28 WILMETTE LIFE July 15, 1927 DID YOU KNOWat Mr. and Mrs . A . Hamilton Gibbs have returned from Nice each returning with a manuscript for a book? . · That the Survey award of $500 has been given to Prof. William Z. Ripley for his article which a!J peared in the Atlantic Monthlq en titled "From Main Street to Wafl Street?" That Compton working on a novel at least six volumes writing of which will of qears? Mackenzie rs which will be long and the cover a period Ptemiete's· Life Coveted Amazing Span of Yeats "PALMERSTON"-Philip Guedalla. Pot Shots at Pot Boilers Keith Preston's passing has brought forth so much appreciation for hi s talent s from those who are more apt than I at expressing their sen se of lo:--!', that there is little I can add. Hi" facile wit was unique in that he succeeded in being ironic without n'l'r descending to bitterness and h1 s pa ssing ha s left a void in the rank :; oi American \\Titers of unquestionabl r merit. The deep tragedy for tho se (li us who enjoy eel his humor lie s in t hl· unfulfilled promi ~c of his writing ~ . ior surelv hi s Gilbert and Sullivanian \'er--t·· held- a seerl too deep ·to permit the ir remaining an rnd. I f el as :-.o man~ · do, that it asmuch as there i ~ :;o gn·at a need for evolution in the hu m ~tn race, surelv Providence shows questionable logi c in taking a man ()i hi..; . brilliance and allo\\·ing my futility t·' rem am. BOOK SHOP FOUNTAIN· SQUARE EVANSTON Sun and Moon Little, Brown~ Vincent Gowen · Company .. $2.50 r:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Ce!JSOtship Boosts Sales I i we may judge by the experience of Albert and Charles Boni with Upton Sinclair's new book, "Oil", publishers haYe about as much to fear from censorship as bootleggers have to fear from prohibition. Since the arrest of the book clerk in Boston for selling a copy of "Oil", the publishers have been unable to keep up with the demand for the book. The fourth edition is no-.:o,· dered for a fifth. A special edition of being printed and paper has been ortwo hundred and fifty copies, · called the "Fig Leaf Edition", \Ya s sold out on the same day it appeared. In this rdition a fig leaf wa . printed over the page;-; which were ruled obscene by the Bo;-;ton Judge . That may not be contenlpt 0 i court within ' he meaning of th e law, but the Tudg~ ' ' ;n understand . ·-New York Times. The Green Rope J. S. Fletcher Alfred A. Knopf ........ $2.00 Unkind Star Nancy Hoyt Alfred A. Knopf ........ $2.50 Red Pants John \V. Thomason, Jr. Scribner's .............. $2.50 People Round the Corner Thyra Samter Winslow Alfred A. Knopf ........ $2.50 The Road to the Temple Susan Glaspel/ Summer Clearance of Recent Fiction To clear our shelves of recent fiction so that we will have room for our new fall stock we are selling these books at an extremely low price. Stokes ............. . . . . $3.oo Trader Horn Simon ~ Schuster ........ s4 . 00 Being the Life and Works of Alfred Aloysius Horn $2 Books at SOc The business or professional man can add to the attractiveness of his waiting room by having five or six of these good books. For the summer cottage~ the sun room, for summer readin·g in general. these books are ideal. Bouquet G. B. Stern Alfred A. Knopf ........ $ 3 . 50 America Comes of Age Andre Siegfried Harcourt, Brace g Company s 3 . 00 To the Lighthouse Virginia Woolf Harcourt, Brace ~ Company $ 2 · 50 Davis Street Entrance Philip Guedalla! Anyont who has read the sparkling pages of "The Second Empire," or his essays on the great men of England or any of the articles which haye flowed from that pen has reason to remember his name. It stands as a synonym for brilliant wit. flashing sarcasm, deep insight anrl wide knowledge. Mr. Guedalla who visited America this spring told its that his chief literary interest v.-as in historical bio graphy. He bas chosen Palmerston because- aside from the fact that be ing a Liberal himself the life of one of the ear~ est of the Lib era) s would naturally interest him-as he says in his preface. "The life of Palmerston was the life of England, and, to a large extent, of Europe in the last sixteen years of the Eighteenth and the first sixty-five of the Nineteenth Centuries. ~-erhaps its magnitude accounts for the fact that the task ha s been . o rarelv undertaken. For he covered an a1;1azing span. Stated in terms of art his liie unites an al most legendary past to our own time: \\·hen he \\'as horn. Ren10ld s wa s painting ~Irs . Siddons ::ttHf Mr. ~win burne puh1ished 'Atlanta in Cah·don' in the Year that he died . A gency heau .. he spoke in debate \Yhen ).f r . Pitt and ~f r . Fox had not long fallen silent. and hr \Ya s Secrctarv at \Var against Kap ole on. He mon·cl in th r candlelight of th e drawing-room s " ·hr re ~f r. CreeHY told hi