Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jul 1927, p. 44

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44 ,.ILLAGE OF WIL::WETTE Proposal :For Grading and PaYing with concrete and otherwise improving first alley north of Forest A venue from Wilmette A venue to Twelfth Street and first alley East of Eleventh Street from north line of aforesaid alley to the south line of Elmwood A venue. (Wilmette Special Assessme nt No. 194) Wilmett e, Illinois, July 21st, 1927. R('alt' d proposals for grading and pav· lng with eonerete and otherwise Improving tht> ct-ntral e ighteen (18) feet of the first alley north of Forest A Vf'nue exlt.>nding· from the w est lint· of ·w ilmette Avf' nue to th e east lin e of Twelfth Street, kxct>pt across Ele\'enth Stree t which is :-tlready JJand), also the central eight (8) fet't of th e first alley east of Eleventh Strl't't and ~:" xtending from the north line :>f the aforesaid alley to the south line of Elmwood A\'enue, in the Villag·e of Wilmette, Cook County, IlJinois, in ac·orda nee with the ordina nee and specification~ for said improvement, will be reC(·iwd by the Board of Lora! Improvenwnt s of said Village of WilmHte until 'i :30 o'clock P. ?II. on Tuesday, tht> Seccmd day of August, A. D. 1927, at which tim e said proposals will b e publicly opened, examined and declan' d bv said Board of Local Improvements fn the ('ouncil Chamber in the Villag·e Hall. The specifications for said Improveme nts :tnd hlank proposals will he furnished at the office of said Board of Local Improvenwnts in said Village Hall. Proposals must be made out on blanks furnished by said Board of Local Impron·ments, and must be addrf's se d to th e Board of Local Improvements of the Village of \Vilmette, Wilmette, Illinois, and l'ndorsed "Proposals for Impro\'ement of first alley north of Forest A VE-nue from Wilmette A wnue to Twelfth Street and first alley East of Eleventh Street from north line of aforesaid alley to the south line of Elmwood A venue,,· and a·ll proposals must be accompanied by eash or a t·ertifit:·d check payable to the orde~· of the President of the Board of Locai ImproYements of the Village of Wilmette for a sum of not less than ten (10) per :entum of the aggregate of the proposal :md no )Jroposal will be considered unless accompanied by such check or cash. The contractor will be pald in bonds and vouchers payable solely out of the assessment for said improvem e nt, when eollected, in accordance with the provtfiions of the ordinance therefor, and in the manner prescribed by law, whi ch boads wilt bear interest at the rat' of ~i x '( 6> per, centum per annum. The contractor to whom . the ('Outract m_ay be awarded will be required to furmsh a bond to the satisfaction and approval of said Board of Local ImprO\·ements, in a sum equal to fifty (50) t.wr centum of the contract priet>, <·onditloned for the faithful performanee of tht~ rontract. Proposals will he received for the construNian of said improvenwnt <lS a whole; and said Board of Loral Improvenwnts re~t·rves the right to reject any and a 11 b1ds. EARL E. OR~ER JOH~ CLARK BAKER ER~EST C'. CAZEL CLARENCE E. DRAYER PAUL A: HOFF:\IAN HANS YON REIXSPEHC: .JOH~ F. \\TIEDLIN . Board of Local Impro\·e ml'nts of tlw Yi II age of 'Vii met tf'. IA :l-1 t<: \'ILL A ( ~ E 0 }' WI L" 1-: T T E WILMETTE a certified check payable to the order or the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, for a sum of not less than (10) ten per centum of the aggregate of the proposal and no proposals will be considered unless accompanied by such check or cash. The contractor will be paid in bonds and vouchers payable solely out of the assessment for said improvement, when