Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jul 1927, p. 1

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THIS ISSUE-Wilmette, a Club Run on Novel Plan-Page.17 j W ·ILMETTE VOL. XVI, NO. 43 \VILMETTE, ILLl N OIS, JULY 22, 1927 Published weekly by Lloyd Hollister, Inc., 1!!! Central Ave., Wilmette Illinois. Entered as second class matter March U. 1914, nt the post office at Wilmette, Illinoi:r, under the Act of .V'a~ch ~. 1819. Subscription price 1!.00 CJ llear. LIFE PRICE FIVE CENTS BOARD WOULD CANCEL F A v 0 R RESURFACING\ WEST SEWER CONTRACT at Moderate Coat With Splendid Success Ita Rebuilt City of Decatur Has Thoroughfares I Joe Schneider and his band of Universal Paving Company Sucmerry syncopators will be back at ceaaful Bidder for General of worn hrick pa,·ethe old stand Wednesday night, Auaccomplished with comImprovement Project gust 17, to wail coaxing strains plete satisfaction to all concerned and for the Wilmette · Day dancing at a cost oi approximately $1.50 per Contracts were awarded by the Vi~legions. The dance feature of the \\'ith a repre entati,·c group 01 :-quare yard. members of the Village 1age hoard of local improven~ents thiS day's ·program is under the superproperty o\\·ner. and subdivision de- board were informed Tue day of this week to the l,;niversal Pavmg comvision of ]. Walter Nelson, who also \'elopm<'nt interests on hand to Yoice \\'eek in a communication from ~f. P. pany for the paving of fifteen _alley has served in that capacity in prean appeal that the underground im- O'Brien. consulting engineer for the blocks in the village. the cost ot th.c vious Wilmette Day festivities. provements in the \\'C . t area of the city of Decatur. combined improvement to approxiThe Schneider band is all tuned up ,-illage be expedited with all haste. tlh' mate $65,000. The Cniver~al company Decatur. ~1r. ()'Brien states. now for the big event and promises to \\'ilmette Village hoard of local imgive the dancers the very best in the ,,·as the lowest average btdder among provements Tuesda\' \'Oted to hold an has about 200,(X)(} square yards of renewest lines of plain and fancy har- six contractors. surfaced streets. most of "·hich are ol(l adjourned meeting -Thursday night of mony so that everything is looking Alle,·s to be improved under the t\\'O course brick iaid on a sand cushthis week to consider the proposition pert insofar as the dancing depart- terms~ of the contract award include: ion placed on earth suhgrades (thus with an idea to definite remedial mea~ ment is concerned. . conforming es::;entially in construction First alle,· south of Elmwood aveurcs. Other plans for \Vilmette Day nue betwee;1 Eighth and Ninth streets. to mo. t of the older pavements in \\'il The statement 1)\· F . T. Fitsimmons mette). The re surfacing, he explains. were going for.ward apa-ce this 'veek First alley north of Oakwood a \'Cnf the Bill s Realt~· organization that ha:-~ been more than merely placing a and General Chairman Blake has his nue between Eighth and Ninth streets. o\\·n~r~ of nine homes in the newly de· smooth re::;ilient sur:ace on the \\':) fll m a n y committees fun-ctioning First alley north oi \Yilmette a\·e ntte vcloped Indian I li11 Estat~s area -\\'err out streets. It has heen along the line smoothly. be,veen 15th and 16th streets. All in all, what with the street <lcniecl occupancy due to the fact that of rebuilding and mt-dernizing cro\\'tl. First · alleY south of Ashland a\·einte pro~ession. children's prize parade, no o utlet can be ~ccured for the sew- intersection radii and drainage. ~ln..;t ()00 feet w~st from 13th street. hall games, field events and contests erage . .:.Ystelll in that localit,· because of the old streets \\'ere designed for First alleY north of Elmwood aYemte a~1d other features on the Village of t11e. delay on the ne\\' · \\.ilmette h:)rse-dra\\'11 