38 WILMETTE ~6 LIFE SITUATION W1'D.-}'EMALE I july 15, 1927 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS · Classified advertisements will be charged only General N otace - to residents of the district from Evanston to 1D cents RateS- papers. ICOLORED GIRL \VI. SHES GE:-;,·!<~RALI' hOUSeWOrk, nUrSemal d Or, m Others hel11 · I..·t t'OR ut:~T-ROO)IS .\TTRA('TJ\.F. et· . References. Tel. W1l. 911-.J. · 36LT42-ltp ROOM AXIl ),"rge sl""I>Ing por.c h In private hom··. n - """ Adults. Elm. Winn. 2336. L.IVI~G no ULTK42 ~lt~ Glencoe Inclusive whose namQ'! appear In the telephone directory, o;,_r~K a~~ I t'eglllar subscribers to f'!lthP.r WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA GI..ENCOE NEWS. a Une tn one paper. 25 cents a line in any two cents a Une In all three papers. MINIMUM CH.ARGE " ~ents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type uaed tO% discount on all ~asia with order advertisements wlaen brought to e·r 'omee at 1ttt Central .i"Ye., Wilmette, or 884 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 30 . f Ot JnsetftOnS-cepted · Classified D eadl tne up advertisements will be acto Wednesday · S o'clock tot the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 6 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 6 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephone~: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. WHITE LAUXDRESS WAXTS · WORK Hlfi H.E:"T - FlJR~fSHED ROO.\I . J :\ for l\londay and Tuesday. Tel. W·inn. pri ntll' hom e. Clo~e to transportatJc?n 3019. 36LTX42-ltc Single gentleman only. Phont> \\1 1. 7%-W. 41L-t2-tl'·· G0 OUT 'WASHI~G .. ALSO TAK_E washing- homt.>. Good r e ferenc es. W1J. LARGE PLEASA~T !lOOM I·'OR_l Ul ~ 3600-Y-4 . 36LT42-ltc ~.with or without pnvate ba~h. h.ILL'l11.: u pri\"llcges and garage If destr;·? ·. ~;~t.or ~ COI:' j%. HLi:\L-ll1 · YOUNG :\1..\RRIED WO:\L\X WITH little g-Irl r equires housewot·k, by day or w eek. Phone 'Vii. 3990. 36L42-ltc }'Olt JU:X'l'-APARTMt:~TS 4:! SIT. 'WTD. DR.ESS:\IAKJ~C: A~D vlain sewing- at home or by the c.lay. FOR RENT-2 ROOM K~TqHr-:~ET~l't ·: Good refcri:!nCt-:,. Greenleaf 1142. apartment steam hea t, Janitor sPrvH···· 36LTN42-ltc near tra~sportation. Call ".i!~,ett:· 1800. 42LT:"L-t il' LADY 01<' 40 WI~HES HOUSEKEEP-· er's position in a bachelor's or wid- FOR RE~T APAf:tTM.I<~XTS , Fl; H ower's home . ~o objt.>ction t·o children. nishe d and unfurmshed, all . ~IZt · :-. WI!. 1776. 36LTN42-ltc H ~att· d . Phorw "Wil. 2a~1~. 42LT:\4:!-tt.FLAT FOR RF.XT 6 ROOM ~·'LAT and hath; furnaee b.-at . 1730 Walnut Ave \Yilnwtt e. ~ ·wly deco ratt·d . Tt·l. Edg~,,·at1·r 427!!. 42LT:\'4~-1 tp 4 ROO~I APARTMENT. TEL. . Gl e nt·o~ :·:41-W. -i2LTN42-lt!· l\IODER~ DAY 'YORK, C'LEAXI~G OR LAUNdrv . R t>fe rell<:es. Gnh·. 8101. Call afh:r WILL DO ALL KINDS OF DRESSMAK- (;IRLf-i SEEKIX<.: A PROFESSIOX , 6 :00 p. m . 36LTN42-ltp ing,j ~arantee satisfaction. 157 Prairie here is your opportunity fot· an interAve. Phone Wilmette 3997. 10L40-3tc t·sting lint' of work . Telephone work is SIT. 