Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jul 1927, p. 20

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WILMETTE . LIFE Mrs. R. H. A. Green of 318 Park TO HEAR DR. WASHBURNE avenue entertained twelve friends at Carletoh \V. Washburne, superinluncheon and bridge yesterday in her tendent of the schools, Winnetka, will home. speak on "The \Vinnetka Plan" before FOR DISTINCTIVE the students of the National Kinder garten and Elemet~tary college Monday afternoon. The Winnetka Plan of Large, Deep, Natural Waves Negrescou's Pure Steam Process education has been widely discussed July 22, 19.27 New Trier Leaders at N. U. Summer Sessions PERMANENT -WAVING AS LOW AS $15.00 HAIR GOODS T r a n s f o rmations. B . o b Wigs with natural parts as low as $35.00. For dlscrlmtnate rt:quirements consult Mr. John Negrescou,.30 years on ~tate St. Expert Beauty Parlor Service aad Artlstle Hair Cutting NEGRESCOU'S DRAPE WAVES, . ETC. THE WIGGERY SUITE 13i4 STEVENS BLDG. 17 N. STATE STREET TEL, ltANDOLPH 1035 ==~~~~~~~~---- A roster of the visiting faculty members who are serving the summer session of Northwestern university this year has just been issued by Director Clvde L. Grose and is a mirror of not on.lv- Northwestern's good name but of durin~ the past few years, but com- th · f a f the Chicago north shor~ · paratavely few teachers have had au 1 . e . a llC 0 . . opportunity of hearing a first-hand dtstnct as a summenng place. A sagmexplanation of the methods used. The 1 ficant side-light is that various profeslect~re .will be givea:t at 2 o'clot:k in the I sors seem to head toward Northwestaudttorlttm of Harnson hall. _ ern for summer school work as soon VISIT COLORADO MINES I as the torrid. days. ~egin .. Interior. colTrips to Denver and the Chain l<.:g.es and umverstttes, wath occasto~al O'M ines near Denver are being made ,·tsttors f ro~n the coasts, to emphastze each week under the direction of Dr. that exceptions make the rule, are rep\\'illiam M. Muchow. Each Saturday resented in the list. from 10 to 25 men in a party planned ::\e\\' Trier High school faculty memby Dr. Muchow, l~ave Chicago about hers who. arc a~sociated with .the summidnight and arrive in Denver 1:fon- mer s~ssJO~s , mclude Supermtendent day at 8:15 a.m. to visit Idaho Spnngs, Fredcn~k E. Clcrk,. L. Alvts Hutchens, the Chicago creek, a country noted for he~d ot the Enghsl~ d.epartment, and its gold mines, and the Central City }.1.tss Laura Foqer Clinch, head of the district. I H tstory department. Cleo C. Campbell Assumes Charge of Northwestern Golf Cleo . C. Campbell of Glencoe is no"· in full charge of ticket seller~. startn~ and the finances of Northwestern Got t course a promotion which has come to bin; during the brief time l~e has been affiliated with the operation of this poQular Forest Preserve cours<.'. Mr. Campbell reports rapid progre . s in the improvement of the courst·, which is going on under the supe~ vision of Edward Long .who nO\\' has tt in first class shape. North shore golfers are taking keen interest in the course this 5eason. l t is accessible to all north shore town 5: , l~cing reached from Evanston hy goingwest on either Dempster or Church streets to Harms road, thence north to the clltb: from \Vilmette, ·\\·est on either Lake ayenue or Glenview rO<Hl to Harms road. thence south. The Skokie Valle~· line ' l1as a station :tt Hani1s \Vood<; which is only :' (' \'t·tt minutes \\·alk from the club. There are large picnic ground . . ad.ia cent to the course. At thC' cluhhntJ,t·. dinners. lunche5: and cold cirink. :tr,· .-l'rved to the ptthlic. The cluhh<·u,, · i:- in chargt· ni \f rs. \far~· Churchill. \\.ilmcttc chapter 0. E. S. htld a :- tlcia! meeting \Vednesday aft<:rnocm :1t the home of ).f r.-. F. A. Buck. 1Sl ~ F0re:-;t a\'enue . Carcls and htttt r o " ·ere pla.\·cd. · .i PHONE \\liLMETTE 55 Some day when you are thirsty and a bit tired, sit down for a few .moments to a tall glass of cool Bowman's Milk. Sip it slowly, criti.. cally. What a soothing, delicious, and wholesome drink milk can be-when it is Bowman's. ; Prolltable Training! for the modern girlHE one· yeat" diploma courses and short intensive courses offered by this school are the most profitabletrainingthemodem young woman could seek. The facilities lor study and actual practice of the ans which are taught are highly complete and modern in every respect, whtl' the location oi the school and the living conditions afforded are ideal. T ..;. I A Happy HomeFor the girl who wishes to prepare herselfto be the happy, efficient , ~ tress of a successful home-there ::tre classes in cookery, menu plannmg, marketing, dressmaking, art need lework, house _..mishing and imenor decoration, arid many others-all designed to eliminate wasted time and effon from the routine of hcmemaking ·and tum it into an endle~s round of pleasure. IndependenceFor the g1rl who would be selfsupporting, diploma courses in Lea room and institutional management, dietetics and cafeteria operation are available. The demand for trained graduates of this school, to fill responsible, salaned poaitions- far exceeds the supply. This is your opportunit-;. Why not plan now to · a_c into training" for a richer life! Write to the address below .for t1 free c·talog fully de· scribing this school ·nd what il can mean to You, 'BDAIRY OWMAN COMPANY CHICAGO and SUBURBS, MILK. 8ctboolo1Doaaeatlo At tefl hleaooe · N.llllalll·-·IYd., DettL Z, C:bloa·o Dept, Sub.

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