Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jul 1927, p. 37

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July 15, 1927 WILMETTE 1 LIFE 37 Tidal Wave Endangers Must Develop Trade at Goes to Hospital Group at Local Beach Home, Declares Editor to Nurse Injuries FiYe children and a woman were Allen D. Albert, editor of the Evin Motor Accident rescued by \Villiam \.Yoods, beach anston Kews-Index, spoke at the regu- NORTH SHORE SCOUTS GRANTED NEW AWARDS (Continued from page 3) Jern· Young of \Vilmettc. is in the I guard, and James Ford, Northwestern lar July meeting of the \Vilmette Ev·anston hospital in a serious con- toot-ball ~tar, at the \Vilmette beach Chamber of Commerce ~[onday evedition: t\\'O other people recciHd in- Tuesday. when a tidal wave struck the ning of this week on the subject, Honor and Satisfactory campers durjuries neces sitating medical 'attention. beach_ and c~rried them out into the "Keeping t~1e ~orth Shore Distin~tiye." ing this first period also. The ·second period at Camp Checauand material damage was done to seY- lake tor a d1stance of several yards. "In keepmg the north shore dJsbncgau opened July 11 with the following eral cars in four automobile accident:-; ~cme :::>f the children sustained ill- ti\·e one main thing is the development which occurred in \\'ilmettc during th e · efftct...; irom thc1r su dden inundation of retail trade." )Jr. Albert said. "Dur- north shore Scouts among the seventy pa t week. hut ~Irs J()seph Chiapki, 303 Central ing the 'past few years trade in the or eighty boys enjoying the outing: On Thur~day. July 7, ).Jr. \lartha Park aH~ lllH: . \\_'ilm ette_ stepped into a loop store s in Chicago has n~t ill- Adam Bauer, Troop 9, Wilmette; Carl Lincoln. Troop 23, Glencoe ; William ).! aloof an elderlv woman. ,,·as struck \\·atcr hole and tt was tound ncce::.sary cn·a~ed anywhere as much as tt has h" a machine wh1Ic c.rossing the . trcet to <tpply artificial respiration before in such neighboring cities as Evanston Brandl, John Brandl, William Danby, and Clarence Dahl, Troop 24, Hubbard at "\Yilm ette and Central annucs . ~he resuscitation could be accomplished. and Aurora. And in the next few Woods; Grant Herman, Randolph Herwas taken to the EYanston h:hp ital ior :-;he hacl completely recovered by tht years. l n-nturc to say that a g-reat man Branierd Chapman 1 and Morton examination and attention. \rhcre it ioll ::nring nwrning. it was reported. hulk oi tht.: trade will take place in Trat~h of Troop 31, Highland Park; was found that her injurie-; ,,·ere not Two additional guard::. were added to t!1c husinfss renters right at home." Robert Phelps. Harry Carlson, Troop se riou s. till· beach ~ta It hy Bcachmastcr ] oyce 32. Highland Park; Sidley Chapman, Jerry Young, 23-l l'entral Park ;we- B. :-:.mith on \\'edn es day. iollowing a Rohert Johnston. Parker Johnston, ILL WITH FLU nue. \Vilmettt was severely injurecl recurn·nre oi the wan· the ~ame aitc:rMerton l'erson, and Nicholas Wink, of For the past two weeks Miss Ruth last S.unday morning ,d1en he Jo..,t con- noun. Troon 33. Highland Park; Oscar GoepForherg, secretary of the \Vilmette trol of his machine on Lake aycnuc Chamber of Commerce. has been ill ner, Troop 35, Ravinia; Thomas Brenwest of the Yillagc. Y:::>ung wa:-. dri\'ing '\Jr. ;u1d ~tr~. \\'a ttn J. Hansen oi with influenza at her home, 960 Linden nen. Troop 36 Highwood. eas t on Lake avenue \\'hen hi s rar ~ ud - Ehnhurst are occupying the Harry H. ayenue. Huhhard \Voods. Scouts in Other Campa denh· . \\·encd into th~ ditch and nu t ).f cDernwtt homt· at 620 \\'a shington Beside s these Scouts at Camp and ·h urtled into a field. He 'ras tak en an 11 i.1t \rhile ~fr. and ~hs. ~1cDer Checaugau there are other north shore Mrs. Lester E. :!