July 15, 1927 1 WILMETTE LIFE '/}) valuable in carrying it over to interest TEACH CHILD TO LIKE in reading. Rca5onable facility in the oi ideas he said could be accomREADING SAYS EXPERT use plished through the making of bird Dr. Gray of University of Chicago Gives Valuable Hints to Kindergartners ~ch o o l Dr. \\'illi am Scott Cray, dean oi the oi Editcation. L nivcrsit v of Chicago. lectured hciMe the st~td ent ~Jurh· oi the summer :,cssion of the ~at.i o nal Kindergarten and Element~try cnllege Friday aftern oon. J ~dy 8. J I i-. topic \\'as "Reading Preparation and Training." Dr. Gray . tated that the matt<:.'r in \\'hich he ·,ras . m o:-t vitally intl'rC5ted was the teacl1ing ~f children tn read -.o the,· \rill become \.!'Ot l-d, thoughtful. inter.ested reader:an d out lin ed a :'ystem oi .procedure i ru111 the nursery ~chool and kindergarten ai-{t to the t im e fJi learning to :-t·ad which in his npinio1t \\·ou ld produce just :-uch a type oi rl'ader. He l!;an.: six ave nu e:; thrt)Ugh \\'hirh the d(·-,ired re-.ult could be accompli~ lied: 1. \Yidc <:xpcrienCL' and thl' arousal Pi keen interl'st in teaming to n:a<l. 2. Rea~onable iacility in thl· use of idl'a:-.. 3. Facility in thl' lht' rJi :-inq,Jl' EngJj,lJ sentences. -l. Increasing the nral \-ocahulary. ~- Corrtct hahit :' oi proltunriation :ttld emmciati c m. (,, :\ _trong desire to read -.lwuld he \.T t·;tted. houses, valentines, gardens and Chris'tmas gift:;. Furthermo,re that the discussion oi their problems and experiences ending ·with an as ignment \\'hich would lead to the solving of th e problem \\·as a most valuable aid in improving the facility of children in the usc of ideas. To the extent which the tc.a cher can earn· forward into the reading period thi's problem solving attitude and how the story will end \\'ill her :o<uccess in producing interest in reading be shown. Facility m the us e of English is necessary, said Dr. Gray, in order that the child may develop a !'llastery C?£ idead~ and be .ab~e to orgalllze matena 1 an arrange It 111 logical fo rm and sequence. The vocabulary of children mu s.t necessarily he drawn from .the associates and experiences of a child and from the stori es which are read to him inasmuch as he does not use hooks him self and here Dr. Gray pointed out th e error that is so often made of limiting the vocabulary to certain \\'Ords and exmaking it narP ressions and thereby row which in turn limit s the child's Iability to express himself, as well as losing the opportunity ' of teaching him new \YOrds when he is most able to learn them. ---------------- I 1 ·---------------. NOTICE Notice is hereby given to every property owner in New Trier township to have his Canada thistle cut on or before July 5. Any property owner who does not h~ed this warning shall be liable to prosecution and a tlne of from $5 to $100. John Balmes, thistle commissioner of New Trier township, 839 Cherry street, Winnetka. "Therefore When We Build, Let ·Us Think that We Build Forever" · r -JOHN Rl.JSKIN . Solve Own Problems Dr. Cra~· pointed out the iart that \\-hilt: it might not han~ hL'Ctl ~o rel..!'arckd h~· his listener:- hciorc. experiL'IICL':oi \\'itlt Iiie s ituati on~. in the home, '"i th flower:;, animal:-. etc.. wer~.· di :;tiJJrt prepara tion ior the reading ex i'L' ril'nce and that insoiar a:; th e tl'acht:r wa~ able to make the experience oi Yital interest to the child \\'Ould it he W E VERY telephone added to this system during the past ten years has required an average investment higher than for those in· stalled ten years ago. This condition will apply to each tele· phone added for many years, if pres· ent price levels hold. The company is powerless to control these advances. HEN Alexander Graham Bell spoke the first intelligible sentence over the telephone. fifty-one years ago he laid the foundation of a monum· e nt that will stand forever. Since then countless improvements have been made in the original instrument and Bell engineers and scientists are still engaged in studying, improving, and extending the range of communication, anticipating future demandsrounding out and perfecting the structure of a great public servtce. Take No Chances! W////////////////////////.1.: II When on a tour take no chances on the food t~at you get here and Ask for pure, there. be safe. fresh milk and you' 11 ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE . COMPANY BELL SYSTEM 9ne Policy · One System Universal Sen~ice I