Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jul 1927, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE July 22, 1927 ·~~Methodist Church Lake and Wilmette avenues The chureh service begins ~t 11 and closes at 12 o'clock. The pastor will preach next Sunday and the S unday atter, before going on his vacation. His theme this week will be "Some of the Fruits of Solitude." A quartt>t will sing. All departments of the church school meet at nine-thirty. Spedal programs h~ve been planned for each and every group. Lillie 1\Iae Humphries, the secretary, has sent tht> following re~lort of tht· life at Camp ".ilmettt>. r-;he prelude~; th(· rc).)()rt with an original JlOem: With the twittt:>rtng· of the birdit>~ In the trees and in their nest, Comes the thought of low and frit·tHlship And the joys of play and rest. Up along the Paw Paw River Dwell som"" happy girls and fair, Learning how to live together, Breathing all the lovt that's there. rAfter a long but qultt· t'njoyahlt' hus ride on l\londar, July 11, we reached Camp Wilmette. 'Ve arrived at last! ~es, indeed, "'"' wert" really l·amper:-;. And now we are real campers, working together, playing together, eating together. !i'lnging together, and loving one another. The perwnnel of the camp statr is as fol- Margaret Ott, Ruth Phelps, Virginia Polows: Mrs. 0. J, Borchers, M. A., North- lonis, Virginia Roberts, Florence Sellery, western university, is the camp mana- ,and Geraldine Sprage. This group of ger. Miss Lita Pearl Attig, M. A., North- girls is divided into four smaller ~roups . w~tern university, is the . camp or unitti: the ":Mapawpaws," "VIsta diredor. Miss Lillie Mae Hum- Agrestt," ·v.rahwahtayt;ee Lodge," and phries, B. S., Northwestern university, is "Never Uloom." '1'he following is the teacher of nature art, nature lore, and schedult' for t·adl day: scouting. Miss Muriel Donoyer', B. S., 6 :4~1, rt'veille. Nort·hwestern university, and Miss Luti :50-7 :15, setting up, diJl, de· . ella Burrows, a graduate of the Chicago 7 :15- 7 :20, flag raising. Teachers Kindergarten college, teaches 7 :20-7 :50, brE.'akfast. handicraft and athlt-tict>. Mr. John \Vest 8 :00-8 :45, clean up. 8 :4ii-!l :00, a!;sembly. is the life saver and swimming instr.uctor. Mrs. Martin Bickham, the camp, ~~ :OO- HJ :011, natur"' Jon· and athletics. nwtht·r, has eharg~: of tt-nt and personal 10:00-11 :00, nature art and handiinspection; and she iH also a favor·it(· craft. a" a story-teller. 11 :00-11 :4i·, swimming and drt·!-Hing. Thirty-one girls are enjoying the ac11 :H1- 12 :Iii, free time. tivitit>s which et.·ntt-r around the life at 12 :l:J-12 :4i:i, dinner. r.amp 'Vilmette: r.atht-rine Biekham, 12 :4 ii- 1 :1 ii, f'ant~:>t·tL !<;mma Bickham, llargart>t Bickham, 1 :lii-2 :15, rest. Florenc~:> Biesemeier, Jeanne Brasshears, 2 : lii --:1 : J:-,, camp<'mft, ~wnuting-, lwn;e Oliw Brower, J<;Ieanor Burpee, Palyma ,back riding, hikes. L(>e Burpee, Dora Burrows, Muriel Colby, :J .:1 ii-4 :15, frel:' hour. Estella Engelhart, Frances l'Jtzbach, RG-se J 4:1 ii-5 :00, Hwim, drt-~H. ~larit> Gash, Lois Hanawalt, Vir·ginia ;, :1 ii-5 :45, council. Hawley, Marian Huber, Josephint- Johnii :-Li-6 :30, supper. son, Margaret Jones, Xancy Jane Me(l :~0-6 :35, flag low~>ring. ('lintock, Edith Marquardt, Eleanor fi ::lf·-7 ::w, gameH. Moulding, Barbara Munn, Marian Nettle7 : ~ 0-8 :15, ca mpfir{' . man, norothy J:1n(> Orr, Flort>nN' n~hu··n. "<: ·>n t 'tJ'to< . St. Augustine's Church Sunday, July '24, will be the. Sixth Sunday after Trinity. There w1ll be H?IY communion at 8 a. m., and mornmg prayer with address at 11 a. m. ~Iunday, July 2:>, will bt> St. James' day. Then· will be Holy communion nt 8 a.m. Tht- rector married ~risl; )ladelinP L. Hammond and 1\lr. Euward B. Haul> at thP Illinoi~ Golf dull on Tut · ~:;da~: eyening, July 1!t. -----English Lutheran ( ;ret·nlel\ f a \"PlltH· and Ht>n·ntlt ~t rt·t·t Hegular sen·iee~ Sunday morning· at ll o'clock, July 24. Rev . Halph D. Ht-im will pl·eaC"h tht' sermon. \Ve ('ordially itwite you to attend our servi<'t>H. Sunda,· sC'hool at !· 4;) a. m. Jost:-ph Johnson; superintt·nd··nt. A. D. GaHh will tNtC'h tlw Aclult T:ib)., class. Xew s<·holars are always Wt'IC'omt·. \\·. \V. DeBerard and his son. Emmons. of 802 Elmwood avenue. will r.l' tuni next \Vednesda'\' from a llH·tor trip to the \Vest. ~[~. DcBcrard fir~t attended the convention of the AnJerican Society of Civil Engineer~ in DenHr. where he delivered a pat>t. · r. and then motored up into the mountains. ~~ r. De Berard and Emmons made the trip to Dem·cr in two day:and a half. driving- R75 miles in two days. doiit buY any car · · until you -oM rs. G. E. Yeager and her daughter. Elizabeth, of \Vestfield, N. J ., have been guests in the home of Mrs. Yeager's hrtlther. E. F. Kelte,·. 1100 Elmwood an·nue·, for two weeks. Miss Elizabeth Yeager will probably remain in \Vif. mt>tte some time longer. -oR. MacFarland, 54 Crescent place. and Mrs. D. H. Bell of lOt 9 ~frs. ]. sixth street returned to \Vilmcttc la~: wet·k after spending a fortnight at Lake (~cneYa. aNewN 3 Ne'W Series New Lower Prices LADIES' TONSORIAL ?lt. Easiest Riding 'lf ?he Finest, Fastest Most Luxurious SERVICE O ur barbers bob hair in all the p resent day styles. txecuting your p reftrtnct s, and ach ie ving results that m ake for a satisfying .lppearance. You w ill like the imm ac ulate d u nli ness of ou r shop . Cou rttsy. of cou rse, is assu red always. We cater to family trade, and particu larly want to call your attention to the fa<·t wt· have a ~h·t·i lized comb and brur-;h for· t'H·n· customer. · SHOE SHINING SERVICE care you ever trGveled in cars Nash ever built ?It, Smartest Looking cars you ever saw ?lze care ever offered in thie ftelcl ?I,, Smoothest, Quietest carl you've ever known A ?he Eaeiest Steering · care you've ever bancllecl laaitar~ BAY MB'l'Z North. Shore Nash Distributors 1035 DAVIS ST. co. UNIV. 6800 Barber lbop E. l. Belrose, Prop. 1! Years In W ilmette BVAJISTON 1128 Central Avenue Phone Wit. · 3786 Wilmette

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