Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jul 1927, p. 6

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WILMETTE LIFE July 15, 1927 The New EASY Gently, like human hands, the EASY Vacuum Cups move up and down sixty times a minute, . flushing air, soap and water through the clothes and back again. Meanwhile ·the EASY dryer spins the clothes dry, ready for the line in three minutes. For one week we will lend you an EASY free. Deferred Payments. Adams Eleetrie Shop 521\......4th St. . Tel. Wil. 1040 kee services. The church school meets at the d b D th R'l regular hour of 9 :30 a. m. Special pro- ' Songs compose Y oro Y . 1 ey grams have been provided for each and Bro\\itl, daughter of Alice C. D. Rtle). ~;;;~n d:~:r!:rcfr~;sess~~~~~ ~~J!~e~~~/~~; which have been sung of late all along young people. These addresses ha \'(· to the North Shore by Fay Palmer Kre~r do with the conditions that have led to (Mrs George Kreer) of Winnetka, wtll the present situation in . China. The h · th ·r first formal offering to a speaker is Harry G. Dildme who has ave e1 . h d spent more than twt-nty years In edu- Woman's club audtence at t e sec~n cationa.l work in China. His topic for summer party of the season's sertes. next Sunday is "The Patr~~tism of tanned for Tuesday, July 19. Chinese High School Students. P · · · d "Sh d ,. The selectton w1ll mclu e a ows, Twenty-four girls and their four <.'oun- the words for which were written by ~i~~r~~:~~n~~r i~~1 ~a~~ 1 ~;;t~h~~s~a~·~~d Mrs. Riley; 11 What Do I Owe. to You?," them over brought back the boys who a musical setting of Sara Teasdale s had finished two weeks at this very at~ 1 poem . and others for which the words tractive camp. An unusual program of ' · t b J Kenyon Mackenactivitles has been planned for the girls. were wrtt en Y ean . , " A report of their schedule will be ghcn zie: "The Snowy Ntght, If You next week. Should Say" "In the Street Where :\(any Methodists and oth~rs from Wil- You Went 'Away," .,Gold Fish," ,.Afmette have been attending the Camp ternoon Tea" and "Merry-Go-Round." lfeetlng at Des Plaln('S. Fridav is mi~ Mrs. Kreer,. contralto, is frequen.tly sionary day and a large delegation of heard over the radio from station women w111 . attend. Bishop Hughes will Mrs. Brown has studied speak that evening. The pastor will WMAQ. preach at the afternoon servkt' Satur- with Jessie L. Gaynor, Arne Oldberg day. Sunday is the closing day at which and Carl Beecher, and is the author of time Bishop ·w aldorf will be the chh·f a number of children's songs and a preacher. children's song book, 11 Tune~ and The worship servlct> on Sunday morning Runes." Verses for this latter were lasts just one hour. ~tusk a.nd sermon- written by Mr·s. Riley. art> appropriate to the season. "Spontau.:- ous Praise" Is the theme for nt>xt SunThe songs will supplement the preday. Good congregations han~ been tht- sentation of three plays written in the ru IP this far. play-writing class of the Town and Gown project-"Late Spring:' a com BAHAI MEMORIAL SERVICE A public meeting in the studio of edy by Shelton Sackett, "Taxi," a comLouis Bourgeois, architect, 536 Sheri- edy skit by Mrs. Riley. and "As It was dan road, Wilmette. Sunday, July 17, in the Beginning" by Bertha Burrill. The plays have been cast as follows : at 3:30 o'clock, will he in commemora. Spring" tion of Miss Helen Veeder Duryee, ex- Mrs. O'Brien "Late .......... Mrs. John Boddie tr~asurer of the Spiritual assembly, who Nathaniel Westcott ...... Minor Coburn died in Ravenswood hospital, Chicago. The Nurse ........ Miss Essie A. Morrell Hotel Clerk ........ Charles J. White· Delegations are expected from Chicago The "Taxi" · and the north shore suburbs, and the Madge Kimberly ...... Mrs. Paul PerrY hour of meeting has been deferred to Alex. Kimberly ...... Abram Mendenhall "As It Was In the Beginning" facilitate their attendance. Albert R. Paley O'Lith ............ Minor Coburn Vail, instructor, will deliver an address Mrs. Paley O'Lith .... Mrs. John Boddie 11 on The New Vision of Immortality." Flora O'Llth ....... Miss Marie Wecker Fauna O'Lith ...... Miss Frances Lutz O'Ltth ................ Dan Burrill Charles B. Meers of 1712 Elmwood Nee Ab Orlgine .. : .. ... Dr. W. W. Hawkins an~nue. returned Monda,· from a t\\'o Dodo . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. Bill Boddle \\'eeks' trip to Palo Alto. ·cat. Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Hutchings Prompter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ann Boddie. ··························I The hostesses of the afternoon wfll be ~Irs. Carlos Andrews and Mrs. Clit!ord I ,J. Ellis. The plays wJll be directed by Vance Morton. 'Clubwomen Will Hear Lakt' and Wilmette avenues. Program! of Songs of Horace G. Smith, minister The summer schedule is ln erfect for all Dorothy Riley Brown Methodist Church M. · P ortenhauser : Painter and Decorator Estimates Without Obligation ~[rs. ]. R. Ludwig, 1212 Ashland avenue . has as her guest, Mrs. \\-'illiam ]. McHenry of Detroit. Mrs. Ludwig's mother, Mrs. W. V. Denton. has returned to her home in southern In· diana after a three weeks' visit in \\'il- mette. -oThe Rev. and Mrs. Herman \V. ).ieyer, 406 Prairie avenue, left \Yednesday to motor to St. Louis, Mo., where Mr. Meyer will attend the \Valther league convention this week. 1030 Greenleaf Phone 2764 'tllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiU&nllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIII"IIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII!:: ········--·------·-···--- Let delicious frozen dishes, made in .an electric refrigerator, and gentle sea breezes from electric fans help keep your family cool inside and out ... Both of these electrical conveniences may be purchased "Little by Little". First ·Church of Christ, Scientist . WILMETIE, ILL. TeDth Street aDd Ceatral AYeDUe SERVICES SUNDAY SERVICES-11 A.. M. \Vednesday Testimonial Meeting-S P.M. Sunday School Exercises 9:45 A. M. · + July 17, 1927 Subject: LIFE ·PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS JOHN S. REESMAN, District Manager 1141 Central A venue, Wilmette Wilmette 28 99 ~ i ..llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'IIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIUI"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllfllhl:i

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