IS _ _ . __ WILMETTE LIFE July 15, ._1927 OIL TO BURN .:_ A -Grade for Every Burner .- N .U. Grants M.A.'s in Field Muse~m . is Cool Public Utility Service Spot in Summer's Heat \Yhile Chicago and vicinity swelters in a sizzling heat oi 90 degrees or more, a really cool haven awaits all \\·ho \Yill visit Field ~fttseum of Natural History. · Swept by the lake breezes on the exterior. and its interior of cool marble. ef~cien.tb; ventilated. the temperature tn thts temple of sciences never exceeds 70 degrees. museum officials a~mo_unn:d this week in issuing an inntatton to all who suffer from the heat to sec k refuge within its walls. _TI~c momen.t one enters the portals ot .s tanley Fteld hall, into which the mam et~tran~e opens, he is struck by th~ . retreshmg atmosphere of the hmldtng, and many visitors have commented on the great reliei from the heat the museum afford s . . , , The building looks cool and is cool. I.o. add to the psychological effect, the VISitOr .may feast his eyes On exhibits of ~sknnos, polar bears in their native ~ettmgs, and other collections brought trom the Arctic regions. On the other hand he may enjoy the collections from ~frica and ot.hers of the hottest places 111 the world m the greatest comfort. The museum is open free to adults on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundav') and is free to children, students a·nd teachers at all times. HUGHES OIL COMPAN'( Gener:al Officea, 844 Rush St. North Shore plant, Howard at McCormick Blvd. Superior 6481-2-3-4 Telephone·: Niles Center 217 Greenleaf 3456 Roaera Park 0982 Established Forty Years At the recent Sixty-ninth annual Commencement. 0f Northwestern university the graduate division of the . School of Commerce granted, among others. nine master's degrees in public utilitie s. In addition to the requircnH nt of one full year ' of graduate study specializing in the economics of public service industries each candidate for the degree of M. B. A. is at Northwestern required to present a disserta tion on some subject from his maj or field. These theses are filed in the various libraries of the university where they may be consulted. Among th e subjects included this year were: "A Theory of Telephone Rates ." "State Regulation of Public Vtility Security Issue ~... "A Comparative Study of. Revenue and Expenses in Certain Public Ctilities," "Some Economic Aspects oi ~I uni cipal Ownership in the Elert ric Lig-ht and Power Industry," "An Ap:praisal of the Security of Street Railway Securities." "Capitalization ancl Capital Control," "An Index Number for the Determination of Cost of Reproduction ~ew," 41 Some Economic Aspects of the Rate of Return," ancl "Some Trends and Recent Developments in the Ga Industrv." The more valuable of these researches will be published in part or in whole in the Journal of Land and Public Utilih· Economics. - the very first, this has been our policy- to wash your laundry like it would be done at home, and at a figure in keeping with the family budget. The inception of that policy began with a business conducted in a small room; strict adherence to it for forty years has built one of the largest laundries between Edgewater and Glencoe. Just another excellent example of the important role Service plays in the de·elopment of an enterprise. F ROM .Fresh Milk 365Days a Year Growing youngsters · n e e d quick energy to off set the fatigue of romping, rollicking play. The best and most natural way is to give them m i I k-Bowman's Milk-at least a quart a day. Bowman's Milk is full-cream milk, rich in the precious vitamins that build firm muscle and strong bones. And rich in energy to resut· disease. Use Bowman's Milk in cook· in~ and baking. It a88ures you uniform richness, freshness and fine flavor every day of the year. Washington Laundry 70CMM.I'as· St~w~ ~; IU.- ~~ .WiMs Wilmette 145 /