WILMETTE LIFE July 22, 1927 IFUNGI INFEST TREES Let Us Estimate Your Cement Driveway Flagstone W alJc or Porch We do all repair work on propertyincluding Brick, Stone, Cement, Plaster and Stucco Wash. We give each job our personal attention. Blistering Disease Fatal to White Oak and Sycamores Tree Experts Inform Village Officials Anthracnose, blistering fungus disease fatal to the white oak and sycamore trees, has begun its ravages in Wilmette. It has been prevalent from Glencoe north, but had not been reported before in Wilmette. Well developed cases have been discovered, during the last week, at Tenth and Elmwood and at Ninth and Greenwood~ There are probably other cases in town ; This information was giYen to the village trustees by tree experts Tue sdav of this week. The disease attacks only the white oak in the oak family, it is said. Th e burr oak, red oak and all the other ,·arieties are immune. . The ldight may be ea sily recognized 1 by a charact eristic and unfailing ap- Shortridge & Saxton Ken: 419 Richmond Road, Kenilworth · Phone 2735 In the "Balloon Race" Of the High ways ~ ~ ~ p~arance of the leaves of trees thai have been attacked. They look very much as if they were s'Corched by a short-lived but hot fire beneath the tree. This resemblance is heightened somewhat by the appearance of the blight on the leaves of the lower limbs first. Thence it spreads upward like a fire through the treetop. It takes three or four years for all of the foliage of the tree to he denuded. Unless intelligent control is exercised. the trees it attacks will be killed. Tree experts say that while :\nt hrar nose is deadly to the white oak family , it is not hard to eradicate if proper methods are followed. The r emedy is to spray Bordeaux mixture fungicide on the tr ees. To h e mo ~ t e ffecti\'C' it mu st be done in the Spring, first w hen the lean·s are about the size of S(] 11ir~ rels' ears and again - when they are about two-third s grown. Sprays, it may be said. offer definit e and in expensive protection against fun g 11 s diseases as well a s again st ime ct s, both those that chaw and those that suck. Anthracnose is a di s ease that w or ks along the leaf vein s. It is al.;;o a communicable di sease . Tf a tree in th e ,·ard has it this vear, the nei g hbor ' s ~hite oak will mos t probably he infected b,· th e spores that are no\\· iorm ing, to - he carried to adjacent trees bY wind, or insect s or hirrk Con"Cq~ently, cooperati~on of eYery n ne n\\'11ing white oak will he necc .-~:-tl'\' tn eradicate the blig ht. The slo\\', cool, m n i:--t .-prim~ and the rath er wet summ er. ha \·t· been ,·en ia,·orahlr to trees so t h at the,· lo(1k. their best thi s y ea r . :\m· " ·hnse lean~ arl' I und er .. iz ed. ,·e ll o wi ~h or hrnwn. or that haYc thin foliage or many dead hranchc ." . ;trc sho\\'ing :--ignal::. (Ji diseases tn th e ir O\\'ners. l'nles . hr lp is ('Xtcn decl . a few yean. l' pcciatly with a lwt dry summer or t \\·n. "·ill fini:--b such weakenNl tree :>. If the lca,·es of your trct~.;; are iull ~ize. dark g r een and ila~h~· in the ~nn li g h t, you can he sur e t h cy ha \'c enough I food, wat er and air . Th e onlY danger to loo k for in . urh tre e::. i . . fun£!"11' . \Yoocl-c;witie :-- o r rot spot~. I T. f.arl \\'a dt oi 11>2<1 ( 'vntral nt;r is spendin g- th e \Hl'k \\· it h mot her in Perry, ;\. Y. ;tn·- Jti, "Wins With Ease" On the highways of the world, Firestone Full-Size GumDipped Balloons are the recognized leaders. Not only are they vastly superior in mileage and service, but in riding comfort, too. Firestone makes the only Gum-Dipped Balloon tires. Suggestioll You will also say "me too·' When our cheering drinks view. you T HIS is the "me too" soda fountain where the delicious drinks served are irresistible. Our creams and sodas are made of the choicest materials and our service is irreproachable. Wilmette Battery and Electric Service 740 Twelfth Street Phone Wilmette 691 Village Chocolate Shop Village Theatre Bldg. Phone Wilmette 436