s storie s: and men still liYi;1g han com·er,ed '"it h l1im.' ' 1 T han· C]tlntrd thu s fr(·eh· not onlY to . how \fr. Guedalla's y1 urp o ~ r in \\Titin g thi s pa rticular hook lwt tn sho\\· "01111.. thing of the waY i11 \Yhirh he ha s \Hitt r n it. Hi s Yi~· i<l ima~Jin ation hrin~J s ha ck tl10sr da,·.;; makes dca cl eYrnt.;; C]Ui cken nnd Ji,·~. ' "So1nc wh cre acro-.,s the \\'orld :;apClleo n hun g like a thnndcrchnd r,n t lw edge 1) i R us, ia . There \Y as a faint tap ') f d i;; tan t d n1m.::. ;1 n d 1h c side -arm;-; gleamed in the pale Bait ic Slllhhin l'. a.;; the lonQ column "·ouncl arrn ss an intermina l;lr plain towarcJ-., th r haze'. The mi st s endo:;rrl them. Sound s came faintlirr no"· out oi the not:t h- t lH' qui ck recedin g' ji ngk ni ca,· ; tlr~·. a :-. udden trump et. thr thud of gun s. Frrnrh cheer;;. that died upon thr eli. lance. Thr war seemed alm::> st still hel1ind the mists ." Or with the quirt wit which scar. he says , "The turmoil deepened , in the general cnnfusion '\farmont eHn forgot to betray his leader." ~f r. Cued alia has clone a hig work nob!~·. He giHs a Yast amount to his read ~r. at the same time demandinga good deal .from him . His style !c; c;uhtle. compact. and his treatment. flattering-)\· enough, presupposes a wirl<' hi st::>rira l background. ··· R e- So man,· oi the :-.u-called rc:lda ] ,~· · books con.tain nothing which is \Y or threading · that '"hen I discon·red i11 "Sun and '\[oon," by \·in cent 11 . Gowen. the..· combination o i the -. t· t\'> n qualitie s tlw surpri se alm ost alll1':11 :tt d to shock. ft i:-; an unusually on).!'t ll ;tl storY of wh at happen s when Ea --t and \\'e;;.t intermingle too intimattly . T : 1 l' book is the narrative of th e pccul i:tr clifticulties of the Fngli..;h daug htn ··i n man '"!10 ha ;-; be come a pnl~·g ;tnl · 111, Chines<' since the .death of hi ~ wl1ite Th e authtlr l' \·identl y k11"", ,,·iie. C'l1ina and the pict nrc..:que hack gr··Uil d oi tlH· "tnn· j, ,ufficil·Jlt rva , nn 11 ':· reading t lw . l )Ot 1k. ·· · · Hn: Hc:tL'h ha -. u:-;cd ;t Jh' \\ !.. L ·;J! , i1 1 hi:-. Jat e..;t lHHlk. ··Thc \fnti m~ \.·:tl l .. and thi . , co lumn f1nrJ.., thl' FI·Jrid :! · 11Yirnnm ent r,f qut·-.tionahk lH·n· ·ti· : 1 tht· autlwr· ...... t ,·J,.. T ht· cvntr al l·>:. r artl· r. l,(',Jil' ll .atlt-11. i, tht· hil.!l l i' " i;J l nf Yisihilit ,. .in the ,·olumr . a t1~ ur c -.kct chl'd ck :trh· :t nd ,· j ~·<,rt m :-'1 .' · :tl.!:Ji :l . . t the -.,(>nll'\\ h;t! . mucl dkrl rem;tin<kr 1,: tlw h(luk. \f < ,l'l' undl'rstanrlahll' ·' 1:t ·1 likahlr. this ,·ictim nf "retanl.:cl ,J,c-11 shnrk" i..: " ·ort ]J_,.· of a more intn l·'t i 11~ setting. This hookJ to a great.rr c1egrl'e than an,· oi it .- pr d ccessor~. Jllu:- tratt ·. . nnr r('a ~o n for \fr. Reach' :; popula ri·,:·. i.e .. the mann er in which h\.' allrw: -., minor charaders to signiiy th c·ir indi,·idual attriln1tr s b,· their mnd ~· .-,i conwrsat ion. :-o that the read er 1i taken unawar<'. is led to helieYc in ~ . j ... 111111"\lal perspicuit~·. So much i1l1: comnwrrializing the ponular iallal·y n r the fir~t ntr son singular ha\'ing -.uncrior t-lhi litY in penetrating and tlJlderstanding · tl1at chimera. lmma n nature. -EsTHER Con.ll. ··· l..'nless the make-up desk changt'" it. there is an article regarding the Fig Leaf edition of Sinclair's "Oil" (which would have been an especially likelv combination during the somr time- Teapot Dome scandal). Thi!pointing of discernible obscenity i~ obnoxious primarily to the end that the selling of the 250 volumes in tlH edition in one day is an indictment against the obviously bad taste of t ht' public. The fig leaf printed onr the portion ruled obscene by the Bo:-;ton judge must have been transparent or the Great American Public would lH'V· er have gohhled the edition ~o woliish ly. Instructive view of a laudable and commendable people! B. B. The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes Doran A. Conan-Doyle · . . . . . . . . . . · · · . . $2.00 Lord'1-Book Shop-Juat Inside the W tit Davi1 Street Door Chandler's Book Nook Jll Founroin Squarv! _. . .~ w l\'AS STt) S - -------- ..... r .. ~ .. .. f .... ILLJSOIS t. : i Lindbergh's own book, "\Ve", ref erring to himself and and his faithful plane is probably already on the press if not bv this time off of it. How and 'rhen tl;e idol of two continents found time in a fe,,· weeks to write "the story of his life and flight . . his thrilling experiences both in and out of the Air ~Jail service . . his preparations, the flight, the instruments which made it possible, the receptions accorded him by the governments of France. Belgium, Great Britain, and the United States" has not vet been told. When it is the writers ·of pot boilers " ·ill be able to triple their output.