collected, in arcordance with the prov·sions of the ordinance therefor, and in the manner prescribed by law, which bonds will bear interest at the rate of six (6) pt>r centum per annum. Th e contractor to whom the contract lnav be awarded will b e r eq uired to furni~h a bond to tht> satisfaction and approval of said Board of Lora! Improvements, in a sum equal to fifty (50) per eentum of lhe contract price, conditioned for tht- faithful performam:e of the contract. Proposals will lw re<:e h ·J;'d f o r the construction of said improve m e nt as a whol e; and said Board of Local Improveuwnts rt' st-rve~ the right to rl'jeet any rt nd all hids. EARL E. ORXER JOH~ CLARK BAKER ERNEST C. CAZEL CLARE~CE E. DRAYER PA 1 L A. HOFF~£AX HANS YO~ REIXSP8TU: .J 0 H X F. WI EDLIN Hoard of Local Improyem~:"nts of the Yillage of Wilmette. L43-ltc LIF-E July 22, 1927 For p;rading aud pa ,·i ng· with eOlll'rNt> nnd otherwist- improving- a Rvstl'll1 o:· --t~·~·ds l'Onsisting- of Sixte(· nth St.rt>t' t from \\ thndtt· A \'t> I1Ue to Jsab(· Jia Strl·e t and other stn·ets. (Condemnation and Spr dal Asses.sment Ca~w Xo. 57,848 County Court of Cook County) \Vllmette, Illinois, .July 20. 1!127. Seal~d proposals for grading and pav~ng wtth concrete and otherwise improvmg a system of streets ·C onsisting of Sixteenth Street from \~lilmette A ,·e nue to l~.abella Stref't and other streets in the \ l~lag: of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, m arcordance with the ordinance a~d specifications for said improvements Will b~ J_"E-ceived by the Board of Locai C'omnuss10ners of said Village of Wilmette until 7 :30 o'clock P. :\f. on 'ruesdar th~ 2nd. day of August, A. D. 1927, at \~'hH:h tim' said proposals wlll be pubhc_Iy opened, examined and declared by sa1d Board of Local Impro\·en1ents in the C'ounci_l Ch~mber in the Village Hall. The spec·JficatJOns for said improvement and blank proposals will be furnished 'tt the office of said Board of Local Impro,·~ ments in said Village Hall. Proposals must be made out on blanks furnished by said Board of Local Improvements, and must be addressed to the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Wilmette, Wilmette, Illinois and endorsed "Proposals for Improveme'nt of !l system of streets consisting of Sixteenth Street from Wilmette A venue to Isabella Street and other streets," and all proposa Is .must be accompanied by cash, or and blank proposals will be furnished at the 19th day of July, 1927, and l!niversal the office of said Board of Local Improve- Paving Co., of Oak Park, Illino1s, being ments in said Village Han. t·he lowest responsible bidder, contr~ct Proposals must be made out on blanks was awarded to said Universal Pavu~g furnis-hed by said Boatd of Local Im- Co., on the 19th day of July, 1927. Sa1.d provements and must be addressed to the bid is for the work as a whole and 1s Board of Local improvements of the Vil- as follows: lage of Wilmette, . Wilmette, Illinois and 270 fUbic yards of E-xcavation at u oo endorsed "Proposals for constructing an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 70. ornamental street lighting system ,in 790 · ·~q~are yards of Portland C~ment Ridge Road from Lake A venue to a point concrete pavement seYen ( 7) · mche~ three hundred and ninety (390) feet north thick, mixed in the ptoportion of o1w of the north line of Lake A\·enue and in ( 1) part of Por·tland Cement, two ( 2) other streets," and all proposals must be parts of clean sharp sand and thretaccompanied by .cash or ('ertified check ( 3) parts of cruslw<l 1i m e~to ne ·?" payable to th' order of the Prt-sident ot the Board of Local Improvements of the . gravel from :.:, inch to 21h mc~t>s IT} size and with 1 ,! inrh asphalt!