Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jul 1927, p. 42

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42 B. E. Buckman and his daughter, Barbara, of Madison, Wis., motored to Wilmette last week-end to visit Mr. Buckman's mother, Mrs. R. M. Buckman, of 1034 Linden avenue. Mrs. Buckman returned to Madison Wedneswith her son and granddaughter for a two weeks' visit. Mr. Buckman is a forDJer resident of Wi·l mette. ~- WILMETTE LIFE ] uly 22. 1927 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Cook entertained in honor of the,i r son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Merton ~ward Jones (Ber!lice Cook), with a dmner at th~ Georgtan hotel last Wed-, nesday eyemng. Mr. and Mrs. Jones I have recently returned from their wed- Omicron Pi convention in Seattle, ding trip to the Palisades, Iowa, and Wash., and a visit on the west coast. Miss Duncan spent a week in Los Anare living at 1314 Forest avenue. gele.s with friends and also stopped in -oEdwin Phelps of 260 Wood court is .San Francisco, and at the Grand Canspending the summer visiting the Bap- yon and L,ake Louise. She was away tist summer assemblies held at Asilo- four weeks. -0mar, Cal., Burton, Wash., and the PaMrs. John Woodhead and her son, cific Palisades, south of Los Angeles. Mr. Phelps is teaching young people's Step4en, 1118 Greenleaf avenue, are work at these assemblies. He expects leaving Sunday for a three weeks' trip to ,be gone until sometime in Septem- to Montreal and Boston. her. -a-oMrs. J, M. Carrico, 625 Eleventh Miss Dorothy Duncan, 225 Wood street, left Sunday for Lutesville,· Mo., court, has returned from the Alpha where her mother is seriously ill. News About Town I Mrs. H. E. Meierhoff and her son, Erwin 1714 Wilmette avenue, left Mond~y on a two weeks' motor trip to Duluth. They will visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Meierhoff. -oThe Rev. and Mrs. S. P. Bittner of Kansas City, Mo., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam Schleier of 1629 Central avenue. Mrs . Bittn er is ).Ir. Schleier's sister. -oMrs. K K P. Kline oi 131 I (~rn· JI wood ave nu e· and 1frs. C. G. :-:,mith , ,j 1325 . Gr ee nwood avenue motor ed la-t wc:ek~end to Fish Creek, \Vi :; .. returning ~tfonday t o \Yilm ettc. -0- J JI. Carbtrom. 112~ (~rtTJI ltai a\'l: nue. ha:-. been Yi ~i tin g hc:r --u 1J , C. E. Car}~trolll. fur t he paq IllOIHh in Kan:-;as (_tty, ).l o. ).J r~ . .\. - oEarl \\"c::.s tl. CJi .K an:-.a:- l ' ity . .\1 , '·· br(lther oi Ralph l'. \\ 'e:-,~cl 11i .?It t I \\'ood ruurt, ,·i=- it ed in \\'ilnh·ttt· io r ;1 1 ~hc1rt t illll' Ja-.,t \reck. I Boy Scouts More Scouts to Go to Camp .\lany north shore 13m· :-:,cout~ art planning tn take adYantage ui a sptci;tl fiith ptriod at Catnp Chl'raugau, runi ning from August 22 to ~eptl'mbl't' 3. ~t \ras 01: ig-inall y pl.a nn ed to hare (·nly I our penods at t h~:-. camp, but t IH·H' , has been ..,uch a tkmand i rom t lH· Scouts iur a camp peri()d ju:-t h<-it·rt· -rhool open::. that such an arrangtmt:nt ::-. practical!.' · ~b~tt rvd . ~cn· ra 1 tr' ·C·I~' in Ch:nroc. Highland Park. Dcnticld and other town:-. ha\·l' ,puktii i1>:· place~. and a nmnh cr oi ~~-~~ut-.. \'.ll o haH: <dread _ ,. been l11 tili -. t..' ll1111' <tn· seeking i(l r n rbanrl' It· \.!." h:tr k :· !· !' a not htr t ,,.o ,·,· eck~. 1 FULLY £QUII'PED 4·0001\ SEDAN {NOT A COACH) Court of Honor Court of ll !·lJqr i· t,r tl1 · <l\\·ard of badgt s carnl'cl hy X (·rth · Shore Area Scouts \vill be held at I Highland Park on ,\u gust l, probaitl_\ I Sun ~et par.;:; 1 \\"J1cn·, tl .. at · tlJt' ,,·cathl'r permits, a Camp Fire program ,,·ill ·uc held and the a\Yard s made <b a part oi thili . This Court \\'ill bt fc·r Scuub from all towns within the no rth shore area and parent s and irieud:-. arc cnrcliall.: invited to attend . Till· . \u g-u~t ·· 1 The lowest price at whieh a sedan was EVER. sold by ~e Brothers · · · · MIQNISHING ECONOMY 25 miles per &allon · · ·· at 2S mU. per hoUI' · · All ofthil plus tLe traditicmal DoDGE QuALITY AND DBPENDABIUTY C. M. McDONALD 1019 DAVIS STREET PHONES: UNIVERSITY 224, WILMETTE 224 Dau&· r: BROTHERS, INc. Many Troops Enjoy Outdoor Meetings Summer is out-of-door s time and the Scouts of the North Shore .-\rea are taking advantage of it in every way t.hey 'Can. Besides many Scouts going to camp, those who stay home are en j?ying overnight camping trips, day h1kes, and evening outdoor program s. An example of how these outdoor programs are carried on may be shown by looking into the program of Troop 36 at Highwood for Friday eYening, July 22. They are to meet at their regular meeting place and from there ont: patrol (eight boys) will proceed to a secret destination in the woods leaYing <! trail for the second patrol ~o follow. Shortly after the first patrol has started the second will set out in an attempt to trail the first patrol and catch them before they arrive at their destination. After all have arrived at the C~mp Fire site, a roaring fire will b~ bmlt and the meeting will proceed wtth son~s, yells and stories as all good \amp Ftre programs do. At closing tml,e the Scout benediction will be repeated and the boys will return home tired but happy. This is tvpical of what is happening througho~t the ·north shore, in fact throughout the country wherever there are Boy Scouts.

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