40 WILMETl'E LIFE July 22, 1927 Recreation Leagues The Horseshoe leagues sponsored by the \Vilmette Playground and .l{ecre<1tion board continued on this past week as before except the Tern1inals A. C. teams were bothered with wet feet and didn't show up. To give them July 12, 1927 their due, it did rain hard for about Howard P. T. A. five minutes early in the afternoon and Presbyterian Score 1st Game 21-12 settled the dust. · 2nd Game 21- 4 Tueaday. Night League 1\I. E. J....ynch Tom T·'hursby Team St. Joseph, 2 Presbyterians St. John's, 2 I. 0. 0. F., 4 Howard P. T. A. K. of C. Congregational 'Von 3 :~ Emphasize Track Events in Sixth Lost 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 2 3 Thuraday Night League Pet. 1000 1000 500 333 333 333 000 1 000 il67 Jlay stay In Wilmette through August Terminal A. C., 1 :J 0 If a sultnblt> lurnlshc>d home cam I. 0. 0. F., 2 2 1 be found. I. 0. 0. F., 1 2 1 Terminal A . C., 3 2 1 nm·ing the absen<·e thts month of )Jr. Terminal . A. C., 2 1 1 and llrs . .1<"'. W. Har\'ey, Jr. ~ nd l'hildren I. 0. 0. F., 3 1 2 of 1035 Greenwood Avenue, Wilmette, at St. John's, 1 0 2 Portage Point, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. :\1t>thodists 0 1 Wm. D. ~:lcJunkin of the Edgewater Special League Beach Hotel are occupying their home. I. o. o. F'., A 2 0 :\Irs. Har\'ey is their daughter. So de- 1. o. o. F., B 1 1 lightful are the impressions of the North Congregational 1 1 Shore :\Ir. and Mrs ·M cJunkin haxe gained Mason o 2 by their residence that they contemplate spending August here before again oc:!upying' their Edgewater Beach Hotel apartment. This is contingent on their Ask Your Dealer for finding a furnished home suitable to their needs. With so many North Shore folks taking their annual vacation in August it is probablt> that the McJunkins A Song In E11ery Seed. will experience little difficulty in securing It's better than what yo11 a suitable r esidence during that month. think Is best. Their phone number is 2334 Wilmette. Adv. _ · · I 667 667 500 333 000 000 1000 500 500 0~0 James Dusham Congregational Score 1st Game 2nd Game 3rd Game Karl Yost Rollin Simonds I. 0. 0, F., 4 Score lst Game 2nd Game AI Hoffmeyer Sam Johnson I. 0. 0 . F., 4 Seore 1st name 2nd Game Sam .Johnson AI Hoffmeyer St. John's 2 Play I. 0. 0. F., l H. 0. YonderHoff St. Joseph, 2 21-14 20-21 U-21 Ralph Klinge Yic Deinlein K. of C. 18-21 4-21 Joe Sehopen Art Braun Presbyterian 15-21 5-21 James Dusham Tom Thursby I. 0 ·. 0. F., 5 T. 0. 0. F., 3 Playground . ~eek Xext We ek Eleanor Bird Seed Score 1st · Game 21-15 2nd Game 21-17 Harry Trego \\-. L. Blanksheim F'red Radner 1 .-:dgar Poll'y Methodist T (· rminal A. C., 3 Score 1st < ~a nw 21-14 2nd Game lfl-21 3rd Ga.me JS-21 L. F . Todd <'. H odge Terminal A. C., 2 :-;t . John ·~. Will Play Lat er Congregational I. u . 0. F .. H l-il'Ol't' 1st Game 1rl - 14 1:~';.._1;; DO YOU REALIZE That EviUlaton lllltl Only the Lar·est Citiea Have VITAP·H ONE-AT THE VARSITY 2nd namt' :Jrd Game Rollin Simonds Tt·rminal A. C., 1 R<'ore 1st Game 2nd Game :~rd Game E. C. Salzman · ·F . A. Rodgers 15-12 < IP(J. "·ood 1. 0 . 0. F ., 2 21- 4 12-21 21-12 Di c k Burns Dan F 'r anco When you shop in distant places HEN you go far from home to shop W for what the shops of Uptown Chi· cago have almost at your door, what do you gain? Values are-_no greater anywhere than they are in Uptown Chicago, transportation is often not as good, parking space is never so plentiful nor so convenient. During the day especially, Uptown Chicago affords the rare pleasure of unhurried, unjostled shopping -can you deny the attraction of that? When you plan to travel, use the Railroad Union Ticket Office-buy your ticket, reserve your Pullman and check your baggage a: the Uptown Station. \Vilmette Playgrounds will enter upon the sixth week of the summer program with the beginning of next week. If one may judge from the prog~am this should be . one of the bus te st weeks of the entire season. Emphasis for the six~h ,,·_eek ."