<' felt Village of Wilmette, for a sum of not less expansion joints,' st-t normal to center than (10) ten p e r centum of the aggregate line of the pan~ nwnt at thirty (30) foot of th e proposal and no proposals will be intt>rvals and with a concPaled meta I considered unless accompanied by such joint of 1'\o. 18 gnugt-> galvanized or ch('ck or cash. painted shef't stf'el, six and one-~1alf The contractor will be paid in bonds (6r,.0) inches high, h e ld in placl' by .% and vouchers payable solei~· out of th e inch round st e l rods fiftt·f'n ( la) < U3StJssm e nt for said imprun' m ent, when inches long and with 1 ~ in<'h rountl ro llt>ct ed, in accordanee with the prO\'i,;ions of the ordinance therefor, and in th P. st l'l rods thret· ( :~) ft·et long St:>t in manner prescribed by law, whkh bond~ the middl e of the pa n·nH·nt and norma I will bea1· interest at the rate of six (6) to th(· rf'nter lint> therl·of at fi'·" ( ;, ) per tentum per annum. foot inte rvals, cured by application of The contractor to whom tht.· to ntrad two pounds of sodium chloridt· to ea<'l1 may be awarded will be rt>quired to fursquare yard of pa \'t>m e nt , all conHtructuish a bond to the satisfaetion and aped in plare, inrluding the cost of labo1· prontl of said Doard of Loeal Impro\' eand material at $2.4iJ JH'l' square yanl ments, in a sum equal to fifo· (50) per · · · . . . . . . . . . · · . . . . . . . . . . . . . $I,!l:l~.iit1 centum of the contract price, eonditi o nt'd 4 electric manholt· coYer!' to bP ad_justf'd for the faithful performanee of thr; conat $10.00 t'ach ..... .. .... ... $ 40.0fl tract. Proposals will bt· reeein· d fDr the ,·onTotal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,245.fdi st'ruetion of said impron·m e nt as a \'I L L .·ua: 0 F \\'I L :\1 1-:1' '1' J-: wholt.>; and said Board of Local Impro\'·:'l'·lw ownl'l'~ of a majority of th e front111ents rt'sern·s the right to n·jed any age of the lot s and lands upon said ~otlt't' of Awnrtl of ('ontra<·t · and all bids. ~treets wher e in tlH· sa id work is to bt · EARL E. ORNER done may within t e n < 10) days f)f tht· For J><n·ing· and otlwrwh-w imJ>ro,·ing JOHX CLARK BAKEn clat' h e reof as pro\'i<h·d hy law (· )ert to the fir s t aile,· w est of Thirtt>enth Street ERNEST c. CAZEL take said work and ('ntt·r into a writtt'n from Elmwood Avenut:· to Forest Avenue CLARENCE K DRA \.'Eft co ntract to do said work at t f' n JWI' and the first alley north of Forest .\\·e- 1 PAUL A. HOFF:\JAX C't>ntum (·10 o/r ) lt>s~ than the priC't> at 11Ul' from Thirteenth Stt· et to the right HAXS VON REIXSPER<.: which tlw sanw has 1wt>n awarde<l. of way of the Chicago Xorth Shore ~lit .JOHN F. WIEDLIX EARL E. ORNEH. . waukee Railroad. Board of Local lmpro\'eme nts of tlw .TOHX CLARK RAKEf{ (Wilmette Special Assessment No. 198) Village of Wilnwttt·. ERXEST r. f'AZEL Wilmette, Illinois, July 20, 1927. f'LAREXC'E E. DRA YEH 1..43-lt<: XotiC'e is here by given to all persons PACT.. .\. HOFF:\fAX inten·~ ted that the bids for paving and HAKS YOX TIEl ~SPEIH; YILJ , .\(a; Ot' WIL:·ir:T-;-;: I otht·rwise improving· the first alley west JOHX F . "TP.DLlX of Thirteenth Street from Elmwood A\·enoarcl of Lr)('al ImprO\'{'mf'nts of th·· nue to Fonst A venuf' and the first alley ~ otlrt· oi .\ wurtl of ( 'outr;u·t Yillage of ".ilmeth· north of Forest A venue from Thirteenth L-i:l-1 t·· Strel'l to the rig·ht of way of the Chicago For paving and otherwise improYing ~orth Short- and l\lilwaulH·e Railroad the first alley north of Linden A , ·e nuu YILL .\(a: Ot' WIJ.:UF.TTE were opened on the 19th day of July, from :\'int·h ~tl'l't't to l·:h·\·t· llth ~treet. 