Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jul 1927, p. 37

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July 22, 1921 WILMETTE LIFE Northmore Land Company Operates Course (Continued from Page 17) home club and only recet~tly was ... prize winner m a big invitation event held at the Beverly club . The:.:'ll tell YOU at the club that ~frs. Arends i~ going high in golf. The big eYen t of the sca~on at \Vii mettc ts the annual Pow-wow. On this daY. "i'tich happens to he August 17 ·this year, the i>rogram includes in\'itation events. Dave Patullo is the professional. lt b his third year and they say he's a fine instructor. And there's an assistant pro. who is some dri,·er. His name i::; Tony Rengel. He wbn th<: driYing championship stagecl hy th<: Chicago Tribune at Lincoln Park last y.car, his winning drive zooming 452 yards. BAHAI LECTURES ~11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~ Meetings for the exposition of the Bahai Revelation are held in the studio of Louis Bourgeois, architect, 536 Shocidan road, Wilmette, Sundays at Saturday. Every Saturday afternoon 3 p. m. Wednesdays at 8 p. m. a study the women indulge in bridge. At class meets in the home of C. P. Ch,rispresent they are engaged in a tourna- tensen , 1138 Oakwood avenue. ment which is to extend over a period of ten weeks. Mrs. E. C. Trankler of 622 Green~frs. John H. Brodt is chairman of leaf avenue has had her sister. Mrs. the women's golf committee. Others Fred McCaul, and her daughter, jaue, who take an active part are Mrs. of Detroit, Mich., as her · guesb for Charles A. Ziebarth, ~1rs. Harry \V. two weeks. They were joined by Mr. McCaul Sunday and returned hon1e Bro\n1. and .Mrs. Thomas ~lcLaren. with him. (Next week-Briargate) -o-Mr. ana Mrs. ]: F. Davies and theil' ~I r. and ).1 rs. Loui s Holste and their two sons, Syd and Jackie, left last iamily of ).1asse na, ]owa, were the Saturday on a motor trip to Bass Lake, gue sts last \\'eck of ~1 r. and ~Ir s . F. C. Mich. Mr. Davies recently has acHol:"tc of 822 Prairie a Hnue. ).f r. and quired the newest contrivances in fish~~ rs . H olstc entertained at dinner on ing tackle and wiJl be home in about ~londay ior their guests, who r<:turned three weeks to tell his \\'ilmette friends I ~.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll....i .some good fish stories. ,__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___. Saturday to their home. I BUCK For Painting . and Decorating: at Sensible Prices 1405 Central Ave. Wilmette 1===- I Club Leases From Syndicate \ Yilm<:t t{' G. C. is young in golf. l'he cluh "arrived" because it had to. hack in 1922 that a :-.Yndicate thr<:t.' men, Robert Cunt~ingham. J ostph Ro:-.cman and George O'~eill~ looking to the futurt.·, purchased the land-235 acres on the north :--id<: oi l.akc an:nue immediatelY wc . . t oi the prt'scnt Skokie Valley llranr.h of the x~)rth Shore line. Perhaps they "~a"·" the time when a railroad would run through that section. That lwpe has hetn realized and with it came a mell'orir jump in land Yalues. Th<: Syndicate's original plan to build a fee course. wa::; carried 11\lt. ~Poll tht.· Playmore Goli club apptarl·d. But the demands ior golf and Jttnre golf \H're so insistent that PlayJJH·rt.· could not la:--t. Those who playt·d at the ite course den:loped into a l'Ottrie of regulars. And these regular-. wanted something different. The~· didn't ,,·ant a ice ronr:'e: they \\'ant<:rl a rluh <~i their t)\\'11. That ,,·as ,,·h:: \\' <b It SINCE :1i ~18SJ - ~ Ask Mr. Aitken! About Wilmette and Winnetka M R. WM. AITKEN was the builder of hundreds of the homes now occupied by residents of Wilmette and Winnetka. l'laynt<·re " departed" a iter a :-lwrt ·xi~ t c tll' e a 11 cl i 11 it.; pi a c l ' r a me t 1t l' \\'ilme tt e r,oli club. \\'hen tltt time came t(· afien tl h· With the growth of these suburbs and the inevitable crowding of them, Mr. Aitken sought for another location on the North, equal1y delightful, where he could build a community of character. Such is Bannockburn. Mr. Aitken lives there-and the countryside is dotted with houses he has helped to plan, finance and build. change (that \\'as iti 192-+ ' the 0\\·ncr:r.f the land \\' Crt.· perfcrth· \\illing. The :-.yndicatc called itseli .the (~oli morc Land compan~·. which nan1e :-:till :-tirb. The new club agreed to ka:-·: \ tl1e cour.e from this operating com -· pany and the terms of the agrt·cmrnt ca lled for the members to pa~· tht:ir greens ·ices and hou se account ..; direct to the Land company. Tt ,,·as a non~ l plan and has prm·ed successful. The membership filled ">0 rapidly that it finalh· was decided to restrict it ttl 360 1;1cmhers. Thrre has been a \Yait ing li:-;t for two years. The present lease of the clubhou~e and course by \Vilm ctte G. C. expires in 1931. The writer is iniormed, howc\'er. that there \Yill he a five Year renr\Yal. Here is some thing inte~t·st ing. The Land company ope rat <: ·" t·vcryth ing and that includes the clubhou~r. r am told that the compan\' finisfled last season with a conside~ able deficit on the dining room. But there \vasn't any wail from le ssor. The officials of the clu h ha,·e nothing hut prai. e for their landlord. which ocldly enou~h establishes one landlord in a fayorable light. I Bannockburn is only 54 minutes to the Loop. It is easy to get to-about a mile north of Deerfield. A priyate co3ch takes you to and from the station. See Bannockburn-and ask Mr.Aitken for such suggestions as he may have to offer out of his long experience in the matter of chooslng a homesite and building a home. BAIRD & WARNER Division of Community Development Telephone Superior 1855 646 North Michigan Avenue Syndicate (ISitting Pretty" . But the Land company "should \\'tlrr<' about present deficit s. Sometime-"·hen the proper time arrivesthey'll sell the land and that sa le will mean a fortune. They can afford to The members of \Vilmettc have golf at a nominal cost and enjoy all the · ach·antage<; of more expensive clubs. \\'ait. They enjoy ~he dinner dances every ~~~!!SiiiiiSSSSSiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~iiii~!~~~~!

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