WILMETTE LIFE July 15, 1927 ATTENDS COLUMBIA WATER R. Harper, superintendent of the \Vilmette public schools, is attending Greater Chicaro Lake Water Company to Confer with Suburbs on Proposed the summer session for school super(Continued from page 1) Extensive System intendents which is being held at CoEnrollment in the various classe~ inadequate room for hangars, repair · sta- lumhia university. The session started cluded in the ,s ummer sessions of tl1e The Greater Chicago Lake · ,~rater tions etc .. · is another a~h·antage. last ~~on day and will ~ontinue for six \Vilrnette public schools is slightly lar- company ann'ounces it witt shortly be SecretarY of Commerce Hoover Ill a weeks. ger than in preceding years, according prepared to take up with the ':illages. recent inte-rview on the subject of Chi to those in charge. The total registra- towns and ·cities, includin~ \V1l~1e~tc. cago's becoming the aviation center of , . . , .· tion now numbers 269. or about fifty in its proposed water project d1stnct. the Cnited State:;, said in part: Mr. and Mr::,. Wtlltam D. ~fc]unk111 more pupils than were enrolled la~t contract~ to furnish them with ~ltererl "Chicago is the greatest airport in I of tl~e Edgewater Beach ~l.otel ar~ ocLake Michigan water. Many town s the world. This is the de stiny of Chi- cupymg the home of thc1r ~aught~; · \'t~ ar. The enrollment in the various cla . .; ses ha,·e or arc preparing orrlinanccs to cago, already the greatest railroad cen- Mrs. F. W. Har~ey, Jr.. 103? ?ree .ter in the world, according to the plans wood avenue, W tlmette. dunn~ ] tt~). ·..; just about equal. At the Central make such contracts. at the water rate s for tile immediate development of com- Mr. and Mrs. H~n·ey and the1r chtl- " t hool seventeen child1·en are listed in to be approved by the Tllinois Commercial aviation upon \Yhicll the de- dren are ~pendu~g the month at dle third and fourth grades under the merce Commission, it is saicl. ·.upervision of Mi ss Helen Smith. In Active \\·ork has been clelaycd by lcpartment of commerce is now at work. Portage Pomt, ~Itch. . he fiith and sixth grade s of the same g-al matters. but the attorneys for the "Chicago is to be the center of a vast -onetwork of air Jines radiating in every Illinois ranks second of tht· states in chool Miss 'Matalea Brown ha s Greater Chicago Lake \Vater company direction to the far corners of the the value of cleaning- and polishing · \\'enty pupils. Miss Laura Flentye 110 ". state that these legal hindrance~ countrv. That the dcYelopment will be preparations produced. The annual out- ·,nd ~[rs. H . Gilbert are conducting the " ·ill be straightened out in a short time. '~indergarten with an enrollment of and t11 e company will he in a pnsiof in~alculable commercial Yalue to put is ,·alued at $5.600.000. hirt'· children . tion to vigorously prosecute the work · Chicago is not doubted, ior these air--oAt the Laurel ·school. in the first. so much needed hv cities and villages in wavs will connect Chicago with a ::;core Mrs~ \V. E. Duff oi Crystal Lake, ensecond and third grades. ~~iss Lena Chicago environs.- It has heen reported of ·cities with an aggregate population tertaincd Mrs. Rudd and the Rev. and Butts has twelve pupils. There are in the past few days that there is ·a of 25.000,000. It is g_~ing to mean big Mrs. Stephen A. Lloyd as her· guests seventeen enrolled in the seventh and ,·en· serious shortage of water in many business for Chicago." Tuesday. eighth grades in the Stolp school. con- 0 'f the towns the Greater Chicago Lake ducteci hy Miss Faye Perring, while \Vater company prooose to serve. nineteen pupils ar<.> taking \York at thc A5 announced several months a!.!"o. tlw Logan school under the direction nf Greater Chicago T..ake \Vater company J.fi ss Nellie Decker and ~[iss f.ya was granted a permit of neces sity and Jones. convenience hv the Tllinois Commerce If you are a grammar school graduate. high school studenL or high school A total of fifty children arc enrolleri commission to builcl this hig \\'atcr graduate. a Metropolitan Business course is the direct roJd to J good office at the Howard school in classes super- project to furnish filtered water from position. ,·ised hy Miss Margaret Loftus. ~fis s Lake ~fichigan to all towns in the t('r Enroll in Opal Phillips. ~frs. Pearl Jones and riton· outside of Chicago as far north u America's Finest Commercial Schoolsn L. F. Todd. as Lake Forest, West to Elgin. Auror:t Classes 1n manual training were , and Toliet. South to Chicago Heighb Now in 54th Year ::tdded to the curriculum thi:-: summer ami Calumet City. due to the interest evidenced by some Engineers have prepared preliminary Phone, Write, or Call for complete information. of the boys and arc in charge of Le ster plans to start work on the proiert and Our free catalog npbins courses in