Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jul 1927, p. 34

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WILME.TTE LIFE July 15, 1927 . The .c_ommittee o~ friendly co-oper3l-l F. A. Party Seems taon wtth ex-servtce men gave tts Sh d d · M 1 second automobile party for the men I rou e m yatery in its unit last Monday. Twenty disThe following announcement speaks abled war veterans were taken to Ra- for itself. 'c!ne~ visiting Zion City on the way. A "Much interest is being manifested (Continued from page 13) p~cmc luncheon was served by the way- over the mysterious party to he given farm. Others of the family of Pewes ltde. this evening hy the F. A. S. of the came to Niles and those who claim to Wilmette Baptist church. Where the Iknow say that Jane Milne, who was party is to be held is not disclosed. but the daughter of a cousin of John it has been hinted that if it is not one Dewes was the first white child born in the township. place, it's another. "Guests w!Jl present themselves at It was from John Dewes that the the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Glen View club bought the 200 acres C~rlson, 1~39 Spen.cer avenue, armed Ioccupied by the club. There never has wtth .fiashltghts, wtts, a":d plenty of been any ground expansion. Two hungasolme. The zero. hour ts 8 :30 shart;>. dred acres has been sufficient for the All.memhe~s a.nd fnends of the orgam,.. club's needs. Now for sentiment. John Dewes' zatton are mvtted. first home was a log cabin. The cabin Women's Suit Cases Mr. and Mrs. J. Matheson Bell of was built on the land which Dewes $11.· and up 1408 Isabella street have as their guests, later sold to the club. But the club Hat Box Specials Mr. Bell's mother. _ Mrs. F. G. Bell of did not destroy the cabin. It is there $3.75. $5.11, . . . Woodstock, Ontario, Canada, and his today, someWardrobe Trunk Specials, aunt, Miss Carrie Matheson, of Strat- what d i i a P.iford, Ontario. They will be in \Vil- dated, but bol137.51 and · · · mette for thre<= weeks. stered up with a bit of new -oMr. and Mrs. \V. F. Crawford and 1 umber and their daughter, Mary May, of 1415 nursed along it Gregory avenue left Tuesday to spend still stands bet~e rest of the season at their summer tween the sixteenth and .__.-........- - .....- -......-.-.__. . home in northern Michigan. teenth and seventeenth fairways, a landmark and a · mark of club s e n t i m e ntalism. The old port h o 1 e s through which Robert Dewes' rifle projected w h e n hostile Indians threatened are still Ira L Couch there. The cabin is near the bank of the north branch of the Chicago river which runs through the golf course. Glen View's clubhouse which was built in the early years of the club's I existence was burned down seven These hot summer .days don't let eatyears ago. When I asked Kenneth Burns who is secretary of the club if ing becotne a duty rather than a the new clubhouse was more modern than the old one he remarked : "Welt pleasure. Change to the Library Plaza they struck pretty close to the old Cafeteria. where a meal is always enlines of architecture." Just another evidence of sentiment. joyable. II S. Glen View Golfers Carry Club t~ Fame Vacation Luggage sprinkle the greens, fairways and tees. The entire course has oeen retiled. Names of players of Glen View have been written big in golf history. Harry W. Bi'shop is the present club champion. But rest the eyes on the se names: Phelps B. Hoyt, William Holabird, Jr., Louis N. James, John M. Sellers, H. I. Howland Jr., Eugene M. Barnhart, Knowlton L. Ames, Kenneth Edwards, Kenneth Burns and Ira L. Couch. These names are familiar to everyone who knows golf. They are stars. Every one has ~ad the honor of being the club champton and that is some honor in that sort of competition. Ira Couch who represents the younger flight of Glenview bas staged many startling performances. He is a Chicago District championship winner. 