·ill be given to track athlettcs .ot van(:us kinds. culminating in the V1llage-\\'Hlc Playground track ~11eet to be he~d on Thursday afternoon at the V11lage Green. A number of events h~ve be~n selected for the meet, whtch w1Jl touch all · groups that frequent the grounds. There will be dasl~es to accommodate all groups, hopp111g rae<·:;, stand broad jump event s, and playground · ball throws. . Prizes will be given to the WtlllH:r.;; of first, second and third places in each event. The on ly stipulation made ior entering an event is that a child must he in ;tttcndance at one r~f . the I'layground:;. The events which start prnmptly at 2 o'c lock are as fo llows: 30 yard clasl1-Children under "ix vears ·of age. Boys-seven years old, Girls-seven years old. Boys-eight vears old , Girls-eight ycar.s old. · 40 yard da sh-Bovs- nine vears nld, Girls-=-.nine Years ol~l. Boys__:-ten years old. Girls-t~n years old. Boys-tweh-e and under, Girl s-twelve and under . Hopping race-Boys- under rigltt ,·ears. Cirls-undrr eight years, Be~~.., __ ~ttHler ten year". Girls - under ten \'ears . . ~tanding broa d jump-Bo~·s-under eight. Cirls-undcr eight, Boys-und('r ten. Cirls- under ten. Bny s-unrl<:r twcln. Girb-undcr t\\'cln'. Playground . hall thro,,· - Boyo; -twcln: and under. Cirb-t\\'l'lve and under . In addition t C) the track mcd th e children \\'ill dn·nk t hl' hanclcr;tl t pniud to \\'taYing hask l'b with papt·r roth·. This is exctl·dingh· intcrc~tin~ ,,·ork attd partnh are ror~lialh· ill\· itl· ~l \() sn· tltt ch ildren·, at pia~· . . Thi s \\l'l'k will alsn ht..' thl· l;t--t chanct to pass the ;Jthktic Badge tv -t..: fm \Yhiclt the children ha\·l· h( · ~·n training for sen· ral \H'eb. . Elsa vonReinsperg Is Rope Jumping Champion Tltl' Village -wide rope jumping C\l!ltests for the rl1ampionship nf \Vilm tttc \Hrl' held C)ll Thursda,· a.iternoon at the Beach pla\'grnun~l. \fr ..;. :\lt ;t C'ahhn·ll ancl \1 is~ Lucy R t·t"er \\'l' !'<' the nrt· l rials. H(1nors \\'l'rt..· fairh· \\'t..·ll tli,·i<kd afar a~ pla:q.!TCHl!Hls. were conccnn: cl. Laurel \\'O il first place with R0 tH Jin t..;: the Beach was second " ·ith RS p(Jint.;;, Village Crern third with 7x. and \'att man fourth with 7o. Elsa \'onRtinspcrg of till' T.aurd playground wa~ the indi,·idual champion of \Vilmettr . .;corinQ' the hil!ht--1 mtmhcr of points. Lucille Hoffman. rrprest·nting Vattman. was ...;econd. ancl Bc>rnice Pf·nr:::>cl. from the Beach. wa..; third . Prizes '"ill he ;1\\'arrled tlw wi nn e r s . UPTOWN CHICAGO Shopping Center of a Million People AR.CYLE Business Men- Uptown Chicago welcomes new businesses, and is doing more than any other Chicago community to assut'e the success of e"ery enteT.. fn'ise within the Uptown Chicago at'ea. We ut'ge you to in.,estigate the possibilities hef'e /of' sub.. stantial success. -t :I )> m r -1-- 7' E rl1 One of a series of adt~er· tisements /of' Uptown Chicago, sponsof'ed by the CentTal Uptown Chicago Association and paid for c~operatively by Uptown Chicago's businessmen. MONTROSE I E. C. Tranklcr. r122 Greenleaf ;tH· · nuc, left last \nek-cnd for Oakla :1d and ot her California ritie..; 111 ht 1!01··· about four weeks. Upon his rt..'tttrn to \\T ilmrttr. \f r. and \f r~. Tra n kl-.·r :,.,.} their iamil~· will h:a\'C t0 take un t),, i·· permanrnt rc ~ idcnce in Oakl;t~td. where ~fr. Tranklcr ha . ; hl'l'll tra p..; frrrcd in hminess. -oJoc \Vitliam s and Louis \Icscauex of Chicago have re·ccntly joined the staff 0£ barbers at the Belrose Sanitary Barher Shop, 1128 Central aYenue.