Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jul 1927, p. 24

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24 WILMETTE LIFE July 15, 1927 Hold ChildrenS Midsummer Frolic of 1927 on .July 26 North Shore Women on Sponsor List for Annual Frolic By JEAN TEN BROECK June Bride and Her Wedding Attendants Charming Artist Gives Program at Skokie on Sunday BY RUTHEDA L. PRETZEL Once in awhile an artist is maclL· Summer time and garden time seem ideally children's time. Again this who has the perfect setting for he r season, with a garden background for talent , beauty, charming personality, the alluring figures who \\'ill come to and intelligent dramatic ability. ::\-Ii:-:-; life from the story book page, a chilLorna Doone J acks~n, contralto of thl' dren ~s midsummer frolic will be staged Tuesday. July 26, at 3 :30 o'clock, at Chicago Civic Opera company, who "Bluff Edge," 915 Sheridan road, Hubgave a program last Sunday afternoon bard \\. oods, the home of Mrs. Dougat the Skokie Country club is such an las Smith. The event will be given b,· artist. Her voice is beautifully adaptthe !\ational Kindergarten and Eleed to every phase of the emotions, it mentary college. has no "corners," and (praise be!) she Hardly a person of feminine perdoes not sing flat. Her good enuncia suasion is impervious to the appeal of tion, and. her wise plan of giving tht.' entertainments for children , or to the ston· or raison d'etre of each so ng charm of story lore. The quoted anbefore she sings it, complete the picnouncement which follows tells of the ture. She was ably supported by her events more in detail and gives the accompanist, : Miss Violet Bradley. names of those on the north shore who In 'fschaikowskv's "Farewell. YL' are aiding in the arrangements for this Hill s," irom "] ea-nne d'Arc," ~I i:" event ior children. Jackson's tone was smooth and rich. "All who attended last Year's frolic \Yith the intensity of religious fervor. given at 'Craigie Lea' tl;e home of s ad n e s s and courage coloring it. Mrs. Andrew MacLeish in Glencoe. ' "Piaisir d'amour," by Martin, from the will welcome the announccmnt of this classic Italian school, and Sanderson· :' equally lovely Frolic of 1927. The gar"Quiet" again revealed a full, lusciou-dens of 'Bluff Edge,' o\·crlooking the qnality. As a contrast she sang an old lake. will be a very beautiful setting Photo hy TlPiC'k Italian folk ong, "La Giromctta," by for so lon' ly an entertainment, and ::\1 i:-;s \\.ini ired Bilsland. daughter of 1fr. and ~Irs. Benjamin F. Bilsland Libella, which was very saucy an(i grown folks as well as children. with the fir st news of another frolic. arc of \\"ilmdte. became the bride of High :M ackellar Robinson of Chicago \Ved- :->weet. The last of the group \Ya " a planning to celebrate midsummer re - ncsday evening, J tllll' 29. She had as her attendants, a matron of honor, ~lrs . song written by St. Leger, onr of th L· Harry Donaldson. a maid of honor, ~!iss Virginia Croft of Chicago, and hride ::-.- cnncluctors of the Chicago Civic Opera union with groups of friend s. "~fi::;:-; ~Iargaret Farrar oi the col- maids. Miss jane Ridge,,ay oi KenihYorth, 1Iiss Laura Emily Slosson of Huh- company, for Miss Jackson, "Joy ... lege iaculty, who produced and pre- bard \Yoods. ~I i~ s l~lizahetiJ Becker of ~linncapolis, and ~lis s Dorothy ~hackle Xccclless to say, Miss Jackson S\\'ept sented la st summer's mo. t ~uccessful ford of Frankfort, l~y. it out \Yith joyou sness and cxhiliration . frolic. has a very delightful plan for As an en.core, she gave the old musical this Year' s entertainment. comech- fayoritc. "M v Hero," fron . Hammond- Raub Wedding "The Fairy Lady ,,·ith her magic Parties Precede Wedding "Th r ('hocolate Solclie~." at Illinois Golf Club '1\n) . nngs from the Ameri can op ra wand will lead her guesb thr(lugh thL· of Miss Franees Rising realm of Ston· Land. ah,·;l\·::; ~o iull of The marriage oi ~{i s~ ~Iadcline S . "~hanc\\'is" bv the .