'I> Miss Fergus, Champion Satisfy Your Summer Appetite A Few Specials: FRIDAY, JULY 15 Sliced Ham a Ia King on Toast 35c Baked Stuffed Green Peppers, Southern Style I 8c Fried Halibut Steak, Tomato Sauce, au gutin Potatoes 25c SATURDAY, JULY 16 Creamed Chicken a la King_ en Casserole 45c Roast Shoulder Young Pig, Dressing. Apple Sauce 25c Omelet with Fresh Strawberries 1 sc SUNDAY, JULY 17 Broiled Lake Superior Whitefish. Maitre d'Hotcl 40c Fried Half Spring Chicken on Toast 6sc Baked Jersey Sweet Potatoes. Toasted Marshmallow 1 8c Our Special Roast Prime Ribs Roast Beef 3 c;c Home-made Chicken Pot Pie, Cteain Dumplings 5 oc Miss Louise Fergus is the woman' s champion. Miss Fergus has held that honor in other years and is one of the · stars of western golf. Women's golf at Glen View is important, and there are many good players among these being Mrs. Tracy Alden, Mrs . Eugene Barnhart, and Mrs. George F. Henneberry. The golf committee is composed of Mrs. Frank R. Elliott .. Mrs. Edward B. Hall, Mrs. Scott Brown, Mrs. Charles C. Dawes, Mrs. John H. S. Lee, Mrs. Clinton Merrick. Mrs. Robert B. Upham, and Mrs. Elliott S. Wortham. And now something about Glen View's professional. His name is Jock Hutchison and that is sufficient introduction. Always a great player hi~ name has been close to the top, f requently on top, in the great event~. not only of national but of international note. Jock achieved his greatest glory when he won the Briti~h open championship several years ago. Club life is interesting at Glen Vie\\'. Dinner dances are held every Thur ~ day and · every Saturday afternoon the women folks maY be found at the bridge tables. . The officials o'f the club are: John C. Slade. Presid<\·lt: Charles H. MacDowell, vice- president; David A. Picturesque Course Crawford. treasurer: Kenneth H. Glen View's course is picturesque. Burns, secretary. The first nine holes run through the woods and the second nine are called Mrs. C. A. B,·ran ~nrt l'rr daurrhtF'r. the water holes, the river being Nannette. who haYe just returned from crossed seven times. It can rightfully a trip around the world, have heen the be termed a tough course. It was guests of Mrs. C. A. Mair of \Vilmade tough five years ago when it mette. They left Sunday to motor to was remodeled to meet the demands their home at Southampton. Long of the rubber ball. It is modern in Island. They were accompanied by every respect. Mrs. Bryan's nephews. Robert and Attention is called to the water sys- Clark Dorman. tem. A new well recently was sunk -o1 which will provide the water to M r. and ~Irs. John D. Small. 411 Maple avenue. have as their guest this wt>ek. Mrs. Small\ o..:i~tt·r. Mrs. E. F. FOR DISTINCTIVE Norton who returned last Sunda,· from a nine months cruise around the· world. Large, Deep, Nat ural Waves Mrs. Norton \Yill return to her aoartNegrescou's Pure Steam Process ment in the Sovereign hotel the latter part of ne~t week. AS LOW AS PERMANENT WAVING $15.00 -o-Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Clifford. their daughter, Marguerite, and their two younger children, formerly of \Viltnt>ttr. arr stopoing at the Orrington hotel. Miss M ar(.!uerite spent a few days of this week as the guest of h~>r rousin. Miss Jean Evers. 1020 Sheridan road. -0- HAIR GOODS Trans f o rmations. B o b Wigs with natural parts as low as $35.00. All Fresh Salads and Fruits in Season - UBRARY PLAZA eAif;IIT·IIRIA f n For discriminate requlremen't s consult :Mr. John Negrescou, 30 years on State St. Expert Beauty Parlor Service and Artistic Hair Cutting NEGRESCOU'S DRAPE WAVES, ETC. T b t Library Plaza Hot r 1 THE WIGGERY SUITE 1314 STEVENS BLDG. Mrs. T. B. Potter, 607 Forest a\'(·nue, is· returning Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Charles N. Ree.,e of 829 Ashland avenue, from Eagle River. Wis. -oStewart Lofdahl of 1706 Elmwood avenue recentlv recch·ed his M. D. degree from Korth\Yestern university medical school. 17 N. STATE STREET TEL. RANDOLPH 1035 .tr ' '

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