· THIS ISSUE-Glen View, Ranks High t.n Golfdom~ Page 13 WI L M ET·T E \·01 ·. XYI, NO. 42 Published weekly by Lloyd Hollister, Inc., 1U2 Central A ve. , Wilmette, Tllinois. Entered second class matter March 1:1, 19H, at the post office at Wilmette, Illinois, under the Act of Horch ·'· 1879. Subscription price U.OO a year. LIFE a" PRICE FLVE CENTS \VILMETTE. ILLINOIS, JULY 15, 1927 LOCAL TENNIS STARS I APPROPRIA T:E $77,200 JN ANNUAl TOJJRNEY Kenilworth Village Board Passes Bill Providing for Municipal ExpendiSecond A n n u a I Championship Play to Open Monday, July 18; Jim Corns Favorite . . Thc annual tenn1s tournaml'nt conductecl by the \\'ilnldtc Playground and Recreation hoard \\'ill .;tart ~f onda\·. Tuh' 18. ~I a;1y. iamiliar na 111 e:-. and iaces ,,·ill . appear in the tournament this year. Jim Corns, la st year's boy's junior champion, i. . paired to meet Ray Kimball in the fir:-.t round of the junior tournament. There an: two dark horses who may ~i\·~: Jim ome trouble-Rick son and _ . · . . . .. ~e 1. .I er ?me .Ctcchtnt and J ttnlor ( fJfJis, sem1-fi naltsts la:'t year, are h~ck "~rnnger than ever and ma.y a~s<: g1n J1111 a lot of trouble. Ctcchtnl was nu;t~rJup la st year, also, but lo st r>-1 an _ _P_o_Pu_la_r - . -1 IWOULD MAKE SKOKIE BIG WORLD AIRPORT tures in Next Fiscal Year II \nt 1 t 1e ~econ 1 · · ·f c ampwn s up match es. ntt 1t t :' a sa e wager t 1 1at the man \\·hn heats him will. ft wouldn't. be quite rigl~t to say off hand that J 1111 ,,·alk off · 1 ,. d Corns h · wtll 1· ,, - · I he Sem?r tour~ament ,~··11 g.et un- . . dL'r " ·ay \\'lth a stzeahle list ot , g ood 11l~ye r s~Frank Reynolds. Joe Thl'lan. \\ ells Stmmons, Mars~~ll Corn~. a:~d R?.h Calvert _are famtltar names 111 \\ tlmette tenms matches. One dark hor se will play. Nothing i.;; known of his playing ability. His t1ame is Paul Zizelman and he is paired to meet Iliff in the first round of pta~·. Surely this will be a test for him. Tt i~ rumored that he reached the inter collegiate at John Hopkins ·u ni,·ersity. Last year's senior champion. Lester J. Xash. has not entered. nor has Herb \Veld, runner-up. Tn the women's tournament, Dorothv Smith and Elsie Patterson loom up a·s possible contenders. Gene Paddock. \\·inner last year, and Emilie Durham, runner-up. have not entered this sea'-0 11. Till' a11nua l Appropriation~ ordinanc<:, pro,·iding ior a total oi $77.200 to be Lhed hy the \ .i llage of Kenil1 worth for the expenses of the fiscal year. \\'a:-. passed hy the Kenilworth Village board at its regular 1neeting held la :;t Tuesday e\·ening. The water supply .committee was also authorized by the board to pre>ceed with qrrangements with Pears e. Greeley and Hanson, engineers, to have plan:; drawn up for the proposed new Kenilworth water \YOrks. 1 The v.arious funds pr?vided for . in · the ordmance _arc as . tallows: Ftre department, $4,,:,00: poltce department salaries, $18,500; police department current expense·. ~3,500: health departmcnt, $1.000: street labor. $6.500: street material. $2.000: stre.et Jighting, $8.000: 5110 ,,: removal·. $1,000: garbage removal. $5.500; rent, $700. Furniture and fixtures. $300: genral e o ffi ce expenses, $1 ,240 : e1ec t.1011 I c.XJ) en:-,'~ ·es $700., "ane:; · al · 1 · 1 an d cenca jh 1 $6 ·oo · d fid l't e p, "+ ,J _ : msurance an e1y bonds, Sl ,,:,00 : legal expenses $3,500: real estate. $775: interest on general special assessments against village fund bonds. $2.285: principal on general fund bond s. $3,500: other general expenses. S3,500. . Glencoe Man Offers Solution for Reclamation of Expansive North Shore Valley fir~ t Following are the pairings for the round of play : Boy!'; Junior Tournament: 18t R(' ic·h ini YS Johnson: Thelan vs Hawkin:-on: KeiJ YS Kramer; Jr. Corns vs KavatH t ug-h : Jim Corns vs Kimball : Df'mpse-y \·~ Ri<'kson. :\fen'!-: Tourney: 1st R-Ilfff vs Zizellllft 11 : B1·own vs Marshall Corns : Falke n; f'aldwt-ll : Cram vs Thelan : R. Simmonds vs DeHaye : Darling vs Reynolds : Booth n; W. Simmons~ Stone ··vs Calve-rt. .Tone-s dr~w bye. (:iris' Tourney: R. ·J annes vs Welter: R. Smit·}l vs L. Jannes. Beth Barner drew bre. . \\romen·s Tourney: 1st R-Elise Thel~11 vs Lucy Reeser: Ruth Randall vs not Smith: May Witcher vs Mrs. Caldwf'-11. Elsie Patterson drew bye, 1nstall "Stop and Go" Lights at Intersection Work was started this week on the in~aJiation of ,;stop and go"' traffic signa1 rights at the Wilmett~-:Central avenue street intersection in the heart . of the Central business section. The 1ights, authorized by the Village board se,·eral weeks. w· ill _ be in operation · '"ithin a 'few days, it was expe~ted:. The prediction hy Herbert HoO\·er, SecretarY of commerce, that Chicago is destit~ed to be the aviation center of the Cnited States, and a suggestion from Hal Burnett. of 724 Vernon avenue , Glencoe. that the United State.s government convert the great Skoj.ie Valley into the largest and most advantageously located airport in the world, is meeting with approval bv matn· north shore citizens wh o h~ve been concerned for several yea:-.; with the :;olution of the Skokie