July 15, 1927 ·WILMETTE LIFE 17 Luxurious Coxwell Chair with s o 1 i d mahogany frame, loose reversible cushion. Seat and back in figured tapestry-balance plain mohair. Assorted covers. $54.50 You will find this Living-Room Suite to your liking. Comfortable-well built-covered in a choice of fine imported · Jacq':_lard Velours, reversible cushions. Davenport and Chair, $129.50 .. . '~ · [I] Walnut Pull-Up Chair in a fine selection of covers. To see this distinctive chair in the living-room is to be immediate! y impressed with the- home. Three Piece Bedroom Suite, $149.00 This very attracti \'C suite with Burl \Valnut fronts and $18.50 decorated panels. consist of a large dress\?r. chest and bed. -~~ J J\n unusuai value in a 3 8-inch Solid Mah o g a n y Governor \Vinthrop Desk--Dull Antique F i n ish b.1nd -rubbed - fittecd ""' ith 2 secret drawers. I t ·( . $89.50 I ......... Rome Coil Spring, Cane Panel Da-bed Opens to full size bed. Mattress covered and valanced with art cretonne. Complete Chintz or Cretonne covered Boudoir Chair with frame of Solid Mahogany. A selection of good covers to choose from. Limited quantity at $24.75 $14.50