\meri can compo:-.n . \mon g the a ff airs bci ng gi ,·en in the lurt' of th e unrxpr ct~· d. Friend' honor oi ).I i:->s Frances Ri sin g oi Ev- Hammond, daughter of ~Ir. and :.rr ~. C'aclman. macle up the next group. Tn old and new. 1fot1H',. Cno..;r. Peter ~ n s ton, ,,·hose marriag~: to Arthur Arthur C. J fammond of 500 Gregory '·For Ha 1f a Thousand Y cars," ::\fi-Rabbit and ::\[ r. MacGrc gnr. the Thrl'C Burnam Durham, son of ~lr. and ).Ir s. a YCI1UC. to I·:clwa rd n. Raub. Jr ., son 0 l J ackson br ought out the despair anrl Bears, and many others, will appear Howard Durham oi 431 :\bbottsford ~fr. and ::\frs. Edward B. H.auh of In - the ::;cat hing denunciation oi thr I nupon the greensward to gladden with road, Kenilworth, is 1L) take place dianapoli~ . \vill occur Tuesday e\·ening. dian g·irl for th e white race . "Thr song and dance. A talr within a tale July 23, arc three of particular inter- July 19, at 8:30 o'clock, at the Illinoi :-> Spring Song of tl1c Robin \Voman." this will be. woven together in an all'St here. \V cdnesdav oi last week Golf club in Glencoe. A reception will " ·hich is based on an old Indian legend. together ·lelightful fashion. ~[iss EYelyn Olson of .726 Xinth street , be given by the bride's parent s im- and \Yhich ends with a thrilling trih ~l "AttractiYe posters announcing the song. \Ya :" dot_ le with great elasticity \\'ilmette, "·as hostes s at a hosiery mediately following th e ceremony. frolic are · to be seen in each of our ~I iss I Lunmond ha s chosen ::\f rs. ~ncl grace. It was a good argume nt !--hO\\·cr. The little niect.· and nephew north shore towns. Tickets are on sale Howard C. IJam111ond of San Fran - for Amrrican opera. at the college office, 2770 Sheridan oi the hostess were ma:-tl'rs of cerecisco as hl'r matron of honor. Th e monies. as they prc =-c nte<l to the bride ::\fiss Bradley followed this group by road. Evanston, telephone Greenleaf bridesmaid:-; will include 11is s Ruth playing Dohnannyi's "Rhap ody in F elect thr haskrt containing the con221. Birdsall of Evanston. ?-.Irs. · Tud son Sharp ).finor." hut refused to arkno,\'"Among the governing board mem- tent s oi the ~bower. Bridge \Vas then Stone of Racine, and ::\-!i ss ).far~: Pear- lcdge the applause with more than a played. 11i s Emilie Durham gave a bers who are sponsoring the frolic and son of La Grange. ho\\·. assisting with publicity and the sale of kitchen shower at her home in KenilHoward Hammond, of S:1n Franci :->co, For her last group, 1Iiss Jack so n aptickets are: 1Iesdames Douglas Smith. worth \V edne clay, and Friday eYcning, July 22, Miss Rising's parents, Mr. brother nf the bride-elect, will sen·e peared in the picturesque costume ~lh.' Andrew 1I acLcish, Frederick Scott. Philip D. Armour, III., Fred A. Cus- and Mrs. P. A. Rising. \\·ill give the as best man. The ushers are to be wears as "Carmen" in the opera ni Lauren:s S. Henderson and Reginald that name. She sang "Habanera" "·ith caden. B. F. Langworthy_, Merritt bridal dinner at the Orrington hotel. ~Irs. Brainerd Albright of Evanston, \V. Garstang of Indianapolis, Howard all the cajolery, the threatening, anrt Starr. :\.fary Juliette Cooper, E. J. Buffington, Frank J. Bersbach, Landon sister of Mis s Rising, will be her ma- \ V. Jennings of St. Louis. and George pleading of the "immortal flirt." mak ing her entirely irresistible. Then shr Hoyt, Harry Byram, P. \V. Bradstreet, tron of honor. ~fiss Iska ::\forgan of E. Bates, of Cambridge, ~1ass. Miss Hammond attended Kemper shm\'ecl the sombre, sullen side or William ?