Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jul 1927, p. 21

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July 22, 1927 WILMETTE ·LIFE gu~sts of and son over the week-end and they Harold Ehrenaperger T e I I a vive; but in communities like Glen- they returned to Milwaukee with him. Threshold Players of Develop- coe, where homes are established and where people are acquainted with each Mrs. Fred E. Parn· of 622 )_f aple ment of Drama Movement other, the little theater flourishes . . The avenue entertained -WednesdaY at genius of such an organization, he lun_theon and b.ridge in honor her '!'It·· · '['hres -hold Plavers of Glencoe sat'd t's g up f pe 0 ple ho are " · · a ro o w sister, Mrs. Lawrence Zempel of Lewisheard a splendid talk on the little thea- . interested · to become charter members, towo. 111., who is leaving tomorrow aftl'r mon·ment by Harold· Ehrensper- a group that can be counted on to be ter spending two weeks in Wilmette. gl'r. at tht-ir meetinR last Tuesday eve- a board of directors to settle the poli- There were three tables of bridge. ning. at the home of Miss Rebecca cies of the organization. Such groups -aAnthon'·, 684 lBluff street, Glencoe. tltat find 110 rapt'd chat1ges of persotl .J Mr. and Mr.s. Roger Williams and I ~f r. Ehrcnsperger is welt known as net and leadership, live. By growing their children of 410 Forest avenue ieft a lecturer and authority on the drama together and getting to know each last week-end to motor to their summer and sta~ing. He is thoroughly versed other's peculiarities and idiosyncracies, home at Bemus Point, N. Y., on Lake 110 t onlv in the theory but in the the members of the organization are Chautauqua. where they will stay a practice· of the modern drama methods, enabled to put on work that vies with month. and has had wide experience and the professional. -oqudv hoth here and abroad. He is the Mr. Ehrenspcrger believes that the Miss Dorothy Morris of Newark, N. :-ecr~tary of the Drama League of little theater movement is leading J., arrived in \Vilmette \Vednesday America. and at the present time is toward an entirely new step in the night to spend a month as the guest of giving a series o( lectures at North- drama, that through it will be develop- her brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and western university. His knowledge of ed originality in America, and a Mrs. William 0. Morris of 112 Ninth the suhjt·ct, and his engaging way of thoroughly American theater. street. talking made the evening particularly interesting. ·where the population is conMr. and Mrs. John Kieft of 1221 CALLS LimE THEATER ctttes last tinually circulating, where every com- Forest avenue had as their \Veek, Mrs. Ray F. Kieft and her son, munity is aln10st completely changed PECULIARLY AMERICAN e\·ery Milwaukee. Mr. Kieft joined his year, little theaters cannot sur- of urope E .....,.,...dcmawwi..W,......., , ,_.~If·......,.~- to Economy-yes. But more than that, Canadian Pad6c Tourilt 'Ihird Cabin atiUI'el you travel . comfort, cuiline and ter9lce ~ . . ; aurpa11iDI your es:peetado~~ .· : Round trip farea frOm. $1'7lf'to/ . ~~\ $190.You willaail fromMoa~.. :·:~~ or Quebec down the plctm:::ff .~':l St.. LawreDce-IM -.he, ... 1.1 botdft,czrd to EtWope-th~ ODlf7· ·~: · daya Opal tea ~0 ~ . , ·· 19,000 Little Theatera Tft> :-aid that 19,000 little theaters \\'l're registered in the Drama League oi America, and that this movement is nne of the most phenomenal things that ever happened to the theater. Thc!-le little theaters are being organizt·d in high schools, small and large ··luhs and in very big organizations, and t hrongh them thousands of people i' art· hec~ming acquainted with types of I I pla~· s that are of a higher character, I ntorl' :-t·rious and better than produc- I t inth pttt on by the legitimate theater : at the present time. They have their faults. oi course, but their audiences arc trained to know good plays, and to il'el a deep interest in the theater. The little theater in America, said ~I r. Ehrenspcrger, is an absolutely ne\\' nHwement, something that is unique and entirely American. There i-. nothin~ like it in Europe. In large ················-------------------------------------~ Established 1854 C. H. JORDAN & CO. Funeral Directors for 72 Years · Wilmette Office-Phone Wilmette 3354 Agent, 71 E. Jackson Btftt, Telephone Wabash 1904, Chicaco, IJl/ For Freight apply to W. A. Kitteft6aater, General Wester!\ Freight Agent, 940 The Rookery. Chicago: III. R. : S. Elworthy, S~lp Geileral . CHICAGO 200 E. Erie Sr. Phone Superior 7709-7710 l ·-------------------------------················-···· STEP LIVELY! (SALE ENDS SATURDAY, JULY 30) -~ I 1867 Suit Patterns Priced at Thirty-Seven Dollars Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much !he size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiates from them. U"" lessiceptalwaysdeanandhealthy, EYES lack1this alluring lustrt:. Millions of women throughuut the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par.. ticlc:s :md keeps them dear and brieht. Contains no belladonna. 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