\1ee and her Wil- Scouts at the foll'owing camps: Wauto the Evanston hospital wherc he i~ mott ·and their daughters, Harriet. r<:ported to be in a critical conditiou. Bc·tt,·. and Ro~eman-. art \·isiting in mette Ravinia committee entertained kegan Council Scout Camp at Lily An accident, of minor cc·nscquenrc. l·:~t('.:;, \' ello\\'stnne. -and '(~lacier na- forty children. from Bethelem Bo- Lake. \Vis.; Camp Wabaningo. Evansoccurred on ~unday when a mach111e tiona I parks. ).f rs. lhn~cn 1s ~f rs. hemian Mission as their guests at Ra- ton Scout Camp near Mkhitlinda, vinia Park ThursdaY. After a box Mich.: the Winnetka Community drin~n hy A. H. Colett. 2707 Prairie . .\1 cDtrmott's :-.ister. luncheon, the little -guests heard the House Camp near Ludington, Mich. -o;n·enue, EYanston, collided with another Children's program in the ;:tfternoon. c-ar driYen bv E. Sullivan at \\.ilmette Cui. Ed\\'ard R. Stone and Mr s. (where the \Vinnetka Scouts go); and ;n·e nut · and ·Ridge road. :\o OIH: \\·a:-. -othe camp of the Wilmette Methodist Stone of \\'ashington. D. C., have been injured and little damage don e tn the guesb for a few days of Col. ~~i ss Edith Ray \' oung. 630 Park church near \VatervHet, Mich. From ti ther oi the cars. police rep urted . Charles \V. Castle and Mrs. Castle in a\·enue, left Tuesday to spe nd the the above it can be seen that Scouts ]. F. Kelly of \\'ilmettc rcceind their home at 226 Woodbine avenue. summer \·acation with her parents, ).1 r. of the north shore enjoy an~ want painful cuts ahout the face and hand s Colonel Stone. who has been with the and ).Irs. John Gaines Young, in Vin- camping and are looking eagerly forin an accident which occurred at Lake military headquarters in the office of cennes, Ind. She '"'ill return to \\.i!- ward to the time when they can all avenue and Hihhard road ).londa,·. the chief of staff, has hcen transferred mette the last part of Au~'J st or the join tog~ther in on~ Scout Camp of Kell.v \\·as ridina as a J>assewrer in . a their own. under thetr own leaders. hr:-;t ni ~eptemher. "' ""' \\.il - to Omaha. c-a r dri\·en by Frank ).lay, · 1317 -omette avenue. which collided with anMr. and Mrs. F. Briggs of 102 Fifth ~fr. and ~Ir s. W. F. Prisk of 222 · ~f r. and Mrs. B. B. Dennis and their other machine dri\'en hv Glen H. Harrigan. 2019 Ridge an:m~e. 1~\'an ~t(ln. at three children spent a week recently street a;e spendi.ng July and August at Catalpa place haYe left for ~ two the intersection of the t\\·o strte ts. as guests at the home of Mr. Dennis' L;tkeside, Ohio. This is the forty-first weeks' yacation in Cuba. The1r son, season they haYe spent at that summer V crnon Prisk, is on his way to PortKelly \\'as taken to t.he E\· a11~t<·n ho:-.- ::.ister, ~{rs. Charles Burlingame, ar.d resort. land, Ore. pital where his injuries \\Trl· given at- hi s mother. Mrs. John A. Dennis, ~t 812 -o-oGreenleaf avenue. The Denni,g family tenti()n. Dan Huguenin. 506 Lake a\'enue, \f rs. H. F. Riley returned Sunday was on its way east from Tdt, Cal., on who \\'a~ se riou:;l\' ill ior ten da,·s re-I to her hume. 730 Lake avenue, from a two months' motor to1.1r. .'\ group of nine \Vilmette girls is cently \\'ith bron.chial pneumonia, has Rochester, ).{inn .. where she had spent -o-,·acationing at Camp "\\' c Ha Kee at ).·1r$. Philip V. Br~ght of 731 Ashland recoYerecl and is now up and around. a month. ----------·--------------~farinette, \Vis ., for four weeks. They left July 2. The girls arc Jean ~iller, avenue entertain~d her bridge club Virginia Hays, 11ary Jane Curtis. \Yednesday at the North Shore Golf Dorothy Hanley, ~fa ric Hanley, ~~ ary cluh in honor of Mr. Bright's sister, Elizabeth Colyer, Edith Coyne, Alice ).f rs. R. C. Rose of La Jolla, Cal., wl10 is a guest !h the Bright home. Ebeling, and 1fargaret Ebl"ling. --o-o).