July 15. 1927 f'OR SALE-HOCSES ~l- JDJER WILMETTE RESOJl1'S LIFE ·. Miss Helen I. Sempill ·has returned to her home in Lafayette, Ind., after visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Fowler, of 925 Linden avenue. Miss Sempill recently won second prize in the Indiana state poetry competitign, which was held at Culver. it WTU. '1'0 ' Bl'Y-JIISCELLA:SEOUS FuR. SlALhEBRICK COL- TO ALL OR PART OF \'.TD. TO BT·yt)LD ·' :'II"~K CAP'-' OR ouse, V;!INNdETKA a be rooms. 2 baths, sun \ REXT - d FOR , ,, v ~-. .c. oma and sleeping porches· attach~d . nd - ugust an September, furnished 6 coat. Phone "rilmette 3527. ht-att'd garage. Fine c~rn('r lot in ,:~ry. ro?~l _cottage, 2 screened porches; elec74LTN42-ltp de:-; ira ble location $27 500 trte h_gh t, garage. ~ow boat on L~ke Waubtsa, near .Madison. Mrs George WANTED-CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, JOe Sl\tii H BRQ\VX ::.\faeAdarn, McFarland, Wis. . per lb. 1222 Central Av.enue, Wilmette. 55 ALTN 42 -1tP 736 Elm St. Phone Wlnn. 142 74LTN42-tfp 52LTN-l2-ltc r,6 REAL ESTATE 76 JIISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE - NEW BRICK HO)IE, jul-;t completed, in good location, con- IF YOU ANTICIPATE ANY CHANGE DE::\'YER - LEAVING NEXT WEEK in your home, now is the time to make with Lincoln car will take three pasn-·nlent to transportation and schools, Large corner lot, 50x243 ; 6 rooms. nayour sell'ction , either rental or pursf'ngers. $20. Call Winn. 885. chase, see 76L1'N42-ltp tural fireplace, tile bath and showPr; · watf'r heat and all modern convt-nh·nces. 1~. I-I. .-\n unU!~ual buy at $14,500. Easy tf'rms. PhonE> Wit. 2713. 52L42-1tp 12l:l Wilmett~ Aw . Phone Wil. 225 56L42-ltc FOR SALf_;.-6 ROOM BRICK YEXEER h ou~ P. sun parlor and slet-ping por<'h, WE OFFER A SPLENDID PIECE OF aaeage located about 10 miles west of · hath , tile ftoor and walls, lavatory on mencoe. Th~ plot cqnsists of 215 acres first floor; breakfast nook; water partly wooded with smal1 ]lond and lwat ; 2 ea r garage; Jot 50x160. .Just Htrf'am. It is the best close in golf site "Faust" and "II Trovatore" to <·ompl£-tE.>d. Owner on premises Sunavailable near Chicago and the price is day bHween 2 :00 and 5 :00 p. rn. Price Feature Ravinia · Repertoire t·xct-t'dingly low, being only $425.00 pE.>r $20,000. 1715 Washington An·. PhcJJH:' aere. Fun particulars will be given Wil 3194. 52L42-tfc .Week of July 17 T · · · & -o-J ames Sheridan, 935 Forest avenue, has returned to Wilmette after spending a short time at Lakeside, Mich., where he was the guest of Dr. Fred \V: Parker and his family of Glencoe. G.ATI-IERCOAL -o"FRA DIAVOLO" OPENS Miss Winnifred Barry, 1537 Centraf has left Wilmette to spend' her summer vacation with her aunt,. FOURTH WEEK OF OPERA avenue, Mrs. J. D. Williams, at White Bear lake, Minn. -o- · Mrs. Charles B. Meers and her Up(.n rt'qU~St. daughter, Miss Natalie, 1712 Elmwood "VJN~ETKA : SO. WEST SECT. H k & k I avenue, have returned after visiting Rl)r~rdfg . e "'OAnvde... : , .. Cobmatfhosr.taLbalerg9e rgmrd.s,h(')'~lsteh, 0 anson en s, -nc. \\'ith the repertoire in high spots the relatives m Boone, Iowa, for two · ',) i1:~ Da \·is Strt-et, Evanston, Greenle.a f 1617 f h 1 d k f R · 2 salNtblt- 75 ft. Jots. $57,000. Houst' and avmta opera weeks. 