] uly 15, 1927 WILMETTE LIFE 19 NOT ENOUGH SEATS AT CHILDREN'S CONCERT Ravinia Thursday Afternoon Program Patrons Overtax Capacity of Opera House By Rutheda L·. Pre/ zel The second of the rhildn:n's afternoons at Ravinia park, which was on Thursday, ] uly 7. was just about ideal in every ,,·ay. The weather was perfect the orchestra program one that -;;ent the children away huinming snatches of famous compositions. and the second half of the program was composed of picturesque dances hy the Ravinia Opera Ballet, a real treat. The only "hut" for the a ftcrnoon wa~ that 1here weren't nearly enough seats to go around!! Many children and grown folk who didn't care for the doubtful comfort of standing "'·ere obliged to return home. Others draped themselves around the railings and refused to let the mere absence of comfort keep them from enjoying the privilege of hearing the Chicago Symphony orchestra under the direction of Eric DeLamarter. Let those who sniff at these Thursda,· afternoons attend one and realize the enthusiasm of the GARDENS OPEN SATURDAY chi I d r e n. their keen at tent ion and ~pontancous applause. i Lake Forest garden~ a~e to. be op~'n'4William Tell" Overture ed ~atunlay, July lfi. tor mspect10n Rossini\ overture from "\Villiam In· the public. Tho~e ,,·hich will he Ttl!" openc(l the program. followed hY 0;1 exhibition under the auspices of the "C.rand Pas des Fiancees." In· Glazoti- Lake Forest (~arden club are the garnm,-. both of which were immenselv dens of Cnu~ ~fcCDrmick. ){rs. James ('Jljnyc.·cl. if applause means anything. I Viles. \f ~s. llngh J. ~f cBirney. and Sevtral hundred funnY hones were ~frs . Philip D. :\rmour. III. t irk ltd with ~f ou~~orgsky's gay "Batlct of the Chickens in Their Shells." The ~1is~ ~lariorit.' L. Po. t, daughter of final numher was a \'CtT familiar one, \1 r. and ~f r~. Perci\'al \\". Post of Strauss' loveh· "Blue Danuhr" waltz. 219 F::>urttcnth strtrt. has left to spend "hich set shoulders hunching in time the ~nnlm('r at Rluchircl ramp in Colo~nd feet swinging. rado. After the interm.i ssion came the f"'#'""""""..,,....,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,.. dancers. There was di::;oppointment at the announcement that channing Ruth Page would not appear. but .there were -;o many other lovely dances, one had to be content. There was a color£ ul hapet scene from "La Traviata," with tambourines and much twirling around. ~~ usic ior this as well as for other dances \\'as played by ~{iss Pauline Pettibone. Little Red Riding Hood and a droll \\·oli in afternoon frock danced through ' the \YO:::>d on the way to grandma's: and then a lm·ely lady ga\'C a grateful dance: followed hy a ridiculous ci0\\'11, who fell all over his hright colored balloon:'. Some Creole dances came next, and then a dancer Truly a remarkable opportunity for our modern in rolorful Russian costui11e gave a method of moth fumigation is, we believe, the Russian folk dance. .\ demure miss in most effective on the North Shore. pink fluff follO\Hd " ·ith a waltz, and la::;t came the Spanish dancers in ·the gracdul abandon of the "J ota" rom Furs-Fur Coats "La Vida BreYe." · K::xt week Thursda ,. the orchestra Heavy Winter Garments is offering works hy f~ur of the great Also Oriental Rugs and co111posers. ~{ ozart. Beethoven, Brahms and Havdn. The children of the Oak Overstuffed Furnitu,e Park ph,vgrounds will present their plaq:{round hand, "·hich has a personDon·c delay another day-call us ·at Wilmette nef of forty-six hoys. and a pantomime of the awakening of a modern I 13 3 2 and our truck will be dispatched immediately girl and hoy to fancy and beauty. to pick up your garments, furniture or rugs.·- They ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..,,.,.,..,,.,.,.,,,,...H Here's Value · in Moth Protection LOWERED RATES DURING JULY will be return~d promptly or stored in our speciallyconstructed vaults, as you wish. Iredale Warehouses 1723 Benson Avenue In Winnetka at 5 60 Center St. Phone Winn. 13 3 2 Wilmette 1332 In Highland Park at 374 Central Ave. Phone H. P. 181 I axxxxmxxmnxx:xxxtYXXJ'"ttxxxxnnxxxxxxxxxxxrm . Here's Some Real Bargains-from ~ Evanston's Sporting Goods Store Here is an excellent set of golf clubs and bag that can be added to as your game improves or .your purse grows heavier. · ..} 4 fine Spalding clubs and a leather trimmed bag at this very reasonable . pnce $8.95 Women's Bathing Suits Choose from an excellent and complete stock. Large variety of styles and colors. Perfect fit guaranteed. S7 and $5 values now selling at a remarkable reduction ...... to live at Tbe Georgian Is to be assured o! an unusually delightful home ...... beauty In furniture and decorations ..·... relief from household cares which means ease and contentment ...... unusual appointments created for your comfort· . . . . . . to entertain at Tbe Georglaa Is to tempt your guests with charming hospitality ·.···· perfectly appointed private rooms ...... pleasant people to serve you. Bridge Luncheon Tueaclay $1.25 Arrange for Fall Leases Now! Valoes In Tennis Rackets Regular $5 rackets- a real bargain ...................... · · · · · Chandler's Star-The best racket on the market at this price ............. . $3.25 $1.91 Ph01ne University IDhe ~eorgian I( An Addreas of Distinction,. Dr.. vis at Hinman-Evanston Phone Reservations No,v-Greenleaf 4HlU Visit our Travel Bureau Under Direction of Byrnea Travel Service. 12.3