detail. F. Ball. -At the Central school the at- the. financing has been arranged with ten dance numbers eleven. while at the some of the most responsible hanker:; Howard school the enrollment i:; six. in the countrv. The thousancls of perThe work in all of the dcpartmenb 5ons in the Greater Chicago area "·ill 37 S. Wabash Ave. Phone Randolph 2 2 o; is progressing favorably. it i~ said. and soon haYe their hopes of pure ~lte;ed Chicago a great amount of interest is eddenced lake water fully realized as the offictal· bY the childre·n. of the company propose to rush con . struction of this project. The engineer.::· e~timate on t.h e cost of this proiect is AUDIT SCHOOL LEDGERS The auditing of the books of the $32.000.000. and several thousanrl men \Yilmette public schools has been com- will he employed night and day aft~r pleted by Allen R. Stuart and com - this \\'ork is statted. pany of Chicago. V A.CATION ABROAD 'f H 0 \. der Hoff. h··r thr·'e ~fis' H~lene Grossenbacher. ~fi :' ' chi~dr~:n. · an~l ~trs. Van der~ Hoff\ Doris _Turner an~ 1fiss Olga ~topka. mother. Mrs. Amerett Penniman of all 01 the facult\' of t.he \\ tlmet~ e 332 Oak circle, are leaving tonwrrO\\· j"chools. arc' Y::~cationing 111 Europe, It . h .. to spen d t 1 for Interla k en. M tc 1e rest \\'a..; learned this week. of the summer. Mr. Van der Hoff '"ill ~f rs. F. C. Seelbach of Cle,·eland. join the rest of the family later in the Ohio. j.;; \'isiting- her rl::ttttZhter. ~f rs . season. \Y. H. · HaYt of 1310 Hill stre<"t. for -oMrs. Fred P. Johns and her twu thrt-e " ·erk.;;. ~fr . Seell)ach was al.;;() children of Dodgeville. \Vis .. '"ill arri,·e the vue-.,t of his daughtrr for some Monday to visit Mrs. Johns' father time. hut has return~'d to CleYeland. · -oand mother, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ]. M r. and Mrs. F . T. Scheidenhelm ·anrl Haack of 1228 Gregory avenue. for their daughter. 'Miss Frances, oi 80-t about a month. -oForest avenue. lt,ft SaturdaY on a moOlive Claire Brower, 720 Fifth street. tor trio into \Vi~ronsin. - The,· will Palmalee Burpee, 815 Linden ayenue. Yisit friends in Wis'consin Rapids, \Val.tand Jean Brashears, 1241 Ashland a,·e- sau. and Eag-le River. WOULD MAKE SKO· KIE BIG WORLD AIRPORT J. PLAN Summer Sessions in Local Schools Bring Record Roll PARLEY , .~ t START TOWARD SUCCESS METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLL'ECE Investors-Attention! ... I l I I I. Lying just two blocks south Qf the main Libertyville North Shore Sta. tlon Is Copeland Manor, one of the most beautiful spots north · of Chicago. Here lots can be bOught from $1,050 up, that will doubJe ·'in value withIn two or three years or sooner. All Improvements are in and several attractive new home!! have already been erected. In the north end of town lots are selling for from two. to three times what we can sell you Copeland Manor vacant for, and as ·c opeland :\lanor wlll build up with all new homes, we predict it wtll eventual)~ be better than the old parts of town. This property Is right in town on high ground -almost overlgoktng the present business district. · · A JJreat financier has advised investors in property in and about LibertYville to hold It for future enh~ncement. BBDIIBK BBALTY ·CO. Exclusive North Shore Agents Wihnetrt Olict ·'~t Wilmette . 27.~0 or 676 . ·..; . Winnetk-a Olict · · Phone . WJ.~a,tka · ~54 . .. -720. 'Ehn 4 2 1 Foanh St. Str"t . nue, were among the group of Metho- I ~frs. Carl Focht ~d ht-r four chilrlist church girls who left Monday for dren, Fr~nces. FernP. DonaM. and Camp Wilmette near Watervliet, ~lich. Tt>an, of Tronwoorl. Mich. ~re coming -o~ttnd;l,. to spencl two months with M iss Dorothy Lawrence ·will return M r'. Forht's mother, M·rs. \Viltiam It. tomorrow · to her home at 520 Lake Sabin, 1324 Gregory aven~e. avenue from camp at Powers lake, --oWis., where she has been for six Mr. and Mrs. W. ]. Kitchen of State weeks. Colleg-e, Pa .. announce the birth of a -0son J ulv 14. at the Evanston hospital. Mr. and Mrs. F. ]. Newey ?nd the Mr. and Mrs. Kitchen have been the Misses Harriet and Helen NeweY, 436 R1tests of the latter's .father and mother. Lake avenue, are leaving the e;1d of 'Dr. and Mrs. John Segsworth of 1006 this week on a motor trip into Michi- Forest avenue. .~an to spend ten days near St. Joseph. -o-oMr. and Mrs. Frank T. Friedl, Jr .. Mis5 Iretty Barry of. 1537 Central 1334 Isabella street, left · We'dnesdav avenue entertained seven of her former for a motor trip north. They pta·n to Chica(!'o school friends last Thursday tour throu~h .Wisconsi!' and ¥ .i chigan at a luncheon and beach supper. before returntng to Wilmette. · ... -o. ~. Mrs.·. H. B. Foster and her son, Miss Louise Graham of. Allentown. Henry, of 120 Woodbine avenue, are Pa:, is . the guest of Miss Clara Nourse spending two months in Pasadena. of ltj7 Greenwood avenue.