56 LTN 42 .uc ourt ca en ar wee o !\0 ft. $35,000. Wlnn. 545 or 1729. and concerts will begin Sunday, July -o------------·5_2_L_T_~_·4_2--1-tc. 1) 7 WA~ 1'f: D TO RENT-ROO)IS · 17. The list of operas will include f~ur Mrs. Thomas C. Moulding, I<JO.I FOR SALE ATTRACTIVE 7 ROO~f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Italian and two French works, of whtch Greenwood avenue, will be hostess to Engli~h C'olonla1 home; bath. shower ·w AKTED TO RE~T - 2 ROOl\lS AND three are being b:ought. to perform- the Tuesday club next week for lunch~-~~~d;dt~~t.l~G3 g~kd~~!. '&~~~~~~- ~:~~ ~ft· 1~~/iteh~nette apartmen\ 7 L~~~1~~ ance for the fir~t time thts seas?n. . eon and bridge at the Westmoreland Clt·nro(· 1282. Easy terms. The week wtll formally begm ~tth I Country club. 52LTN42-ltc 87 wANTED TO BUY-YACANT the concert on Sunday afternoon gtven -o--------------by the Chicago Symphony orchestra, FOR SALE - ('OUNTRY HO:\TE ·w EST under the direction of Eri-c DeLamarNed Koenig, son of Mr. and Mrs. of WlnnHka, 1 acre: 6 rooms: hot water ter. .A program of 1 ·nterestt'ng must'c,' Edward L. Koenig of 1028 Elmwood heat; gas. hath, ~lectricit,.·. $12,500 VACAN'r LOT IN WILMETTE 'l'HA'l' ~ d' h f · In. Must be sut'table for the occast'on, has been pre- avenue, is spen mg t ree Ok or our has a 11 Improvements cash or $13,500 terms. Wil. 1582. 52LT42-ltp close tQ c. & N. w. R. R. trans porta· pared, and Jacques Gordon, violinist, weeks at Camp Ozanam at aucage,. ---------------tlon. Address Life B-300. 67L42-tfp will be the soloist. All seats are free Wis. -o-FOR SALE - 8 R00:\1 FRA:\1E, 4 n~DroomR, hot water heat. Bar~airi for ag · for these concerts. uo FOR SALE-USED CARS M rs. M. E. Doran of Rockford, Ill., ea~ h. Op~n for inspection · Saturday On Sunday night that rollicking and Sunday P. M. 1719 Elmwood Ave., FOR SALE - TUDOR FORD SEDAN, opera comique, "Fra Diavolo," will visited her sister, Mrs. L. H. Sherwin Wilmette. Phone 2399. 52LTN42-tfc £-quipiJed with 4 new Firestone Tires, 1 again be presented, in response to pu >- of 1029 Greenwood avenue, last wetkROO":'f seat covers and accessories. Not 2 d A . h . t'lld on her way home from Muskegon, FOR SALE _ , MODER"y 6 ""' Owner ·· n tmportant c ange m frame: sun J1:ll'lor, garage. 1810 years old . R un 12 ' 087 m il es. F or $200 . lie deman . Elmwood Avt-. Wil. 534 , Call Univ. 3229-J. 68LT42-ltp the cast is announced, Miss Tine Pa~gi, ~ich. -()52 r.Tx 42 _1tc who has already won the hearts of RaFOR SALE - STUDEBAKER LIGH'f 6, vinia patrons, being heard this time in Harold Chamberlain of Ripon, Wis., Touring car. Tel. Wil. 3926. FOR SALE-VACA~T 68LTN42-ltc the role of Zerlina . . Mario Chamlee is a guest for three or four weeks in FOR SALE-CORNER IX HH";HLAXD =~~~~~~~~======~ will again have the name part, in which the E. ~L Stafford home at 936 Sheri- · Park, ~ blof·ks from Ravinia station· 71 FOR SALE-HSEHLD. GOODS