-.Iarsh Burns, C'. S. Bigetow, E,·anston and ?-.!iss Emilie Durham of Harry Lay, Albert H. Veeder, Lloyd Kenilworth, sisters of the bridegroom, hall at Kenosha and National Park "Carmen" in "Air des Cartis." The Frances and seminary in 192-t and '25. She is a last of the group was an Andalusian Holli ster. Theodore Coyne, Fred Kin- will be bridesmaids. 1farian Beeler. little \Yinnctka twins, member of Kappa Delta Phi sorority. folk song bv Valverde. "Clavelitos." gore. Harry Phillips, Charles CartMr. Raub graduated from \\'abash which was \·.~ry vivacious. Miss J arkwright. George Groves. C. P. Dubbs, will be flower girl~ Brainerd Albright \Yill act as best college in 1921 and from Harvard Law son's encores were "Lesson of the Walter ~arx, Fred Meyer, Albert E. Peirce, Fred D. Porter, Albert H. man and the ushers arc to be \Vatter school in 1924. He is a member of Fan," "The April Fool," and the comical story of an owl who wanted to "·in Ulrich. Arthur H. \Voodward , Alfred Mead of \Viscon sin Rapids, brother- Beta Theta Pi fraternitv. Alschuler. Ottn Barnett, Jesse B. Al- in-law of the bridegroom, and Jerry Mr. Raub and his bride will make a sweetheart. hut found a hean· r~un ton, \Vellington Coolidge, George Cope of Champaign, fraternity brother their home in lndianapolis after the marle him "Too wet to \\'Oo." · Tomlinson, and Miss Madeline Fore- of Mr. Durham. first of August. The ceremony \vill be performed at \Vednesday last the women golfers man""' Miss Louise Lovedale, and Miss \Vestmoreland Country club at 8:30 of the Illinois Golf club gave a lunch- Auxiliary to Give Bridge Katherine Beebe." o'clock, with a reception and dancing con and shower for Miss Hammond. The Junior auxiliary of the Infant following. The following day Mrs. Byron Knapp \Velfare society will hold its July meetGarden Club Postpones and Mrs. H. A. Hammond entertained ing at 2 o'clock Monday, July 18. in Picnic Until Aut}ust 15 Garden club was held at the home of at a luncheon and hosiery shower at the home of Mrs. Raymond Armstrong The meeting of the \Vilmette Garden Mrs .. James S. Moore, 2024 Orringt011 the Illinois Golf club. Mrs. Judson will at 1001 Linden avenue. Assistant club scheduled for July 15. has been avenue, Evanston. In spite of the be hostess at a luncheon and linen hostesses for the day witt he 'Ivirs. T. postponed until August 19. Mrs. B. L. excessive heat about t\\.'enty gathered shower at the Evanston Golf club E. Redman, Mrs. H. D. Lehr, and Mr.s. Davis will be the hostess at the house to accept the hospitality of Mrs. July 16. On July 17, Miss Ruth Bird- Earle D. Lyons. The members of the she has taken in Deerfield for the sum- Moore and to hear a delightful talk by sall and Miss Mary Pearson are giving auxiliary will play bridge at this meetmer. A visit to Deerfield gardens will Mrs. David Cooke on "The Little Gar- a buffet tea for the bridal party, in ing, vv,hich will be of a social nature. be followed by a picnic luncheon at den." Owing to the absence of Mrs. Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Hammond The July and August meetings are the Mitchell, Mrs. B. L. Davis, vice presi- are giving the bridal dinner at the only two during the year which are Mrs. Davis' home. social. · -Illinois Golf club on July 18. The last meeting of the \ Vilmette dent of the club, presided. ·

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