'WTlJ. - HOUSEKEEPER, YOUNG a \'t't'\' desirable Ot'<'U)lation and you woman German nationality. Take eventOLINE JENSEN. DRESSMAKING han~ ·tht· ad \·antage of working near ual position as maid. Call Saturday · .coa.bs.. suits, gowns, sport frocks. 910 home. \\' e provide a vacation with afternoon. Newcastle 0870. 36LTN42-ltc ·£tm street. Winnetka 2336. 10LTN42-ltc pay ea~h year. Also, a liberal benefit plan, pleasant associates and sur- WASTED- DAYS ·w oRK, LAUNDRY roundings. If you · are interested, come GARDENING or <"leaning. C'alT Unl\·. 7458. 36LT42-1tp in and look o\·er the office and have a personal interview with the chief operWHITE WOlfAX, THOROUGHLY EXator at 725 12th St., Wilmette. JH'rleneed, with 6 year old boy. Genera 32L42-tfc hou~ework. Englewood 5938. · 36VI'~ -&2-ltp \';rANTED - YOUNG LADY TO OPERate telephone switchboard and assist in office. Apply Saturday P. }f. or Sunday, 3; SITUATION WTD.-MALE Vernon Ridge Country Club, Sanders CHAPFFECR ·w rTH 12 YRS. EXPER Phone Wll. 3300 "'Ridge R()ad, Wilmette Road, Deerfield, Ill. 32LTN42-ltc Xorth Shor~ ref. liniv. 7086 10BL42-tfc 37LTX42-ltp WANTED FOR MONTH OF AUGUST, INSTRUCTION II experienced cook, by day or to stay on BXPER. GARDE~ER WISHES DAY place. Good wages. Pbontl ·winn. 2117. work o:- full-time job. Call in evening COLLEGE TEACHER WILL TUTOR IN 32LTN42-ltc Wlnn. 2022. 37LTN42-ltp eollege or high school subjects. Ad- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dreas Ph. D., Kenilworth Inn, KenU- W ANTE!D COMPETENT WHITE /1 l EXPEU. CHAt'~'FFECR AND HOUSE worth. 13LTN.. 2- tc girl tor general housework; referencts man. (~ood ref.-3 yrs. last place. Col required; near transportation. Good ('all or write 4631 St. Lawrence Ave. LOANS 11 wages. Glencoe l39S. 32LTN41-3tc Chicago, Kenwood 4409. 37LTN42-ltp ·· DRESSMAKING HELP W .ASTED-FE~I.ALE ··· u t'OR Rf:ST-lfOUSES \Veil H.otted ·M anure and Black Dirt FOR RE~T ...:_ 6 ROOM HOlJSE, NK\ I! !i<'hools and transportation; 2 car garage. $110 a month. Wtl. 1582. HL42-ltp FOR RE~T - HOUSE AND GARAUE. t.·ast of Indian Hill Station, $150 .a month. SublE:'ase till October 1st, prin lt·ge of renewal. References. Kenll. worth. :lt74. 4~L42-ltc tl FOR RENT-STORES A OFFIC.KIS 1Hhmlbxelffc IHI<O>~~mm&Im FOR RENT-VERY DESIRABLE OF fi bo t 10 1o ft Excellent ce space, a u x · . ground floor location, at 736 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142. -i8LTN42-tfc 6! FOR SALE-HOUSES FOR SALE OR RENT-S RM. HOUSE west side location. ' Charles H. Brethold lst and 2nd Mortgages INSURANCE Sf5 Main St., Wilmette Tel. 65 16L42-tfc WAN'l'ED MAID FOR GENERAL WANTED - POSITION IN PRIVATE housework; 2 in family, $20 a week. family as ehauffeur; Will do some side Good cook. Own quarters. 329 \\"s.rwork. Good references. Call Boulevard wick Rd., Kenilworth. 32LTN42-ltc 5175. Tailor Shop, ask for Vaughan. 37LTN42-ltc WANTED - WHITE GIRL FOR GE~ eral housework and cooking. :Must han references and like children. Tel. Wil. 1128. 32LT~ 42-ltc IB3 &If~ ~iiiiD~ I~ MAN W AN'rS STEADY WORK, EX J>E.