he has especially distinguished himself, dan road, -o:i4x1~0. All improvements In, in(·lud~ bY reason of his splendid singing and ino- JY-'\·ing A buy at ·· 500 FINE PLAYER PIANO CHEAP·, UP· M r. and Mrs. Paul R. Soule of 915 "' ·· · ·"'· · convt'nct'ng actt'ng. Jose MoJ't'ca wt'll be holstered furniture ; tables ; lace cur:WilmHh· · rorner, 77x181, zoned for 2 talns: English Oak dining set; buffet; cast as the Sergeant. Virgilio Lazzari Lake avenue entertained their bridge homH·s. ('onn·nient to transportation. hureau : dressing table. Other house- and Giordano Paltrinieri, who have club last Sat.urday evening. There Tm·('~tment or homesites. Price !6,200. hold goods. Must sell. Sweeney, 504 Lee proved that they are 'Comedians of un- were three ta~les. St., Evanston, Ill. 71L42-2tc TLD i\Ir lT 1L ~ _@_ fFV usual versatility, will be heard as the -o~oll\1l1o<JJ@ill1Ifil~u,@Ifil~~@o 2 ROSE BEDSPREADS, TWIN-BED vagabond bandits. while Ina Bourskaya ~; r. an -t Mr;;. John Boylston reHize. 3 pair of rose and green tie-back d v· . T . ·tl l'k . b turned Tuesday to their home at 1302 curtains with valances. Wlnn. 20SS. an tttono revtsan wt 1 ewtse e ~40 Llndt-11 Ave. Phone "'II. 68 71LTN42-ltc paired in amusing roles. Others in the Chestnut avenue from a trip to Macld53L42-ltc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l cast are Louis D'Angelo, Carlo Coscia nac Island. · FOR SALE -SUN ROOM FUR~ITUR~, land Louis Derman Gennaro Papi wilt --o.. - ( 100 X 200 FT. \ ' A.CA.NT Jler.fect condition. Original price $400, · Mrs. V. N. Hanseon and her-·~·chit 2 BLOCKS EAST OF THE RAILROAD. will sell for $175. Phone Glt-ncoe 656. conduct. . and 2 blocks to the lake. A !!plendid 71L'fN42-ltc -------dren have left Wilmette to spend the homei'itf' or tnvestmf'nt. Price only :!\lartin H. Bickham wilt return to remainder of the summer in the Puget $135.00 a ft. FOR SALE - MAHOGANY BUI<'FE1' his home at 429 Ninth street next week Sound country. and dining table; 4 piece wicker porch & ORR set. Aelion VocaHan and baby coach. from Estes Park, Col., where he has -o541 Lineoln Avf. 'VInnetka 672 71LT~42-HC: been one of the leaders in the student <;Jencoe 889. M iss Ruth Meirhoff and Miss Kath53LT:S42-1tc erine Koerp.e r returned to Wilmette RADIO FIVE TUBE, WITH ALL AC- Y. M. C. A. conferem;e.----------·------------------~ ~ July 10, from Lake Delavan., ~here MAPLE HILL ROAD LOCATION ('(>Ssories, like new, $50. Call Winn. 885. 'Wlll se11 wooded Jot, 59x210 ft., for $8,500, 71LTN42-ltp Mr. and Mrs. Harold D. Lehr have they spent their vacation period. or 118x210 feet for $17,000. See this bar-ogain located among Glencoe's ftnest FOR SALE - HALLET AND DAVIS iust . returned to their home at 1537 E lmwood aventre after a six weeks' M r. and Mrs. Olin C. East~an of homee. Upright piano, $110. 