traffic ,,·ith 5-foot radiuo.; bct~·ee n S~venth and Twelfth ~tr et~. Green and the festivities of the eve:'e\\'er contract. also \·oiced the pre- curb corners and many . valley gutters. First alley north of Lake an~t~ue ning at Legion Grove on Lake avedica 111 L' nt oi other we st a rca hom t~ For these \\'ere substituted IS -foot rafrom 15th street to the :;outhwest lme nue, the viltagers. young and old, m\·ner~. lie directed a fer\'ent appeal dius corner..; and. \rheren'r possihl· ·. ~1i \{a in ~treet. are promised just about the merriest to the hJarcl for immediate action to remO\·al . of \'alleys. effecting a greatly Ea='t and west alley in Block 24 time ever. It's onlv about a month Ciincel the thu-; iar unfulfilled Spauld- increased de:--irahility o f t ht inter:-;ec (rear of ~~ a~onic temple) between a\\'ay, folks. ing company contract and to push th e tiom from the point of \'il'\\' oi .tl11..· Tenth an<l 1~leventh streets, and that imprCJ \'cllll'llt thrr1ttgh tn t·arh· cnmpl~·. automobile drin' r. part ni the north and south _alley (a_d til) ll. . jacent tn \I asonic temple) tor a dts. C'o~t of :-;uch rr::;uriacing work \\'<l' Protest Resurfacing of oi 501 ieet north. Board Favors Cancellation Ia~ a ruk at t hl' ra tc oi $1.50 J'('l' Forest Avenue Pavement tanct' Fir:-;t alte\' north oi Linden aYenue OpiniJn..; expre":-~rd hy memhcr:-; oi ..;quare ,·arrl. ~Tr. ()'Brien explai,._. the hnar d indicated that member:-; oi This co:-.l \\·a~ llll th1..' ha:-.i · oi a 1 1 ~ [)i . . :-.ati:-.factinn ,rith any propo:-;al to het\Hl'll \'i.nth and EkYenth streets. 1 Fir~t alln· north oi Central aYenue that hoc! _ , . were in accord in the con- inch a"phaltic hinder ":ith a 1 ~ inch re surface Fllrl·..;t :t\'l'llliC het\\'Cl'll \\'il\'iction that the Spauiding cnm 1lan_,. slH'l't a,phalt ,,·eartng ::-urfacl' . 11l' nH·tte an'lllll' and Shrridan road wa" het\H'l'll loth and 17th qreets. Fir:-t altcy \\'l'St of 13th street. behad not .~ in~ n l'\'idctlet' oi i~:-; ahilit ,. to :-t ate .... fulfill its contract and that ih ag-rct·The inionnati< ltl r l'Cl'in· d frnn1 '\fr. t·xpre:-:-.~·d in l\\'~) rummunicatinn..; n·- t\rren Elmwood and Forest ayenues . Fir"t alte,· nJrth of Forest aYenue lllCtlt \\'ith tht· villa .~e .. hnuld he t·:r- O'Brien came in rep!~· to inquiri l'.;; ceiH·d by the \ 'i llagr hoard at it" 1ninateJ. made h~· the Yillage oAicial~ 111 C1 lll · 111 etting Tue:-.day oi this \Yrtk. The on a line :'t:nn f,·rt '"est of the centc~ Failurl' t~ compldt· tlH: 11tHkrg-ruund .nenion with the plan~ illr a ~en t· 1 ·a 1 author..; ()i the tni..;..;in·..; were :\rth:1r lint' o i t h0 tir:-;t alley west of l3t h stn·ct to the right-of~way of the ChiinlproyenH:nt:- \\'ithin tht· prescriherl .;treet re:->miacin~ prJgTatll whi,·h ti111r limit- \\·hich had ht·t·n cxtcndl'cl l " ·ould include mc 1 . ; t oi the principal B. Seibold. 522 F rc:;t avcni.Jc, and cago :\nrth Shor<: and ~fih,·a uk~e Cl'oq.~· l' \\'. Springer. i2-t Forest a\'e·- railway . h~· the h~a_rd-is_ attributable largeb· to 1 thw ,Hlghfare .; in the villagt. nue. hnth oi \\'hnm expre:->sed npposiFir:-;t alley \\'e:-;t of Oak Circle from the cnndtt1nn ot the :-.nil in the \\'C'>t I ti(ltl tu any rt·suriacitt ;... plan and \Yilmette aYenue to_ a line t\\·o feet ;~:ca_. \\'hirh lack..; snlic~ity, tlltl~ n~·ca- I ,·nict·d ia,·or of a complete rehuilclin!-!' .;nuth of the north hne p:oduced west sinning repeated cave-111~. and hnng of the road"·a,· on that street. Re - fli first alley north of Htll street. ing about !he n_ece~sit~· ior. :-;hect~ng quest:-> ior t='ti;nate=- nn \'arious types Fir::-~ alley north of. Hill street from the exca\'at1on . . 1t was rxplamecl. 11H· nf pa,·ing. made hy Springer, ,viii 1)r Prairie a\·enuc to a hne 180 feet east Spaulding company ha::- thus far faikcl Otnf On . to prm·ide machinery adequate t n The Jarge~t nwnht·r oi people C\'Cr promptly complied \vith. the hoard d('- of 1-lth street. Fir:'t alley north of H tit street from carry along the joh. it \\'as stated. 