den~l opment problem. Here. in the Skokie Valley, it is pointed out, is a vast are~ eight or ten miles in length and a mtle ~r mor~ in width. in which modern vehtcle · ot the air may find an ideal spot for departur e and landing. Mosquito Breeder At · present. the Skokie Vatl~y is CO\:Edward Johnson, famous tenor of ered with swamp grass, and ts ~wton the ~fetropolitan Opera company is ous for its mosquito hordes. wlule t~1e again delighting patrons of Ravinia matter of its reclamation ·has been dtsopera this sHmmer. Mr. Johnson cussed at more conferences than any scored a tremendous success on the other one subject perhaps, except tt north shore in October, 1925. when he I be the League of Nati?ns. was the chosen artist in the initial And still no solutton has been artist-re-cital program of the Winnetka reached. unless the one which Mr. Music club. He has been a prime fav- Burnett now brings forth should prove Girl Campers' Group orite with American and European au- to be feasible and popular: The latest move to reclaim th.e Skokte was taken Now at Camp Wilmette dience s for many years. a short time ago, JUSt a few days beTwenty-four \\'ilmette girls jourfore the adjournment of the state legneyed to Camp \Vilmette near \Vaterislature. when it was attemp!ed to vliet, ~{ich .. ~fonda\· of this week. have the state take some action to bring about a comprehensive draining comprising the sec~nd contingent of and development plan of the valley. children to go to that resort on the shores of Lake Michigan. this summer. Ideal Airport? A · group of boy campers. returned to As an airport. the location of ~he The m·at sum of $3,500 was added to Wilmette Monda,· after two weeks at the funds of the \Vilmette Playgrounds Skokie is pointed out as ideal. LY·,n.g Camp Wilmette. · this week when \Vilmette·s portion of as it does at the very threshold of CntThe camp i owned and supervised the net proceeds from the income of cago. on the north shore betw;en two by the \Yilmette parish of the ~Ieth the Evanston Community Recreation excellent lines of transportatiOn, the odist church. association was presented to · Village Chicago & North Western, .and · the President Earl E. Orner by the associ- Chicago, Korth Shore and Mtlwauk~e Women Escape ln)·ury atiot:t officials. The amount represents railwavs on the east and the Skokte the :village's share' for the· months of Valle,: line of the latter road on the west,- it is readily accessible to the in Sheridan Rd. ·Crash April. May and June. great metropolitan center. . . A car driven by }.Irs. J. \\r. Wilder The Evanston association supervises . For mail planes both arrtvmg and of 911 Forest a\'enue. Evanston, and yhe activities of the Com·m unity Golf departing on trans-continental trips t.he another ma-chine driven by Mrs. M. course flanking the Drainage channel location is said to be ideal, and parttcFranklin of 642 Wayne avenue. Chi- and part o:f .which extends into \Vil- ularly so, for passenger planes. · cago, were considerably damaged in a mette. That the development of the Skokie collision at Sheridan road and Elder \Vilmette has two members on the area for this purpose is feasible. is lane, Winnetka, Thursday afternoon of association's board of directors who, also stressed by Mr. Burnett, based on last week. this vear, are S. J. Nordorf and Victor previous reports of engi.ne~rs in conMrs. Franklin stopped her car at the Metsger. nection with what prehnunary work signal of Motorcyc1.e \)fficer Fr~nk All of Wilmette's proceeds from the has already been done with a view of Rayburn. who was dtre-ctmg traffic, and association are directed into the cof- building through the valley a pertnawhe~ t.he brakes on the ot.her car, ap- ers. of the Playground and Recreation nent drain. a · super highway, a large ~roachmg fr?m the rear, faded .to func- hoard for use in defraying the cost of are·a of forest preserve development tion, .the W~lder car crashed mto t~e mai'ntaining the various comnfunity' and even subdivisions of many of the ma~hme dr·tven by Mrs .. ~ranklm. plavgrounds. present acres into homsites.. Netther of the women were lllJUred. · Most Available Tract Mr. Burnett says it would be difficult, CHIEF TO HOSPITAL NEW POLICEMEN Patrick Murray, Kenilworth chie of if at all possible. to find a tract the Patrolmen Jack Schaegen and H. police, left early this week for Roches- size of the Skokie Valley so close to H. Vance were promoted to the rank ter, Minn., where he will undergo the city and bordered as it is by such of sergeant and L. Popper, Joseph treatment· at the· Mayo clinic. Victor excellent transportation lines for the May, and Martin Gaughn ·were added . C. Fa,4J~ti~k, who has just been pro- conveyance of mail, passengers~ and as regular patrolmen on the Wilmette moted to the rank of sergeatit, wilt act express bo·th to · and fron1 the atrport poliCe force· 'this month; - The- ·to·rce· a~ ..chref-uf'police·-during the· absence Qf TJ1e m~tter .of the .space in providing (Continued on page 40) now numbers seventeen men. Chief Murray. Golf Course Helps Boost Wilmette's Playground Funds