7 pieces porch CROSBY & McKENDRY Het, $15.00. Book of Knowledge, $15.00. trip through eastern Pennsylvania, 1027 Elmwood avenue. left the middle 566 Center Wlnn. 2032 Auto trunk with cases, $15. Ken II. 347 4. where they formerly made their home. of last week to visit Mr. Eastman's sis53LTN42-ltc 71L42-ltc --oter in Portland, Ore. ~fr . ~nrl M rs. Otway C. Mendenhall -olf"E BOX-50 LB. CAPACITY, TOPker. Good cond. Glencoe 795. :lf 1311 GregoTy avenue have as their M rs. Emma E. Condy of Brooklyn~ OWNER FORCED TO SEI..L $2,000 71LTN42-ltp vnest for three weeks or a month Mr. N. Y., is leaving for her home after equity in Kenilworth Gardens Jot, SOx 134 for $700. BALKE-COLLENDER POOL TABLE, Mt-ndenhall's nephew, James Menden- spending five weeks visiting her son, home size. $75. Winn. 1525. Louis Coody, 1001 Oakwood avenue. hall of Marion, Ind. RE~t\LtfY 71LTN42-ltc -o-o720 l!~lm St. Phone Winn. 254 l\{rs. Louis Condy, 1001 ·Oakwood M rs. Isabella Moody, formerly of 53LT~~2-ltc FOR SALE - USED WASHING ~~~~~===~~=~=~-~ machine, in good condition. Phone Wilmette. is visiting her brother, who, avenue, entertained her bridge clab Winn. 1260 71L42-ltp is a resident of Los Ang-eles. Mrs. Tuesday at- the Georgian hotel, Ennsf'OR SALE-ACREAGE PULL-SIZE BRASS BED, BOX SPRING. M.oody expects to return in the late ton. --oDining room set. Chairs, dresser, etc. fall. 71L42-ltp Wlnn. 500-W. -{)Mrs. Charles Engelhardt of 915 Oa~Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Davis gave up wood avenue entertained her bridce WE ARE OFFERING ABOUT 25 ACRES II lVTD. TO BUY-HSEHLD. GOODS possession of their home at 115 Third club on Wednesday of last week at of choice land, including the old farm buildings. orchard, etc., facing on the WANTED TO BUY - SECOND HAND street, this week, and have gone to luncheon and bridge. hard road, short distance from Wllfurniture and other household goods. Deerfield, where they have taken a -omettt-. Owner will divide to suit at Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- house for the summer. The Drama Study dub met Tuesday U,OOO per acre, with a low price for niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev-oafternoon at the home of Vrs. Donald improvements, and on easy terms: You anston, 111. Phone Univ. 189. \\·. H. Sht>llman is returning to his M. Gallje, 1115 Elmwood avensr. 72LTN42-tfc will be surprised to learn how very dt>sirable and close in this property Is. hollle at 7lJ _ _ _Elmwood avenue this . --oHEINSEN REALTY COMPANY 7:1 FOR SALE-liiSCELLANEOUS week-end after a week's trip to New Mrs. Daniel R. Brower of 131 FiTtll421 4th St., Wilmette Wil. 2760, Univ. 8908 street will entertain her Boote ci'uf'· 54LTN42-ltc FnR SALE - NAVY BLUE REED York. h::tby buggy, in good condition. Phone -oWednesday in her home. ; Wll. 83. 73L42-ltc Miss Laura Davy, 427 Ninth strtet, -o-, SUMMER RESORTS 'Fh~ first Unite~ States mail roatc iia' FOR RENT- CO'M'AGE AT PELICAN FOR SALE -AT 'HALF PRICE, ACOUS- lc;_ft Sat.urda:y to visit her brother and tf,.an Ear Phone, in perfect condition. h1s fanuly at Falmouth, Mass., on Capel Illmo1s ~s esta~lashed in tMO bet.-. lake, furnished complete for 8. Phone Wil. 1475. 73LTN42-1tc CQd, for twq,.waeks. . - ·,·r I St. -Lows . and~-s.. . . ,....... Winn. 2679. 55ALTN42-ltc J VV ANtl'ED I ! :McGUIRE GREAT SACRIFICE HEINSEN CO. $~p@@@ · I -