1:1 hold mrmher.;hip ;tt tlw \Yilmette cidl'd. 1 1-lth :--treet to a line 180 feet east Estates' Job Progresses 1 beach ha::; hel'll rrrnrdcd thi~ ,·car. acthereof. ~f canwhilc>, hmH\·er. simultaneous rordi1w to tho"<' in charge. Kinr hun Fir"t aile\' south of Elmwood aveunderground improvement j:)bs car- dred and ninet ,._ fi,·c ll{'()Dle han' 1'1 '!.!- Lake Avenue to Become nue het\\'ee;1 Ninth and Tenth street!'. 1 ried nn in thr Tndian Hiil Estate~ :..,tt·····d 1 'l1" far and. "·hene\'cr tlw 100-Foot County Road First altev north of \Vashington avearea under pri\'ate contract l'.a\'e oro- "·e;~+ht'r kts twrmitte<i. a br~c' JWr Fore~rl·ing the time \\'hrn Lake ave- nue from i7t11 street to Ridge road. Jirrssrd 111ore sati"fartorih· and \\'ill bt· "" "~ao· (· ni tl"'lll lJ ;1"f' ;n·aile'l thcm rcnmleted \Yit hin ninet,= · days. The , .. ,,.('._ nf t ht· beach nriYil~'P'<'". nue \\'ill hecJillC a 100-foot thorougi1POLICE MAKE RAID outlet for this privatrh: inst;11"r1 ._,·~It i.; hnn!'d th;~t ..;till mor" ..;uh..:t·,·in- fare. the Villaue board last C\'ening The \Vilmette police featured in a tem mus: comr througl~ thf:' \\'ilntt:ttl' tirw;; ,,·ill lw n'r~"i\'c>rl a"rl that at l<'~"t r-surprise calling party early Sunday s,·~tem. it i..; ll::lintrcl 011 t. and tlll' Uti- :1 1""1l"'"HI 111 c 111 J,,.r . . ,,.;11 hr recorded considered action to set hack thC' 11·ual d(·la\· in t11f' romnll'tinn nf the " ·;thin tlw 11""' ie\\' da,·c::. Plrtn..; arr building line along that high\\'ay to tl'orning at the residence of ~~ r:;. lattrr s\·stem creates a situation in h,.;, .· lll<ldc· inr thP ('rrrti:1n nf 1 nr\\' conforl1l with the widened street prn- Anna Busscher. 1421 \Vilmette avewhich home O\\'ners in the F-t<lte" h·,th1H)t1"'· . i t "'a" :-~nnotmrrd. l)llt posed hy the C'Junty highway officials. nue: arresting five on a charge of district arr farerl with thr no.:;..;ibilit\· .~, .... " ,,1 .,,, J,;w.,.e f'ntireh· unon tlw \\'. clisorderh· conduct. ~~ rs. Bus~chrr \\'as fin~d $50 and C:)SL : one · other c,f not lH'ing able to cn,wenienth· o~- .... tnl,·r ni tnr·tnh··l·,hin' takPn n 11 t anrl ('punty Connnis:-;ioner 0=-car CUi)~>' their rC'sidcncr-; tllt<\ Yea 1··· .,,,, ;tttr,clanr·l' durin{! the halanre of Schmidt who \\' <t:' a ... pcrtator at the nrrson $20 and the remaining- three May Mean Mor"' Co,t "·" -· · ':t~ ,... , hoard prncecdin!!" Tttr='da,· stated in $10 rach. Villa!!e A ttorne~· Jarkson declared n··:·r 1 7 .V\ ppnnle f requrnt "d the reply to inquiry from President Orner VISITS IN EAST that it i" the onininn of clwinN'r..; who ~,,,:1,.,, la<:.t Saturda\· and, on Sunday. that the prJpo:-;e<l 100-foot Lake aveDr. E. E. Moore. Village healt11 fta,·r .;tudierl tl1f situ<ltin'l that tht' can- '()(V) 1nn,·<' w~'n' in attenrl~nrr'. nue \\'as on the rom1t\' highwa~· imrrllatio·1 of the Snanlding contract ,,~, ... ., 11 1 .,.11:1111 thC' fir~t fe\\' dan of this prm·enH'Ilt nrogrant. The :'tre'et i-; a rommissioner. left earh· this w~'rk for and suhsC'ottent r<:-letting- of the con- ... ,,.. ,. ho""'""r. tlw beach '~'a" closed section road and wilt he \Yidened In Old Saybrook. Conn .. . where he wilt trart will inv:)]ye considerable addi- 1 ' 1 "' :·11"~' nf the high waves and dan- accordance with ::t general program spend . a- few d~,·..; resting and "isitin~ tiona] cost. !"'Prnu" undertow. affecting all highways thus albcated. with his :;on, Henry. I Failure of Spaulding Company to I Re~urfacing Complete Job Brings Appeal ments ·can he From Home Owners Joe Schneider's Band to Provide Har.mony at Wilmette · Day Festivity LET CONTRACTS FOR ALLEY IMPROVEMENTS I Beach Membership Reaches H i,ehest p · R d ecor I

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