[iss '?atsy Boylston, 1302 Chestnut ~frs. Forest \V. :\filler of 102i avenu~-. entertained at a luncheon and It projects into a blue lake of clear spring water-is edged Greenwood avenue entertained at a theat_t:r party Tuesday in honor ?f ~Ii.s s by a perfect beach of clean sand-and is covered with well bridge-luncheon \VednesdaY in honor ).ifax;ine Kieser of Buffalo, who ts vtsttkept lawns, stately trees and substantial summer homes. 0f her sister. Mrs. John Kelt)\ of De~ ing Mrs. Edwin L. Georger, 823 Ash?\foines. Iowa, who has heen her gtte3t lat~·d avenue. this "·rek. Mr. KellY was also a -oguest in the Miller hom~ for the weekp rot. · an<t '{ .., rs. p au 1 A. K 11 aplunll r,j end. hut returned to his home early in Madison, \Vis., have announced the On Lake Geneva at Williams Bay the "·eek. .' birth of a dau~hter, Katherine Bar-obara, on June 8. Mrs. Knaplund was is widely known as America's moat beautiful subdivision. ~Irs. Anthony Ma\', 1461 \Vilmettt" Miss Dorothy King before her marIts numerous recreational advantages, natural beauty and aYemle, lost her aunt, Mrs. Michaej riage last year. excellent transportation to Chicago, make it a truly ideal Cassady of Chicago, by death on Tue!':-o-location for your summer home. Fishinc, Bathing, Golf, day of last week. Burial was Fridc.y John Brewer, 1465 \Vilmette avenue. Boating, Riding and Tennis are at their best at Cedar at Mt. Carmel cemetery. Mrs. ~el.\ie is visiting his sister, Mrs. George Point Park. It is but two hours' ride on the Nortl)westem Patterson of Billings, ~~on t., also a Smith. for two weeks in Wausau, "\Yis. Railroad or a pleasant drive over hard roads from Chiniece of Mrs. Cassady, came to Chi- Mr. and Mrs. Smith were formerly cago. AU improvements-electric light, telephone, spring cago for the funeral and is now a gt'.est residents of Wilmette. and Ide water- are in to each lot. Purchasers have been 0f ~~ rs. 'May for a short while. -<>restricted. Even your prospective neighbors have been -o-~{r. and ~Irs. Raymond J. Burgert carefully selected. For those who act quickly, there is Ho\\·ard ~~ ay. 1461 Wilmette avt~nue, now an opportunity to procure at reasonable prices the ieft Sunday with H~ulan Erickson, for of 800 Park a'·enue announce the birth few remaining homesites with lake frontage. a t\\'o weeks' motor trip and visit in of a daughter, Joyce Hel~ne. June 20. at St. Francis hospital, Evanston. ~finneapolis. -oDrive out next Sunday or take the Lake Geneva -oExcursion on the Northwestern and enjoy the Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Jordon and Tsahel Haskin, daughter of Mr. and day at the moat beautiful subdivision in AmericL their son. Bill. of 516 Fifth street, are \1 r s. Ro~· L. Haskin of 1465 Wilrnette avenue. is visiting her grandparents in leaving today to drive to ~1ichigan to Or write for further information. spend a month. Deerfield. Ill. L A K E G Have YOU Seen _ the Most Beautiful Lake Subdivision in A. merica ? CEDAR POINT PARK. ~[ iss Barbara Bradford of Augusta. \{rs. P. J. Kerwin of 1607 Elm"10od avenue entertained at a hridge-br,;ak - \\.is .. is Yisiting her cousin, Clark Gafast Fridav of last week for Miss fo"nne ptn. Jr., 919 Elmwood avenue, for two Knox of Springfield, who is her fS'\Jest. '""eeks. -0- -0- E N E v A cedar Point Park Subdivision Chicaao Oftice Mrs. "\Y. C. Fox of 831 Forest avenue M rs. Percy Andrews of New York was the g-uest for a few days thl5week entertained informally at luncheon and of her 5ister, Mrs. H. A. Von llflul'k hriAge Tuesday. There were three of 533 Forest avenue. ·' tahles. -o- -0- 2865 North Clark Street

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