-rienced gardener. Also, housework. References . . )Vii. 3600- Y-4. 37LT42-ltc PBT8 GIRL IXTELLIGEXT, GEXERAL ST'r. WTD.-WOR~ BY DAY OR·.HOUR. housework. References. Must be good Houst> and lawn. Tel. Weber W1l. 1170. cook; 3 in family. 1042 Greenwood AY(>. 37LT42-2tp Wil. Phone 492. 32LTX42-1te , :: NEW HOUSES NEARLY l'O:\£nl e ted. 2-6 room bricks. 1-7 roo!n stucco, 2 baths, sun parlor. Built-Itt garages. Lots 50x150. All impNvement::-. X ear fine school, Northwestern ami eleetrie. Prkt>s $15,000 to $16,500. THE FINEST DOG FOR A CHILD'S STENOGRAPHER, Phom· Wit. jtiti EXPERIEXCED. SIT. WTD. - EXPERIENCED WHITE 1177 ,\.ilmNte .\ \'f·. .pet Is a Cocker Spaniel. Beautiful 52L42-lt(' Victor C. Carlson Organization. 636 man garden and housework. Tel. Wit. blaek and white, also brown and Church St. Second floor. Evanston, Ill. 3233.' 37LT42-ltp white pups. Dam, Peggy's Lady Patsic. 32LT~ 42-ltc Sire, Champion Mission Elkhart. 892 HEDGIXG AND GARDENING BY EXVernon Ave., Glencoe. 22LTN42-tfc GIRL FOR AFTERNOONS AND DI~ perienced gardener. Phone ·Winn. 2026. 3 BLOCKS FHO:\l RTI<:A~I A~D XORTH 37i.JTN42-ltp ners. Small famlly. No Sundays. Winn. Shore llnf'; ti rnoms, 3 b<'drooms on tt REPAIRING .t REFINISHING 1172. 32LT~42-ltc first floor; tilt floor bath ; h. w. lwat : SIT. WTD.-'lf.ALE & FEMA~E heated sun room ; open back porch : GENERAL HOUSEWORK GlRL. heaYil\' wooded lot 50x200; garage: Plastering Repair Work White. Experienced. $18. Winn. 580. EXPERIENCED WHITE COPPLE $16,5uu·. Owner anxious to sell. 'Viii ALL KINDS OF PLASTERING AND 32LTN42-ltc want work. Man gardener, woman good make easy terms. stucco work. - - - - - - - - -.....- - - - - - <'ook. References. Wil. 3600-Y-4. EXPERIENCED WHITE MAID FOR 38LT42-·ltc Eddington .~.\llen general housework. No laundry. Good Exelusiv(' Agents ..._. ~ wages. Call Winn. 2226. 32LT~42-ltc ~0 ..._. BOARD AND ROOM 410 Linden Aw . }tJnd of "L" WI!. 407 --to~ 52L42-ltc Phone 2291 Wilmette \VANTED WHITE MAID FOR GE~.\ CO~Y.\ LESCEXT HOME FOR ELD:,. 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~2~ L~T~N~4~2~-t~fc '3ral housework. 1311 Ashland An:!. Ph. erly 1wople or invalids, large sunny -:: 'Wil. 1512. 32LTN42-ltc rooms with south exposur(>. Resident ti East Side- \Vinnetka SERVICE BUREAU nurse . l."niY. 7-183. 39IA2·ltP \ ~ICE H0:4\IE FOR ELDERLY ·wo~IAN n2.ooo.oo . ELITE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE to help with housework ; with small 41 FOR RENT-ROOIIS .& room frame building placed and at·for reliable household help. Special dept. compensation. Phone Wil. 776-M. tor nurses and governesses. Ill. W. A. 32LT~42-ltp FOR RENT - 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT . ranged ror converting into a garage . Club Bldg. Suite 619 111 E. Pearson ~~~~~~~~~~=~~~=~~ housekeeping, everything furnished. Ph. ' Arcola heater; hathroom ; floreh and St. Superior 7482. 25LTN42-4tp 33 · Wll. :~·12!.'1. or <'all at 1138 Oakwood Ave. \ cmH:rt.'tt· tlrin:·. Lot ti2xl6a ft. Magnl,ft~nt trt't: R. Only Jlh block from transHELP WANTED-MALE 41LT-!2-1t.c .p ortation. Splendid buy. . LOST ~ND FOUND Sl TWO ~lEN ·TO SELL HOUSEHOLD C'F.XTR.