Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jul 1927, p. 9

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July 15, 1927 WILMETTE 1 LIFE . . , 1s composed ol four or more members Residents ?f Wilmette with gardens from each suburb from E\·anston tn .a re respondmg n?bly to the call for Highland Park, inclusiYe, has made arfl9wer_s for the SI~k. poor and needy rangements to hold tournament;; twice ot Ch1cag<;>, accordmg to Mrs. C. D. each month in \Vilmette after SeptemE_\\'er, ch~1rman of the local committee her 1 in "·hich all north shore ~uhur ot .the Ch1cago Plant, Flower and Fruit ban teams ,rill participate. "·mid \\-·1 ~"" :Mr. <\ll T . . . 1 Inet te ~ I10uld he represented hy a i · ~- · )ert : Martm, ':Ice chamnan regular iour-memhcr team and also ]),· o . t e Execut ive committee of the a :--ubstitutc or alternate four-membe-r gmlrl, has s~nt to Mrs. Ewer this let- team. represcntatiHs point out in urg-·ter from ~11ss E9~a. L. Foley, super~n- ing that anYone '"ho ,\·ishe . to impro~-c t~ndcnt ot. the VIsitmg Nurses associa-1 hi:-. chess g~mc b\- brushing ttl) against t10n of Ch1cago · · "I b : onll' of the stronger pia n~r:- commucannot egm to tell you how love- ni('ate \\'ith one of these p-layers: H. L. ly the flowe_rs are. They ~ome so reg- Beach. 1227 Ashland aYenue · John B. ularhtl1at tl1e Boddte. · 11)21 Forest an-mte: ' or 1lope - and m such . 1>rofustot1 . nurses cannot believe thetr eyes when '1'1 \ 11 d a\·enue. . ur 1nmp:--on, l?tn - . _, :"'\S 1 an tl 1e y see tl1e b oxes appearmg. vv e · · tl:ought _that the enthl;lsiasm of the TO ATTEND CONVENTION I giHrs 1111ght fall off dunng the second . . . . · \\'cek, but the Supervisors say that, if \\. l. ~hurtl.eff, 8b Lake a_vetltH.'. atlything, the flowers were lovlier the has bet'll :-~pei)dtng t\YO weeb tt~ Lo .~ I ~erond \\·eek than the first. Angeles. Cal. From there he \nil g() "Only people who have not had the t? a~~end. the ~oyal Arcanum conven- ~ joy of going on a hot stuffy noon, to tll>n 11.1 ~cattle ..the last part of .July. homes \\·here flowers are an undreamed returmng to \\ tlmette after a s1x or (!~· luxury, know how much pleasure it sen'n weeks' trip. :A..mong other \~'il- ~ gwcs both ~1urses. and patients to have n~~tte people. attenchng the ~onvent1011 these beautiful thmgs once a week A \\til he ~.rr. and ~frs. I.. \\. Benson. · long life to your Gu{ld and ma; its 2.12 \\-oodhine aven~1e. wh.o are lea\'ing I mcmb~~s. never forget the patients of ~unday on the spectal tratn t·> he gone three \\·eeb. the VIsltmg Nurses association." People with gardens and kind hearts I ~\:ill find t~eir ?ffering~ most welcome \\-ord recciH~d at the Lyman.~~ It they will brmg' thetr flowers in to Drake homl' at <)33 Lake a\·enue 111cl1 - ~ Gate 16 oi the Chicago station of tlH cates that ~Ir. and ~frs. Drake han· Xorth \\- estern railroad or to the east reacher! Cambridge, England. on their concourse of the Union station, say,:; inurney. Robert Dr~ke joined thc111 ~frs. Ewer. The flowers will be re- ior a few days in London heforc. sa:t .. I ceived by attendants and delivered to i11g fron) Hull for Russia '(\·ith a party t ht· under-privileged throughout the of college student:-; and professor~. I hi.l! city. · -o\ li you find it impossible to come into 'Miss Frances Ellis, 823 Grcemrood the city, you will be able to find some- a\·enue, is witl1 ~[iss Martha Spring- I (InC at the local station to take the 1 er's group at the Kiwanis !\awakwa 1 1 Villagers Respond I North Shore Chess Club 1-Generously to Call Arranges Season's Play · /or Flower Gifts . The !\orth ~bore Chess club, which I Winnetka Homes Well located, re· presenting t h e I better values of· /ered today. Particularly Charming 5-room stucco. 2-story home. :\car school, transportation, and lake. Finest surroundings. $'12 ' 50 0 Spanish Bungalow 5 ·well planned roont~. 5 block~ from transportation, near Skokie Park Golf Course. $ 14 ' 5 0 0 $ 1 7'0 0 0 .. Near Park and Lake, Too 6 rooms and sleeping porch: large s·c reened front porch; across street from school. Tighe Realty Co. 14 20 Sheridan Road-Wilmette Entrance to "No Man·s Land" Phone 2671 flow~r=- itt to Chicago for · you. ~C~a~nl~p~F~ir~e~c~a~tn~p~a~t~S~o~u~t~h~~~a\~-e~I~t,~h~I~ic~l~t.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Delivered Wilmette $648.00 LITTLE FOLKS' BARBER! \Ve take an interest and pride in serving juvenile customers that accounts for the many little folks who bring their barbcring needs to us. We practice an art in Kiddie hair cuts that is reflected in the growing list of parents who turn to us to keep the childrens hair in trim. Kid die trade is welcomed here. \\' t- l.:att·r to family t.radf·, and partkularly want to call your atlt>ntion to th · fact we· han· a ('lean hru~h and a sterilized comh for t'\'(·ry customer. C)jje WorldS Lowest Priced Cars.wit!. Supremely Beautiful FISHER. BODIES! Your Chevrolet delivered in Wilmette at these prices·: Touring or Roadster $570 The Sport Cabriolet $771 The Sedan $750 Imperial Landau $839 The Coupe $679 The Landau $802 SHOE SHINING SER \'ICI.; laaitar,. Barber Shop E. J. Belrose, Prop. 12 Years In Wllmt-tte L&R AUTO SERVICE AL RODENKIRK 1128 Central Avenue Phone Wil. 3786 Wilmette ·········· 332 Linden Ave. Wilmette Phone Wilmette 3064

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