Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jul 1927, p. 8

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Enact Measures Calling for Paving Projects Execute Ordinances calling for the paving of Canterbury ,:ourt, the first alley north of Linden avenue between Fourth and Fifth streets, and 18th street between Forest and Elmwood avenues were adopted by the Wilmette Village hoard at it s regular meeting Tuesday of thi s week. Resolution s providing for the se improvement s were adopted the sam e evening at a meeting of the \ ' illage board of local improvements. C ostno D'Armada to Give Concert for College Assem·b ly Invitations have been given to the governing board members of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college and their friends to join the faculty and students of the college sum mer session on Thursday afternoon. July 28, at 2 o'clock, for th e last surnmer school assembly. The great attraction for thi s event will be the lovely program so generouslv contributed by Cosmo D'Armada, the .;vell known baritone who recently has been delighting the radio world with his concerts over WGN, the Tribune sta.tion on the Drake hotel. Cosmo. D'Armada. an . internationally known . singer, who is vacationing in Amenca, certainly has made wonderful conquests in the summer musical world. It adds a hit of romance to kno·w that Mr. D'Armada, is three-quarters Ca stilian and one-qttarter Aztec Indian . His natural ability has been polished by Year s of study and practice in Europe \vhere he has received many honors car and Truck l·n Crash at Winnetka Intersection Friday afternoon of last week a truck owned by the Washington Laundry company, Evanston, and driven by M. H. Geimer, of 814 Madison street, Evanston, collided with a car owned and dri\'en by Paul Phillips, of 828 Oak street, Winnetka, at Oak street and Rosewood avenue. Neither driver wa s I injured but both cars were considerably damaged. according to the report of the . tk r W mne a po tee. O. E. S. PICNIC TOMORROW on improved Wilmette and Kenilworth properties. Reasonable Rates Prompt Service Phone for our representative to call at your convenience. I Wilmette 784 C. C. Scl~ultz ,' \Vtlmette . s ul~en.n~eu.~l ent of publtc works, and ht s fanlll~ \\ ~ll leave this Saturday on 'a motor tnp to \\' iscon sin wh ere th e ~· ~rill spend 1 ·r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~th~·~ · ~t1e~x~ · t~t~\~ro ~"~-e~e:k: s ~v:a~ca~t~to:'1:"~ g~.~ _ - First National Bank of Wilmette Wilmette ~hapter, 0. E. S. wtll hold it s annual . ptcntc tomorrow afternoon and evening at. th~ home 0 .£ ·Mr. and Mrs. E. ]. q.ahtz 1!1. Wh~ehng. Members and thetr famthes wtll meet ~t 2 o'cl.ock ~t the North Yl/ este~n statton, wl~tch wtll be t~e startmg pom~ ~~r ~h~ drtYe to \Vheelmg. Each fan.Hl} ts e quested to take. its. o~n ptcntc supper. Mrs. E. J. Galttz ts m charge of arrangements for the day. · VACATION IN WILMETTE . I from the Italiat~ gover~1ment. . . Because of hts genmne adn11rat10n for the work of the college, Mr. D' Armada has offered his talents for the last assembly of the season. The college feels it is most fortunate in deed to be able to offer so )0\·ely a program at this time. A reception will follow t~e ass.embly, when all who are present wtll enJOY th~ pleasure of meeting the arti st. - . . l Miss Jane Ramsey of the Linden I ~rest apartme.nts is spen~i~1~ the ~eek lm Cedar Raptds, Iowa, vtsttmg fnend s who. were neighbors of the Ramsey famtlv at Da vtona Beach. Fla. . · - -o· Mr. and Mrs. G. E. McKana and their daughteG Clella. of 1053 Linden avenue, are leaving today on a three weeks' motor trip to th e northern penin ura of Michigan. -o-Ellen Dryden , \rho ha s been Yisiting friends in the ea st, ha s gone to the summer home of her parens in t\orthport, Michigan. }.f iss Jli' lor ·=···' ,....,.,.,.,_ The Coach Delivered Wilmette $648.00 Ice Cream and Our Fountain When ever you stop at ::mr fountain for a Soda, Sunciae or just plain dish of Ice Cream you will always receive a fine cold glass of ice water, that is just a part of our service. Of course the Soda Water is cold as ice can make it. Lowest Priced Cars witlz Supremely Beautiful FISHER. BODIES r Your Chevrolet delivered in Wilmette at these prices: Touring or Roadster $570 The Sport Cabriolet $771 The Sedan $750 Imperial Landau $839 The Coupe $679 The Landau $802 CJtze WorldS L·&a AUTO SERVICE AL RODENKIRK Ridge Avenue Pharmacy C. C. RENNECKAR 332 Linden Ave. Wilmette ·Phone Wilmette 3064 Opposite St. Joseph's Church Tel. Wit. 3 16

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