Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jul 1927, p. 9

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July 22, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE Congregational Church · , (Stephen A. l.loyd MINISTERS: (William E. McCormack 1'he First Congregational, located at the point where Lake a venue crosses Wilmette avenue and El~venth street, is open to everybody every day. The aim is to make it a House of ft'llows-hlp and prayer to all people. Its ministers count it their greatest joy when they may ser\·c· individual needs and its officers are honored when the chureh is permitt<>d to assist in promoting the welfare of the community . Twenty-one denominations are already reprt-sf'ntt-d in itH nwmbership and a whole hearted wel<'onw awaits all who will accept its hosJiitality. If you ca nnot attt>nd the latl·r worship sf-rdc<> make your plans so· lhl'lt YfJU <'an come to the J<~arly Morning SeniC'E> w ·~li<'h opens promptly at 8 :lii o'cl<J<'k on Sunday morning. It is a short Hl'n·ict> of worship and song. "Silent Ser\'ict!". is t lw subjeC't of Or. Lloyd's ~wrmnn this ~unday . ·\11 dqHl.rtnwnts of tlw ('hur<:h sd10fd nwd at 10 o'C'loC'k Sunday morning. Th~ Boney Spiee Cake ~. tremendous favorite because th~ delicate blending of honey and spices in the cake. plus an Jctng of maple fruit, is just about the most delicious combination imaginable. The last touch is added by ~ filling of mocha cream. We'll have them for you Saturday· at 40c. Donuts We make them especially good- tender, delicately flavored- not the ordinary oily h~vy kind. If you are fond of a real good old time donut, treat yourself to some of ours. Priman· and ReginnE'rs' d epartment s 1·on\·t'nt' in the Primar·y room under th e dir<·<'tion of ::\liss Bertha \Vhee lock. Pilg-rim hall is thl' mN·ting placP. of thf' .Junior, Tntermt>diat1'. and Senior de partnH· nt~. This Runda:r ::\Tr. n.-.orge H. R E-doing· will spt' ak (>ll "Herbert Hoon·r, · ;old ~fiJws , "·ar, and Littlf' f'hi ldr'n." .\ t 1111 TWO STORES 1129 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2998 ·t504 Howard Street, Chicago Phone Sheldrake 9638 . tlw 1111 ~undar tl11· o'C'lo<'k ~pn· ic~· of wors-~1 ip morning- Dr. Lloyd will prNleh ~ubjt·<·t nf "Rilent Ren·iC't-o." 11 w1 ·< ·k PL Hakt>r will not hE> abl(· to occuPY ou1· pulpit tlw n~ st of the sumnwr a:> 1 was pn ·,·iouHlY announ<'Pfl. Dr. J. ::\J. P. ~mith nf thP t'nin·r~it~· of Chicago will h<· with IIH nt-oxt Sunday morning at th t-o \\'nrs hip st·n·k,· at 11 o'dn<'k. Announ('f'lllf' nl of th·- mini~tt·rs fur th t' n·st l1f tll· · sullllllH' will t}e mndt:> latt·r. ;t t ,'";,~~~~~!r~~u~t?~!~!~, thl; 1 Tht· \\'ilm.·t tt- Bapt bt <'hurl'!l is lrH'alt-11 Fon · ~t and \\'ilnwtt "' a n ·nu< ·s. \\·, . \\'f'konw all w ·ho t'OI11<' to our Ht·n·ic···s. TIH· vhun ·h offil'l~ is opt·ll daily I':Xl't'}Jt :-;.u!Hlays from 111 -::! . in c·harge uf :\Trs . ilton Hi! rp··l'. \\'ilm!'t t<· ::!2::~·. ~I Tf:t · ( 'hun·h t· ·l· ·phr·ll· · is July Clearanee Sale Ends Soon Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes and Oxfords Florsheim's for Men These wonderful all the year round values, as advertised at $10.00 and up for only Hot Weather Specials Our menus will solve your eating problems this warm weather. Cold meats lnd salads are always ready to be servedthey're stimulating and refreshing . . Arch Preserver Shoes for Women This includes the sta.ple styles that always have a market at full price on each pair S2~0FF 15% Discount on all Children's Shoes Slippers. Oxfords for the youngsters can be bought now for the whole season. Men's Oxfords Styles that are ,extremely new . Better burry and get the saving. ss~-$6~-$7~ Women's Latest Styles The· A chance to pick up summer shoes at unheard of reductions. Wilmette Cafe Opposite Village Hall TAYLOR'S BOOTERY 605 Main Street Meals that satisfy Wilmette

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