH and our Laurel tf'am can1f· ba<·k d<-ft·atf·d aftl'l' a hard strug-g-le. Th<· C'Hndida tt·s for th r tra<"k t r am se<-m tfl lw YHY muC'h intt" r<'~tf'd in tht-ir work and the spirit that has eharactPriz<'d th' Laurel tt>ams has h~t·n shown in this tt-am. Elsa YonRt-insperg· has shown exc·Pllent ability in all ennts n.nd should win several points for h 1' playground. H··r sister, Gr~ta vonReinsperg-, has also bN·n prominent in some of thf' events. The hoys have a formidable array of nthlet<·s. Colin Finlayson is tht" lwst man in thE> dash<·s, Ed Kaye will no doubt hf' ni<·ked for the broad jump and Jack Allworth, "i\Jarvin Frankie, ·walter von· RPinsperg and Paul Dempse~· han' sho"·n ~nod form in the other events. The pt>t show on TuE"·sday, .July 19, was rt huge success. S~veral of the parents were present and displayed a J:':fNl t deal c,f interest in the oth<'r arti\·ities as \\'tll as in the show. Ruth ·wetzel entered a little white noodle dog that won first prize by exhilJiting · various tricks. Recond place wa!' won IJy two white mice owned b~· Dorothy Burbey. Frank Straub had an Ane-ora cat tha l was awarded third place. Tlw aristocrats sure ly attainC>d all the prizf's here. '~t MAIN STREET Witmette Vattman Park (director, Miss Mary Witcher) Tlw Yattman Park Playground ball team won its SE'cond straight victory I by smothering the Village ·Green team under a 30-2 score. 'fhis victory puts Yattman within striking distance of first pine<', which is held by the B ea<:h t<:·am. The g-irls kick ball team had n reYersal of form when it met the strong Laurel H·am. Laurel won by the !urge margin of 22-3. The boys of Vattman park added more ~hone WilrnettebOOot . '}J ,o J.C.Siown Velv·e t cake We have given this name to a wonderful sponge layer cake that we are making. It deserves the name, for it is smooth as velvet and the flavor is delicious. Iced with Mocha, Pineapple Fruit, Cocoanut or fresh Orange. Outstanding value at 5 Oc and $1. 00. Cinnamo.n Bread Here is a different bread, and it surely is good. If you like toast. you try this. Spread the butter while the toast is hot-a nd the feast is ready. Village Green (director, Miss Lucy Reeser) Tlw boy~· baseball team met defeat n t tht:' hands of the decidedly stronger Vattman park team by a score of 30-2. The girls' kick ball team w:u:; also l,um i 1ia tPd hy a score of 35-5. Athletics at the f:rHn have fallen off in effectinness in the past week. 'fhe teams arf' much weaker as shown hv the overwhelming scores that han; been piled up against them. Othet: activities have receind a lot or ., tten tion. Doll-making, horseshoes storY1t·lling, de., have found a big piace in thE> favor of the children. A nine-hole college golf course ha!l heen laid out at the green and Hle game has met favor with E>verybody who has played it. Lefty Steffens turned in a 35 for the nine holes, one stroke under par. Thi~ is the hest score so far. · .. TWO STORES 1129 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2998 1504 1-Ioward Street, Chicago Phone Sheldrake 9638 ······················ t I

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