Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jul 1927, p. 34

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34 ~rs. E. W. Firth and her gran<idaughter. Miss Margaret Stackhouse, of 1011 ThirteeJlt\1 street, left Thursday of last week to spend six weeks in Montreal and on Lake Louis. WILMETTE LIFE July 22, 1927 Roundabout the Playgrounds VILLAGE GREEN wide Horsesh~e Tournament that will be held this week. Both boys are on a par as to skill in throwing the shoes and they should make a very formidable entry to represent the Green. The pet show was a big success. The pets were right there and it was very hard to judge them. After much deliberation a plain every day "hound" owned by Donald Miller was given 'first place. \Vhat an intelligent hound though! Nobody was disappointed. Lucile Krause had a jet black cat which won second place, and Walter Baron's white dog of no special breed won third place. The aristocrats do not rate. The contest was judged according to the intelligence, grooming and cuteness of the pet. Th.e kick-batl team was defeated by Vattman park by a score of 21-5. The baseball team was also overwhelmed. The beach team, still undefeated, came through with a 25-4 vi~tory over the Village Green nine. ' The prospects for a team to enter tht. Village-wide track meet are very ---------------- (director, Lucy Reeser) The Vi!_lage Green playg.round has , been through a week of strenuous ~otice is hereby given to every property owner in New Trier townabtp to work. A lot has been accomplished have his Canada thistle cut on or be- and there is not a doubt that the chilfore July 5. Any property owner who dren have benefited by everything. does not heed thla warnlq lhall be Ralph Hoffman and Lefty Steffens liable to prosecution and a ftne of from $5 to $100. John Balmu, thlBtle emerged victorious in the local Horsecommissioner of New Trier town·hlp, shoe tournament and they will repre839 Cherry street, Winnetka. sent .the Village Green in the Village NOTICE favorable. Kathleen Welter, more familiarly known as "Kelty" has b~en doing some fast wo~k. Ruth Smtth, sister of the Olymptc star~ Dorotl~y Smith, has also been showmg ttt> m excetlent form. Some decidedly good work has been done on posters an~ the best. ones have been entered 111 the Vtltagc wide Poster contest. VATTMAN PARK (director,' Miss May Witcher) Although our radio fans heard not 1~ - _ ing of the gr.eat victory t~roug_h theu· receivers. the importance, m W tlmette, of the Laurel- Vattman Park baseball game was not a whit lessened becau~c of the absence of the microphone. In fact a great pitch of excitement wa~ reached when the scoreboard at . the finish accr.edited 29 successful circuib of the diamond to Vattman while Laurel's runs added up to . 7. This noteworthY clash between two enthusiastic tea;ns took place on Tuesday, July 11. Laurel left the field with unbroken spirits ior the sportsmanship in such affairs has ahvays been of the highe~t. . On \ \' ednesday at the Village Green the girls' home kick-ball team played the \'isitors from the Village Green. The visitors upheld the precedent the boys baseball team had worked for. The final score was Vattman 21. Village Green 5. Miss May \\'itcht·r officiated most ably. The ever prominent Vattman playground se nt three agile and grac~ in! girls to uphold its name in the Village wide rop~ jumping contest. The girls were Eleanor Steen. Lucillt.: J !nffn1a 1l and Lo rretta Steffens. A