July 22, 1927 WILMETTE 'i LIFE. 19 USE "HIGH EX'. ' IN WAR ON MOSQUITOES ~oon the residenb in the vicinity of the Skokie valley arc to hear detonation~ and bombardments akin to "High Ex" barrages on the \\.estern irnnt. hut there \Yill ht no cause for alarm a~ it will he merely a phase of the ~anitary district\ warfare againq 1110:\C(Uit ol' S. Pre . i(lcnt T. ] . Cro\H' and Trustee I ames \f. \\.halen and ~I ichael Ro seniJer~. whn form the hoard of strategy in 'tht campaign to exttrn.1 inatc thr ]lt':-ts. han· ill\·okcd n,e \b(' of dyna lllitt' a:- part of tht:ir !\cheme of operation . In the case nf small streams and hrn(,ks \\·hen· watl·r forms · in JH,nb. thus affording hrl't.'ditlg placc:for tlw insects. the · proce~~ (If "midrhatlllt:ling" will he adopted . Dyna mite \\'ill he used in the work apd it is expecte.d that a frt'er An\\· will thus lit' obtained. "High Ex" rrcws difl'Ctt.>d ln· John T. ).filler. manager nf Pl·rman(';lt plants and strurtun.·s of tht· ~anitan· district. \\'ill cln till· work . Chf-istian Science Churches "Life"· was the suhject of the lessonst:rmon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, July 17. The golden text \\·as frotH Proverbs )(J :22. "Cnderstan<ling is a \H·llspring 0f life unto him whn hath it." Among the citation~ \\'hich compris ed the le ss on-sermon \\·a;-; the following from the Bihle: ":\o man can sen·c twu master s: io r either he will hate the one and lo\'(~ the oth<.·r: or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot sent: God and mamnlon. Therefore I :-a\' unto you. Take no thought for y0ur iife. what ye shall eat. or what yc shall drink: nor yet ior \'Our hod,·. what ve shall put on. Is n~t the lih: more th~n meat. and the bod,· than raitllcnt? But seck ye first the .kingdom of God. and his righteousness: and all these things shall he added unto nm" (~latt. 6:24, 25, 33). The lesso1~ - sermon als0 included the iollo\\'ing passages from the Christian ~cience textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." by Mary Haker Edd\': "The fact is, food does not affect .the absolute Life of man, and this becomes self -evident. when \\'e · learn that God is our Life. Because sin and sickness are not qualities of ~oul or Life. we have hope in immortalit\': hut it . \\'Ottld he foolish to venture- beyond our present understanding, foolish to stop eating until \\'e gain perfection and a clear comprehension of tlw Living Spirit. In that perfrct day of understanding. we shall neither eat t() lin· nor Jiv e to cat" (p. 388). NORTH SnoRE· BooTERY SALE Beginning Today A Semi-Annual Event Anticipated With Pleasure by Those Who Know Values! Seasonable models from our reg· ular stock for street, afternoon and evening wear smartly - reduced to Dig. Drainage Ditches Tn marshy grounds other ·gang:- will dig drainage ditches leadinj..(' to creeks and run-off channek Dehris and l·rtt:'h checking water A0\\' '"ill h{· rrllH)\'ed . Oilers carrying spraying l'quipmrnt on their hacks ,,·ill co\·er t ht· pest -ridden area;-; thomughly. and it i:' expected that svh stantial f('Stllts \\'ill he obtained. The Sanitary district i:- \mrking in co -operation with the Gorgas M cmorial Institute. Dr. Franklin H. ~{ar t in ni that organization .i:; in constant f11t1ch with President Crowe of the Sanitan· district, and technicians from tht" In~titute are constanth· in the Mrs. Wayne R. Bennett, 1212 Cenfr~·ld directing the \\'Ork 0f .the oilen tral street. was a recent hostess to her ;tnd lahnrt>rs. luncheon and bridge club. Narrow Heels Comfortable Lasts Diversity of Styles which mean a snug fit and a siz· e from which to select ~ season· requirements. IN TC!>WN Patent Satin Kid For Your Convenience! Exceptionally b e a u t i f u 1 and sheer chiffon hosiery in all colors, suitable for all models. Black, White, Tan, Parchmen~, Blonde and a Few Colored Kids If orce ttru!>l :;/a.!/ ilf. !owtc ..... of' (lOUrot, li~ !~ere aN' more Men, Take Notice! F a m o u 1 loq-wearin1 and well-aelected Floraheim shoes reduced to · eiC/raiC.ciJC,g plac-eb- -hu.llfcfX. evrz, ~Schutt loWK mode/.:J rf(V)()/ /rocfttt il( new ck!J(J!O mo:J/}1 of prinled c"~ ~ aJCcf i,._, w,f.icfc M~ lowJC. hecom~ pfea,jan.l. v~~ ~mmtry prire~ a, per ~am,le art C'OifC/)eiC!Ja/i()I(:J. J $8.85 Bostonians reduced to $1.95 a pair $6.35 $7.85 $8.85 Street Shoes Sport Shoes Come in today and see what smart shoes you may buy and · at what savings! NOTE: Upon request all charge purchases wit/ be placed on n~xt month's bill. ........ tiWM ~.- KARON SCHUR am! SporfswWJr EVANSTON JH SHORE HOTEL · 1605 CH ICAOO AVE. NoRTH SnoRE.·BooTERY 529 DAVIS ST. In the North' Shore Hotel