J uty 15, 1927 31 Rush Legal Matters in Quinlan & Tyson Main Street Widening Negotiate Many 'th th t t th ·tt th. Wl e re urn o e vt age ts Attorney Charles H. North Shore Deals week, of Village t· . ' Evanston office of Quinlan & Tyson, Sheridan road north of Main street, Evanston. R. H. Peterson of the EvInc., was the broker. . anston office of Quinlari & Tyson, Inc., John B. and May E. Kmg sold to was the broker. J h · h 9 f u t~s c " e~1:1.g .1 e . -room E,ram.~ 1 1ouse at .nlC 11gan avenue, vat~:sJackso n, a ft er a wee k s vaca 10n m 1 60x 51 · · The only duel fought in Itlinois was 11 Quinlan & Tyson, Inc., north shore Wisconsi n. legal details preliminary to ton .a ot 1 · Also the -yacant at Belleville in 1820. department, has just closed the follow- the actual business of widening and property 50x150 on the west stde of ing sales: pa~ng Ma~ street were expected ~ ~I~I~I~Iiiiii~II~IIi~5I~I~I~I~I~Iiiiii~I~~~I~I~~~~~ii~~~~~~~I Edward T. and Margaret H. Leon- be expedited so that the day of con· ~ ard have sold the new Spanish home at struction may not be unnecessarily de;~-?:yi~!~r:- y :~;\" ..~ ' ~-~ ~-~~---~~~~t~:~-~~; ~,{,;~~{' ~ ~ ~ 811 Foxdale avenue, Winnetka, to John layed. ~~?~'t · ~ )'>' ... ~ and Alma C. Rygel of Columbus, Oltio. The Village board voted favorably Philip· V. Jewell of the north shore de- on the Main_street widening ordinance :~'~< ~ partment of Quintan & Tyson, Inc . was at its regular meeting on July 5, with Trustee Clarence E. Drayer registering the broker. , Edward G. Hub~r has sold hi s resi- the only dissenting vote. dence on Sheridan road, Highland Park. to George ]. Kirk gasse r for $30.000. Carl A . Gurshin of the north shore department of Quinlan & Tyson, Inc., wa$ the broker. Quinlan & Tyson , Inc., announce the The Selzer estate has sold ten acres closing oi the following sales July 8: 1223 ADDISON STREET Alice K. and Rowland R Schwall on '\rViltow and Happ roads to George F . Nixon at a price of $46,140. Lewis sold to \Yilliam E. \Veh ster the 10CHICAGO T. Dodds of the north shore department room frame hou se on a lot 60x150 at Mr. of Quinlan & Ty son, Inc. was the 715 Foster ~a reet , Evanston. Phone Buckingham 6o 11 \Veb ster bought the property for !n-~ ~ hroker. Pierre G. Beach of the .. I Rudolph E. C ro sby has sold lot 10 in ve5tment. block 3 in Chicago. North Shore Land r s ° 930 1 :' .'- <' -< . . . - . Announce Sales of Two Properties in Evanston Universal Decorating Studios Interior Decorations Ilrilr George S. \Vood. Carl A. Gurshin of company Glencoe, the North Shore department of QuinJan & Tyson, Inc., was the broker. subdiv~~n. to~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~ ~ -\.SINCE ... 18S.S J Wend ell Hall, Star of Radio, to Jlfake Home in Wilmette \\ cndell Hall. tht> pioneer radio entnt"lincr and \\"ell knn\\"ll song writer. ;._ soon t::> hecolll<' a resident of \Y il mctte, ha\'ing- recently purchased through th e. \\' ilmette Realty company 01 513 Fourth ~trC'ct, '\\' ilmctte. tl1e attractin colonial residc1ice of Daniel J. O'Rourke of 215 \Yood court. \\'il Jlltttc. Pos~cssion is to he giYetJ. it i~ said, in about two \ H t b and abuut the fir st of September th e O'Rourke" will leave for ~fendoza, South Ameri" ·here ~1 r. O'Rourke has a t,,.o or three year contract as a mining- engineer. ~~ r. Hall. a~ a radio l'lltcrtaincr i:iamiliar to radio ian:- throughout the 'Hlrld. A fn,· years ago when thct".' ,,·. ert on ly thrl'C br::>adca~ting s tation ~. he was kno\\"n as "Tht: KY\\' ~fu si.: ~Iaker," anci is tlm\· familiarlY referred to as the "Red Headed ~1 usi"r ~raker." He is abo a 'n:ll kno\\·11 so11g writer, ,,,.;11<' tllt' authr·r of th·· popular song, "l t :\int Gnnna' Rain Xu ~f o." ~I r. and Mrs. Hall it will be recalled were married over the radio about two q~ars ago. They have been residing in Ravenswood. - ~ Ask Mr. Aitken! About Wilmette and Winnetka M R. WM .. AITKEN was the builder of hundreds of the·. homes now occupied by residents of Wilmette and Winnetka. ca, With the growth of these suburbs and the inevitable crowding of them, Mr. Aitken sought for another location on the North, equally delightful, where he could build a community of character. Such is Bannockburn. Mr. Aitken lives there-and the countryside is dotted with houses he hash elped to plan, finance and build. Bannockburn is only 54 minutes to the Loop. It is easy to get to-about a mile north of Deerfield. A priyate coach takes you to and from the station. See Bannockburn-and ask Mr.Aitken for such suggestions as he may have to offer out of his long experience in the matter of choosing a homesite and building a home. Of the 1.225 Illi11ois communities rccei,·ing electric service, only 86 re.c eive sen·ice from isolated generating plants, the remainder being served by trans mission lines. ~llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll~ Phone BAIRD & WARNER Division of Community DevelopmeDt Telephone Superior 1855 · 141 North Wilmette 2418 Michi~ran Avenue EDWARD ·BUCK Ia:~:~~::;!~!s I l;. . ~.:~~;:~~:~. .J For Painting --