-\ L HOTEL - LIGHT OUTSIDE ~IcGl.JlRr: LOST """'- ABOUT ONE MONTH AGO, apvliances. Experience, while helpful, rooms for transients and residents. 629 541 Lineuln Avt·. Wlnn('tka 61~ "Ire haired Fox terrier. When lost bad :\fain Street. Phone Wihnette 1080. is not necessary-wltl teach you. Phone ' 52L'l'~42-lt c Winnetka license No. 69. Little boy's Winn. 1260. ····t,·'>-1'·' 41LT42-tfc "o~. Reward if' returned. Phone Winn. U27. . 31LTN42-ltc 36 T\VO LA ROE COOL ROOMS FOR PJ<;OSALE WINNETKA, 6 ROO:\( STTI'.\TIOX \VTD.-FEJL\L}; pi~;> employE>d. '\\rinn. ·. 1525. sltfngle bungalow, large living room LOST - BUNCH ·oF KEYS ·oN RING 41LTN42-1tc wllh real ftreplace; sun porch and 1 with name tag, "Russell Laughlin, YOUNG GIRL WOULD LIKE \VORK - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~n porch; space for 2 mo_re roo_ms. 0 Morris, Illinois." Return to : office of taking care. of children by the hour. FOR RF.XT _ FrRXISHED ROO:\r; Lo~ 60x177. Garage. Cut for ttnlllL'dtat~ Winn. Talk and receive reward. nos. 36L-&2-ltc :11~ 0 · g·arage spaet.> if desired. Phone sa~e to $12,500. 31LTN42.- ltP Wil. 776-M. 41LTN42-ltp \ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WISHES ""ILL LADY WHO PICKED UP RUS"·ork by day. Refert-nces. Wll. 3:~69. L.\RGE LIGHT WELL FURXISHED 954 ;unden Ave. Hubbard Woods alan wolf-hound on Winnetka Ave, ~6L1'N42-ltc rno1m, near lakE>, transportation. Wlnn. Tel. Winnetka 1300 . Runday, please return it to Grundstrom - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1:>4:~. 41LTN42-ltc 52LTN42-1tc or call Winn. 839. 31LTN42-ltp tTNDERGRADL"'ATE 'WITH 2 YRS. training as nurse for baby, chlldrt'n, or REXT - LARGE FRONT ROOM, I .. C'ST-ANTIQUE GOLD LINK BRACEcompanion to elderly person. Call Miss FnR <'ool and pleasant. Near station. Phone ,.,t set with colored stones. Mulford. Sondee. Winn. 2494. 36LTNt2-ltc Winn. 415. 41LTN42-lt.c :Tel. Wilmette 1563. 31L42-ltp JU~T COMPI:ETED RIDGE ROAD, SECotttd lot south of Roger Ave., solid brk. ~ORWEGIA~ LADY WILL DO LIGHT THREE ROOMS KITCHENETTE AND LJ'BERAL REWARD CLARINET ct}lontaJ, 8 rooms, Octlgan Solarium. housework and .cooking for smal! :amsleeping porch.' Adults only. Wll. 3677. · loHt at Skokie school. Phone Wlnn. 918. tly. Wilmette L1fe B-362. 36LT~4..!-ltp 41L42-ltp m~d's room; deck porch; 2 batlts; ex31LTN42-ltp tr· lav. on flrst floor and basement; 2 heated garage. Overlooking CounSIT. WTD. ~y LAUNDRESS FOR FOR RENT - ROOM IN PRIVATE L~T NAVY BLUE SIJ...K UMtr) Club grounds. Further Information washing~ and family bundles to take F.l'll'lt side home, young business man. . ,hrelJa, long straight amber handle. ReIn(} tire owner next door. Kenll. 3928. ~orne. .N ortl_l __Sh_ o re references. ~ Untv. . f'nnvenlt~nt to all transportation. Wll. ward. WIJ. 353. 3iL42-1te 521 ..'J'~t2-1tc \ .,204-l\f. 36LT~!2-ltp I 2Q9R. 41L42-ltc BRICK BUNC;.L\LO\V · __ ___ ________________ & , & ORR Ml. FRAN·K A. REID GOLF V'IE\V HOME I II --·