J~ly 15, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 27 CHRYSLER . 4095 -ro·1.9S 1'.0.8. DeTROIT. GREAT W ALTERP.CHRYSLERand his engineers present today a new car-the great six-cylinder · "62"- which carries the name Chrysler still more emphatically to the head and front of the pro.. cession of engineeripg and manu.. facturing progress. No one can see; or drive, or even read the general specifications of New Sta~dards of PerformanceNew Quality-New Value-New Luxury the great new "62" without marveling at the value which Chrysler Standardized Quality has packed into its appearance, its manu.. facto re and its unapproached performance. Standardized Quality- extending its benefits to four great carsspecifying uniformity in high grade steels and all other matertals - setting new standards of precision manufacture-cutting down costs but always raising quality to higher levels-this exclusive Chry. . sler principle makes it possible to produce in the great, new Chrysler "62" a six that leaps beyond the bounds of all competition. Drive the great 'n ew "62" today. Any Chrysler dealer will gladly give you complete proof of its supreme value. .._,. I Sensational Features of Quality and Value 62 and more miles per houT S to 2 5 miles in 7-% seconds 22 miles to tJu gallon Six-cylindu motoT Se"en--bearing crankshaft Ventilated crankcase ln\lar-stru£ pistons Oil Filter. Air Cleann New cellular type radiatoT ~ · .. Rubber engine mounting FcmT-wheel hydraulic brakes Lower, more sweeping stream linu Longn, Toomiu bodia Saddle-spring seat cu.shions · Fine figured mohair Drum-typeParabeam headlights Road Le\leliters-front and Year Handsome 17-inch steering wheel with light control Steering wheel pitch easily adjautable to ar.y dri\leY Maximum ddving vision assured by smalleY CoTner pillars Handsome, indirecdy " lighted instrument panel Cadet \lisor on dosed cars New tyf>e top with jack-knife fold on open bodies Rigid English type curtains /or use with top down on touring car Complete Line Now on Display 2-door Sedan, $1320; Roadster (with rumble seat), $1320; Coupe (with rumble seat }, $1420; 4-door Sedan, $1420; Landau Sedan. $14 70. Delivered fully equipped. EVANSTON MOTOR SALES 1840 Ridge Aventie W.D. Reagan, Mgr. \\~ ilmette 2277 .' f · MODEL NUMBERS CHRYSLER MEAN MILES PER HOUR