magnificent pet shm,· i11 whirh were entered the most prized and belo\'ed pets oi the \ Ta ttman neighlHlrh:)od took place on la st Frida\·. :\ cro\rcl oi 150 people witne ssed th.t· t ' X . hihitinn \\'hich ('Onsi:-ted oi thirty - ti\·t· pets. Thr fir:-t prize wa~ presented to Dorothy Davi s who entered a ral>hit and a ki ttrn decked out in pink and hltw h::>" :- and held captive 1)\· a \\"O ll deriully decorated cratr. ~fan\ iaithiul fri e nd , th~ rbg, ,,·a..; given seco1Hl place. Hr wa s O\\'nc·d In· Marian Clay. ] ame s Hoffman rntere~l the \\'bite don· \\'hich was gi,·en t bird honor s. ~1 iss Helen Ander son a11cl ~Jrs. Ett.-l!"l'ne Loughrin were judges ni the affa1r. An att<"ndancc nf 700 chilclrc.'n hr last week hroke Vattman Park\ record for the year. \Ve hope that many mnrc childrtn will avail them selvrs of the excellent opportunitir..; for profit and go:)d time which thi..; Park affords. T.he Village wide poster contest " ·a..; ennched by 12 posters from Vattma 11 Park playground. B~sicles the athletic sports are othrr pasttmes such as vase painting and lacquer \\'ork which many of the child:en .find gn.·at fun and profitable d1vrrs ton. OIL TO BURN A Grade for ErJety Burnet BUGBBI OIL COMPANY I · · · 0 t CeDeral O&ic.., 144 Ru·· St. Nortla Slaore plaat, Howard at McCormick Bl·d. Superior 1481·Z·3-4 Te1eplaoaea: Nilea Ceater Z17 Greealeaf 3451 Ropra Park IIIZ · · 0 0 0 0 ··· 0 · · · · · · · · 0 0 0 0 · · 0 · · · 0 · · · · · · 0 0 · · 0 · · · · · · · · newest -1· features of radio ·~ r;,.' \.,;.) ·~ -- c- "'/'!)'. Satisfy Your. Summer Appetite These hot summer days don't let eat'ing become a duty rather than a pleasure. Change to the Library Plaza Cafeteria, where a meal . is a~ ways enjoyable. ~~ ~- Hear them here! The newest features of radio have had a year's ..road test" in Radiola 28 and the RCA Loudspeaker 104. You just plug in on the ·lighting circuit, for music more nat and perfect than you have ever heard before by radio. Come in tod·t to hear it. A Few Specials: FRIDAY. JULY .22 Fried Halibut Steak. Tomato Sauce, Au Gratin Potatoes 25c Roast Leg of Milk Fed Veal, Dressing, Cranberry Sauce 3 sc Omelet with Fresh Raspberries 3 sc Boiled V cgcrarian Dinner with Hard Boiled Egg 3 sc SATURDAY, JULY 23 Creamed Ham a Ia King on Toast 3 sc Roast Stuffed Spring Chicken, Dressing, Cranberry Sauce 5 oc Braised Short Ribs of Bed, Small Vegetables, BrQwned New Potatoes 25c Baked Sugar Cured Ham, Baked Sweet Potatoes 40c 1\CA':': 1\adlola SUNDAY, JULY 24 Chicken Pot Pie, Cream Dumplings 5 oc Ragout of Milk Fed Veal. Spring Vegetables ·25c Fried Pork Chops Country Style 25c Roast Stuffed Long Island Duck, Fresh Rhubarb Sauce 65c Fried Half Spring Chicken on Toast 6sc Our Famous Roast Prime Ribs of Beef au jus 3 sc ((~r~ctor. Miss Dorothea Mulholland) . e ever fighting and sportsmanhke hasebaJI teatn traveled to Vattman park and took a whippinJZ hy a score of 29-7. There· are no alibis to . LAUREL PLAYGROUND Camrras and Projtctors Connnitnt Turns UBRARY PLAZA MP·8T·-AIA Ia Tbt Library NORTH SHORE TALKING MACHINE CO. Thursday Saturday Gladioli Now in Bloom at Hammond Gardens Plaza Hotel o,:!~~;~;1. . ~ and 712 CHURCH I 1 Th~s~ hcautiful early flowers onlY ~ c.ents a dozen ; also, Vegetablt>~, rOJiers, Fresh Eggs. Free delivery of $2.00 order. HA-:\DIOND GARDENS En· nlnge. . ·· r--------------...J Latke Ave. Hubbard Rd., 3rd house sooth nr Phone Wilmette !3t:J.

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