1927, and U\liwrsal PaYing Co. of Oak t>ark, Illinois, being thf:' lowest r"'sponsihiP ('Yilnwttt> :5peeial As:-H. · ssmt·nt Xo . 1 !lfi) ~utln ni .\ward of ('ontrau·t bidd·e r, eo n tract was a warded to said l·ninrsal Paving Co. on the l!)th day ot Wilmette, lllin ois, .July 211, 1!i27. For paving- and otht·rwist impro\· in~ July, 1927. Said bid i~ for the work as Xuti<·t> i~ Jwrt>by g·in'n to all pe r:,;ons the first all"" nt·1·t!J r,f C\·nt1·al .\\·t·nut· a whole and is as- follows: interested that the bids for paYing and from Rixtt·t·t~th Stn·d to S,·n·ntt···nth. 1,000 ('Ubie yards of e xcavation @ $1.00 otherwise impro,·ing the first allt'y north Street. ]>l'l' S<t. yard . ..... ............ $1,000.00 of Linden Avenu e from Xinth ~treet to \VilnwttP Spt·(·ial .\>'>'t-'SSillt·nt ::-\o . 1 ~~~ 1 tn·(· remond ...................... 50.00 Eleventh Street wen· O!Wnl·d on tlw 1 !lth 1,500 square yards of Portland Cement day Of July, 1!!27, and t"niversal PaYing \\.ilnH·tt P, Illinois . .TuJ~ · ~r1. 1:·:!7. eonrrete pavem e nt, seven (7) inches Co. of Oak l'ark, Illinois, 1wing· the Xotict · is ht·r· ·hy EdHJ II 111 all JH·J'StJil>' thi('k, mixed in the proportion, by volunw, of one (1) part of Portland lowest responsibl e bidde1·, t·ontra ct was intt>rf'stt·d that tht · hid s for pa,·ing- antl f'l·nH.·nt, two {2) parts of dean, sharp awarded to said l'ni\'er~al Pa \'ing Co. on othf'rwise i mpro\· i Ill'!; t ht· first a llt·Y nort 11 RHnd, and three (:3) partR of <:lean, the 19th day of July, 1!127. Said bid is of Ct-ntral A w·nul-' fr.o m Sixt Pt·n tl; Stt·, ... , ('rushed 'linwstone or gravel from ::~ inch fo1· thf' work as a whole and is as follows: to SeYt>ntt·t·nth Stret·t wt·n· OJWnt>d (111 tilt · to 1 1}.! inchPs in size and with % inch 930 cubic yard!' of t·xcanttion f{_t $1.110 l!lth day of .July, 1~1~7. and t·ni\·t·r~al JWr yarcl ...... . ........ .... $ !·:~o.oo Pa,·ing ('n .. of Oak Park, lllinois, bt>ing· asJJhaltic ft'lt expansion joints, set normal to tlw <'t·nter line of the pan> - ~.184 StlUan· yards of Portland C'l'ment t hp lowt·st n·spon~ih I" bid (lt ·r, co nt nwt conrretP 1m ,·ement sen·n ( i) ineht·s was awarded to saicl l'ni\'Prsal Pavin l.! ment at thirty (:10) foot interYals, at thick, mixt>d in the proportion of om· f'o., on tlw 1 !ttll day of .luJ~· . 1 :·27 . Said $:{.25 . per >iquare yard .......... 31525.00 ( 1) pa'r t Portland ('(·ment, two ( 2) bid i~ for tit' work a~ a whol e and is a s parts of elean s·l1arp sand and thrl·e rollows: Total ... .. ... .. ... ..... . .. ... $4,5i5.UO ( 3) P<HlH c,f erushed limt>stom· or 2!10 l'ubir· ~· anl~ 11f t:'XCH\'<Hion fli $l.llo The owners of a majority or the frontgTa\·el from =\ 1 inl'h to 1 1, :! in('hes in size ag·t· of the lots and lands upon said Jl t· r yard .......... ... ...... ~ 2~10.no and with 1,4 ineh asnhaltic felt expansion !liO squan· ~- ~·nls 111' Portland l't·tw·nt strl't>ts wherein the said work is to hf' joiuts, ~l't normal to l'l'lltt'l' lint · of the done may within tt.'n (10> days of tht· datp <'OIH'l'l'lt· ]>a n·tlh'11t ~t·\· pn ( 'j) in <' ht ·S lwreof as provided by law e lect to take pavenwnt at thirty (:H)) foot int t' n·aJs, thil'k, m_ix t.·d in tho· }lr(Jportion (Jf ont· said work and enter into a writtl·n conf'Ured by an appli<'ation of two pound · I l) J·art ,,f Portland C'P illt ·nt, two C2 J trat't to do said work at t e n Pl'l' centum of sodium chloridt> to earh square yard part~ of f'INtn sharp sancl and thrt·t· ( Jn r;; ) les~ than the prkl· at whil'h tlw of pa \'t-> nwnt, all c·onstru('ted in plat·t.· ( ~) parts r,f ~' ntslwrl lim es torw Ill' --anw has lwen awarded. including til l' <'ost 1d' lahor and Jll-'tt · · ~ g-ra , ..,] from ~, inrh to 21/~ incht·s in EARL E. ORXER rial, at $2.40 twr yard . . .... $3 ,241.60 ~izP and with 1 1 inch asphaltic ft·lt JOHN CLARK BAKER f'Xpansion joint!', ~··t normal to ct·nt··r ERNEST C. CAZEL Total ...................... $6,171.60 line r>f pa \'PnH'nl at t·llirty ( :w) foot CLARENCE E. DHA Y 1-:R The owners of a majority of the frontlntt·n·als and with a <'Oilcf·alt>d nwtal PAUL A. HOFF:\lAN age of the lots and lands upon said joint nt 'Xo . 1 S gaug-e ga.J\·anizPd or HAXS YOX REIXRPEW; s tl'Pl'ts whert> in till' said work is to bP pa.intt>d sht·d stt>t'l. ~ix and on(l-ha.)f JOHN F. " · rEDLI X done may within ten ( l 0) days of the ( 6%) incht ·~ hig-h, hr·ld in pliH't· ~~ 11oard of Local l111})1'0\'t' ll1ents or thP datt.· hereof as provide d by law t'lect to inch rouncl st····l rot:1s fift ee n (Hi) \rillage of "Tilmdtt· take said work and enter into a writtt·n inchps long ancl with % inch roun·l L4;~-ltc contract to do said work at t e n per !'te<'l rods thl'··t· (:3) ft>Pt long set in rentum (lO o/c ) less than the price ~lt t1w middh' of tlH' ll~\\'enwnt and normal which the same has be(·n awarded. to the cPnt. ·r lint> thereof at tl\'t> ( ri) EARL E. OR~ER foot intpn·a I!-<, <·ur~"'rl b~· applif'ation of ProJUISHI .JOHN CLARK BAKER two pounds of sodium C'lllorid' to each ERNEST C. CAZEL squarP yard of pa \'P ilWnt, all cnnstrurtFor construeting an ornamental ~treet CLARENCE E. DRAYER Pd in plal'e, inclurling- tlw cost of labor lighting system in Ridg-1:' Road from Lake PAUL A. HOFF MAX and material at $2.:i0 per square yar<l A\'enue to a point thret' hundred and HANS VON REINSPERn .......................· ..... $1975.00 ninety (390) feet north of tlw north line JOHN F. WIEDLIN of Lake Avenue and in other streets. Board of Local Improvements of th& Total .................... $2,21i5.00 (Wilmette Special Assessnwnt No. 195) Village of ".ihnette T·he ownPrs of a majority of the frontWilmette, Illinois, July 20, 1927. L43-ltc age of the lots and lands upon said Sealed proposals for the construction of strf'ets wherein the said work is to hP an ornamental eleeu·it lig-htln~ system done may within tl"n (10) <la~'s of tlw along the west side of Ridge Road from dat<> hf':eof a!'l provicl ·· d by law elf'rt to Lake Avenue to a point three hundred ~ otl<·t> of .\ war11 of ('on tract take sa1d work and enter into a writtf'n and ninety (390) feet north of the north contract to do said work at tt-n per line ~f Lake A venue and along other parts For paving- and otherwise improving Cf'ntum (1 0 ('k) J,..ss than tht> prire at of R1dge Road and on other streets in the Village of Wilmette, Cook ('uunty, Illinois the first alley north of \'\.ilmette A venue \Vhkh the same has hf'en awarded. in accordance with the ordlnancf' will be from Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth Street. EARL F.. ORNF.R received by the Board of Lo<·al ImproveJOHN' CLARK BAKER Wilmf'tte Special Assessment Xo. 187 ments of said Village of Wilmette until ERNEST f'. CAZEL ' 7 :30' o'clock P. M. on Tuesday the 2nd CI..AH.J~NCR E. DRA YEm Wilmette, Illinois, July 20, 1927. day of August, A. D. 1927, at which time PAUL A. HOFFMAN Notice is hereby given to all persons said proposals will be publicly opened, HANS VON R EINSPERG ex ami ned and declared by said Board of interested that the bids. for paving and JOHN F. WIEDLIN Local Improvements in the Council Cham- otherwise improving the first alley north Boaa·d of ~.ocal Improvements of th' ber In the Village Hall. of Wilmette A venue from F i f t e e n t h Vtllage of Wilmette The specifications for said improvements Street to Sixteenth Street were opened on L43-ltc 2 00 I - l --------------·------------------·------

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